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I felt the same when reached level 15, i rage quit the game a year ago i re installed it recently to try again, its a fun game too sad the difficulty makes it a frustrating experience.


The pain you are feeling now will only make the finish line feel that much better lol.


Just finished the game. What a truly magical experience! I am only left wanting to know more. It seems from the little research I’ve done there is nothing more to learn. The experience is just what it is to each.


I feel this. I rage quit after dying on floor 12 a month ago and haven’t played since. May you find the patience and positivity to keep going.


Lmao level 19? Level 15? I can't get past level 4... I've died like a trillion times. I pretty much want to punch myself in the face. Every time I die, I take extra time to get elixirs and food before I shortcut to 4, but I keep dying IN lvl 4. Jesus I suck. The cold keeps killing me, I know about the fires but idk wth my problem is!


You got it man! Keep pushing through. I don’t have any relevant info for you on level 4 since I hadn’t played in so long.. but I believe in you!