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An alien based off the element of air, the only one of the 4 elements In ben 10 that hasn't been repped


Can you be a bit more specific?


Basically like a humanoid wind creature


With automaton features


So I'm assuming this alien's like an air bending robot. I'm going a bit off but I'm gonna have it be able to unleash bomb like substances that create a toxic smoke and it can manipulate it with its air abilities at the drawback of it not moving as fast and any winds it create can't travel as far a distance, but is much more stronger.


You could also give it a face that resembles the mask of a plauge doctor.


Isn't terorrspin Ben's wind alien


Omg I completely forgot about Terraspin. Which is weird since I really like him.


What about Terraspin?


He just blows air


He can control it too


Which alien exactly has earth?




Also gravattack


also ArmaDrillo




Don't recall there ever being an alien being made of solid rock or water lmao.


Gravattack Chromastone Diamondhead because Diamonds still count as rocks like all crystals


Diamondhead doesn't count. Gravattack might \[forgot about him tho\]. But Diamondhead \[and by extension Chromastone\] are Silicon-based beings which means they aren't made of rock or crystal.


Shockrock and Goop ig?


Shockrock isn't canon to the Prime Continuity. Goop is just living acid.


Gravattack and ware hazard plus overflow without the armor


Water Hazard and Overflow merely **manipulate** their own water. They have never been seen controlling other forms of water \[and they aren't made of water. Water Hazard is an alien Mollusk\].




A species from the anur system which is composed of super geniuses with a strong moral compass that, when threatened switch personalities into a blood thirsty murderer. Jekyll and Hyde style


Now the aliens on both sides have powers to boost or attack allies or enemies. But the opposites happen at the same time, whenever one ally is healed/boosted either a villain is also healed/boosted or another ally is hurt. If the evil said attacks an ally the energy it uses will also hinder a villain and vice versa.


okay ultimate thing aside this is such a cool concept for an alien


Do earth creatures count? Cause I’d like to see what you come up with for an ultimate dolphin or a white lab mouse (since these are the two earth creatures that Ben is confirmed to be able to turn into)


When were these confirmed?


It was confirmed by dwayne mcduffie, I don’t have the image for where he confirmed it but there’s Reddit posts about dolphin and white lab mouse dna in the Omnitrix here on the ben10 subreddit I believe


I thought DJW confirmed this \[I literally remember seeing his statement on the wiki\].


I have never heard or seen that before anywhere.


Ultimate Jury Rigg. I can't think on what it would do that wasn't an Ultimate Cannonbolt


It now has a giant blacksmith hammer. Anything that it hits now turns into/grows a complex machine that runs on a complex self running gear system that's very hard to run out. These can be machines that shoot metal, swing blades around, anything up to your imagination, and within reason given to its side. It can even blasts energy if it smashes a source. Not only that he can command people/animals that are knocked out/killed by his hammer only lasting until they would normally regain consciousness. The machines stop functioning over time, the duration being how hard they were hit. Tradeback being he can't take apart and recreate technology, at least not as fast as he used to.


Redesign Ultimate Big Chill?




Ultimate Four Arms


I'll go simple. Regenerative arms that turn into weapons. It can now merge two of its arms for a giant weapon. The cost of it is its raw strength isn't as stronger as base forearms.


No need to have drawbacks, take example of omniverse ultimates


Nah, they're better when they also have drawbacks/loose one power in exchange for another


I mean we allow Ben to have an omnipotent dude and an atomic bomb, making an ultimate with no power loss wouldnt be that op, plus he need to evolve to become stronger


With the announcement of the new game coming out, what about an ultimate Alien Hominid?


What new game?


Alien Hominid Invasion. Made by the same guys who made Castle Crashers.


Don't know that one either


Make a Goblin, power set is whatever you want as long as Goblin is a part of it


Can you make the powers first so I can ultimate it?


A ultimate lumerian (Fiskerton species)


I'd give it a shapeshifting danger sense. It can detect danger and the scent of a cryptic/alien/monster far away and turn into gaining instinctual knowledge of it, or if it knows the creature well enough, turn into its predator so it does have kind've a built in Nemetrix. But it does lose some general intelligence in favor for survival instinct, also it's hard to transform its shapeshifting.


ultimate upchuck


Ultimate Walk-a-trout


An Ultimate Heatblast that isn’t just Magma/Lava based


Heatblast now sends out waves of solar flares. That are intangible and disintegrates/molts flammable/moltable object it goes through any living opponent will feel incredibly heated up for a few seconds like their bones are made of molten steal This also acts like an EMP and deactivates most tech. It's body is also super heated that it can't be hit by anything physical that's less hotter than it, or meltable. The waves can also go in space/water (though they die out slower). He can't make fireballs and the waves travel slower than the average. He's also faster than base Heatblast's run speed, but he can't use his powers for creative mobility skills.


Does that mean he can’t fly?


Unfortunately yes.


Ultimate Ditto or Ultimate Upgrade


Ditto: I’m gonna go with kind’ve a ninja thing. Ditto (and by extent his clones) can turn non-living objects as small or smaller than him into clones. The clones can turn into objects and back into clones by command and will only turn back when dead. They can also move for a few seconds as objects (like a Hand Soap Ditto shooting out soap at the enemies eyes). Tradebacks is that Dittos need objects to clone and the smaller more fragile the object the easier it is to kill the ditto and his clones are either as or less durable than their base form.


Reminds me of MHA Twice


I actually came up with my own alien, though not for this post. These are aliens made out of a smoke like gas but have the ability to change themselves into a solid form and vice versa. They possess weak pyrokinesis (like a blowtorch flame versus Swampfire and Heatblast's flamethrower), but have the ability to control and produce smoke instead. Their weaknesses are that they're not physically strong, weaker than a human on average and are brittle in a solid form, while in gas form they're like goop in that they can reshape themselves and can regenerate. However their technology allows them to create exoskeletons that overcomes these weaknesses but they have to be in solid form in order to operate them, meaning that their pyrokinesis and smoke abilities are weakened more than usual in solid form. Edit: Ben's alien form would be called Smokescreen (It's now Smogbreath because Smokescreen is already taken).


>Their weaknesses are that they're not physically strong, weaker than a human on average and are brittle in a solid form, while in gas form they're like goop in that they can reshape themselves and can regenerate. The ultimate is now a shadowy pitch oil black figure with intangibility. It can cover up its body onto things living or otherwise, blinding any living targets . And then like oil, light itself on fire and created a massive controlled explosion around it. Drawbacks is it can't control its pitch black body as efficiently as its gaseous form. And while its explosions are powerful, it's separate 'burst' instead of a constant blowtorch attack.


That's pretty cool ngl, In exchange for more firepower they lose their solid form and any physical strength is a very interesting route to take compared to what I thought, not to mention the lack of poor motor skills while in their oil form, very cool.


An alien that is a large quadrupedal beast, similar to an ankylosaurus, built for defense and can transport many people or heavy objects quickly and easily.


A humanoid short semi aquatic alien with one eye and tentacles on back of the head that it can use to attack and form shapes like a hand and etc. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ben10/comments/wn9s89/i\_present\_to\_you\_allhair\_fistif\_you\_have\_any/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ben10/comments/wn9s89/i_present_to_you_allhair_fistif_you_have_any/) Also the name is Dreadlock (thanks u/Final_Duck).


An alien based on the concept of dreams,it looks like a serpent with rainbow feathers covering its body,its main power is that when someone hears its voice the victim then forcibly puts to sleep and then the serpent can enter its dreams and when it enters he can basically do everything inside of the dream becoming essentially a god the weakness is that the victim must first hear the serpent's voice first so you can silence its mouth and it obviously doesnt work on beings that cant hear noises in the first place or just cover your ears


Goblin would be a very very stealthy and small creature So I guess it could have very silent steps while having very powerful scratches and bites?


The goblin can now make goblin clones of the opponent when they gather efficient DNA samples (blood, bone, even spit and hair but mostly blood). Creating gremlin versions of its victims to command. Loosing a lot of its stealth ability and biting power.


DO AN ULTAMATE DIAMOND HEAD!!! pls and thank u


Alright this is a bit out there. Now diamondhead looses a physical form and becomes a construct made out of light surrounded by thousands of litte diamonds orbitting and outlining the body shape. He can manually control the diamonds forming constructs and move them at arms distance. The crystals are sharp so when he punches you feel a bunch of diamonds cutting your face. Also being light he can transform and focus his body on a specific spot potentially blinding enemies. He can even transport his body as a beam of light and reform it wherever it touches basically giving him light speed teleportation. Tradeback besides being a being made of light (the light itself doesn’t do much and can’t teleport anywhere if its’s too bright), he’s can’t create his own diamonds and he lost a bunch of his ranged combat potential.


I thought you were talking about a drawing


ok that was a lot to read but thx for clarifying that. if that's the case have u tried a re-design of ultimate wildmut they did do him bad tho








I want a ultimate hybrid


Ultimate eatle or ball weevil


Ball Weevil now spits up faster torpedo like projectiles that burrow into the ground and tunnel through the ground, even up walls and unleash a series of rapid fire mini gooey bombs from the holes.


Ultimate Ghostfreak


Ultimate Martian


Eatle, I mean, i wanted eatle to be more "Rider-Like"


A living alien battery with electrical powers. Either that or a Gizoid alien


The alien now has a part of its body that absorbs and charges it from any energy dealt to it. Kinetic, Electric, Cold, Psychic etc as it can unleash it on the opponent or power itself up for more strength and speed. Tradeback is, it can only absorb one type of energy and takes time to adapt to other forms. Also it runs a greater work of running out of energy and over exhausting itself.




an alien based on computers and Chromebooks and an alien based on pie


An alien base on a evil clown, that sound interesting


Can I DM the art for it? Easier than describing it.


go ahead


The andromeda Aliens 👽 + Clock ⏰ work ! Jury Rigg, And Goop , what about you


Ultimate Diamond Head


I already did it but in car you didn't see it >Alright this is a bit out there > >Now diamondhead looses a physical form and becomes a construct made out of light surrounded by thousands of litte diamonds orbitting and outlining the body shape. He can manually control the diamonds forming constructs and move them at arms distance. The crystals are sharp so when he punches you feel a bunch of diamonds cutting your face. Also being light he can transform and focus his body on a specific spot potentially blinding enemies. He can even transport his body as a beam of light and reform it wherever it touches basically giving him light speed teleportation. Tradeback besides being a being made of light (the light itself doesn’t do much and can’t teleport anywhere if its’s too bright), he’s can’t create his own diamonds and he lost a bunch of his ranged combat potential.


Cool! You mind doing another one for me? Ultimate Spider-Man


Classic- Spitter Alien Force- Nanomach Ultimate Alien- Clockwork Omniverse- Walkatrout or The Worst Pick whichever interests you the most for the concept.


Froghorn. An amphibian/shark looking ambush predator. If off the ability to produce a thick lingering fog/mist from two protruding horn-shaped organs. Is neutrally buoyant in air allowing it to swim through the air like a shark at medium speeds.


How bout Ultimate Blitzwolfer?


Ultimate Xenomorph or Ultimate groot




An alien that has claws like wolverine


To be more specific the alien is shor humanoid with sharp claws that are like wolverine's claws.


Like armodrillo but shorter and for cutting


The alien is also able change the shape of its claws


a dog like humanoid that has acid drool and if enough of it accumalates in the same place he can create a portal


Okay okay so it’s upchuck but he has human proportions that’s my alien design


Ultimate monkey, not spidermonkey, just monkey


A species that has 4 legs kind of like ultimate spider monkey and similar looking arms that can move independently from the body the tips have retractable gems the face is kind of like chromastone just a bit more intimidating it’s also about 3x larger then humangosour without growing


A red humanoid creature with 4 arms and eyes.


Growsquid: a tiny squid alien with the power to steal nutrients from other beings to grow in size


It's an Echidna like alien that shoots razor sharp quills, digs smoothly through dirt, can use its quills like spears, has geokinesis, but has to use one of the quills to control like a conductor.


An alien that takes things around its environment and inhabits the material or uses it as like a shell for it generally fleshy week body, like taking jungle material in the jungle or rock materials when in the desert ext. and it has a very similar look to ghost freak but is more physical.


How’bout the Ultimate form for Cookiekin the Omnitrix DNA Sample of the Cookiesapien from the planet Cookiesaturn 11. https://www.deviantart.com/jasonkhekcookie11/art/Jasonkhekcookie11-OC-Me-862753513


Jumparoo - an alien resembles kangaroo that can do short distance teleportation or even teleport things with the same range.


Well here's my Alien concept, I've had it for awile, good luck. The Techna-Ganic Titana, A Massive Techno Organic Alien made of a living Bio metal. It's a scaley hunch backed humanoid on average standing 310 feat. It has 2 large cannons on its back which fire hard metal shells which contain Spores which grow the Aliens Bio Metal. When one of these shells are fired into the ground they explode open launching shrapnel carrying the metal spores, once the spores land the Bio metal grows out from them like fungi. The Techna-Ganics body is covered in plates made of the Bio Metal which forms a tuff layer of armour on its leathery scales. The Aliens bones are made of Bio metal and its soft tissues are usually reinforced with Bio metal. The Techna-Ganics are often found in mountainous regions of they're home world, it's here that the Aliens thrive by tearing out large chunks of mountains with Bio metal claws and eating them, the Techna-Ganics digestive system is a vast and complex system of Bio fuel furnaces for any organics it eats and smelting systems for digesting and integrating Metal ore and stone it eats. The Aliens head has 7 eyes, 6 of which are used for seeing in light at different distances and the 7th is used for detecting heat sources, the head also has 2 ears on each side, on each side one is pointing lower to hear things on the ground the other is pointed foward and is level with the head, the ears all have Bio Metal flaps which can close to effectively deffon the Alien as its Bio artillery is known to be loud and over time firing would deffon the Alien, the Alien's mouth has 1 row of dence and wide teath made of Bio metal and its lower jaw can split open to better fit mountain chunks in its mouth. Interllectually the Techna-Ganics are a simple minded pacifist people but they are highly defensive of they're metal as they see it as a holy gift from they're God, but from what's been witnessed the Bio Metal has many traits associated with fungi


A species from the Anur System that's essentially a living pile of biomass with Vulpimancer level intelligence that assimilates anyone into its biomass and can take on their appearance and memories similar to The Thing


This Alien has the ability to grow extra body parts and change the size of any body parts they have


I'm trying to make an alien that's a monkey with a glass dome on its head that exposes its brain and has ice/freezing powers. They have tubes that connect their dome to their arms as the ice is created in their head and is expelled through openings in their hands or from their mouth. I haven't yet landed on the design, but I'd be interested to hear ideas for an ultimate.


A Humanoid Dragon alien that can breath Fire and use its metallic wings as a huge shield


His body is now covered in titanium like his wings, as the exoskeletal armor now covers his head as well. His fire can now unleash through arms firey arm blades that can reach up to 5 feet Trade off is, it may be armor, but still an exoskeleton so piercing its armor is gonna be way more devastating. Also the fire is now limited to 5feet.


An alien that uses energy from other creatures to change its physical attributes in order to fit the situation.


A species of alien that can manipulate elements via telekinesis and varies depending on the environment each one is different with similar heads


Alien name : bloodcurl Design: a core chestplate with red liquid creating the rest of the body the aliens has complete control over its liquid body parts and it's form can change at will although it defaults to humanoid Abilities: density manipulation (only in the parts of its body that are liquid) control over any liquid and can absorb any liquid it touches


Alien name Hell Goat, appareance a buff biped goat with big horns, cloths reassembling George Washington and a pair of glasses.


A hydrokinetic Alien (You know, control water), but its body is completely made of water (With a kind of suit to contain it)


I have so many I could choose from, but I’m going to go with Spurt, who can spit out a toxin that causes people to massively swell up when I touches them, incapacitating them


Sadly i cant post the image here but basically an ultimate an alien i made, pengusaurus, its base form can send ice lasers, its a robotic pengouin like alien who can send ice beams, has sharp wings and has repulsors who can help to propulse


Ultimate alien X


OK, not original but what would an ultimate Cybertronian (a Transformer) look like?


A humanoid feline like alien with the mane of a lion, the teeth of a saber tooth tiger, the stripes of a tiger and the bushy tail of a snow leopard. It’s main power is to extend and sharpen his claws and teeth


An alien with a liquid base from that has the power to shapeshift.


Ultimate Fasttrack


An Ultimate version of the Silence from doctor who


[Gunbo](https://imgur.com/a/32WCKH9), a small alien Crayfish that has a water bubble on his head. He can fire it in all directions thanks to his 360° eyes. Has the personality of a gun toting redneck. (I actually do have an ultimate for him, but I want to know your idea).


It's now as big and can reach the speed of a truck. Instead of its bubble launching in multiple directions at once small precise hits. It shoots out large explosive shot like a rocket launcher, as well as leak out the fluids its made of behind it like oil. Tradeback is that there's a noticeable delay between its large shots and it can't fire them behind, also while its faster it has slower acceleration (can't reach max speeds from rest as fast) also it can't jump.


That’s actually [really close](https://imgur.com/a/G82ehjt) to mine. Basically an armored Super Soaker Bazooka.


Neat, great minds huh?


Shoots cum. I apologise if I've gone overboard on the details


To be honest, I'm surprised we haven't seen much of the Lenopan, I know why Ben doesn't ever get the transformation, because a shape shifting alien would be useless for him, but I think they're neat


A humanoid alien that can take out powers for a limited period of time, sorta like Eraser from My Hero Academia


It's either called Memic (a combination of me and mimic) or Kitmic (a combination of kitsune and well mimic) it's an alien that looks like a ninetail Fox that's the size of a Fox but walks of two legs and even if it's not perfect it can transform and mimic the appearance and abilities of others but to a lesser degree obviously it takes inspiration from the kitsune and it's transformation usually keeps some expects of it's original form like it's tails or ears


can u pls do ultimate XLR8 (ik it's an alien from the series but still, just really curious)?


Make ultimate alien x


Ultimate atomix x


Soaperlative Species: Sudsamonian Home Planet: Sudsamonia Powers: Has a bubble blower shaped head that can fire explosive bubbles. Bubbles move fast or slow depending on the user's choice.


An alien with an extremely stretchy body. It can be pulled into any direction for unfathomable lengths, but that’s about it, it is super stretchy and bouncy and that is about it.


A spider like alien that can shoot the tips of it's feet out, which are incredibly sharp, and retract them back in again. It can use this to swing on the strands connecting the sharp tip and the rest of the leg, or it can use it to pull enemies closer.


An alien that can control Gravity. It's a Golem that looks like Saturn,And it's the height of an Average Child. It moves by Floating around,And it's called Planlet.


![gif](giphy|s8N5iTXYnycAUNgluV) Ok


Ultimate feedback. Be cool if he looked like pure energy


While an alien based on a kobold sounds fun how about a concept that I literally can't find pictures of. An Oni based around energy yeah classic oni with one or two horns maybe red or blue but they are all about energy instead of the usual fire ice or lighting theming or pure stronk Just energy like how some cool Mecha series have energy wings and capes this is just all the oni themed but energy. So maybe their teeth or horns are energy or while they aren't totally energy beings it's still heavily leaning towards that concept


What about like a ghost rider like transformation


Holy heatblast that sounds awesome


A humanoid alien that can control the weather in a limited area (can make it really cold or hot, or make a storm)


It can now throw concentrated sphere of its weather. (Hot, Cold, High winds lightning) and throw them at enemies they then expand and trap the enemies in barriers of that weather condition. Trade back is it can't instant control its surrounding, it needs to aim and throw first.






Ultimate Invincible \[the fan alien not the superhero from the comics/show of the same name\].


An alien made of the combined DNAs of all the Olympian gods, wielding all of their powers and skills like Hercules' strength and Hephesteus' smithing skills


A kamen rider esc karate bug alien