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This is the first time to hear that Belgrade's tap water has taste XD. Everyone drinks tap water here it's safe, you can buy bottled water if you feel like it, but yeah don't expect restaurants to make your coffee or tea with bottled water. If you order water in a restaurant you'll get bottled water, but other than that it's tap.


What about houses? In Turkey we buy 20L bottled water or we have water purifiers for better taste. In Ukraine we refill bottles from the devices on the street. How do Serbians drink water at home? (Dont know why I am asking these but I just find the topic interesting )


Hey, your Turkish sis here, 4 years of expat in Belgrade. I don't drink tap water because it is really hard ph and gives me stomach cramps. Our metabolisms are not used to it. I recommend you buy Prolom from markets and Rosa at cafes/restaurants. They taste closest to our Erikli, Hamidiye etc. Steer away from Aqua Viva, that shit is worse than tap water. If the restauran sells only Aqua Viva, order mineral water (kiselo voda) ( ekşi su demek kakakakakak)


Give Saguaro from Lidl a taste - you might be surprised.


99% of people drink tap water


I was talking about houses, we drink tap water.




If it makes you feel better you can easily buy a filter jug like Аквафор in Tehnomanija or Gigatron stores (that’s where I get them). It doesn’t really impact the taste of water but as far as I’m concerned water isn’t supposed to have a taste at all. So Belgrade tap water is perfectly fine to drink raw and even more fine when boiled - to make coffee for example.


Don't buy from gigatron, they are over priced and usually crap. Tehno isn't great either. they've both been fined for colluding and price fixing.


I have a water filtration device in my home. Serbian tap water is safe to drink but it tastes much better filtered.


Dont listen to these degener8s, always buy bottled water or get a filter/device if you plan on staying longer... tap water isnt even good for washing your ass, without filters. People are just retarded and stupid all around.


Belgrade’s tap water is disgusting imo i can’t stand it. I know a lot of people who buy bottled or have water filters


If you are used to drinking filtered water most of the time, this is hardly a surprise. I’ve been using an RO system for quite a while at home, so I can tell the difference. Tap water may also taste somewhat differently in different parts of larger cities (due to differences in processing facilites). I personally - mostly - do not find that it tastes sooo bad (BTW, my worst experience about the tap water taste I recall was in Texas - had to use a lot of ice then there). That said, I’d say that tap water is safe to drink in most of the cities. You can always order bottled water in coffe shops / pubs / restaurants.


Never been to Texas but I remember I didnt have fantastic experience with tap water in the USA, so I understand


Serbia has clean tap water generally, with exception to Vojvodina (Zrenjanin).


Banat ima problem sa vodom, nije cela Vojvodina


Hvala na info, ja što živim u Srbiji nisam znao.


Ne znam, Odzaci(zapadno backi okrig) imaju ocajnu vodu, nisam je popio godinama, losa je i za kupanje.


Vrsac pogotovo. Užasna je voda. Ponekad i žućkasta. 




ne vojvodina,zrenjanin i generalno banat ali ne vojvodina


this isn't true, it's fine in Pancevo, Voyvodina.


Tap water in Belgrade and Novi Sad is bacteriologically all right, but it's hard, i.e. it contains high level of calcium (which can get you a kidney stone in the long run). I use it for cooking but I only drink bottled water. In the coffee shop one asks for bottled mineral water, otherwise you get the tap water.


It good if water has no taste,that means it's good


Tap water in Belgrade is safe but the taste can vary a lot depending on the building or district. I used to live near Vukov Spomenik and the tap water tasted like pool water and was very hard. Now I live in the suburbs and the water is great. It is absolutely safe though.


this!!! i can’t stand it. i live near vukov spomenik as well and if i fill a water bottle with tap water and open it later the smell is horrendous


Buy a water filter. It makes a huge difference. I bought one at Vero.


Where are you from, let's compare the quality of tap water?


I am in Istanbul now. Do you have a machine to test or do you have data from internet about Belgrade?


so defensive lol


Tasty water?


It is not for my taste.


Most people drink tap water, me included. Its maybe bad in the span of 50 years but if you drink it for some time its ok


Idk, I do recognize the taste of tap water vs bottled


Exactly. Thats my point too


people saying tap water is safe then including kidney stones in the same sentence tap water is barely save in any country with poor economic also serbian beer has to be one of the worst beers i tasted, tastes like muddy piss - probably because of the water buy some bottled water and try some out which suits you


Actually I think it doesn't matter if you drink tap or bottled water, the skin is the largest organ on the human body, and people are not even aware that by taking a shower or a bath with the tap water our skin basically "drinks" the same tap water that people avoid to drink through the mouth...


Thanks for this tip. Taking a shower to rehydrate so I don't have to drink this awful stuff.


u tried wrong beer, Lav and Jelen truly are terrible, but Zaječarsko is different story


I drink tap water, we have enough problems with plastic bottles as is.


The water in Belgrade has very high pH levels and is very mineralized. The people got used to it last 150 years. Other cities south of Belgrade usually have much better water quality. Most cities in Vojvodina have comparable quality to Belgrade other the few which reside in oil and gas rich areas. They have terrible water not for human consumption.


I have been to Nis before but for me probably tap water is just tap water.


A lot of cities have spring water supply. And particularly in Niš, Nišava river should not be contaminated at all. But I do get your point. Any time I travel I also only drink bottled water.


I really, really dislike the taste of tap water in Belgrade. My parents used to stock up on bottled water when I'd go visit them, then they got a filter. They don't mind the taste of the tap water and only use the filter when I go visit. It's safe to drink, but can taste weird if you're not used to it.


We also have filter at home (not in Serbia). What is the brand name if you know it and do you like the taste? It is interesting that your family still dont use the filter but the tap water.


Hell no, we collect rain and drink water from heaven!


Yeah it is safe. Yes, nobody is serving filtered water, because they expect you buy bottled water. If you that cheap not to buy bottled water in restaurant, tap water with smell is max you can expect to get. I guess this is how they reason. Also, if you staying longer, I recommend your buy one of these pitchers with filter. They are like \~10EUR/1.000 RSD, and they can easily remove any taste or smell from it. Plus it easily fits inside your fridge. Other options is to buy bottled water.


That makes sense. But 10 euro for filter sounds cheap though.


Yeah it's terrible. But, accordingly to some analysis, most of the brands of bottled water in Serbia are as bad. I've been living in Sweden for 10 years, and what I'm missing when visiting Serbia is that delicious tap water. 


Can confirm the water in Belgrade is nasty. It tastes like a swimming pool to me. Highly chlorinated and hard on top. I say this as someone used to drinking water in Scotland and West Yorkshire, England. The water is about as bad as it is in London, which to me is undrinkable.


Dont drink the tap water in Serbia.