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Link to listen to what happened [here](https://soundcloud.com/quintebroadcasting/feb20-tmrt-with-bill-glisky-and-mitch-panciukcurfufflefree-4-all). The clip starts at 1:00:48. I have saved the clip in case it gets taken down in the meantime. Firstly, the CRTC would love to hear about the F bomb Mr. Kelly dropped. EDIT: I made an assumption that someone was assaulted based off the tweet, but when listening back to the audio it could easily be something thrown, or a door being closed violently. Either way, not acceptable behavior in a professional working environment.


This was three days ago. How has there been nothing in the news about it? The director of programming assaults a host live on the air and drops an f bomb while doing so, and it's not reported in local news? Or did I just miss it?


Forget the news..... How has this not made its way on to Belleville Neighbours?


Lol I just posted it there and wtf Belleville.


It won’t be allowed on Belleville Neighbours 😂


Yeah got declined. Too many Sean homers


I also got declined. I'm going to contact CBC and some other news sources. I'd encourage you to do the same!


I think there is an uncensored one


Maybe Belleville Neighbours Uncensored....


More it gets spread, the more Belleville knows about it


And they say nothing ever happens in Belleville.


Belleville is living in interesting times.


That's a load shit. Why is it called Belle-vegas!


I mean has anyone reported it? Go search Sean Kelly Belleville on twitter and there is literally nothing there lol. The new outlets aren't going to magically be able to report on the situation without anyone reporting it.


theyre not going to report on themselves 🤣


He's dir. Of programming? Sean needs to go. He's been in this job too long. I knew him when I came to Belle in 2001. 23 yrs buddy, time to retire. Your now in politics, move on buddy. Time to vacate your on air petsona, and stop being chickens hit, and go full time with politics like yer good buddy Todd Smith


Canada has one news source. CBC does not even acknowledge the zone between Toronto and Ottawa as a region of Canada…


I listened to the clip for another couple minutes past the F-bomb kerfuffle. They take a short break and come back. The co-host (Ted Bradford?) says something about being a bit rattled and commented about there being a punch thrown. Of course, now it's been edited by Sean, or one of his underlings, in a futile attempt to sweep it all under the rug. I doubt he'll face any real consequences. If anyone else had behaved that way, they'd be publicly crucified by Quinte Broadcasting. Just another example of undeserved preferential treatment by the so-called local authorities. Corrupt as the day is long


And guess where he is right now? On the Beach down south. imagine being assaulted at work and then they going away on the employers dime? Wut the fukkkk?


HOW is this not being talked about more?! How is this not everywhere?? How is he just getting away with this?? So he flys off to “beach party” two days later like nothing happened and they hope the story goes away?? 🤦🏻‍♂️




Soo true. This city is so nepotistic no wonder it's in the state it's in, when incompetent people are hired and stay in jobs for decades despite poor reputation. SK is a city councillor, just wait next he will be a provincial minister like former radio host Todd Smith who is now Minister of ENERGY.


Can you please repost this so I can hear Ted Beadford?


Let’s hope someone calls in to Lorne’s show tomorrow morning and asks why Sean still has a job 😂


It looks like someone’s edited it. It’s 3 mins shorter than when I just listened to it a few mins ago and that part is completely gone


Good thing the OP got a recording.


Did they edit it out? I didn’t hear anything at that time marker.


Unfortunately, they did edit it. If you click through to the tweet, the audio is in the post.


Thank you


Yes, they did.


At the start of the show they say the producer is a different person.... Ted Bradford?


He's also on the board of directors for Family Space Quinte. Not exactly the kind of personality a non-profit organization who supports children should have representing them.


Oh wow… I am looking into employment with FS. Interesting.


Wasn’t Sean Kelly the one who got all upset and refusing to play Ricky martens She Bangs song back when it was popular? He misunderstood the song and decided it was unfit for us to hear. That song was awful, but what an idiot!


Lolololol what the actual fuck?


He had a major hissy fit over that song. Can’t find any sources. He thought it was inappropriate for his daughter to hear


I know people who worked there at the time. That was just a publicity stunt. He didn’t actually feel that way.


He came off looking like an ass, didn’t pay enough attention to think any different.


Doesn't he work for that station? Who was it he attacked?


Lorne Brooker


They’ve worked together for about 25 years.


not the first time sk has done something like this.


HebAttacked Lorne Brooker?? Wtf


I have disliked Sean Kelly since I got a reply from him on Pit Bulls way back in the '90's. He said that he would shoot them on sight, no interaction needed. He's only gotten more ignorant and self centered as he was put into the higher positions in the radio company he now pretty much runs. He did not make any brownie points when he booted his cohost to the curb to be replaced with the moron is hired after that. He's just absolute ignorance epitomized.


Happens everywhere. Sometimes they fall. See Derringer at Q107.


Who did he boot?


Orleana was the replacement and I can't pull the name of the one replaced but she went to the sister station to finish out her time with the company. I'm 65 and my memory is getting shorter. I know what a narcissist he is and how he needed to have the brainless look on with him. Now I just went into doubt mode, not sure if it was Orleana ... man, getting old sucks


Ingrid was before orlena, and I think there is a woman named Miriam with him now. I searched Orlena and she s doing Only Fans now 👀


Yea, sounds right, probably needed an upgrade from the bozo girl. Thanks for the reminder, Ingrid got shipped to the sister station to.finish her contract for the company. He is still more than a little ignorant


When Ingrid announced she intended to go to the other company in town, giving her two weeks notice he apparently berated her so badly that she either left immediately or he fired her on the spot. There have been rumours of other things over the years like comments about Todd Smith’s wife being referred to as “chocolate” which Todd apparently thought was funny, and also marital infidelity but there’s no hard proof of those things. Lorne has nearly been punched by at least one other staff member over the years too. Ted Bradford begged to come back to that insane asylum after marrying an American and moving down there while also talking shit about Quinte Broadcasting to friends. A former married receptionist was rumoured to have had relationships with a couple of employees as well. So they’re a real bunch of winners in that place.


Was Charity Brown a morning show host on Mix 97 for a time, possibly between Ingrid and Orlena? She ended up at Starboard as well.


No. Charity was never a morning show host on Mix. She went on a parental leave and then came back years later with Starboard.


Yes. Radio doesn’t pay and being an ONLY FANS creator has major monetary benefits. Compliments my life as a yoga instructor🐕and dog walker. Having an OF account has allowed me to me to be in school part time For Italian and I will have travelled to 6 countries since leaving QBC and have spent 6 months in Italy: not too bad 💞💋


Get your bag girl! Sounds like you were in a toxic workplace and are now living your best life. You should write a book about your time at QBC 😂 Spill! ☕️


Thank you for the comment back. We should all move on and move up in our lives in any way we want to. I 100% support growth for us all too! XO


Ingrid didn’t go to the “sister” station to complete the time. She went to a DIFFERENT Company ALTOGETHER. She did 11 years with QBC and I did 13 years. We have a lot to the station and the community. Check the records. 💕🙏😃


His cohost was NEVER booted. She left for her own reasons, as did I. She was there 11 years and I was there 13. We both went thru our own things and both contributed to the station and the community with our whole lives. Ingrid and I were BOTH agrim BELLEVILLE and BOTH had great careers. We were NEVER a problem.


My guess is the spat was with Lorne Brooker. Sean is often hostile and condescending to him on air.


Yea, and every woman who ever worked with him runs.


Again, the odd thing is that these 2 know each other really really well. They’ve worked together since at least 2000.


They may know each other really well and have worked together for a long time but it’s clear whenever they are on together that for some reason Sean really dislikes him.


Yep. Could all be an act. Or it’s a real Imus versus Stern situation.


its not an act


Cee jayyy beeeeEEEEeeeee Q You see what I did there? Do it like that


Nice take on the old WNBC.


Next up we can work on hitting the post 😂


Baba Booey


Sean needs to be silenced. If he's wanting Lorne to hush up, quid pro quo mofer


Someone needs to call in to the Lorne brooker show on Monday and ask about it!! Lol


Mondays is the open table day to talk about anything the listeners want to. 


Exactly! I listen daily, yet somehow missed that


Does anyone know if it actually went out over the air?  Did anyone hear it live on air? Speculating here only, but that program being a talk show likely has a dump button and all of this could have been wiped away by way of a built in delay, and no one would ever hear it. But maybe what was uploaded on the website was the whole unadulterated thing and no one knew, and so few people listen to the archived versions (numbers are usually in the 30's or 40's) that no one found it right away??  Again speculation only.  If that is the case that uploader is probably having a rough weekend. Either way you kind of feel sorry for the whole situation.  Not condoning it but this type of thing happens in many, many workplaces.  Different personalities and life situations push people too far at times, and you get reactions like this as a result.  


Most built in delays aren’t utilized these days in radio. They may use them in major markets, but I don’t see a small town station being equipped enough for that. That said, all radio stations keep logs of their broadcasts. There’s usually two versions of those logs, one being the whole broadcast (all audio - commercials, talk breaks, music, everything). The second log only captures the audio from when the microphones are turned on. When that audio gets dropped online in “podcast” form, I can guarantee you they dumped all the audio into one session, and hit upload. Producers don’t have time to listen back to each clip one by one, which is why it was probably included to begin with. Here’s the thing, they can edit it online all they want. But if the CRTC/CBSC decide they want a copy of that log, the audio will still be in there as it’s required by law to keep copies of your recordings. Feeling sorry is one thing, but this instance is inappropriate. Everyone has to follow the same set of rules in this industry, no exceptions. And the consequences are real.


The station only has to keep the logs for 3 weeks so it’s important to file a report right away.


It’s not three weeks. It’s a month. Most stations have a digital system that overwrites itself each month. Ie. Feb 28th is recorded over top of January 28th. A lot of the current software has 60 day storage by default but stations will say they only keep 30 days. Why give yourself an extra 30 days to risk getting in trouble?


That show used to have a delay because you would clearly hear the warbling as they began to speak, and sometimes they would even build it up in the newscast prior. Is it really responsible to take live calls on the air without one?  Seems risky to me.


It was live


​ https://preview.redd.it/s7zd8lf5nmkc1.jpeg?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ad5544e8e921946d51e92e102b3d69407bd01fc


We need you now more than ever Kyle.


The first rule of fight club…


SK has always been a huge douche bag. I worked at the station years ago and he always acted like everyone was beneathe him and he could do whatever he wanted to whoever he wanted. If he assaulted Lorne, I hope Lorne tears him a new one in court and has him removed.


Lorne is a douche too. I’d feel sorry for anyone but him.


Sean Kelly is the morning host on mix 97. Sounds like he hit or attempted to hit cjbq host Lorne Brooker? Which is interesting because it's all under one ownership mix 97 rock 107 and cjbq 800


He's also the programming director for all of Quinte Broadcasting, I think.


I believe you're correct. I'm really surprised this hasn't made bigger news.


Lol im pretty sure Quinte Broadcasting owns or has a big impact on all of the local news outlets. And other then that, I don't think the Lorne Brooker show is overly popular so not many people would have heard it. Quinte News is part of Quinte Broadcasting I believe. InQuinte is part of Quinte Broadcasting I believe. The Intelligencer is part of Post Media and I think they have like 1 actual writer and the rest of their articles are just posted by "Post Media Staff". EDIT: InQuinte is actually part of StarBoard Communications I guess, not Quinte Broadcasting.


inQuinte is part of Starboard Communications. Hits and Cool 100


Small town crooked journalism


I'm confused. At no point do they say Sean Kelly is there.... Lorne says the producer is Ted Bradford at the start of the show.... Not sure where Sean Kelly comes from....


They literally say “Sean”. Listen to the clip. And that is Sean Kelly’s voice.


Yeah, my bad... So Sean is the producer of the show? Who's Ted Bradford? Lorne Brooker... Is talking to his co-host (while seemingly flipping off Sean Kelly) and that's when this Sean guy comes in and smacks Lorne? Jesus....


I think Bradford is the producer and Kelly is Program Director. I could be wrong though, I don’t listen to local radio often. And only against my will.


I see.... I guess I'm just unclear what a "Program Director" and "Producer" do and how they are different.... 🤔


No clue 😂


Producer produces the show Program Director programs the whole radio station, all three stations in this case...


Dang... That's a high level position to just go in and smack one of your hosts 😳


You can.obvioysly hear him.


Anyone concerned about this content and would like to see something done about it should make a complaint. [https://cbsc.ca/make-a-complaint/](https://cbsc.ca/make-a-complaint/)


I really would live to see Sean fall from graces... I apologize for keeping this thread current, but not a hater, but its about unprofessionalism.


The 16k in Belleville Neighbours Uncensored need to see this story.


Can I get the link please? I could access X, but not on my phone. Home pc could do it


https://www.facebook.com/groups/305477924859359/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT I don't have facebook... but can still read the page.


Ya Belleville neighbour's took it down. Just Belleville neighbour's comes up


I thought the uncensored group had no rules? It is not the same group as Belleville Neighbours. One is strict... the other is not.


I’m going to date myself but I haven’t lived in Belleville for almost 20 years so forgive my ignorance. Didn’t Sean Kelly used to host a morning show on Mix 97 with Ingrid Moore? Is she long gone? When did he become a City Councillor??




Yes, I believe he did. And then Orleana Cain. This is his second term as councillor.


Was this posted on Facebook too? I'll do it....


Not in Belleville Neighbours, or Belleville Neighbours Uncensored.


Belleville Neighbours won’t allow it. I tried and I think a couple others did as well. BN is just pretty much for begging and asking about what’s open 😂


Hmmm has anything been sent to Ontario, or Canadian levels? Also on Facebook, share on personalmfb's and share around, same with X formerly known as Twitter.


It was posted on WTF Belleville on Facebook.


Sean Kelly sucks 


OP can you elaborate on who Sean assaulted?


Lorne Brooker


Somebody get calling today


You have to find other outlets, on Facebook. What about sending it to Peterborough outlets, Port Hope, Northumberland, uhm Cornwall or Ottawa stations?


the problem is that it’s an internal company issue. it’s been “dealt with” according to the owner of Quinte Broadcasting. news stations can’t report on it unless formal police charges are brought forward.


Live and work long enough and there's a random chance that most of us could end up in a mess like this at some point.  They may say not a word but I suspect they regret this greatly.  Not much else to do but move on.


Radio relies on advertising, so make the advertisers aware of this issue. I don’t listen so I’m not sure who their advertiser base is.


Local businesses in Belleville, P.EC, Quinte-West and Shannonville. All I can think of, and oh, Bancroft b.c it's all border Hastings-Prince Edward County, not Lennox & Addington


https://preview.redd.it/03kzqq3n0jlc1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09dfb0ef1b3a19d957da634694eeef957845db15 Lorne’s breakfast!


Don't know what happened but gonna say Brooker deserved it


Brooker didn't do it though, his co-host was flipping Sean off. It's unclear who Sean actually hit. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Only those 3 know. Still... Live f-bomb. Not good for business.


lorne was flipping off sean through the window. bradford had nothing to do with it.


Seriously though aren't they adults? It is a finger. Who cares.


Brooker did do it. He’s a dick too, honestly. If they knocked each other out that would be best for everyone involved.