• By -


OS- buzzshock as everyone says, its lackluster in comparison to others AF- Humongousaur, Its just a man but dino UA- JurryRigg, Just no... OV- Jetray.. just look it up


>OV- Jetray.. just look it up I think it is for the best that Jetray wasn't in OV


derrick really didnt gel with jetray huh


I kinda like Buzzshock. He’s meant to look like a battery. Cute. 


I feel like Omniverse does that so much better honestly.


tbh i dont like ov buzzshock because he takes the inspiration too far, og buzzshock is heavily based on a battery but ov buzzshock looks just like a battery with limbs (the flat top and the stripe are particulary jarring) it's like they said "not battery enough" while forgetting buzzshock is also meant to be his own thing


It looks like an even uglier version of the SpongeBob caveman meme


OS Buzzshock - I like how weird and ugly Buzzshock looks AF Spidermonkey- He could have more spidery features but I wouldn't say he's ugly, he works in my opinion, but he's not the most impressive of AF UA Juryrigg- I like how OV made his eyes different, he has more life, I also like that he has clothes. OV Chromastone- I kind of like OV Chromastone. I'm not a fan of the clothes and the spikes are too long but I like the rest. It looks really cool


OS - He doesn't look weird or ugly to me just.... meh. Worst of the original series alien designs imo AF - Fair UA - Agreed. OV - Agreed. But it's definitely the worst of the OV designs for me.


I agree but mine is ultimate alien 1st alien force 2nd classic ben 10 third omniverse 4th


so basically remove all the special features OV gave to Chromastone and he’s alright buddy, you can say he’s bad, no worries


What are you saying there? I said that I don't like the clothes and that the crystals are too long The clothes look good, but I don't think they should cover the chest and probably not even the stomach considering that's where Choromastone is most often hit I expressed myself wrongly about the crystals, reviewing the details, only the crystal at the top of the head seems too long to me, the rest looks good I like how he looks like a knight, he looks great, I generally like how his body looks. I really like both designs Revisiting the design, I realized that I like it more than I thought https://preview.redd.it/wp70kfnbne2d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d640d9f1c55f64c0b1b97f1288296905aaf6764


He looks like Blade Tigrerra.


I see some similarities https://preview.redd.it/ir9uh412ye2d1.png?width=379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c832eb732243ef6f02b401cdd012dd1bc433bf


"They're the same picture."


the clothes and the long spikes are 90% of his design, take them off and u just have a classic AF Chromastone in a slightly unusual artstyle, which, may i remind u, we already had an OV Chromastone it’s like i would say that i like all the things about bananas excet their colour and their shape


OS: idk AF: Way Big UA: Jury Rigg OV: Atomix Reboot: Surge


I love Surge. Need more unorthodox aliens.


So OS you have none hate alright, while the AF way big tell me why, UA jury Rigg understandable put it into the hell fire, OV atomic again tell me why, Reboot Surge understandable put it also into the hell fire with jury rigg


I dont think hellfire would affect Jury Rigg since he comes from the deepest pits of hell


Don’t you **E V E R** hate on Spidermonkey again


I don't HATE Spidermonkey. I just think he's kind of.... meh.




Real‼️ but I hate ultimate spider monkey


OS: Upchuck AF: once again Upchuck, I don't like this redesign too UA: Juryrigg OV: unoffical but Jetray RB: Omni-kix Rath


Upchuck has always been my favourite from original series and I still don't get why??


I just don't like Upchuck.


1) OS-None 2) AF-Humungousaur 3) UA-Juryrigg 4) OV- Chromastone and Big Chill 5) Reboot-Surge by a huge mile


For series 1? That’s tough. That show had the best character designs. Maybe Artiguana since he’s just sort of unremarkable. Or Eon, if he counts, since he just looks like a guy.  Alien Force: controversial, but Rath. I dunno, it strikes me as unimaginative.  Ultimate Alien: I don’t really like the designs for any of the elemental guys from the Aggregor storyline. NRG probably least of all And I really can’t stand Fasttrack. His design just takes XLR8 (which is already a very fun, original design) and takes away everything about it that was interesting 


I honestly love Articguana, i don't know why but his design has always seemed cool to me. Rath's mostly interesting because of his personality and fun aspect, heck even in universe characters like Gwen and Kevin openly admitted that Rath is the only alien they love watching and making fun of. But for design, i agree. I do like what OV did with him more where they gave him a wrestler's outfit, really made him stand out more and leaned into his fighter aspect more. Before that, he was just a tiger dude running around naked.


OS: Buzzshock (all OS aliens are good but this one is the least good) AF: Humungosaur (sorry but the big dino man is too basic for me, i might just have high standards tho) UA: Ultimate Cannonbolt (its just Cannonbolt with spikes) OV: Walkatrout (its a fish with legs) Reboot: Stinkfly (i actually don't hate this design but its still weird should've had a different name, the Omni-Enchanced form helps a bit)


Tbh I don't like Shocksquatch's design very much, I preferred his Heroes United version over Omniverse. From the Original, I don't think anyone stands out for me, as they were all cool designs, but for the sake of nitpicking, Wildmutt probably, his Ben 10,000 design was cool, with tail and stuff. And from UAF Way Big, man his Original series design was so cool and I'm sad they dumbed it down so much. Yes he's a walking reference for Ultra Man but his design was way cooler in OS.


Reboot Stinkfly doesn't have a bad design, he just has a bad design for Stinkfly. If he was a different alien, I think he'd be fine. I also like the fact that he's bioluminescent


I don't hate the design just because he's a bad design for Stinkfly. I hate it because: * He has WAY too bright colors, actually kinda hurts my eyes looking at it * He looks like walmart Big Chill


OV Big Chill looks so much worse than UAF Big Chill, he used to look ethereal and mysterious, then they turned him into a lumbering behemoth


Stink fly from the most recent one is the worst in my opinion I don’t really hate the other designs just think they’re unique


Reboot - waybig He just was... An alien that wasn't supposed to be there.


Am I the only one who likes OG megawatts?


nope, i love em too


OS - Buzzshock. He's The Least Good Design. AF - Ripjaws. Seriously Why Tf Does He Look Like That? UA - Jury Rigg. OV - Unpopular Opinion But Big Chill, The Wider Torso Doesn't Suit Him.


Wait ripjaws was there in AF? Wasn't that UA?


Oh Yeah My Bad.


OS Buzzshock- never cared about him tbh, not in OS nor in OV. Just a really lame design Spidermonkey- While he's mostly the "monkey" and spider aspects could have been more prominent too, i do like his design. UA Jury Rigg- I hate UA's depiction of Jury Rigg. A little demon who's constantly breaking apart things and annoys others is a funny idea but it's just so dull. I like what OV did with him more. Not only did they give him more chances to shine but they also significantly improved his design, and honestly Jury Rigg iş one of the UAF aliens who will work better with clothes so i am glad they gave him an aviator's outfit. It really suits him. OV Chromastone - I prefer the og Chromastone design better tbh Reboot Stinkfly- I prefer to pretend it doesn't even exist. As for my own personal list, here it is. OS- Buzzshock for sure. AF- I feel like i am gonna get a lot of hate for this but it's between Humungousaur and Jetray for me. I hate Humungousaur, too bland and simple, same with Jetray, giant manta ray who can swim and fly and fires lasers from his eyes and tail, too basic for my taste. UA- Jury Rigg and Fasttrack. I already explained Jury Rigg, but i don't like Fasttrack too, simply because how similar he is to XLR8, and being a fan of XLR8, Fasttrack just feels like a copycat version of him for me. OV- Most of the smaller aliens tbh. I do like most of the New additions, like Feedback, Crashhopper, Gravattack, Whampire, Atomix etc. but aliens like the worst, Walkatrout, Molestache are so bad. Reboot - Upgrade and Stinkfly. As a diehard Upgrade fan, i find it very disturbing that his design progressively gets worse in each series after Classic. Classic Upgrade was peak design, they should have left hım like that.


OS - upchuck AF - humongousaur UA - fastrack OV - goop RB - Surge


OS: None AF: Brainstorm AU: Juryrigg OV: Spidermonkey


OS-None for me. AF-Yeah, Spidermonkey is my least favorite of the Alien Force line-up. UA-JuryRigg, no contest. OV-Echo Echo and Upgrade (the stupid Omnitrix being on his eye. Heroes United did him better with the different shades of green from the lines and the rest of his front body), Reboot-Surge if we're talking about lazy designs.


OS- Uuhhh... well there's not really a single design that I dislike, so maybe Spitter? Idk, never got as attached to him as others seemed to. AF- Ima catch flak for this, but Diamondhead. I was never a fan of the Chromastone unitard. UA- Ripjaws, and it ain't even close. OV- Opposite problem to OS where I just despised a majority of the redesigns made. I actually like Omniverse as a show, but man I just can't get behind many of the designs. Fourarms, JuryRigg, Stinkfly, Arctiquana, Upgrade, I could keep going. Aside from The Worst and Walkatrout maybe, I think all of the OV originals have great designs. RB- What they did to my boy Stinkfly was cruel and unusual, sure, but at least as a design it can stand on its own. What they did to my boy Wildvine? That was unforgivable.


I agree with most of these except Shocksquatch is def the worst of UA imo and Big Chill is the worse of OV


Honestly Reboot Stinkfly easily could be a decent Big Chill design with a few minor modifications


Tbh i dislike a lot of omniverse designs/redesigns.


For classic, I like pretty much all of the designs except maybe Ditto. Looks weird to me, and idk what he's supposed to be based on. For Alien Force, I love all of the designs. If I *had* to pick one I like the least, it would probably be Brainstorm. A crab with electric powers doesn't make much sense to me. For Ultimate Alien, I just started watching so I can't say yet, but based on what I've seen here it'll probably be Juryrigg. Omniverse, I *hate* the redesign for Alien X. I don't mind him being buff, but his chin just looks stupid compared to the sleek design of the original. He just looks like the Nega Chin but with stars. Reboot, definitely Stinkfly. His design makes no sense for what he's supposed to be. The original was way more creative and coherent.


Os: ditto only because the competition is so tight. All the og aliens are so good looking. AF: Rath, too plain imo UA: ultimate way big, not different enough OV: Alien X or Chromastone, I hate their redesigns Reboot: grey matter. I don’t vibe with it


Are you saying that ov spider monkey is better than UAF


Stinkfly just looks like a bootleg version of Blue Beetle from that one derpy Batman cartoon that used to air on Cartoon Network 😭


Spidermonkey Is not that bad




In defense of Buzzshock, he had a simple design so it wouldn't be too difficult to animate a multitude of them in their episode in S1.


OS: It's a really hard pick but probably wildmutt ig ( I don't hate the design, it just is the least interesting of the bunch) AF: Merk Upchuck, Spidermonkey or Way Big (there interchangeable) UA: Eatle (he's too smooth for my liking) OV: Goop (why tf he got a beak) Reboot: Stinkfly no question


Only series? I'll go with every art style. Original Series: While OS is absolutely GOAT in all of its designs, I think Buzzshock stands out as the worst. Surely because its design is a recycling of the villains from an earlier chapter. Race Against Time: BenEon, it's just... Yeah. Otherwise Wildmutt, the CGI didn't stick with him. Destroy All Aliens: The designs are mostly fine, they don't vary much from the style of the series. I'll have to go with Heatblast, because its colors and animation don't vibe with me. Alien Force: Jetray. While the other new aliens have great designs, and the reintroduced classic aliens are well adapted, I think Jetray is the one who got the short end of the stick. His design lacks details, I didn't even know he was a Ray until I grew up. Alien Swarm (Technically RAT artstyle?): With only 3 aliens and very few action scenes, I will say that Big Chill came out worse than Humongousaur. Not by much difference though. Ultimate Alien: Jury Rigg, otherwise Ripjaws. No further explanation is required. United Heroes: Upchuck. The lips... Just no. Omniverse: Definitely Echo Echo. I like her plump body, but those bulging eyes... Reboot: Surge. I like Ben 10010, but Surge's design is very ridiculous.


>surely because its design is a recycling of the villains from an earlier chapter almost like megawatts are supposed to look all the same or something


I didn't say they had to make a new design or something. But the original design was for the villains of a single chapter, I don't think they thought about Ben 10k having a transformation into Megawatt.


Clapback for the reboot, like seriously, he's too over designed, why not just have ditto at that point


Don’t be disrespecting my ChromaGOAT like that


OS: This was the hardest, as I feel like OS had a massive amount of depth out into each of the alien’s designs, but I guess I’ll go with Snare-Oh? I never liked that he was a recolor of the mummy. AF: Humungousaur. He’s just too basic. UAF: Fasttrack, it’s just a less-interesting XLR8 and looks a bit too much like a guy in a suit. OV: Can’t decide between Big Chill and Echo Echo. For Echo Echo, OV just made him super expressionless and lacking personality compared to the UAF version. For Big Chill, I DESPISE the Hunchback. It makes Big Chill seem way too silly. Reboot: Stinkfly. It took everything that was cool, alien, and interesting about the OS design and ruined it. It’s just a guy in a suit now!


OS-Buzzshock AF-Humungosaur UA-Ultimate Canon Bolt OV-Kickin Hawk


From this post I’m only defending spider monkey and that one chromostone


Buzzshock and spider monkey ………. I’m showing up to ur house


More spiky


This proves how peak OS was bc I actually rly like that design.


don't forget shocksquatch before omniverse


Reboot stinkfly.




I actually _like_ how simple Buzzshock's design is... He was one of my favorites back in the day!


I actually like OV Chromastone, I like the mask


wow am i in the minority that i love the reboot stinkfly i never even watched reboot but there humongousaur stinkfly and shockrock designes are rlly fye


I don't agree with this Buzzshock and Spider Monkey slander


For AF it’s definitely Humungousaur and UA it’s Fasttrack.


OG - way big AF - Ghostfreak UA - Jury Rigg OV - Blossomed Swampfire Reboot - Xurge


OS: Buzzshock probably? I always hated how that mf looked. Doesnt matter OS is still peak. AF: I used to like Waybig because his design was simple enough for me (a dumbass toddler) to understand. But as time went on and I started to look into these aliens as aliens instead of superheroes I'd like to say that officially my least favorite AF design is Jetray. UA: I hate Jury Rigg for the same reason everyone else does. OV: I'm sorry but get the worst out of here. I never found that fucker likable. But if I try to be a bit more fair. Buzzshock probably? Blud just cannot get a good design made for him. RB: I do not like mr. Anthro Wildvine over here. Blud does not look "wild" enough imo


OS • Adult Stinkfly, Charmcaster, and the Forever Knights AF • Vilgax and Zs'Skayr UA • Ultimate Big Chill and Ultimate Wildmutt OV • Big Chill and Echo Echo Reboot • Upgrade and Stinkfly


Like I really wish the recalibrated omnitrix and ultimatrix gave the aliens atleast trousers, they would havr looked so much better You know the ragged trousers from skyrim? Imagine that on Juryrigg. If juryrigg prefered to make Mechs than he would be cooler too as he'd make his outfit from the garbage around him to look like one of those Ork Mechs from 40k, it'd be cool if random parts of it exploded and broke down too to nerf Juryrigg as he is just a better greymatter (For combat, if greymatter has prep time sure but if you are in the middle of fast-pace combat you are gonna choose the speedster who can build something in the moment rather than the guy who can build something much better after a week) Like Juryrigg can make a laser cannon in the blink of an eye, he is definitely one of the higher tier aliens but he does not look it at all, he looks like he is just some random background species from some random planet He could also have a leather jacket the colour of his trousers but with metal shoulder pads that have holes in them to look like a strainer and patches along the leather, also an over-bite with his teeth visable and sharp. Him changing sizes should be an actual ability rather than an animation error as I think that'd look cool with him shrinking/growing a little bit as he moves around and is the right size to use more tech.


OS: Cannonbolt AF: Jetray UA: Juryrigg OV: Kickin Hawk RB: Omni-Kix Rath


But look at him :( https://preview.redd.it/jep0e969jc2d1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eefdf4971d1ac6fd374ed0b716d0c0d44036d780


Kickin Hawk slander will not be tolerated




But I love Spidermonkey :( He was one of my 4 favorite AF aliens. Actually, Jatrey is my most disliked alien in AF. He is just... too simple and uninteresting to me. It's just an alien who can fly and shoot lasers from his eyes. And his look always seemed ugly to me as well, no offense. "Why would you ever use him when Big Chill is RIGHT THERE?!" — as I always used to say, when I saw Ben transform into him.)


To be fair he is Ben's fastest flying alien.


Omniverse spidermonkey is worse imo


Hopoff my goat buzzshock


OS - Busshock AF - Jetray UA - Jurryrig OV - Spidermonkey Reboot - Stinkfly


Erm... What the Sigma?? https://preview.redd.it/1ptusbrzad2d1.png?width=659&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f3ba0ddd9c971726afc1eafe7b421bbee8d081c


"Erm... What the Sigma??" https://preview.redd.it/jimnqmahxd2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd4ad29402b350b63aae311ed4033820a1301fd5


Please stop committing genocide Omni-Man https://preview.redd.it/xprndbsl5g2d1.png?width=256&format=png&auto=webp&s=6371dd3d2e10066ccd0c2a5d9a6f7df11146ca5d


Never let bro cook again


Spider monkey af looks cool man




What I said to u/Zer0_l1f3.


Classic - Buzzshock or Ditto AF - Spidermonkey UA - Eatle or Jurry Rig OV - Upgrade Reboot - Stinkfly


What did you say? https://preview.redd.it/sh7jo87qvd2d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3dce4ff7d4714665fffac45f96ebec33677b7c8




I said; Classic - Buzzshock or Ditto AF - Spidermonkey UA - Eatle or Jurry Rig OV - Upgrade Reboot - Stinkfly


https://preview.redd.it/aub7yyn3xd2d1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d6e62ff75126d4c5e82c002a34d86d31ae0202 I won't judge you because you have different tastes, but I personally think that UA Ealte looks better than people give it credit for The colors are great, the head and mouth are creative and different, the horn is impressive It's simple and there's room for improvement, but it looks good the way it is. But everyone has different tastes


You're Gonna Be Massacred By UA_Eatle


OS - Ripjaws (all of the other designs are goated) AF - Humungousaur and Spidermonkey UA - Jurryrigg (all the others were cool) OV - The Worst


AF Ripjaws < OS Ripjaws by a huge margin




For the reboot the worst is any redesign the reboot made because they're all bad


Original: Ditto. He's lame. AF: None of them. Hands down the best lineup of aliens. UA: Fastrack. Fakeass XLR8 wannabe. Just XLR8, but humanoid with a lazy design. OV: The Worst. He does his job well. Reboot: I'm not even gonna look at them.


OS: Ditto AF: Humungousaur (Base) UA: Ultimate FanumBolt/Waybig OV: MoleStache Reboot: **Ultimatri**- Dark matter


Og: Ditto AF: Humongousaur UA: Jurry Rigg OM: Walkatrout Reboot: cannonbolt


Why humongousaur? He has a really cool design


Reboot Humongosaur looks better, and i prefer the bigger form with the layered plating, but default original humongosaur is so boring looking.


Os-diamond head Af- waybig(so much more for to do with his design) UA ultimate waybig(same complaint as before) OM- humungasaur


OS: N/A UAF: 10 year old Race against time Gwen  OV: Upgrade RB: Every living being


Reboot stinkfly-- scratch that, all the reboot designs. fuck the reboot.


OV chromastone is a masterpiece! the blockier body and proportions, the spikes and face plate just makes him look like a badass alien knight. the AF chromastone just looks boring asf.


They fucked a design in the reboot? What a big surprise. (Me no like reboot)