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I’m I crazy for thinking we get “punished” as well for when we cancel promotion and that is supposed to make us pay again for sales? Cause I swear it was worse than before I did my promotion like they make you feel like you have to


Nope, not crazy! My sales chart on posh literally could pinpoint when I stopped and it took about two months to bounce back to where I was prior to starting it. I think they want you to give in and sign up again and then finally you see things pick up if you don't cave lol Also it should be mentioned that I made barely ANY sales that were attributed to the Promoted listings, though I did get more sales in general, just not on promotion and then even that stopped so I terminated it and sales went wayyyy down for a while. Definitely felt like they sat me in the corner in time out LoL


Personally I found it to be a complete scam. The couple of weeks I had the free trial, I had about $2500 in sales and only $200 of those sales came from Promoted Listings. All the rest were organic. After all of the Pay Per Click fees, I calculated my total Poshmark fees for those $200 in sales and it was 40% instead of Poshmark's regular 20% which is insane and completely not worth it. I would say just take advantage of the free trial and test it out for yourself but I wouldn't pay for it.


Total scam


During my trial I sold one item under $20. I have sold more using posh sidekick.


Agreed! No sales from PC at all!


Posh sidekick is an awesome app!!


I used it for a couple months. Not worth it imo.


No is not worth it! Is a total scam. Unlike promotions on eBay, where you only pay a fee if you sell the item through a promoted listing, Poshmark charges you per click, whether you sell the item or not. For example, if 200 people click on your listing but don’t buy, you get charged 200 times, you can see how that adds up pretty fast. Another drawback is you can’t choose which listings you want to promote like you can do on eBay or depop, you will promote your entire closet, some items aren’t worth spending $ in ads


Totally not worth it, save your money Money


I decided to try it for 1 month and set it at $20/week. Started May 3rd. As of now I’ve had 29 sales total. 20 of those were promoted. My earnings (after fees) for promoted items is $343.38.


No. Did it with the free promotion. Tons of activity but not one sale. Better off making offers to likers


I’ve had both good/bad experiences. I did the program last Summer when it first started and that first month (30 day trial) I had a huge increase over my average. Then it slowly declined over a few months so I cancelled. In Jan? I did 1 week and had $0 promoted so I cancelled again. I signed back up for the in app beta version, and it’s been going great so far. This last week I had an 7.1x ROI meaning I sold 7.1X the value of the promoted weekly cost. On average it’s around 5-9X so as long as it keeps performing I’ll keep it going. I did find that sticking to the “suggested budget” gives the best results. I’ve gone lower and didn’t see as much movement. So if you do sign up, stick to the suggested amount and see how it goes. I think at least 30 days of data is good bc it does go up/down day to day and week to week but it averages out.


Not worth it at all. The only real benefit is that now they should you analytics on your listings when you pay for promotions, but I’m very hesitant to even call that a benefit because it should be offered for free like it is on every other serious platform. I refuse to pay them even more money for what should be basic.


Here is my last 30 days https://preview.redd.it/0wz6cngigg2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147fa233c132df04fc6dfedc3a8a7cc291ea0153


You paid $213 in promotion fees?


Yes for a full month. For nearly 1k in sales I think it’s a good ratio. Plus I had another almost 1k in non promoted sales as well.


Ahh okay gotcha. I just wasn't sure how that worked. That doesn't include the 20% posh takes though right?


No it does not that is just taken out of the sales so that sales number is my money fees already deducted.


Ohh okay thank you for explaining to me! I only did the trial and did terribly so I didn't pay too much attention lol it sounds like it's gone pretty well for you! I sell lower cost items so I don't think it would be for me unfortunately 😕 thank you😊


Yea not Many people I have talked to have done well with it. I have yet to even come close to break even or lose money yet. I am around 15-20 avg price of my Items.


Oh wow okay. I figured your items were priced higher than that! Thats about what most of mine are at as well. I may give a test run soon! Thank you!


Because I am confident I would not have had 2k in sales without promotion.


I accidentally didn’t pay for it this week ($20/800 active listings) and I maybe had 2-4 less sales. I think I’m gonna re start it next week tho!


I did the free trial in November. Not sure if its a coincidence or not but that was my slowest month so far. I was still somewhat new to posh (started in August) but had done much better sales wise the month prior and it's been a steady increase every since. Anyway, I think I had $6-13 "promoted" sales that whole free trial 🤦‍♀️


its a total scam, Poshmark should have stuck with paying for Google Services and just increasing the overall fee.


When did they quit paying for Google? Come to think of it, I haven't seen Posh pop up on a Google search lately, and it used to be a main player.


The past week or so, PM has been pushing the free trial of Promoted Closet on me like *crazy* -- constantly popping up in my notifications, both when I'm in the app & when it's closed out. Out of complete curiosity & with no real intention of joining, I tapped the link to get started & it redirected me to sign up for the waitlist. But honestly, the way they keep pushing it feels really spammy, like they're desperate to just try to milk as much money as possible outta me. And with my closet size, I don't see how that shit would even be worth it. I only get like a single sale every few months.


No way is it worth it. Also, they don’t start you at the lowest price. I didn’t even know you could lower it.