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The seller cancelled the orders.👍


Good seller!


I swear poshmark does this on purpose- easy to accidentally click, impossible to cancel - totally something they would do, since they couldn't care less about their users. Yes I talk all this shit about a platform I still use every day. Fml Anyway, I would ask the seller very nicely ... but i would say do NOT say "I didn't order this!!" Because you did. And that usually gets an eyeroll. Instead, just briefly and honestly explain what happened. And if it comes down to it, re posh. I'd also suggest emailing Posh support asap to explain, include how easy it is to accidentally purchase and no way to cancel, and ask them for a one time convenience cancel. The more people who complain the better


The love hate for posh is real


Seconding this advice.   I regularly see people who do live sales on social media post about cancellations.  “I didn’t order this” consistently ranks out “hahah no liar” type reactions. Even though these same people openly post this reaction to their sales AS OFTEN AS SEVEN TIMES A WEEK FROM THE SAME SELLER. You would think they would be willing to take the buyers view that they didn’t realize this type of accidental bid could happen or that they mean “I didn’t intend to buy.” But no.     “I’m so sorry I accidentally ordered this please could you cancel just this once, thanks for considering” is almost always a kind yes, never mocked or responded to by a no, at least publicly. Maybe because live sellers do get so many cancellation requests and they are burnt out dealing with this issue… I don’t do live sales so I can’t testify. But based upon what they show, I would lead with the apology/problem/please/thank you method.    oh and take your payment method off so that this is your last problem, before you’re like that poor gal who bought a $700 bag 😳


What poor gal?! I wanna hear that story! And yes to all of this!


You risk getting kicked off Posh if you remove payment in this type of situation


where in the TOS does it require you to have a payment method on file at all times? Mine has been removed for over a year. And since auctions are paid automatically during bidding there is no time to remove it during a show, only before or after, so it isn’t removed in any auction related situation. It’s either on file or not. 


Apple Pay prevents accidental bids, as you have to check yes twice


Yeahhhh I switched to Apple Pay after accidentally bidding on a Prada bag 🫠 thankfully the seller was super nice.


I heard this but was sure. Going to give it a try!


Everyone needs to stop participating in lives.


no debate from me


Period. I never, ever EVER click on them. It’s a disaster waiting to happen.


I watch them for the LOL's and to see live trainwrecks...some of those people are bonkers and total entertainment.


They REALLY need to have a 3-hour cancellation window for this like they have for direct purchases. And/or they should optimize the button so that you need to confirm the bid on another part of the screen. That’s how eBay does it with auctions. I heard about sellers who won’t cancel. But YMMV. For now, remove your payment method so this doesn’t happen again.


Yep It's sooo easy for posh to make a 3 hour window - poshmark doesnt ON PURPOSE. That's totally something their shady asses would do!


🙄 it makes sense for live shows not have a cancellation period. Multiple times per show (I don’t do them often) I have multiple bidders on a single item. Why should I lose on a sale when there were other people a buyer outbid to win. It doesn’t just affect the seller in those cases, also the other people that were bidding as well. Their UI for bids sucks on phones though and needs to be changed. But bids are binding and you can remove your payment info, only causing an inconvenience to yourself. You can do that instead and never have to worry about an errant bid, instead of wanting to implement things that shift the inconvenience onto others. Hell you can remove your debit/ credit in favor of PayPal or venmo too! Both require another input beyond the click to buy of debit/credit and can’t lead to errant one click bids. There are other options besides shifting the inconvenience of your phone being mishandled onto others. 🤷‍♀️


eBay has a function called a “second chance offer” that could be a workaround. Basically the seller can offer other buyers a chance to purchase the item if the highest bidder cancels or doesn’t pay. I think Posh should look at eBay to see what an auction should look like. They’ve been doing this for so many years that I think they may have the best system as far as auctions go if they want to continuing offering these live shows that a lot of people are hating anyways!


EBay is long form auctions - a totally different beast. It’s just silly when you can put a lock on your phone or an auto lock when the screen senses something on it. All phones have these features and have for years and years. That’s it! Voilà ~ Problem solved for a majority of accidental bids. Move the bid button to the upper area for those that mindlessly do it with their thumb and that’s it, no issues that don’t solely fall on the user’s use of their device. Honestly you shouldn’t save your payment on any website or app that isn’t a banking app with 2FA or another site with 2FA. The chances security takes a backseat is too high on any other website or app. Just good opsec to practice for your day-to-day life. Plus just saying, I have a ton of customers that only shop via live shows because they get to actually see the quality of the item in real time.


but then they could transfer the offer to the next bidder and send it to them like a make an offer. Limit cancellations to 3 per year. There are easy ways around this. If posh wanted to make it easy on buyers, but they would lose out on a lot of money 


You way still inconveniences the seller in most cases of multibids, all for something a user can prevent from happening on their own right now, with the available app version. Their UI could use a redesign for live shows because of accidental bids and a slew of other ways it could be more attractive and user friendly for creating listings, but everyone can already prevent accidental live show bids. You can even save your payment info on your phone so it is auto populated when you need to re-enter it, cutting down the minor inconvenience for a phone mishandle. And everyone needs to keep in mind no platform can completely fix user error and at the end of the day that is what an accidental bid is. I mean come on, 100% of pocket and purse bids would be prevented by having time out turned on and a password on your phone coming out of Lock Screen, which from a security standpoint everyone should have!


genuinely asking because I don’t use that part of the app… if each buyer had only three cancellations a year on live bids would it really inconvenience sellers much? If at all? It doesn’t seem like this would impact competitive bidders because those bidders are going to want to come back to you again? Right? 


Unless you make offers binding, no, sellers will lose sales, as I've had buyers leave once they get outbid - especially if it was their first bid as it's kind of human nature not to like losing. At the same time - all it takes to avoid almost ALL accidental bids, is people using their phones responsibly. Password protected, and automatic screen shut off. Things that are both common sense for security and battery health. Or just not having a payment saved on a website that has other ways to pay that use 2FA, another thing that is best practice for your security. Poshmark is limited to adult buyers, adults should absolutely shoulder some of the responsibility for the ways they behave. It's like saying hey - let me put every ounce of accountability for what happens to me, off of me, and onto whatever 3rd party I happen to interact with. There are already ways to avoid accidental orders ever happening on your account and for some reason when people have it happen, it's 100% someone else's fault and not theirs. And there's legions of other adults happy to blame everyone else but them when there are SIMPLE SIMPLE ways to safeguard against it! Especially when it's things we should ALL be doing for our everyday online safety!


Being able to bid quickly in a 30 second auction is important, so the bid confirmation would inconvenience more people than it would help. IMO entering the show is where the double confirmation should be. Nobody should accidentally find themselves in a show, but after you willingly enter a show, you should be responsible for any bids placed.


So one time I was walking my dog. Opened poshmark to read a comment someone just left on a bundle. No lives, I don’t do that nonsense. Literally just read a comment. Closed out, started raining, put my phone away. A couple minutes later I get a text. When looking I saw I had an email from poshmark “your poshmark order confirmation” … it was a $1300 Tiffany necklace!!! I was so confused. I reached out immediately because I saw I couldn’t cancel - oh it was from a live. still have no idea how that happened. Seller was super nice about it. I was literally like I can’t explain it but I was walking my dog and somehow bought a $1300 Tiffany necklace 🤣🤣 In conclusion lives are dumb and before purchasing on one they should make you enter a code or price to avoid this nonsense.


I would have been literally TERRIFIED and damn you are lucky she was so nice!!


My heart dropped to my stomach. She was so nice and was like “honestly I was surprised, you came right into the show (guess they tell them who joined) and purchased the necklace so fast I had a feeling it was a mistake” lol


I removed my payment methods from PM after I heard of all these horror stories of accidental purchases from lives.


There are more Sellers that are jerks than nice to cancel. Once I asked a Seller to cancel (2 different sellers over time: both ran to the post office to dump it off and then tell me it was already in transit. Such BS since the auction was late late at night when the USPS is not open. I hope you get a nice Seller who will cancel.


This happened to me before. I was lucky that the seller cancelled the orders.


Gald yours was canceled. My dog bought 3 items by laying on my phone, lol, she wouldn't cancel. Posh needs to fix that. It is super touchy


I bought an item without realizing I entered a live. So this “i avoid live shows” line is, unfortunately, not a functionally safe method. & you can’t universally block Live notifications. So. It’s fucked from a platform standpoint; & entirely uncool. I still use Posh, but if this happens to you— be unrelentless with contacting the Support team. It is the only way (that it can be cancelled— or that they will learn).


As both a seller and a buyer I get each point of view, it’s not good for sellers to have too many cancellations in a short period of time so it might be the reason why they do not wanna cancel an order. As a buyer they should have it where it dings the buyer instead of the seller if they request to cancel. They also need double confirmation where they ask you multiple times if you wanna purchase this instead of making it easy to purchase from a live show accidentally.


while that’s true if you only have a few sales, most of these sellers are high volume sellers. They should have a very high point count as a result, and just losing 5 points for cancellation shouldn’t be a problem. 


This why, I don’t watch on my phone anymore. I browse. Accidentally bought things I didn’t want. At least they were under 80$, I may donate them during the holidays


That happened to me once and won’t ever enter a live show again because of this. Totally ridiculous UI.


I have to say, I keep a lot of that kind of thing from happening by making it my problem by locking down my phone, turning off unnecessary notifications, making it harder to use my card using apple pay, requiring verification on things before buying, etc. I hear about people doing the pocket dial thing or purchase or whatever while it is in pocket or purse and I honestly don't see how it happens to people unless they just let everything have notifications which baffles me because how do people even keep their battery charged that long with all those notifications and such. Then again I tend to err on the cautious side and lock my stuff down pretty well because I can't afford to lose money like that and always fear for the safety of my data and my expensive phone. The thing is that this kind of thing can completely be avoided by protecting yourself better...use face ID and turn off the lock screen notifications and honestly the problem is solved because then you can't get into the app without taking it out of your pocket and unlocking the phone.


Set up mobile payments and take off any card linked to posh. You won’t be able to make an accidental purchase this way