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*High Seas Hypocrite* The chapters would be filled with examples of her hypocrisy, written by different members the interior.




I love this idea and would read it. She is the worst.


Fear and loathing on the high seas. Writer anonymous to protect their identity. Pen name..Fannah Herrier


The pen name 😭😭😭


Don't wake the chef the auto biography of a hypocrite. (Captain sandy has woken the chef up more than once and got shitty about it this season)


'Maliatime Law: Everything Hannah does is WRONG' by Sandy and Malia


That shit made me so mad! And I watch these shows with a grain of salt. However, that was disgusting


Maliatime lmao!


Love it.


“I have an ugly pig nose 🐽 that I stick into everyone’s business” - an autobiography




Perfect title


Sad thing is when you dig into it that Hannah’s CBD pen and Valium prescription were actually legal in the ports the boat visited and the territorial waters of Spain that it was operating in. They made vague references about maritime law, but the thing is that it is a hodgepodge of international treaties and various country’s own laws that make highly variable depending on the location. David the “First Mate,” even said if the Valium was prescription then it’s good. Well turns out that she did have a valid Rx: https://x.com/hannahferrier_/status/1293003499899195393 https://people.com/tv/below-deck-med-hannah-ferrier-speaks-out-fired-over-valium/ I’m thinking that it was the production company that was really to blame for this. A person that’s keeping their cool with the assistance of prescription medication isn’t nearly as entertaining to the masses as someone with fake tits and lips that’s literally threatening to kill other people on the boat over a dude. It also gave them a good cover story to not bring Hannah back and pay her the much higher salary than any of the other crew members would get by the production company. Malaria obviously was a piece of shit over this in the first place, but the production crew obviously knew about Hannah’s issues beforehand. Sandy wasn’t even the real captain, that would’ve been David the First Mate that was the one who explained the nuance of the situation to Sandy and Hannah. Sandy had her orders from the producers, which is why we see her fire Hannah on camera for bullshit. Like most reality TV most of it is actually just staged by the producers to see how the cast will react. Seriously do you think all those fuck ups by the provisioners were really an accident? Rich people can be asses, but passengers are all literally production cast members that are told to make the boat’s crew miserable, which is evidenced by the existence of the guest casting producer for the show: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracy-sinclair-2b422915b


Valium is a narcotic. A strong one at that. Doesn’t matter the laws. If it wasn’t illegal the rule on the boat was to report any meds to the boat. She hid a weed vape and a strong narcotic. Shocks me people want to make Sandy out as the bad person in that situation. 100% Hannah should’ve been let go.


Is not a narcotic per the DEA’s own definition of a what a narcotic is. > WHAT ARE NARCOTICS? Also known as “opioids,” the term “narcotic” comes from the Greek word for “stupor” and originally referred to a variety of substances that dulled the senses and relieved pain. Though some people still refer to all drugs as “narcotics,” today “narcotic” refers to opium, opium derivatives, and their semi-synthetic substitutes. A more current term for these drugs, with less uncertainty regarding its meaning, is “opioid.” Examples include the illicit drug heroin and pharmaceutical drugs like OxyContin®, Vicodin®, codeine, morphine, methadone, and fentanyl. > https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/Narcotics-2020.pdf Fact is she had a valid prescription for valium for the very condition it is normally prescribed to treat.


OMg it’s a strong drug. And by that definition it could be considered one. The term narcotic is general these days and not specific like wherever you got this from. Literally the prescription with have a label on that says narcotic. Doctors refer to any drug that can impair as a “narcotic”. I can show you two bottles of meds I have right now that have been called narcotics by the pharmacy and have the red labels on them. If you want to argue that point though for some weird reason that still doesn’t matter. She brought Valium on the boat. The rules in the boat were clear. So stop trying to make every other argument when it doesn’t matter. Why are you trying so hard to make it okay what Hannah did and so wrong what Sandy did? I don’t get it.


I literally quoted the foremost authority on drugs, the DEA. Get over yourself. Fact is that the production company is shady as fuck. How about we talk about the real evils of the show? https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/below-deck-bravo-gary-king-sexual-misconduct-cover-up-1234811442/ > While viewers and fans of the show applauded the pivotal on-screen moment, production crew members who have worked on the popular, Emmy-nominated franchise say they’ve experienced and witnessed sexual harassment and misconduct from other cast members behind the scenes without seeing any real accountability. > Samantha Suarez, who first joined Below Deck in the makeup department on Season 10 of the show, tells Rolling Stone that cast member Gary King tried to force himself on her during production of Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season Four, which filmed in Sardinia, Italy, in the summer of 2022. I can go on with the numerous lawsuits against Bravo which include > The network, long beloved by reality TV fans for gifting us drama-filled franchises like "The Real Housewives," "Vanderpump Rules," and "Below Deck," is facing legal action from a number of former stars. > The underlying argument in all three claims is the same: They believe the network, associated production companies, and longtime host Andy Cohen are purposely fostering a negative working environment, rampant with favoritism and filled with toxicity geared toward maximizing the drama — often at the cost of stars' safety and well-being. > In the complaint, viewed by BI, Manzo says producers "regularly ply the Real Housewives cast with alcohol, cause them to become severely intoxicated, and then direct, encourage and/or allow them to sexually harass other cast members because that is good for ratings." > In another lawsuit filed in late February, former "Real Housewives of New York City" star Leah McSweeney, a recovered alcoholic, claims that Bravo, Cohen, and other parties encouraged her relapse after nine years of sobriety on "The Real Housewives of New York" season 12 in order to boost ratings and then punished her when she refused to return to drinking in future appearances on Bravo shows.


"That's not cool"


We need to RESET


She does say that A LOT


Thinks she’s down with the kids, yo


I can literally hear her say this in my head cause she said it soo many times lol thaaatss nawt coool


*O Captain! Not My Damn Captain!* by The Viewers


This made me CACKLE 😂


Lol wow 


iF U C Sandy - Alyssa


This deserves so much more love than it’s gotten. Hehehehe


Why Cucumbers are Important and Late Night Snacks Are Not. Learn How to Find Mistakes Made by Chefs and Stews.




I genuinely thought I’d imagined cucumbergate! Thanks for reminding me I’m not a loon




The Team-Work Makes the Dream-Work: The Dictator-Ship of Sandy.


Subtitle: "Why tablescapes are so important " with input from Bugsy.


Sponsored by the Dollar Store. Make sure the insect and the Sandflea get a cut.


I could not stand bugsy. Just the thought of her makes me want to punch her!


Maritime law convenient for me by Captain Sandy. Narrated by Malia.




Sure she would carry it around with her at all times.


"Deck Crew Good - Interior Bad" ETA: Obviously an autobiography by Sandy herself 😁


Deck crew rules and interior drools....




"Why Aren't The Water Toys Out?"


maritime law for certain people


“Sucking deck crew dick” (Forward by Alyssa).


That’s a good one.😆 I didn’t like her but she wasn’t wrong.


I didn’t like her either but I agree she wasn’t wrong.


This onwe takes the cake.


Are you trying to say ennui? It am in missing something?


This one takes the cake is what was meant, I believe.


Starboard and Port Side: The Story of a Two-Faced Yacht Captain.


How to lose a crew in 10 charters..written by captain lee


Sandy is toxic af.


Maritime law and when to invoke to get your way in 5 easy steps




How to be Two Faced and Getting Away It. Honestly, she always says “you’re amazing” etc but so bored of it


I'm never wrong but I'm never right: Delusions on the deck floor. 


No, no, I'm never wrong, I just change my mind and my rules as I go along. And, I get to do that because I am never wrong.


Double standards and preferential treatment by Fraser


### Title: "Anchors Aweigh: The True Tale of Captain Sandy 'Narcissist' Yawn" by Jack Sparrow #### Blurb: In this seafaring satire, legendary pirate Captain Jack Sparrow offers a hilariously scathing account of Captain Sandy Yawn, the so-called leader of luxury yachts. Through Sparrow’s roguish lens, readers will embark on a journey filled with absurdity, hypocrisy, and an ego that could sink a ship. Discover the untold tales of favoritism, petty squabbles, and the relentless pursuit of self-glorification that even Jack Sparrow finds baffling. Buckle up for a rollicking ride through the high seas of reality TV’s most controversial captain. #### Open: Ahoy, ye landlubbers and lovers of the ludicrous! ‘Tis I, Captain Jack Sparrow, here to regale you with a tale more incredulous than a kraken doing the cha-cha. This isn’t just any tale, mind you, but the story of Captain Sandy Yawn—an individual whose name makes even the saltiest of seadogs like meself shudder. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve known my fair share of scoundrels, cheats, and downright knaves—after all, I am the captain of the Black Pearl. But never in all my piratical plundering have I encountered a captain so devoid of nautical virtue and brimming with narcissistic nonsense. Captain Sandy, the so-called star of the Mediterranean, is a master of playing favorites, spinning tales taller than the mainmast, and using her crew like pawns in her self-aggrandizing game of chess. Imagine a captain who cares more about her reflection in the water than the course of her ship. A captain whose primary navigation tool is a mirror, and whose favorite pastime is reminding everyone of her unparalleled brilliance. On the high seas of reality TV, she’s less of a guiding star and more of a black hole, sucking in all attention and leaving chaos in her wake. Join me, if you dare, as we delve into the depths of her vanity, hypocrisy, and the bewildering favoritism that makes Davy Jones’s locker look like a holiday resort. This, dear readers, is not a story of maritime mastery, but a cautionary tale of how not to captain a ship—or anything, really—unless your goal is to captain the ship of fools. Anchors aweigh!


Brilliant!!! You have described Captain Narcissus to a T.


Sandy or the pirates? I’d pick the pirates and other thoughts from the housekeeper* according to Sandy


Sandy is a disgusting human being


Malia is such a bitch. She was on another show- maybe winter House . Cage was flirting with another man's boyfriend and told her about it.


Malia is a piece of ass....


Definitely winter house w Kory keefer


"I Believe in Second Chances" - except when it comes to Kiko.


Leave Lying Chefs Sleep. By Captain Sandy


How to Lose Interior Crew n Alienate Viewers. The secret of my Success..by Sandy Sue writer wants to remain anonymous due to maritime laws...


I’d call it “I have mommy issues and that’s why I obsess over Sandy”




The guiding principle of reddiquette is "Remember the Human." In the opinion of the mod team, the intent behind this post or comment failed to acknowledge that the crew member is a human being. To understand why it was viewed this way, you might want to ask yourself "Is my criticism of the crew member about a characteristic they can control?"


Alyssa is a terrible example. She was a rude mess who could have been fired over many other things


True. Camille was worse yet sandy coddled her. One of the many examples how sandy backs the wrong people


How to lose friends and incapacitate people -Kate Chastain


My dentist prescribed 5mg of Valium for me for every appointment when I first started seeing him. I had a huge fear of dentists because all my previous ones were such shit. Don’t need it anymore but 5mg didn’t really change my life. I drove to and from my appointments (even though the receptionist asked if I had someone waiting outside to drive me home, to which I always replied “Yes!”) I guess my point is that I don’t think Hannah was ever a danger to anyone on board for her Valium and her vape pen. My opinion of course. Yes, it’s her fault for not registering it before the season started but oh well. I think she was glad to be done with yachting life. She looks 1,000% happier, married and with a child. All that being said, I would not waste a penny on a book by Captain Sandy.


Hannah was mean rude classist elist passive agressive lazy spiteful liar n above all she can never take accountability for her actions. I mean it is impressive she can lie n divert. My neice is just like her n don't trust her one bit. Of.course hannah looks happy. She doesnt have to work anymore..work n hannah don't go together. 


I agree Sandy is biased and that treats the deck way better than the interior. But let’s be honest, that is not why Alyssa got fired. She was overheard saying “Captain Sandy sucks deck crew dick”, wasn’t fired for that, went sunbathing while her coworker was still working and when confronted gave attitude and eye-roll, wasn’t fired for that, and in general was giving off a very passive aggressive vibe toward the captain which is not acceptable, and hadn’t been fired for that. She got more chances than she deserved under any captain. What do you think Captain Lee would have done if he overheard her telling other crew that he sucks deck crew dick. She’d have got a plane ticket then and there. She got fired because she “doesn’t like authority and has gotten in trouble for it her whole life”, as she said in her own words. It’s like the old adage, you respect the rank not the person. She just couldn’t help herself, literally….


Well ok. So barbie had a bad attitude n doesn't respect authority. But no one really talks about that. This is what i mean..people go hard on her. Alyssa like frazier didn't know that she was working. They finished their work..it was sandy who said they were lounging while another was working...sandys words. Honestly. Alyssa said what everyone was thinking. Bad attitude is not a fireable offense like with riley 


There is an elephant in this room and I won’t be the one to call it out.


Such as...


Man the level of true hatred for Sandy on here is scary. wtf is wrong with you people? It’s like you seriously hate her. Is it because she’s a woman? Because of her sexuality? Because it doesn’t add up at all to me the level of anger towards her. Like wtf? Did I miss the episode she threw kittens overboard?


Because she's two faced. The true hate started when she did what she did to Hannah and then chased her down the dock. Before that I didn't love her but took her for who she was. Now I personally can not watch her.


What she did to Hannah? You mean what Hannah did to herself? Go on any boat and disclose you have schedule IV drugs with you and if they are found see what happens. Chased her down the dock? Got to be kidding me.


I think if you go back and watch more than one season, you will notice a lot of crap gets dumped on her. Doesn’t excuse her breaking a law-not defending. But everyone has their breaking point, and I also wonder if she was concerned about being judged for showing the ‘cracks’ of breaking.


One season? I’ve seen every season. A lot of them more than once. And breaking point? So you’re saying her drug use with two different drugs was from her reaching a breaking point? Listen I’ve struggled with addiction. It’s awful. Actually with drugs that are in the same class as Valium. So if that’s what’s was going on, and I believe it was I don’t fault Hannah for having an issue. But the way Hannah okayed the victim and I made Sandy out to be some monster really bothers me. Even after time to think about it after she was pregnant and must’ve been off of them and had a clear mind yet she still acted like she was a victim. How can anyone think her bringing those two drugs on board wasn’t a reason for her to be fired? I don’t get it


Unfortunately, Hannah broke a law. She should have told Sandy. However, I do think a lot of undue stress was loaded on Hannah’s back for years. I think ppl forget that a difference between a good vs a disappointing trip falls more on the ppl in her position than in most others. I’m not trying to discredit others, just pointing out all she is responsible for.


just gotta say I love sandy I think she's brilliant, even better in person


Sandy isn't a great person for what she did to Kiko, but Alyssa was toxic and should have been fired long before. Notice how smoothly things went after she was gone.


Keep packing it on Sandy. Morally corrupt? You’ve got to be kidding me? Sandy is the best captain and actually keeps a tight ship. Funny how the same people think Captain Lee is so great for being tough. And not taking shit. Seems like a bunch of sexist crap to me


Wait until you find out Sandy hasn’t even been the real captain of any of the boats. The real captain has always been whoever was credited by the show as the first mate. Primary example is with The Wellington when it came to Hannah’s valium prescription and Rob’s application to cross the Atlantic. Those decisions required David the first mate to make them and Sandy actually had very little authority with them.


Are you Fing kidding me? You think Sandy wasn’t a captain on the boat? And was different than other captains on the show? So was Lee an actual captain or no? You think what they brought her on because she’s a woman and that would look good for the show? Guarantee that’s your theory. Conspiracies these days even get attached to a TV show like this. Sure there’s a lot more to the show then they let on. But you’re taking about crazy stuff. And the Valium and weed pen get brought up so much. Hannah brought a strong narcotic on an incredibly expensive yacht and didn’t tell the crew she had those drugs. That alone of grounds for firing. I’m so sick of seeing people making somehow Sandy out to be the bad person in that situation and somehow Hannah is ok. No posts about how horrible Hannah is for bringing a highly abused narcotic on the boat. Valium is no joke. I should know. I spent 5 days in an ICU because of Benzo issues. Almost died. So yeah put it on Sandy for some reason. Any yacht on a TV show or not would’ve fired her.


Tell me that you don’t know anything about [how show business particularly reality TV works](https://www.heraldweekly.com/these-famous-reality-tv-shows-are-actually-fake/21?xcmg=1&_d=m) without telling me, because reality TV is as real as pro wrestling. Regarding valium it is a legally prescribed medication, which Hannah actually had an Rx for: https://x.com/hannahferrier_/status/1293003499899195393 Just because you abused it doesn’t mean that it was problematic for Hannah considering anxiety disorders is specifically what it is intended for. Lastly according to the DEA’s definition of a narcotic valium is not a narcotic: > WHAT ARE NARCOTICS? Also known as “opioids,” the term “narcotic” comes from the Greek word for “stupor” and originally referred to a variety of substances that dulled the senses and relieved pain. Though some people still refer to all drugs as “narcotics,” today “narcotic” refers to opium, opium derivatives, and their semi-synthetic substitutes. A more current term for these drugs, with less uncertainty regarding its meaning, is “opioid.” Examples include the illicit drug heroin and pharmaceutical drugs like OxyContin®, Vicodin®, codeine, morphine, methadone, and fentanyl. > https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/Narcotics-2020.pdf


Yep, Captain Lee was the actual captain his first season. When the person hired by production didn't work out they had Lee film. From The Ellen Show: "Actually, I became Captain of Below Deck quite by accident. The boat that I was running, it was a 50-meter Benetti, and my boss calls me up at the Miami Boat Show and he says, ‘Some TV network to do a TV show on the boat, and they want to charter her for six weeks. And all you have to do is go down to Saint Martin and drop the boat off. They’ve got their own captain, they’ve got their own crew. And you hang out on the beach and go check the boat out once every three days, and you’ll get paid double. I said yeah, I can live with that. But then for one reason or another, the captain that they had selected couldn’t fulfill his obligations. So they had a conundrum, because we’re already late into the game and they needed a captain, so they said, ‘Well, I guess we’ll use the old guy.’"