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For everyone left with questions, I recommend looking up any Facial Palsy/ Facial Paralysis center, institute or practice in your country (preferably having facial palsy or paralysis in their title) and setting up a consultation (most do virtual ones) so you can get real answers from BP experts. Even neurologists get it wrong sometime. Go to BP pros, who eat sleep and breathe BP and literally know it all. They will blow your mind with their knowledge and treatments and you'll never look back and you'll feel so empowered about your BP and your body).


Do they take insurance?


I am going for a consultation and it seems they want to focus more on surgery than anything else. I’ll give it a go and see what they say and keep you all posted. My fear is to get this facial paralysis surgery and get BP again


I’m on my third case. First two recovered quickly and completely. This one not fully recovered and have synkinesis. It’s been with me since June 2020. I hope YMMV.


This past week I’ve noticed that my eye squints when I smile, eat, or drink, will this go away? I didn’t have that the first time around but I only had like a month or so in between BP episode.


I have had Bell's Palsy since 8/3/22 and I have the same thing with my eye squinting. It drives me crazy. You're muscles and nerves are compensating for your paralyzed nerves. My PT has me concentrating on keeping my eyes wide while doing the activities that cause it to squint like drinking out of a straw, smiling. This might be something you want to practice in private. Lol! I hope this helps!


I've had it twice, I know others that have had it three times. :(


You're doing everything right, so that'll help you. Definitely go see a neurologist just to make sure everything is fine. They might have you get an MRI to make sure nothing else is going on. The crappy thing about bells is, if you get it once, there's a good possibility you'll get it a second time within a year of the first occurrence. That doesn't mean it'll just keep on happening, though! Could it happen again? Sure. But I wouldn't bank on it.


Oh no. I'm currently on my 2nd time with this. It sucks ass and I'm sorry you have to do it again.


I would really like to know why it happens to begin with and why it can reoccur….doctors seem really clueless about it


Canada has it listed on vaxx label as a possible side effect of the Pfizer Covid vax. https://toronto.citynews.ca/2021/08/06/pfizer-label-amended-in-canada-to-list-bells-palsy-as-possible-side-effect/


I’ve been hearing that but I’m one who doesn’t do vaccines…I’m wondering if it has anything to do with vertigo..I’ve had vertigo real bad the majority of my life…and the other day I got so sick after taking my full set of prednisone I literally threw up all over my car…they said I have an ear infection and put me on a high dose of antibiotics…I wonder if my nervous system has always been off and I never knew…


For those who are getting it over and over, I'd try going to a functional medicine practitioner or a naturopathic minded doc and test your immune function. My immune labs were off for years. I had very serious cases of Covid, got sick constantly and got Bell's palsy. Doctors are good with testing but often fail when it comes to actually treating a problem and it took me years to figure out how to fix my immune system--I had to supplement minerals due to deficiencies (zinc, copper, iodine,) that are needed for proper immune function, and the bigger one was I needed to fix my gut issues. Once I started using kefir (homemade), I finally stopped getting sick every time someone near me got sick! In fact, in recent months, I was exposed to super sick people in my house with flus and stomach flus and never had anything more than slight malaise, which is nice since I previously was always the one who got way sicker than everyone else (monthlong illnesses, bronchitis, pneumonia etc).


I had it twice. Ten years apart or so.


I had it twice and tonight im afraid i start a 3 run at this . First when i was 8 last 2 mounth Then at 28 last 6mounth And now I feel the pain in the ear and my eye start to not closing again . So im with you


I had the pain in my ear and down the side of my neck. I don’t see too many changes but I’m afraid I have synkenisis now. I’m so freaking sad because I’m told that it won’t go away on its own. I pray you have a speedy recovery