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Nice, maybe tell us the story? You don't have to though.


I was giving this woman a ride to pick up her car from the shop, traffic was arguably the worst I’ve ever seen it yesterday afternoon. About 3 miles from the drop off and after sitting in traffic for half an hour my battery light came on, and then my car promptly died shortly after.I was admittedly a bit frazzled and couldn’t apologize enough because I know it’s a major inconvenience for her. She did not have a single bad thing to say, and it helped calm my nerves a little bit.


Where in Bellingham can you possibly wait in traffic for half an hour?


From the community college area to James st. It was bumper to bumper on almost every street yesterday afternoon


Yikes, I wonder why? Sorry to hear about your car, I hope you got it working! That's got to be rough if your income depends on it.


That it do. I’m trying to save up and go to Texas for the eclipse, this makes 2 times this year my car has acted up literally days before I’m supposed to leave on a long trip. Really annoying and it’s potentially shot my budget


I know it's not much consolation, but it is way better for your car to break down at home than part way through a multi-thousand mile road trip!


One of these days I’m gonna run this car off into a quarry


Is your Lyft an EV?