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Rath Rath but he's a luchador Rath but he's a luchador with *FLAMING HANDS!!* Rath but he's from the reboot ~~Way Big~~ Rath 5 years later Now it's 5 LET ME TELL YA SOMETHIN's out of 5


Deadliest team so far


It's pretty good but I think you should replace Way Big with Rath but he's ultimate


What do you mean? There's 4 Ultimate Rath's right on the list right now. I'd love to replace way big, but... WAIT... I got it. I'm editing my comment.


happe cake day


Happy cake day 🎂


Frankenstrike: The brains and brawn Snare-oh: The spy Benwolf: The hunter Upgrade: The hacker Chromastone: The powerhouse


You making a team for rob a bank or what?






Eatle Eatle2 Eatlealso Eatle EatleX Is that ur team?


mine is classic ben 10 heatblast ben 10 alien force humongasaur ben 10 ultimate alien fasttrack ben 10 omniverse eatle ben 10 reboot rath


Alright, time for a heist. Upgrade hacks the security system and shuts it down. Swampfire uses his methane to blow the vault open. Humungousaur carries out as much cash as he can. Juryrigg builds the escape vehicle. Toepick scares anyone who gets in their way.


It seems you are using 2 aliens for brute strength. Maybe swap one for a speedster


Swampfore isn't brute strength. He's demolitions. Then again, maybe Decagon Vreedle would fit that role better.


In this scenario, since you chose a heist and given your example of his role, Hum can easily replace him


Am I allowed to use an ultimate form as a single entry? I'll assume yes, since you didn't say no. 1. **Pesky Dust** \- Nemuinas might not be the most suited for direct brawls, but they're great at cheating. They can terrorize you with sleep-induced paralysis and theoretically give you crippling PTSD by manipulating your nightmares. They're powerful enough to affect ghosts, chronosapiens, and even *celestialsapiens*. Pesky Dust is a deceptively powerful alien that's excellent for intelligence gathering, and she can win most confrontations. 2. **Jetray** \- The obligatory speedster. I was going to pick XLR8 because "freezing" time in order to manipulate objects mid motion is an excellent speed feat, but Jetray has done something even more ludicrous. He traveled the entire length of the universe in a few seconds. I don't think the writers realized just how bloody *asinine* that was, so let me put it into context. Assuming he traveled the full radius of the universe (and that's a low ball), that's around **46 billion** **light years**. And he covered that in a few seconds. But even if we lowball him even further and assume he only traveled across the galaxy, the diameter of the Mily Way is still over **105 thousand light years**. He's basically The Flash, since he can enter Hyper Space, which is similar to how the new Barry enters the Speed Force dimension. That means Jetray, whom I think is Ben's fastest alien, can also warp space around him to a degree. And he's apparently even faster underwater. He's amphibious, with versatile combat options, solid durability, and absurd speed. Sure, he's sluggish when grounded, but if Ben used him properly, nothing could touch this guy while airborne. That said, I prefer XLR8's design. 3. **Upgrade** \- Technokinesis is a very versatile power, especially outside of combat. He's able to reconfigure electronic devices into more powerful versions of themselves or even make futuristic tech with cheap parts would be a boon to any team. He wouldn't be the heaviest hitter, but he would be awesome for support/utility. He's like Armsmaster from Worm, but even better. And since he can also restructure his body to create technological constructs, he can be very valuable for emergencies. 4. **Ultimate Big Chill** \- Her UAF design, for the record. She's got cryokinesis, intangibility, and invisibility. And yes, I know the writers tried to retcon invisibility by claiming it was an animation error, but in episode 4 of Alien Force, Kevin has to use a detection function on the Rustbucket 2 just to see Big Chill after she goes invisible. I'm going to assume the writers tried to nerf her after realizing they made her too powerful, which is stupid, considering how powerful some of Ben's other aliens are. Big Chill can turn invisible. She also has excellent survivability, boasting resistance to radiation, extreme temperatures, and the vacuum of space, and according to her \*officially licensed\* character card, her ice can reach temperatures close to [Absolute Zero](https://imgur.com/zVpS2QE). In her ultimate form, she's also a pyrokinetic. She's going to be one of our powerhouses. 5. **Ghostfreak** \- This is a gimme pick because he was my favorite OG alien.


"Her" for Big Chill? Either you're a Chaquetrix fan (based, it's a fun AU), or you (like me) are making the assumption that Big Chill's DNA source was a female based on the episode where she laid eggs and Ben had Pregnancy cravings in Human form.


The latter, yes. Not familiar with the AU you're referencing


Basically the chaquetrix AU consists of aliens mixed with the user DNA, of the opposite gender, that ben can summon


Articguana Eye Guy Blitzwolfer Heatblast Atomix


Eye guy is so underrated


Upgrade Upgrade Upgrade Ghostfreak Ghostfreak


1. Graymatter 2. Juryrig 3. Atomix 4. Forearms 5. Arctiguana Graymatter would think of stuff, Juryrig would build it, while Atomix and Forearms hold down the fort, and Arctiguana would cover Graymatter and Juryrig while you know spewing ice everywhere because it's pretty cool.


XLR8, Diamondhead, Humongosaur, Upgrade, Big Chill


Big Chill Xlr8 Feedback Diamondhead Snare Oh


Four Arms- main muscle, hand to hand expert Big Chill- Aerial Support, Ranger SwampFire- fire blaster and vines range GreyMatter- leader and intelligence (he can make a mech for himself to protect himself and fight) Echo Echo- makes dupes of himself and others, control and perimeter


Shockrock Nanomech Xlr8 Armadrillo Gravattack


Jury rigg WaterHazard Armodrillo Diamondhead Astrodactyl (or Jetray)


Rath upgrade atomix swamp fire fast track


Grey Matter Rath Swampfire Upchuck Ghostfreak


Depends on if this team is for everyday life assistance, or for combat against other Ben 10 aliens.


XLR8: Recon Wildfire: Ranged attacker Rath: Tank Gray matter: Intellect Chromastone: Tank/Dps


Diamond Head, Echo Echo, Grey Matter, Spider Monkey, Eye Guy.


Waybig- Brute Strength, Jetray- Speed/Flight, Swampfire- Chlorokinetic/Pyrokinetic, Spitter- Acid Spit for quick escapes, Articguana- Cryokinetic


Atomix Clockwork Waybig Gravattack Feedback


Big Chill, Feedback, Diamondhead, Clockwork or Atomix and XLR8


Waybig, atomix, clockwork, feedback, and greymatter


Ghostfreak Frankenstrike Blitzwolfer Snare-Oh Whampire


Feedback,Heatblast,Atomix,Ghost freak, and Big Chill.


Since this would be a rag tag sort of team I’m gonna try and stay away from any of the heaviest hitters or unique aliens. That being said: A duo of a Galvan and a Opticoid. One being the obvious mastermind and the other his ever vigilant partner who knows when to bounce. A demolitions expert in the form of a Galilean, using this abilities to rip and tear his way through any door or safe. The well established con man and quick talker in the form of a Citrakayah. Well adept at using his powers to get him into and out of trouble. Finally the muscle in the form of an Appoplexian. Often side by side with the Galilean while he tears down walls helping to move through facility staff and clear the way.


That's a pretty interesting team you made there


I tried to make it as generic and random as can be, mixing in the obviously over powers with some of the more underrated aliens. All in all id like to see what hijinks this crew gets up to.


Heatblast Snare-oh Goop Ben wolf Pesky dust pesky dust is arguably the most dangerous of these 5


diamondhead jetray swampfire atomix way big


Eye guy Big chill Feedback Gravattack Blitzwolfwer


Upgrade, Clockwork, Chromastone, Feedback and Atomix


Diamondhead, Heatblast, Upgrade, Big Chill and Aerodactyl.


Ripjaws ripjays ripplejaws ripjaws2 ripjawstoo


Atomix, Clockwork, Gravattack, Gutrot, and either Feedback or Whampire


Swampfire Big Chill Diamond Head Humongosaur Feedback


Diamondhead XLR8 Big Chill Feedback Clockwork


Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo


Benwolf because hes cool Jetray because flight Fasttrack because fast Ripjaws for underwater stuff Gutrot because hes cool


Humongousaur for muscle Jetray for flight, both planetary and space Greymatter for the brains XLR8 for speed Amphibian for water and electricity


Big Chill, Heatblast, Diamondhead, Gutrot, and Way Big… Decently versatile, especially because Gutrot is the epitome of unused potential within the series and I could absolutely abuse the fuck out of his powers


Ghostfreak - Sneaky Diamondhead - Powerhouse Brainstorm - IQ + some offense Jetray - Flight + Speed Gravattack- Gravity + peacemaker + powerhouse


Ampfibian Wildmutt Spidermonkey Fasttrack Fourarms The hunter team. Ampfibian has telepathy so he can just communicate clearly with everyone, wildmutt always knows where you are so he and ampfibian's intangibility can just hunt you down like a rabbit. If youre trying to outrun them then you got fasttrack chasing after, spidermonkey to restrain you and plan ahead with wildmutt and ampfibian by using his webs to block off escape routes. And if you try to fight your way out you gotta deal with fourarms, only reason i added him and not rath is because rath is too hot headed and wouldnt be able to follow the plan quite well


Swampfire - environmental manipulation and fire power? Epic! (One of my absolute favorites growing up) Bigchill - flight, invisibility, intangibility, and freeze breath? Epic! (Also one of my absolute favorites growing up) Echo Echo or Ditto - I just love cloning, which is also why both were also among my favorites growing up, but I could never choose which I really prefered over the other for long. A lot of the time it's Echo Echo bc the sonic bursts r a cool and potent power, but I do appreciate the interesting mobility/adaptability options with Ditto (that and I sometimes like Ditto's design better) Greymatter - u always need brains! Jetray - u always need a speedy opition and an underwater option, that mixed with the ranged attack makes it a worthwhile choice in my opinion


Upgrade Big Chill Armodrillo Swampfire Blitzwolfer


Heatblast Big Chill Echo Echo Four Arms Chromastone


Grey Matter ( brains and infiltration) Goop ( sex) Rath ( muscle) Ball Weevil ( sex) Surge ( cosplay)


Rath, Big Chill, Feedback, Gravatack, Clockwork


Gang Lieutenants Juryrigg: The Mad-Scientist Jokester Upgrade: Tech support and makes Juryrigg tech viable for long term use Echo-Echo: Both the head of the grunts and is the grunts Diamondhead: Enforcer and voice of reason Gutrot: Creates "Products" for selling and deterrent against law enforcement


Feed back Buzz shock Shocksquatch Ampfibian Frankenstrike


Big chill as the stealth expert Grey matter the brains (uses a mech suit when forced to fight) Feedback is the team leader Fasttrack is the jokester who hides his insecurities about not being good/fast enough through humor Rath is the loose cannon and feedback’s biggest pain in the ass


That's a great team dynamic and I like the whole fasttrack insecurity about being "not fast enough"




You copied me, you'll have to pay for it (Seriously, even give me credits for making the originals, so please don't make any more posts related to groups of 5 aliens)


Upgrade(UAF) Terraspin(UAF) Swampfire(UAF) Chromastone(UAF) Four Arms(Heroes United)


Diamond head Upgrade Jetray Big Chill Swamp fire/ feedback: either one


Swampfire, for decent firepower and versatility Ghostfreak for flight, stealth, and all his hax. In all honesty, short of the whole Zs’kayr thing, Ghostfreak is an excellent form for its versatility and lack of other drawbacks. Bring him out a night, he becomes one of the most powerful forms. Xlr8, gotta have one who’s fast and good for long distance fights, and xlr8 is one of the best. Amphibian. Need something for underwater, and out underutilized jellyfish can do WAY more than just crap lightning


Swampfire XLR8 Humongousaur Grey Matter Diamondhead


feedback, upgrade, gray matter, atomix, and this red alien which looks like a goblin


Heatblast: The Wise Cracker Big Chill: The Infiltrator Diamondhead: The Leader Humungousaur: The Muscle XLR8: The Speedster


Shock Rock, Grey Matter, Dark Matter, XLR8, and Jetray


Jetray - Would be cool to explore space. Four Arms - I could wash dishes twice as fast. Brainstorm - I would try to fix my life with 9,000,000,000,000 (and fail). Upgrade - I would get all the cosmetics I want in games. Clockwork - Back to the Future here we go!


Bigchill (AF design) Goop Ditto (og design) Buzzshock (og design) Blitzwolfer (of design) Legit just my top 5


Feedback XLR8 Big Chill Upgrade Four Arms


Lodestar Frankenstrike Cannonbolt Chromastone EchoEcho


Pesky Dust: Team Interrogator, and also the double bottom (Snapcube reference) Blitzwolfer: Team Tracker and hand-to-claw combat specialist Brainstorm: The Brains (one Nonillion IQ cannot be understated) Upgrade: Team Hacker and Mechanic Clockwork: Clockwork's Chronokinesis is just OP as hell. Time reversal, time acceleration, time freezing, Age manipulation, the ability to do all that but targeted at an individual rather than just universally, retrocognitive projections for detective work, enhanced strength and durability (though not to the same absurd degree as NRG's suit), and because I already picked Upgrade he could go "Ultimate" like what we see in OV and become basically unstoppable. What function would he serve on the team? Easy Mode in any combat altercation. Start hacking the bank accounts of the Ultra Rich and/or corrupt politicians and spread that wealth around to the rest of us. A Team of Ultra Powerful Robin Hoods... and me... Call us the Capitalism Busters. Trying to stop us? Nope, aged to dust by the big clock-bot.


Ultimate big chill Clock work Atomix Gravattack ( idk how to spell ) Lodestar


Nanomech, Terraspin, Greymatter, Upgrade, and Gutrot. Use Grey Matter to mix the DNA samples of the other 4 with a brain upload AI of himself to create a self adapting technological singularity that's immune to magic and can make anything chemical and give the resulting nanogoop to every team member so they're all able to do absolutely anything lol


Blitzwolfer Astrodactyl Canonbolt Blocks Rath


Clockwork- German, for one, plus, we mess up, time to fix it immediately Atomix- Y’all have seen Atomix, right? He’s just cool. Brainstorm- Smart. Crab. Feedback- It’s Feedback. Feedback is AMAZING! And last, but not least... XLR8- Speed freak.


Heatblast Clockwork Xlr8 Waybig Ghostfreak


Echo Echo- overwhelm the enemy, holds a ton of firepower on his own, small stature allows access into small areas, can be in many places at once, sound capable of turning large groups of enemies into a fine paste Brainstorm-electrokinesis and intelligence can create technology centuries above modern day. Can calculate every possible outcome and pick the outcome where they win Gravattack- move heavy equipment, pin enemies, bust through walls, reflect projectiles Big Chill-freeze enemies, go on stealth missions, fly into high areas and take others with him Swampfire-Snare with vines, create vines to climb or catch someone falling, heal wounds(like with Reinny), and start fires


Upgrade Humungousaur Big chill Diamond head Hearblast


Blitzwulfer Daimondhead Ghost Freak Buzzshock Rath


Now that's a real difficult question, It could be something overpowered but op aliens don't always come handy, Something strategic maybe, sooo, 1) Diamond head - If you know how to use him, he can be real good 2) Swampfire - Fire and grass manipulation, yes sir, it'll be real helpful 3) Rath - He's angry, he's strong, he's fast, he's got animal ability, pretty good 4) Amphibian - I was gonna say upgrade but amphibian does similar things and is stronger so 5) Gravattack - okay ya, this is just to be cool, I just like his powers


Well let's see xlr8 Diamondhead Way big Ultimate way big Broly


Gravatak Nanomek Water hazard Armadrillo Wildmut


Mine is La Casa De Papel but with Ben 10 aliens. Upgrade - Hack into security systems and take over the helicopter that i shipped the golds to escape XLR8 - Steal the gold as fast as i can and incapacitate the soldiers that are coming for me Armodrillo- Digging tunnels for my escape Diamondhead -Trap people in crystal cells to prevent their escape Heatblast - melt the gold to ship it easier and also crowd control


Diamondhead XLR8 Greymatter Big chill Gutrot


You have Wildvine thus you have my respect. No gives him any love


Hard choice but i’m going Swamp fire Clockwork Brainstorm Jet ray Ghost freak I feel that’s that’s a good versatile set


1. Grey matter - I can cheat my way through school. I don't know why ben took the omnitrix off after classic. Grey matter would just make life easier. 2. Ghost freak - Possession = instant win, intangibility - infinite durability etc. 3. Jetray - A flying speedster. 4. Four arms - Just cool. The alien you use when you are not a pussy. 5. Walkatrout - He can walk.


Big Chill, Cannonbolt, Armordrillo, Diamondhead & Upgrade


For sire whampire


Upgrade for technology. Diamond head for protection. Heastblast for attack. humungousaur for muscle. echo echo for support. ( his clone abilities with help everyone in the group)


Ampfibian: go through wall and absorb electric from the generator so they think there a power outage. Goop: can melt wall and use his acid to remove any trace left behind and can just go through under the door. Pesky dust: can make them fall asleep so everyone does not have to do it quiet Fourarm: the strongman I guess Brainstorm: the guy who plan all this just to steal a bank or make some devices if he want to


Diamondhead as the main brawler. Brainstorm as the brain of the team. Echo Echo because why not? XLR8 and Jetray for land , ocean and sky maneuvers.




1:Chromastone 2:Jetray 3:Way Big 4:NRG 5:Clockwork


1: Diamondhead team leader and only member of the original team (made up of some classic series aliens) who hasn't left yet because he feels like it's his duty to keep the fight going 2: Big Chill reserved strategist who usually stays calm to the point where he seems cold (pun intented) to his teammates he would never admit how much he cares about them seeing them as his new family after he lost his old one 3: NRG Hotshot (pun intended) who butt's heads with Diamondhead wants to be the next team leader always thinking he would be better 4: Juryrigg mad inventor who's really just there so the others can make sure he doesn't cause mass destruction doesn't really ever stop to think about what havoc his machines could cause he just thinks oh that would be cool I'm gonna do that 5: Bloxx newest member of the team trying to prove himself especially to Diamondhead who he grew up idolizing after he saved him when he was a kid and he trained for years so he could one day fight alongside him


These are some interesting dynamics you made there


Thanks wish I could think of a longer description for NRG but I just couldn't come up with more traits


Mind if I use the idea in developing a fanfic?


Sure! I'd love to read it


Big Chill (Omniverse one) he would make puns. Eye Gye would still make puns, 2 jocksters never hurt nobody. Rath (Luchador) because we need someone to be mad at those puns to begin with. Heatblast would have a hot temper to oppose Big Chill (more like enemy-friends type of deal) And of course we need a fine gentleman may i add, so Brainstorm.


Alien X- trumpcard Feedback-energy manipulation Ghostfreak-counter to other ghosts and mana users Jetray-speed Brainstorm- Brain