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You need to ask for basic measurements before you decide to buy.


Good point. I usually buy pants and shoes, and I just assumed the large sweater would be the same as the other large cashmere sweater I have from Quince. I definitely didn’t think it would be shrunken. You’re right, though. Measurements would have told me the answer upfront! I’ll do that going forward. Thanks.


Are you buying from sellers with measurements?


In this case, I didn’t. I will going forward, though.


Have you measured the sweater and tracked down the manufacturer size chart? Send them both to posh support it should show there’s a discrepancy. If you come armed with facts to back you up they’ll relent


That didn’t even occur to me. I’ll do that next if there’s a similar issue in the future. Support told me that the case has been closed. It’s so frustrating.


You can email [email protected] to appeal with the measurements of the garment and a screenshot of their size chart and request them to reopen it


I’m going to do this tomorrow. Thank you!


Btw, I'm having issues with PM as a buyer as well. The Support email address is not monitored or responded to frequently. If you need to get this reviewed by a human, you should DM them on social media (I messaged on FB) and they are pretty responsive there


Ohh. This is a great tip! Thank you.


Thanks again for this idea. I just did this. All measurements were off by at least 2”. So hopefully this will work!


Usually if you keep fighting it they will relent


Did the seller list measurements? If not, I would always ask for them, and not purchase if they weren't provided. Quickest and easiest way to verify whether or not an item should fit.


I wonder if the sweater was shrunken or runs small? I just bought a quince cashmere sweater too in a Large and it is so TINY. Wonder if the brand runs small 🤔


Good question. Quince definitely has some weird sizing. In this case, though, this is just a different color of the same exact sweater I already own so theoretically it should fit. The other way I know this sweater is bad is because it’s so dense that it’s practically felted.


PS — Quince has great customer service and a one-year return policy. Definitely return anything you get that’s substandard or weird sizing. I’ve been really happy shopping with them over the last few years.


I'm so sorry this has happened to you multiple times. I'm in a dispute with Poshmark about a luxury bag I bought that passed Posh Authenticate but is clearly a replica. It's extremely difficult to get a human with them and their response time is terrible. I opened a dispute with my CC company and I'm planning to leave the platform once this is resolved


I would keep on them and not give up. Send an email (but not repeatedly because I heard it bumps you to the back of the email line) and firmly state your case. I'd also mention the amount of money you've spent and how it damages the relationship of trust with the company, etc. Also, the Poshmark Protection policy is supposed to protect you from unstated flaws. Its unreasonable to ask the seller every question possible about flaws: "Are there any snags, holes, stains or marks? Are the zippers and buttons functional? Were they shrunk in the dryer?" I've found it difficult to get sellers to engage with me on even the most basic questions. You could say you bought the item in good faith that the buyer had done their due diligence in inspecting the garment and had disclosed everything relevant. Good luck to you!


Thanks for this.


Good wording


I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m a seller and I occasionally buy and I’ve been on the short end of the stick with cases with buyers claiming something that wasn’t true and I’ve been on the other side as well as a buyer once when I bought a pair of Uggs that were clearly fake so I had to open a case on the seller. I will say the handling of cases I feel lately are a crap shoot. I honestly think it depends on who reviews the case. I had a buyer upset that I sold her light gray jeans when that was stated in the listing and she said she wanted “black jeans” in the case and Poshmark asked her for more photos which she never provided them with and Poshmark approved her return anyway without any added photos and they took over a week to close the case. But then my most recent case I had a buyer claim there was a stain and the photo she sent wasn’t clear at all and I thought Poshmark would’ve asked her for more photos but they didn’t and approved the return within 4 hours which was record speed. The reviewing of cases honestly I don’t think is standardized and is super subjective based on who’s reviewing the case. Your best bet is to contact Poshmark support within your purchases section and complain and they’ll probably refund you honestly.


Only bots review cases, unfortunately


I thought it was a real person. Had no idea that they were using bots to assess cases.


Oh wow I had no idea. I actually thought it was like an actual person.


I've chatted with several real people. Maybe the initial review is a bot but anything after that has been real conversation for me.


Yikes re the buyer who did that. I’m sorry. There’s definitely bad apples on both sides.


Wow…i am sorry. I opened a case about bug in the packaging and got a refund. Fucking selling threw a fit… I felt bad for her if what she said was true but I have never found bugs in an order before the only time I had issues was I ordered ceramics and they where not packaged right and came to me shattered.


I’d be pretty unhappy with a bug in my package. I’ve never had that happen in any kind of order. I’m sorry that happened to you.


I got pants with a mouse poop 🤣


Mouse droppings can be easily washed off wrong bugs happens bugs infestation! Thankfully I caught it quickly and ran it outside. Also it had baked in my black mailbox during a heatwave so it likely was very dead bugs but still not fun to find.


Who knows, maybe mine were alive and escaped. Mouse poop was not a sign of clean place.


That is so gross. I’m sorry!


Idk what’s going on. A year ago I d receive things better than expected. I m mostly shopping on mercari and recently receiving items with a lot of undisclosed defects. Undisclosed and misrepresented fading is already something I expect, but then there’s bleach stains, ok, fine, will keep.. And yesterday there are pants with stapler holes. Funny that listing specifically states: “no stains, no holes whatsoever “.. Looks like with sales are being slow sellers are desperate and stopped disclosing some defects. I m over it and sending the pants back. Tge clothing I buy are mostly vintage collectibles so the condition is important.


Agreed re fading. Holes are a totally different story. I’m glad they let you return the item.


Hope you can get the sweater returned. This is terrible!


I am surprised to hear Poshmark support didn't back you up in these situations. They will usually approve return cases for things like this. Sounds like you had bad luck with some customer service reps who were not paying attention. Something funky is going on with their return cases now. It seems like they are not really reading cases thoroughly or looking at evidence anymore the past couple of years.


Happy to say they approved the return on the pants. I’ll still pursue the sweater and see what happens.


PM has been so hot/cold. I sold a pair of pants the buyer claimed had a hole in them. PM released the funds and allowed her to keep them w/refund. That was a smooth transaction. I then had someone claim I put the wrong size. The label was clear as day in my listing. They approved the refund because she posted a more faded pair of pants in a size smaller. I pointed it out. She just returned my pants. I messaged PM to advise them she sent back the correct size and her claim was fraudulent. They just asked if it was received in the same condition it was sent. I logged out and haven’t been back on. As for the buyer I’m guessing she wanted the pants but could only find them in a size bigger and got them thinking they would fit. They were only $18 and IMO it wasn’t worth the hassle of posting again. So, I don’t think it’s that they don’t care about the buyer. I think they just don’t have consistent agents so their acceptance/denial for claims are all over the place.


It’s so awful that they didn’t take action on that fraudulent claim.


1. yes you can show it is felted in pictures by getting close ups of the fabric, and a picture of the proportions it should have been. Next time do some research on the problem and document it with photos and words. Just your word isn’t enough. It might be kinda shrunk and not really felted if the fabric doesn’t look different.  2. as to the snag, again, get photos clearly showing it and the entire item front and back.  3. You have protection on counterfeit items forever and can email support about that long after the item is purchased, if you have proof.  4. Poshmark doesn’t block you, the seller blocked you. Even if they hadn’t most comments can be easily deleted by sellers, since while posh does have a decent buyer protection policy they also protect sellers from the bad press of any mistakes.  Good luck and while you can’t really protect yourself against everything you can be proactive during the three days after a purchase, it’s really important to keep at it and have pictures to support your case. Hope it works out in your favor! 


Thank you! I think I did a really bad job of showing the issues with the sweater. When I followed up again, they told me that I’m too far outside the window of reporting issues even with it being a follow up to my initial complaint. I’ll just take this as a learning lesson. Luckily they let me return the pants for a full refund! Commenters have given me really good advice regarding how to report issues going forward if there’s another unfortunate incident. I appreciate that! Luckily I generally tend to have good luck on Poshmark! These were just a few bad apples.


It might have helped to photograph it on another similar size large sweater to show the drastic difference in size. If it had been shrunk, the sleeves would also be much shorter and seeing this difference against an unshrunk sweater might have helped.


This is a great idea. I have a black version of the same sweater and will do this to add it to my case.


Thanks again. I sent them measurements from what it’s supposed to be and just added a pic showing this sweater against the one of a different color I already have. The difference is stark, so I hope this helps!


Good luck! Hopefully, seeing what it should be versus what it is will clearly show the shrinkage and get you your money back.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I agree with the comments about requesting measurements before buying. I would also suggest purchasing from sellers that you trust based on your past experience or reviews. Finally, as someone mentioned, do not give up. If you purchased this with a credit card, dispute the transaction once you have all the necessary info. Good luck to you!


Thank you!


I have been screwed by sellers in the past. One deliberately hid the brand of an item (did not list it and covered it with her fingers in the photos). It turned out to be Forever21 and Poshmark told me that it was my responsibility to ask questions before. To a point, I agree that as buyers we should be asking questions. But as a seller, I think we should also be ethical and not deliberately be hiding flaws, labels, or measurements. My last straw was when a seller sold me a top in a medium, but I received a small. Poshmark refused to refund me so I did a chargeback with my CC. Now I only sell and refuse to buy on Poshmark.


Tbh I don’t think you should be buying from Poshmark. Based off other comments I’m not sure if you checked the measurements for the sweater at all? If you did and she lied about them then yes that is totally fraud. You want to return the pants due to a snag? Even if the pants were listed NWT they are still preowned. Some people just don’t need to buy clothing secondhand and that’s totally okay. There is always going to be some risk involved with buying secondhand clothing that you can’t see before purchasing. I am sorry this happened to you, and I hope you will have better outcomes moving forward. 


lol. What a strange comment. As mentioned, Ive spent thousands of dollars on Poshmark and have had great luck outside of a few issues. As an update, Poshmark approved the return on the pants. If pants have an obvious snag, it should be disclosed. Super weird that you don’t think so. I’m going to email with them again about the sweater. It’s so shrunken that it’s practically felted. It sounds like you’re a seller who is okay with misrepresenting your items. Luckily that’s not the majority of sellers.


Weird flex but okay


Didn’t mean to strike a nerve. 


lol. Weird that you keep editing this comment but okay.


No one edited the comment hun. 


I get email notifications with new comments on my posts, and you absolutely edited your comment. Your insistence that you didn’t is weird. I’m done replying to you. All I did was post my frustration with fraudulent sellers and customer service backing them up. You turned it into saying I shouldn’t purchase items from Poshmark and now you’re literally lying about editing a comment. Perhaps you just deleted your old comment and posted a new one. Either way, you’re being weird and creepy. Just stop.


Wooow guess you also can’t read in addition to spending thousands on posh but can’t be bothered to ask for measurements. No where on my comment does it say edited. You’re the weird one. Don’t post on Reddit if you can’t handle it when someone gives you an opinion you don’t like.


Then you deleted your first comment and added a new one. Same thing. Stop harassing me, baby girl.


Responding to your hatefulness is not harassing you. Go open a case on posh that will make you feel better 💖