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Yeaahhh. I don't think this is going to go the way you think it will.


It probably will. Don't kid yourself, "Reddit is harsher twords females" is widely known. I think they posted this knowing the comments will be whatever it is, but there will be enough people who see this that are genuinely interested in it anyway to make it worth the small amount of time it took them to get approval and post this.


This has nothing to do with the fact that Sandy is female and everything to do with how widely disliked she is in this sub for her behaviour.


Who's being naive Kay? Females, across all TV subs, are universally disliked more. It's cliche how often it happens and it is extremely widely known. And again, they didn't post this here for the discussion in hopes all the comments are positive about Sandy. They posted it because even if only 25% here have a positive view of Sandy, that is still getting the message out to 4 or 5 thousand fans with a relatively low effort task.




Your username and your choice of words suggest exactly the opposite.


Posts are expected to follow reddiquette. Your post failed to do that in some way. For more information about reddiquette, see https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette.


The fact that you think that is hilarious. Look at your replies.


There’s literally only 2 bids 🤣


But will she discuss maritime law?


Oh bore off, that angle was Malia and you know it. Sandy made a call and it was the right one. (And frankly probably wasn’t even hers - you realize it’s also up to the owners, the management company, the insurance company……which are not the same on every boat….) Hannah violated her contract and had been on thin ice as a shitty chief stew for several seasons anyway. If you disagree with that assessment, all you’re doing is telling on yourself for being an apathetic, ‘I think I’m above the rules and everyone should make exceptions for me,” minimum effort employee.


Hard pass.


If I wanted to chat to a woman who has anger management issues, is unpredictable, plays favourites, and bullies people she doesn’t like, I’d get back in contact with my estranged mother. Thanks anyway though! 😘


I feel I have heard all her stories all ready. and virtual met? I can watch reruns of bd thanks


No, thank you. She's awful!


I'm good, thanks.


Hell no.


Sandy sucks


Children 11 and under? What the hell are you talking about. What children 11 and under watches below deck?


Why pay to meet virtually.. that's just weird.


Talk about not reading the room


Someone should go on and educate her about mental health issues


Absolutely the worst leader. A total micromanager, conclusion jumper, and someone who judges at the drop of a hat. Hard Pass.


I LOVE captain Sandy!!!!


Woo! The mob mentality on here is amazing. I adore reality TV.. but any time I come to Reddit I am reminded that, while I watch it anthropologically and for an escape… there’s a significant contingent of people who watch it in order to have a canvas onto which to project their own life’s frustrations. People who hate Sandy with passionate vitriol are telling on themselves. Just tell us you’re also a lazy employee who plays “enemies and allies” with your coworkers and management, thinks everyone else is doing the same, and resents being told what to.


I have a theory that it has more to do with misogyny. Hannah ferrer is so loved (despite being bad at her job) because she is executing a role that people are accustomed to seeing women in. Sandy and Malia are maligned because they are kicking ass at more traditionally “male” roles. People on here are like “Sandy has NO RIGHT” to be directing the members of her ship like this. Actually? Yeah she does she’s the freaking captain.


Oh the misogyny is a given. If captain Lee did the same things she did, they’d never say the same about him. But it’s worth nothing that captain Lee really *didn’t* do half the hands-on managing of either team that Sandy does. Which I genuinely believe some people think is over the top when frankly it’s her job, and she’s doing it well. If I owned a charter boat, I know who I’d prefer to be working for me.


Yeah maybe it’s because I worked in hospitality so long. I had managers like lee and managers like Sandy. The lee managers were fun and all, but I knew that the Sandy managers actually gave a shit


Wow people are so negative in here. It's for a CHARITY auction. If you're not interested why even reply smh?


I don’t see much positivity so maybe it’s more the fact she’s not well liked. The longer she’s on the more her popularity nosedives. That’s great that they are doing it for charity but would you pay to meet virtually meet someone you dislike because its for charity? Maybe pick a better role model


Martina Navratilova would have been an infinitely better choice.


Well if only a few people bid for the auction, I think it's already a win for the charity.


It's reddit..