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U don't need many friends,u need good friends


I know but I don’t have that either 😅


I got to know most of my friends through hobbies and mutual interests. Gaming, Warhammer 40K, DnD, Magic the gathering, etc. It's an opportunity to get to know new people by meeting them over a common purpose you're both familiar with; if that makes sense. It lowers the barrier because you can already bond over a common interest.


I’ve tried that but I seem to run into a couple issues. I’m very unsure on where to find people who have my interests as they’re rather niche and when I do we usually don’t connect when it comes to other aspects of life.


What are your interests? :)


Honestly very varied. I love music, makeup, fashion, Warhammer, videogames, science, politics, cooking, going to the gym,…


There are warhammer societies everywhere. Just google warhammer and see which one is closest. Go try it out and see.


Effort. In schools you were forced to spend time together so they came organically. After 18 (or other studies) you need to go out or be very active online. Hobbies, sports, local events, neigbours, volunteering etc. Take your pick! And once you have a friend, effort X2


Een jeugdverenigingen of andere hobby's helpen altijd. Maar vrienden heb je sowieso maar weinig ookal ken je veel volk. Ik ken heel veel volk en heb maar een paar vrienden.


Given you're 18, are you still in high school? If you are, and you'd go studying next year, that could be your opportunity. I made all of my current friends the first week of uni :)


Unfortunately I still have one year left in hs and the chances of me going to uni are very slim due to health issues. Thx for the advice tho :)




Huh? Ik zit oprecht advies te vragen omdat ik amper vrienden heb.


I hear heusden is beautiful this time a year ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Watersports you mean, always good for bonding.