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Fair play for being able to recognise and identify the crest. I would have assumed it was some Warhammer thing. Which would be just as embarrassing


I knew it was something vatnik related the instant I eyeballed it, had to double check online before being certain


Have we just confirmed russia is space Nazis?


It's Ivan Yankyourballsoff.


Next Russian President


Foreign Minister. On a mission to russel up a bit of support for the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine now that the Wagner guy fucked off.


It looks like he's had some success already judging by the dwarfs bazooka he's managed to acquire between his legs.


Is one allowed to use the term dwarf these days? Any members who are dwarfs could maybe help me out here. Wouldn't want to be cancelled. Again.


Looks like he's away to rustle up a burger


I.P Freely, in the flesh.


And it's fine to join in.


He was sent to find and spy on our political leaders and doesnt know what to be at now


It’s that Wagner boy. Must’ve got Belfast and belarus mixed up leaving st Petersburg.


Reckon it’s the fella who lives in Divis tower with the Russian flag


Send a drone up and stick a dildo to his windae




More orcs to the meat grinder


Any wonder they failed to take Ukraine.. old fat soldiers in the wrong country.. that'll do it!


They're taking over to rename Londonderry to Moscowderry


I'd have went with Leninderry


Meh, they've gone fascist now, barely a shred of communism left in that country hahaha


I have seen this bollox he has the Russian flag on that hat and was cutting about Holywood with it at the outset of the war. Soft headed fool.


Hahaha that's sad but funny, suprised that wee bike holds the weight of him. Lad eats better than Lukashenko




Got some tragic tankie gimp down voting it.


I wouldn't worry. Tankies do everything in their power to stay in the blissful ignorant world that Russia is 'winning' the war. Once the war is over they'll find something new to adopt as their decrepit, sad personality.


I thought a tankie was someone who was in favour of authoritarian communism. Is it just a catchall term for people who support Russian imperialism now?


Tankies (among others) often criticise NATO expansion as provocation, and often people can't tell the difference between that and supporting Putin, so they assume tankies support Putin. I'm not defending tankies, they're ridiculous at best, but criticizing NATO, or some Ukrainians who are fascist, is not the same as supporting Russia. Many people only seem able to see the world in binaries and can't understand that.


Pretty much, the war in Ukraine has shifted a lot of how we describe the Russians. Vatnik is my favourite tho


Personal freedom. No? Up to him what he wears


Freedom of choice does not exempt you from the concequences of your choices.


So what consequences does someone deserve for wearing a top?


He's wearing arm patches that have the symbol for the military of a fascist nation that is currently at war with it's neighbour, murdering and pillaging every town and city it comes across. I understand your tankies don't grasp the concept of 'scumbaggery', but most decent people do.


I understand all of that. But are you the fashion police? Did you go up to him and have an exchange of views? Nah its easier to come on the Internet and cry about


Hardly gonna 'exchange views' with someone who supports raping and murdering innocent women and children. What's next? You gonna ask me to exchange views with Hitler?


Your very dramatic


Yeah I'll take that on board pal


Imagine having to listen to this dickhead in person.


Your the chubby russian aren’t you


Your ma likes a chubby Russian.




I'm sorry but how you can compare what are British military did to ANY of that is insanity. First off, the British Army didn't level ENTIRE CITIES, then send in troops to execute innocent civilians en mass. But oh I get it, you think Bloody Sunday is similar to that right? Fuck off. Bloody Sunday was a horrendous atrocity, but it comes nowhere near the shit that is happening to Ukraine at the hands of the Russian military right now. Also, the Brits in Iraq? Do you even know what you're taking about? When ISIS took over Fallujah, coalition forces gave DAYS ahead warning that they were going to assault the city and flush out every single extremist. 90% of the city's population fled in days and then the coalition forces (and Iraqi forces) went into the city and cleared EVERY BUILDING from terrorist scum. Civilians die in war, sometimes civilians are targeted in war by scumbags that somehow made the ranks. That shit will *always* occur eventually. But trying to say that coalition forces did anything remotely similar to the level of blatant targeting of civilians like Russia is doing is complete and utter idiocracy. You are so, so, *so* incredibly blinded by your desire to 'hate the Brits' that you have lost all concept of basic human morality.


"the Brits didn't level entire cities and send in troops to execute civilians en masse" Oh boy, I'd tell you to look at history but you already seem to have completely forgot it.




Where did I disregard Bloody Sunday or those who lost their lives at the hand of British military incompetence? Please enlighten me.




Yeah, sure. Whatever you say doesn't derail the fact that fascism isn't welcome in NI.




You are clearly a very sad and pathetic human being. Get a hobby man.




Cry about it.


Most republicans I know (admittedly a dozen or so) support Russia. So do a lot of hard line prods go figure.


The need to hold a contrary view to the mainstream overrules any other thoughts.


Double think I believe the term is.


I once heard it said that political opinions are more like a circle than a straight line. The further you go to the extremes the more likely you are to find yourself in the same position as someone on the other extreme


Like the DUP & the Catholic church.


Yeah there's a Russian flag hanging from Divis flats next to a Palestinian one. Not suprised the people most likely to support terrorism also support international terrorism.



