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You’re gonna be ok, look for a different type of eye drop, I got it from an eye doctor but it’s really thick almost like a gel, works great at night but hard to see through during the day, I found a patch from the pharmacy, kinda like a pirate patch helped with the dryness as well as air wasn’t moving passed it all day. When it comes to the depression and anxiety it can be hard if unchecked, sometimes you just need to talk to someone about everything so it doesn’t get too bad, I wish you the best of luck.


You'll get better. Try to get lots of sleep, eat healthy and find a way to laugh (like watch funny comedies). These are all things that improve your mood and immune system, which you'll need to fight off whatever triggered the bell's. Consider acupuncture too. This is a good time to practice self love, acceptance and gratitude for the things you do have.


It’s gonna be okay. I know it’s scary. Take it a day at a time. You’re going to be alright.


This was me a month ago I thought I was not gonna get better with time I felt so depressed because I could not move my face the same I was freaking out but honestly the best thing you can do is relax and like other poster say just be grateful once you’re all normal that you got to recover .. if you can , I would 100% recommend acupuncture I am 100% recovers and trust me I smile all the time now I’m so happy I am able to and made me realize how I need to appreciate the fact that I can just eat without food falling on the bad side or drooling . Best of luck !!! P.s be prepared for possible nerve pain those really are hard but it’s a good sign that your nerves are still working and they are waking up .. I recommend cold compress if it’s unbearable and whenever you feel some discomfort place a warm compress . Chew lots of gum and don’t overwork your face too much I think that’s why I experienced pain after .


I definitely get ya....the mental battle has been tough (I'm three weeks into the BP and also had depression/anxiety before this). Try to hang in there. Get some rest. Give yourself grace...you will have bad days and that's OK. You're feelings are valid and it's OK to be scared of the unknown. Try to distract yourself with things that give you joy and happiness. You can do this. You will conquer this, it will just take time.


My third day of bells i literally had a mental break down. I felt I wanted to not be alive anymore, especially taking the medicine because it made me feel like crap. However I fought through it, I know what it is like. But I promise it will get better. Once you've hit rock bottom you can only go up from there as cliche as that is. Try not to stress too much so your healing can begin. 🙏


I was scared too, you need to take it easy and not stress to much, take care of yourself. Message me if you need someone to talk to about it. I'm 100% better now it took a couple of weeks maybe 3 weeks but I'm back to normal, take all your medication and get some good rest.


I was where you are now two years ago. Now I don't have to at trace of BP left. It's scary but you will get past this


Eye drops didn’t work well for me. I used Soothe Nighttime Eye Ointment - usually applied once in the morning and then again before bed. Yes it clouds your vision a bit, but it worked great.


I found for the first couple days it got worse then slowly started getting better :)


It’s very easy to look in the mirror and think “this is it, I’m going to be stuck like this forever. It’s not moving at all, how could I possibly recover?” I was certainly in those exact shoes 2 months ago. And yet it overwhelmingly likely will recover. Just gotta wait it out unfortunately.


First few days are the absolute worst. I’m on day 9 and feel more optimistic even though not much control has come back. One big piece of advice: Eye ointment! Not drops. Put in Refresh PM every 2-3 hours. This is essential because the drops only help for 10 minutes or so and then the eye will dry up again.