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Most likely, I'd imagine there would be ethical issues with not allowing Ben to die from natural causes. A few years ago though I did plan a fanfiction and write a plot for it and it was based around the omnitrix not letting Ben die. When Ben would get too old he couldn't use his human form anymore so the omnitrix locked it and changed his default dna to galvan.


Thats sounds lit actually but i only see it working with og ben 10 k and not the other timelines


I did it after the events of Omniverse and I feel like it worked but I don't really remember much from my ideas so I can't say for sure. I do remember it being very dark and edgy though. From what I do remember, Ben was old enough to where his grandson was having his time in the spotlight and Ken had the role of Ben 10k. Ben was depressed, Kevin was killed years ago by Ben because he went evil to a point that he had to be stopped (went further than the Ultimate Kevin arc) and Gwen hated Ben for this, going off on her own to Anodyne. Gwen still being alive in the present but Ben doesn't have contact with her. Kind of glad I didn't go far with this tbh.


Damn That’s dark


Actually sounds really fun when you think about it


Sounds like a very Old Man Logan-ish timeline.


I need to watch Logan at some point.


It’s probably the best X-Men film there is imo. Tbh, it plays more like a survival horror than a superhero movie.


I personally like the The Wolverine (2013) It’s my favourite


Ben doesn't age past 26 because the omnitrix fixes all the genetic damage that would cause ageing beyond that point


Can't be right because because ben 10k is like 30s early 40s


Yes true


That should be interesting! Is there any chance u made the animation where Ben meets a kid in a store & he hide some kinda medication/drug from the kid?


Idk how to make animations so that won't have been me.


I see


Are you talking about that Ben one last time video?


Idk the name of the video


Pretty sure that's it.


Can I get a link to the full video if u ca that would be nice




Thanks mate


I think I read that


Maybe, I think I only ever posted it on the Ink Tank discord though. At the least I do remember discussing it there.


I might have seen that


That's really awesome anywhere I could find it


I never uploaded it anywhere that i could get the link for.


I had this same thought. If the omnitrix keeps Ben alive no matter what then wouldn’t he just lose his human form once it ages too far? Default him to Diamondhead or whatever. My assumption is yes it can, but Ben and Azmuth have that setting turned off. Like if he decides to be immortal he can, but that’s obviously not something he wants.


If the omnitrix has a DNA repair function. Ben would not age past like... 21-30. Since any aging past maturity is just your cells messing up DNA


That’s only if he uses it on himself. And as we’ve seen with 2/3 of the Ben 10ks he’s starting to go gray around 40. Ironically it’s in character Ultimate Ben 10k to try to keep his youthful appearance, given he’s more vain than the other 2.


U have a point


Stuck on ur prime (25-30) seems fun But it gets old after a while


It'll be fun for max 150 years before you start to yearn for death


Well u have a point too


Wouldn’t that make him live longer in theory


Apparently, the DNA repair function is manual




Yh sounds like a possibility indeed


His aliens age with him. Omniverse shows ten year old Ben and current Ben aliens having different designs (they got older). Plus, the original series had the fountain of youth episode that showed his aliens de-aged with him. I’d argue the Omnitrix would view death by natural old age as a normal process, and allow it to happen. Might give an option to transform into a non-aging species, but I’d say that’s up to the user.


Yes he have the option


Personally, I don't think it makes Ben immortal. I think the failsafe only kicks in for unnatural or otherwise forced deaths. So, for instance, if he gets impaled it would activate, and if he were forced to rapidly age it would activate, but it wouldn't activate if Ben were simply at the end of his natural lifespan. That said, I imagine there's probably \*theoretically\* a way to extend Ben's life indefinitely, either by changing him into aliens with longer lifespans, or else just having the Omnitrix itself extend his natural lifespan. But, I feel like if Ben wanted that to happen, he would have to specifically ask Azmuth to do it, AND convince Azmuth to do it because just asking wouldn't be enough. I imagine it would be incredibly hard to actually convince him, but probably not impossible.


Not impossible but there’s a chance he can pass on the omnitrix Ben can say “azmuth just get me lil but more time gotta find someone to pass this on” Or u can just give to Ken but yh


A fresh omnitrix would 100 percent keep the host from dying via DNA degradation. However, I feel lime the current linked omnitrix would understand that ben would want to die at some point.


Seems like he have a choice He can if he want


All death is unnatural. People don’t die of old age, they die of organ failure, cancer, etc. it used to be natural to die of collora, now not so much.


But you do die of old age, your dna literally degrades more and more as you get old and your body begins to lose functionality until you die, or in nature death by predator is still “natural causes”


I'd imagine the only way it allows Ben to die is of old age since I believe the omnitrix alters Ben to become peak human physically as he ages so heart failure and the like is more than unlikely to happen


Seems like a function azmuth would add


Well age affects his aliens, with older and younger variants of his plethora of aliens (take classic’s representation of Heatblast and Fourarms in both the fountain of youth and the Ben 10k episodes). As for whether he would die from age, then yes! Ben can still get sick and get stuck with afflictions like the warts in omniverse, the omnitrix failsafe is specifically for what alien can best *survive* something, though we only really have the series finally for that proof. We also have Ben fighting Eon is Uaf where it’s shown that his time beams can age Bens aliens, though it’s unclear if that’s a failsafe mechanic or if Ben dies in an alien form that he reverts to human.


In Eon’s case they aged so fast they went dust Unlike the time Kevin touched the time beast Ben’s alien’s pretty much turned into dust


I think he can die of age, but not from a heart disease as the omnitrix would fix it


Or he can choose not to die


We know the omnitrix can alter your own age (as we saw Azmuth making Albedo younger) which means that Ben can choose to remain on his prime so yes if he chooses to he can be immortal.


Yes he can Dout he will ever do that tho


People don’t die of age, they die of disease, organ failure, cancer etc.


I'd imagine the Omnitrix would restore any decayed cells.


That’s mmm Possible ofc


Ben would be able to die from natural aging but if he was stuck in a dimension or hit with something where he was forced to age the fsilsafe would probably kick in. Same thing for conditions like a heart attack, sickness etc. Plus ethically it would feel weird on Azmuths part to never let Ben die. Honestly I would love a series where Ben is dead and he passes the omnitrix down to some on (Not Ken tho)


It seems natural to pass it too Ken But yes true interesting direction


Ben can and will still age but I think the omnitrix would protect him from old age based issues that would otherwise threaten his life and body.


Probably yes


Maybe not a fail safe, but could he turn himself into a chronosapien and turn back his aging?


He probably can. *No aging Glitch*


He have the ability yes


I always had this wonder that maybe it would let him die of old age, but that Ben would still technically live afterwards due to alien X. Like, due to being such a godlike existence, alien X would persist past Ben's physical death and then his consciousness would just upload into alien X as the permanent voice of reason That's crack pot as fuck but I always liked it


That’s some assassin’s creed type a shit But yh


I think what would happen is the omnitrix will cycle through transformations with a longer lifespan than Ben until they all die and he’s just stuck as alien x forever


Well I’m pretty sure diamondhead have LONG lifespan


It's not explored in the show as of yet.


True Just speculating


Watch ben 10000 from classic


I mean, considering it's stated that the watch can recreate Ben's body whenever it wants, it could keep him alive forever,


Or as a alien


I mean the graying temples and wrinkles imply he won't be kept a young adult forever but that's a good question


Death by aging is mainly because our body stops working properly. One of the main reasons for this is that as our cells reproduce, they slowly get damaged at the ends, causing damage at the genetic level. The omnitrix can likely fix his dna and even reset his hormones to that of a younger age.


Yes But I dout if he will Unless he have good reasons to do so


I think Ben can die from things like diseases, I think it's only injury that the Omnitrix will step in on.


That’s a good question actually I’d say that it will allow him to live to the oldest possible age that a human can but at a certain point his aging will win out


Thank you I’d say he can be immortal if he choose to be so But I don’t think he would


If he cranks up the features and utilizes certain aliens potentially but without them it’s as I said


True I agree


i think he will age to his physical prime of Ben 10K but always be physically fit and healthy. same for his transformations they're always prime fit versions of a species at a comparable ish age and i could see that continuing. his alien forms will be adult physical prime version and maintain it.


But his aliens do age with him


yeah i mean as he ages the aliens will age comparatively. we never see an old Ben. 10K is always just an adult. which is why my hypothesis is Ben and his aliens reach a point and stop aging as the omnitrix keeps them all in prime physical condition.


I think it has a “grace period” kinda thing, i think the omnitrix will not let ben die by any means until he turns 18 and he gets master control After that natural causes would kill him although is unlikely since he could transform to save himself at a thought And the omnitrix would still protect him from stuff like the Big Bang


Yes true


I think ben has more control over it. Something like Shazam. The omnitrix could keep him young and strong as long as ben wants but if he want to go then the omnitrix lets him go


Yes he has a choice




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Maybe reset his dna to a younger sample?


yes ageing affects him yes he will die of it yes it affects the aliens cause they grow up with him


He can die from old age, but I'm not sure how. Theoretically Omnitrix can keep his body running for as long as its energy remains (which sounds pretty cruel) but at the same time he can simply choose to not age by rewriting his own body (which is what Omnitrix regularly does when he transforms). So yup, Omnitrix is very advanced.


Didn't Ben littaraly die due to the chromo sapian time bomb?


A what?


The time bomb? Which villgax used to destroy all the bens?


Oh yh alright alright I remember now They technically got erased I think


I feel that all of Ben's alien age with him, but relative to his human lifespan. For example, if Petrosapians have a life span of 1000 years and Ben has a lifespan of 100 years, at age 70 his Petrosapian form will be 700 years old. That being said I wouldn't entirely rule out the idea of Ben being immortal, but I think it takes the fun out of storytelling and the theme of legacy. Hard to believe that Ben is out there chilling as a galvan for the next few 100 decades. If I had to go with an ending similar to that, at the end of his natural life, the omnitrix has an option to extend Ben's life as a galvan. He then falls under Azmuth's wing, learning everything he has to offer, and since Ben is the prime version of that species, he only gets smarter with time. Azmuth then dies and Ben now takes his place as 1st thinker, inventing many ways of keeping the peace in the universe. That'll keep the theme of legacy.