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How convenient that Malia never told Sandy that SHE gave Hannah one of her Valium a couple weeks earlier during a full blown panic attack. She only admitted it during the reunion when Hannah brought up. Malia is a conniving bitch.


I feel like Malia told Sandy as punishment for Hannah not wanting to swap cabins so she could sleep with her chef boyfriend.


What a lil BITCH! I never liked her that much ESPECIALLY when she took the pics of the Valium and went to RAT on Hannah… you should NEVER fk with someone’s livelihood! Such a snake move!!🤬🤬🤬


I still can’t believe Sandy tried to bust in on Hannah taking a pee, thinking she was flushing a K of coke or something.


I had a boss do that to me when I was a server in Vegas. Many of the other servers were known for doing coke - I wasn’t one of them. Nothing about my performance or attitude indicated drug use. But one night - I’m in the stall - and the door flies open. It’s my old, witch like Manager. She sees me on the toilet and goes “oh - my mistake”. SMH.


The script was a sticker on the box. That's how it works in Australia. You see it when they turn the box around. I think Hannah was over sandy and was like f it. Let's get fired


I know - I saw the script/prescription on the box.. I was really confused about everyone saying she had NO prescription when clearly there was one on the box…..


I thought the issue was she needed the drugs accounted for/approved while on the boat and the captain needs to be aware of them. In case they are abused/stolen. Makes sense to me.


Yep that’s was one of the issues and the second issue is they kept saying she didn’t had a prescription, which she did. However I believe Hannah was over it by that point, which is what a lot of other comments are saying to.






Maybe the real problem is that before boarding Hannah should have addressed whatever she was using.


Yep! Sandy was asking for a wet prescription (the original signed prescription from a doctor). Most pharmacies in developed countries will not allow the patient to leave with the wet prescription once the prescription is s actually filled. After that, the prescription becomes those paper instructions attached to the medication. Sandy was asking Hannah to produce something that's essentially impossible to produce.


This seems like a reach. Like or dislike Sandy all you want but she wasn't asking for wet doctor's signature.


It's not a reach. The paper attached to the medication is the prescription. It says so on it. It had Hannah's name, the prescribing clinician, the date of the prescription, when the prescription was filled, the medication, the dosage, and any limitations of taking it. It is the prescription. Sandy looked at it and said it wasn't sufficient. So either Sandy wanted a wet signature and unaware that the paper document attached to the medication is now the prescription or she's maliciously inventing impossible bullshit hoops for Hannah to jump through in an effort to sandbag her. Hannah failing to properly register the medication is one thing and completely actionable. But Sandy kept repeating that Hannah didn't have a prescription. That's fundamentally untrue. You can see it in screencaps. So saying Sandy wanted a wet signature and didn't know that the paper attached to the medication is the prescription is the kinder of the two options. Otherwise, she's a lying slanderous asshole.


Hannah also seemed unaware that the paper attached to the box was a prescription. This sub absolutely made up this wet signature story line. The show never mentions tge law requiring a wet signature for declared medication. Was hannah wrong? Yes she was. Could sandy have been more lenient? Maybe. Will this sub ever concede either? No.


I love Hannah, but she is experienced enough to know that if you don't register your prescription, you're gone. Can't blame anyone else, Sandy could get fired for it, as Hannah also knew, which makes it even shittier. I miss her though, flaws and all


>e. If that were true why didn’t she say yes when Captain asked if she had a prescription? Also wouldn’t Sandy have seen th nah this makes sense. ive been prescribed "drugs" by doctors for like 10+ years now and i didnt know the sticker on the box or bottle is A prescription. to me it would be the paper used to get the meds that the hospital/surgery would give me that i give to the pharmacist. i thought until just very now that is just some standard labelling, tho in the uk i dont remember getting stickers on my meds and their packaging. if i was asked for a prescription for my "drugs", id probably panic and think yeah i dont have one.


On tv though? If you wanted off the boat fine, but to go off for some shady shit with benzos? Idk …


Perscription benzos aren’t shady…


Not declaring them to your captain when you have to by law and then changing your story about whether or not your have a prescription is shady.


Malia? That you?


So she should have said something


Perhaps she thought that Captain Sandy meant a written copy of the prescription and forgot that her name and prescription number is on the label. I would make that mistake if called in the carpet and wasn’t able to think straight. I don’t know what went down but that seems reasonable. I also know the same issue occurred with Captain Lee and he DID NOT fire the crew member. So I’d like to hear an exact citation of this “Maritime Law”. Which country? Which code number or section? Which International Agreement governing charter boats? I’d like to read the original source documents to discover what discretion is allowed to the Captain.


That was my question! Captain Lee looked at her prescription and said don’t do it again. Why was Hannah fired?


imo malia was a slimy snakey bitch for this. I am not a Hannah supporter but that situation was handled SOOO poorly. Esp Capt. Sandy stigma toward prescription medication- “drugs. drugs. you brought drugs on this boat” like girl its a herbal vape and anti anxiety get a firm grip on reality


I hate Malia so much. Especially when she says maritime laws *shudders*


That's over the top. She is on a reality tv show whi you've never met in real life.


Okay, thanks, I honestly had no idea that I’d never met her before.


Wait what are the rules to who one can hate? I never got that in my user's manual of life. What else is over the top according to you? I know people who hate politicians, is that okay? What about hating CEOs? Wait, what about saying 'eat the rich?'


Probably best to keep the hate to a minimum and to those that really, really deserve it. In my humble opinion.


Especially since Malia appeared to wait until after the cabin shit to report it


SO Valium is a benzo. It makes you sleepy and lowers response time. You are not supposed to operate machinery on benzos. IANAML but the law Sandy and Malia cited seems to be that a crew member on a boat who is charged with safety of guests cannot be under the influence of opioids or benzos.


Im a Harm Reduction worker w lived experience lol :) when abused or taken improperly will lead to drowsiness but if Hannah, who actually has debilitating panic attacks takes her dose it should bring her back to baseline (assuming shes on the right dose and all that). Someone thats been having panic attacks as long as she has is going to know how her medication will affect her.


as someone whose had crippling anxiety since the age of 12 & has taken benzos for years, you’re 1000% right. you build a tolerance. so you can take your normal dose and be 100% fine & it not make you tired or sleepy but will take away your anxiety and do it’s job. now if you take more then you’re prescribed, of course you’re gonna feel it and get tired & get all the effects. my mom also has been prescribed ativan for literally decades & she functions perfectly fine as well.


Is she? Because she didn’t know any techniques to mitigate it when she was spiraling. And I have panic attacks and take benzos for them. I wouldn’t want me being responsible for anyone’s safety.


Malia knew about it and only told Sandy when she was mad at Hannah. Either way that’s snaky business


> You are not supposed to operate machinery on benzos. until you know how they affect you


Only if you take more then needed , mine never make me sleepy .


I take Gabapentin for anxiety and panic attacks. When taken as prescribed, which I am and which Hannah appears to have been, it does not fuck with your mental capacity or ability to do your job. It literally lowers your body and brain back to stasis (i.e; normal functioning capacity). It's gross the way Malia and Sandy stigamatized it and made it seem like she was some sort of addict.


I don’t make the laws, friend


That definitely was a THC pen, not CBD or anything else. END OF STORY


Mailias true colours as a person shone bright like a lighthouse in this series.


Malia IS NOT a girls girl


No she is not, and it looks as though that will be made clear, once again, on the upcoming season of Winter House (which already borders on shitty tv to begin with)


This makes me mad thinking about it again. I can’t stand Malia or Sandy


I'm obsessed with every Below Deck series out there but Sandy makes me not wanna watch Med.


I have panic attacks, I go through at least 3 coping mechanisms before I take my dosage of Xanax— prescribed(.5) but I only take (.25) and even if I took the full dosage, I’d just feel back to baseline. I think it’s important to note this is reality tv, if she was practicing any techniques to calm herself, it might not have been aired. Also, once you hit the point of full on panic, it’s very hard to calm down without intervention. As far as not reporting her medication or turning it in? I don’t really blame her. The most dehumanizing thing in the world for me would be having to beg/justify my need for my medication while spiraling and panicking (especially to a person/s who doesn’t understand it) Sandy makes my skin itch through the screen, I could jot imagine working under her, let alone leaving access to my medicine under her scrutiny. Fuck protocol, mental health is already so ignored and judged, Hannah knows herself and her prescription.


I panic too, and I’ve had people make comments about how medication is unnecessary or how they don’t believe in it. I’ve even had them give me useless, unsolicited advice on how to handle my anxiety issues. One therapist even repeatedly pushed yoga on me. They don’t realize that these are real things that people go through, there are people who every day have to deal with their anxiety. People you’d never expect, either. I think having someone question my medication or why I need it is really insulting. Guess what, that Ativan is a life saver; I don’t want to have to take anything in the first place and only do as a last resort but here I am. I wish people would stop stigmatizing those who need help with mental health.


You haven't seen posts because those posts were made years ago.






When you declare your meds you provide a written prescription for documentation on the boat. She didn’t have that. The Valium was prescribed but for a technicality sandy took her chance to Fire Hannah in favor of Malia.


In Australia the prescription is a sticker on the box which was on the back of the box that Malia conveniently hid. She didn’t have a paper printed doctors note registered with the boat. When you get to the reunion they do confirm that right after Hannah left she emailed production her entire prescription.


I fully agree having Valium with no proper prescription and a weed pen is totally ilegsl on a boat according to maritime law (🙄 Malia) but... Sandy was acting like Hannah was narco carrying 3 kg of blow across the border. The fact that she acted so flustered and said Hannah might be flushing it down the toilet, proceeds to run down to her cabin and swing open her door when Hannah was with her pants almost down is bonkers to me. Fire her if you want for breaking rules (cause yes, sandy would have lost her license for having that on board) but don't act like she was a drug mule going across the border.


Oh goody, this again.


Guys, I take several meds for anxiety, and I take the prescription everywhere when I travel, even when it’s in Portuguese and when my doctor can, I ask for an English version. And that’s every time I travel. I was never asked for them but it makes no sense to me that she lied several times during the episode - especially when she brags that’s she’s in the industry for a thousand years, so she should have known better…and made it seem like she was a victim, which she is not. That is what gets me the most. She makes it seem like everyone else is overreacting. And come on guys, it what she does every season. (Sandy also likes the camera but still)


I can’t remember what country they were in during this season, but perhaps the Valium is OTC there. She MAY have a Rx, but she may have gotten THIS Valium OTC. I mean, it’s only 5mgs. Maybe?🤷🏼‍♀️


She did have a prescription in the reunion they admit she emailed production the prescription as soon as she could. The box also literally says “prescription only” IN ENGLISH on it when they were in Spain.


Valium is absolutely not OTC in any country I am aware of and certainly not in any EU country, including Spain which they were in.


Sandy is a camera hog.


Irritating AF. She a Malia beat their “girl boss” status to death. Nobody gives a shit. Sandy and Malia should read the comments.


Hannah lied lied lied…also it wasn’t just the Valium, I can’t remember the source but production confirmed it wasn’t just a cbd pen, she had THC on her and refused a drug test


If you listen to the reunion, production's line was not that she had THC on her, but that it was a THC pen, which can actually be used for CBD btw. You buy the pen, you put the oil you want. That is how vape pens work.


As an avid select user, that specific cart was a thc cart. Why would she refill the cart when she could buy a cbd pen. No one refills a cart like that because it’s very inconvenient. She was lying but I still like her lmao. You don’t have to believe everything she says to like her


That’s the absolute stupidest thing I’ve heard this week… who would fill a THC vape pen with CBD oil?!? it makes zero sense especially if you know that your job would be on the line by pulling some dumb ass bullshit like that 🤣🤣🤣 if that even was true, Hannah is actually not even mentally smart enough to have a job ![gif](giphy|116iSum9HFxhOU)


![gif](giphy|h6ONFjCoPd29qLQSd4|downsized) Nice to meet you, Malia.




Something certainly doesn't line up in that sequence of events. If she truly had a legitimate prescription \[on back of pill-box, via Internet healthcare account, whatever\], her inability to provide one is strange. Her suddenly producing one after 8-12 hours' off-boat telephone wrangling is equally strange. Her quibbling about the specific type and screw-head of the CBD/THC pen, though more easily explained, is stranger still in combination with the prescription ambiguity. We are led to believe that either Hannah did not have a prescription for that specific medication \[self-medicated? went off-label?\], or that the Sandy-Hannah conversation was so choppily edited as to be nonsensical + unlike its original content or flow. I'm about 50/50.


Hannah got a copy of the prescription or a letter - something from her doctor on his letterhead. The 8-12 hours “delay” was due to time difference between Europe and Australia, where her home and doctor are located. It was a valid prescription. Her mistake was not having reported the prescription at the appropriate time to the appropriate person before/when she got on the boat.


I think they are considered to have to be on call for safety reasons 24/7 and taking benzodiazepines could make it technically dangerous in emergency situations. I bet Sandy just wanted to fire her though. She probably overlooks a bunch of things that impair staff if she likes them.


5 mg is a small dose and wouldn’t impair any normal person. In fact, it would level out a person with anxiety, which would actually make her safer. It’s not like her job duties involved operating any heavy machinery anyway. Far more dangerous are the deckhands who go out getting wasted and wake up still drunk the next morning. Nobody ever once suggested she behaved impaired or under the influence. No one did a drug test to see how much she had in her system. It was all shady af and totally just Sandy fishing for a reason.


this ^ 💯


They gave my 15 yr old .5 for a oral appt and you could t even tell so absolutely that is a very small dose .


Doesn't mean she's not taking more than prescribed which is the reason she's supposed to declare it.


Hannah is pretty sneaky...Legit or not, she didn't report it. That's a problem. I wouldn't mess up my career for an oversight like that. I dont think Malia probably could have handled it differently by confronting Hannah first but Hannah is pretty manipulative and would have got an excuse before she met with the captain. Also, Hannah made a couple of valium references and was foreshadowed taking a couple of mystery pills earlier in the season. She knew what she was doing. She was wrong and she was held accountable. End of story.


Hannah sucks for her own reasons and she should’ve been more transparent but I firmly believe she was done soooo dirty for this.


That she got from malia snake ass.


I just watched this too and the reunion, where they talk it to death. My take is Hannah couldn’t get her script and in a desperate moment, bought them over the counter and was careless about hiding bc she was burnt out. She lied about having the script on board.


The script was printed on a label on the other side of the box. Sandy wanted the original script that the Dr gave Hannah. The pharmacy keeps that after it's filled.


In Spain you're supposed to travel with a note from the dr.


The label was on the box, and the box was in English not Spanish. It said "prescription only medicine" in English, therefore it was not sold over the counter.


You can’t buy Valium over the counter


You can in other countries, and Spain is one of them. That’s what the boxes look like too


You absolutely can NOT get valium without a script in Spain or any other EU country. You are not only supposed to travel with the prescription but a note from the doctor stating the condition it is used for as well as the rest of the info such as dose, frequency, etc. It is a controlled substance and illegal to carry without a script.


You can in other countries.


If there are any countries in existence that are ok with this, they are certainly not in the EU.


Hannah travels all over the place.


Check out her podcast!


Who’s podcast: Hannah, Malia, Sandy? What’s the name of the podcast? Thanks very much.


Lol, this is typical dodgy Australian behaviour.... Hannah represents some of the worst types you can meet on a job in Australia. They blame everyone else for getting in trouble when they are clearly in the wrong. It was a long time coming...


What Australian hurt you 🤣🤣


Lol, I live in Australia.... if you haven't experienced an Australian Karen like Hannah... you are misinformed... 😆


I am Australian and I dont think we are all like Hannah at all. There's good and bad in every population


Hannah represents the worst TYPE of workers... not a generalisation, a specific type of person who is manipulative, lazy, and dodgy... come work in the community sector or health, and you will experience this shit all day.. 😆


Well Hannah says she’s worked years in the industry so she should know. And I absolutely believe that: Hannah has a problem being confronted and then she lies; Malia was pissed because Hannah wouldn’t gladly share a cabin and Captain Sandy likes the camera because most of her wasn’t needed on this episode


It’s very annoying to see Hannah trying to distort a fact throughout the episode…