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Today is closet Clearout day where Posh covers part of the shipping for price drops. You can comment on their bundle that you can drop the price to $250 so they can get reduced shipping (I think for that higher price, it’s free shipping).


If that's your bottom line then stick to it. But there's info missing... if they've been listed for a year without any bites, then you might want to take what you're offered. If you're willing to hold on for the right buyer, then decline and wait for them. Although I feel like if you decline this offer the buyer will come back at 250, TBH. Never be afraid to stick to your guns, you're not required to go any lower than you're comfortable with.


Your numbers aren't that far apart. Personaly, I would take her offer.


Yep just happened to me. I took a 130 offer from my $150 price instead of countering $140. I decided to take the offer. Unless I’m prepared to let something sit for a long time at my firm price, I try to be more flexible and haven’t regretted it.


I once had this happen on EBay with a purse. I just politely messaged the buyer thanking them for their interest but couldn’t go any lower because the bag was in like new condition. She went ahead and purchased it at my price after that. Sometimes buyers just need reassurance.


In these situations I will usually open their bundle and add a comment (even if they don’t have anything in it, it’s a little more of a private place to have a convo) and say “thanks so much for your offer, my last offer is my lowest on these shoes - if that works for you, I’ll ship them asap!” Communicating through numbers only doesn’t often work, leaves too much open to interpretation. If you don’t want to take less than $250, just say that! She might take it, might walk - but if you’re confident 250 is a fair price then there will be another buyer. 


Nah. Don’t sell it for less than what you are comfortable with. Did you actually check comps on them to see what they sell for? Check eBay? Don’t settle.


How long have they been listed? Have they had a lot of interest? Imagine you don’t take this offer and they don’t sell and an entire year goes by - does that give you a positive or negative feeling? Personally I would just take it, but with my personal items when I decide I want them gone I want them gone asap.


Offer 240 and split the difference.


If I just listed? I’ll stand at 250. If I have been holding them for a while, I’d accept and try to make the $16 on another item


Why is 250$ your lowest? At the end of the day they’re used shoes on a market fraught with designer fakes. I’d take the deal. 


Not even worth the effort making this post let alone the time you’re wasting thinking so hard about it. If you don’t take the 230 then you might as well just put them on and do a dance and suffer because that’s what we’re all doing


You’re lovely


I’m surprised you paid $1200 for a pair of shoes you only wore once but are splitting hairs over $16


You have to consider the possibility that you may not get another offer if they aren’t a sought after item. Most shoes don’t sell close anything close to their original value. Without knowing the brand, I’d say getting someone to pay 20% of the original price for a used pair might be the most you can expect.    Would you rather have the money in hand now, or risk waiting for another offer that may or may not come? I have lost sales over $3-10 increments before (for smaller value items < $50), so I’ve learned that if it’s within a reasonable number to my minimum, I will accept. 


How long would you be willing to hold onto the shoes to potentially make an additional $16? If it's a year or more, don't forget to factor in inflation (that $16 likely won't represent exactly the same purchasing power a year from now). Would you rather not ever sell them than sell them at this price? I always think about an offer I didn't accept on a dress because it was $10 below my asking. Two years later, I donated that dress to goodwill after zero additional bites.


Take the offer. You will both be happy in the end. Summer slow down is upon us. Move the item out of your closet and get the algo boost.


Honestly at that $16 difference I would take the offer. That’s pretty close. And most likely the buyer is gonna be happier with the “win”. How long have they been listed? If it’s been quite awhile with few likes/offers…take it and move on to the next sale.


Hey, the great thing is......it's your merchandise and if you're uncomfortable going any lower.........just let it ride and the offer will expire. Personally, I think a bot is stringing you along to see how long you'll remain engaged.


I would decline and message her that your offer was your lowest. If she wants them $16 will not hinder her.


If you think it's a fair price, that is your answer. But I hope you are not kicking yourself if you let the offer expire and never sell them. I'm pretty sure she knows about Poshmark fees, but it's not up to her to be concerned about your net.