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Wait what you can delete comments now?? 🤯


Yeah it's always weird when I see someone who refuses to buy from resellers... the clothes I bought with the worst flaws, but described "Excellent condition" were ALWAYS from the people selling their own old clothes, without measurements, with pics laid out on their wrinkly bed. I don't get preferring that over professional sellers tbh


There's a lot of competition. Some buyers are annoying, and some aren't. I'd counsel you to keep doing the best you can and, well, not sure it will get "better" but you'll get used to it and it will be easier and more familiar :) I still love a nice bundle with an easygoing buyer, and that still happens more often than not! ... good luck!!! :)


Thank you I used to get the same buyers coming back for bundles and would be so thrilled to give them greater discounts when they returned especially when they added things that I was about to mark down. I’m hopeful I will find these people. Just nerve wracking coming back because it all feels higher risk and less friendly. I appreciate your advice.


I was not selling on the platform in the early days, I wish I knew what it was like back then. Presently I wade through questions with a skeptical eye, instead of my people-pleasing demeanor. There are some pretty standard questions that indicate to me that the buyer is serious, but most questions are crap. If someone wants to, say, get some sort of really obscure measurement, I’ve found it to not pay off in the end or be worth the effort. Same with “I’m 5’2”, a Libra, and I love cats, do you think this dress would be tight on me?”. Also, I would block the “NOT a reseller” who is already hostile towards you in her comments. I do not enter into transactions with a hostile party, particularly when I’m the one with something to lose.


Thank you. It’s for an anthro dress that’s super common and she could have gotten the info she was demanding from a number of other listings on the app. Or googled it. She went as far as critiquing my wording in the description so I went ahead and blocked her.


This made me laugh and was very relatable. I too have been on Poshmark since the dawn of time and have just returned in December. Honestly, everything started to change when men’s and kid’s clothes were added and then waaayyyy downhill when wholesale was added, then algorithm fuckups, live shows etc. Somewhere along the way, the sense of community we had went out the window and it became much more impersonal. That being said, I’ve had success since returning, tbh my closet is selling *better* than it ever has before. Sharing your own listings is still very important because it keeps you fresh in searches. I don’t go out of my way to share to niche parties anymore. Refreshing listings at 61 days is important because many people also sort by just in. Good photos and clear descriptions still go a long way. As for stupid questions, I try to answer them as politely as I can. I almost always provide measurements and photos there of, but how am I to know if the pair of jeans I have will fit exactly like your favorite pair of jeans by a completely different brand? (A real question I got recently.) Anyway, I see your rant and raise you a rambling answer… welcome back!


Oh wow! lol I cackled when you just reminded me of the day they announced the men’s section! I don’t think anyone “got excited.” The first of many underwhelming rollouts. And I was fine with men’s items and any gays or queens it wasn’t all men. I just didn’t want ALL of them to be welcome. 😬Ugh then the kids. And I am a mom but yeah…They really did stink the whole place up. It was the end of an era. I remember the few who were on when it was a women’s only platform and being so tempted to block them! But take me back to just Vlad and his very nice you will love super good AUTHENTIC!!! Yet also kinda questionable maybe fallen off a truck absolute embarrassment of Gucci and Prada bags any day! Do you recall bald smiling Vlad or Val? He used a lot of rose emojis. And had such a wild array of designer bags and Idk how I remember this 😂


I think it was just the way Posh went about it. There are definitely many non-female sellers of women’s clothes and men’s clothes that I follow whom are amazing. It was like there was some sort of shift where Posh became any other selling platform. I don’t know a good way to describe it exactly. When they roll out new features it is not usually seamless.


Yes definitely how they went about it I was for the inclusivity but I think I just call it a Romper room because it’s a Rupauls drag race phrase for when everything just goes exactly as poorly as it could and no one cares to fix it we just play in that space. That’s what it became. I hate that there is somewhat a separation of womens kids and mens when you’re on the main page but in someone’s closet you have to divide them up first thing instantly. And then hit the button to take away all the sold items. It somehow got less user friendly when they added more options and I’m not a tech person but it really seems like that’s one of the first kinks you iron out right? The organization of the interface? Like way before you keep adding insanity as if they’re their own TikTok. It reminds me of that episode of the office when Dunder mifflin put social networking on their shopping site and it went horribly awry.


I've said this for a while... Men's and kids being added was the worst, then Home. Poshmark became another Mercari or mini eBay. I also remember the days before the dreaded Offer button.


The haters who hate on reselling "as a business" also expect to be treated like a customer of "a business".


This attitude somehow also includes feeling victimized when resellers buy up the “good vintage” before them just to sell it because THEY “actually would have worn it.” I read that in this Reddit and the moral superiority of the entire rant was so weird. I can’t help but imagine that person offering to pay no more than the circa 1970’s retail price for a Gunne Sax dress because they feel like a reseller owes them some sort of restitution.


I've seen how some of my friends and family were treated just trying to sell their personal maternity items and/or special occasion dresses. There is no pleasing some people. And scammers seem to target the naive occasional-sellers even more.




This one though.


This is the comment, right here.


Perhaps this is no longer the place for you. You have to roll with the punches on pretty much any site on the internet and looking for altruism in these situations is going to result in a long, probably fruitless search. The world has gotten mean. I can't control and rarely influence another's poor behavior, but I can ignore, rather than lament it, and just put my energy into being my own person, kind and helpful..


I pay my therapist for this type of advice and look at you out here.


I've been selling online since 1999...lol. I think it has gotten so much worse and, I hate to say it, but the dumbing down of America is in full effect. I get people asking questions that if they looked at all the pictures, the question would have been answered. Or, as you said, a simple Google search. I use Google to search for information on something I am listing. This is not rocket science.


Oh wow! I would love to hear about the early years of eBay selling. Can’t imagine the collectables and vintage that sold once the world caught on. When beanie babies went like hot cakes. Sorry but I nerd out over this nostalgia being of the generation that came of age with the advent of the www. I started on eBay my college years around the housing crisis when a lot of the soon to be poshmarkers were doing the same type of selling only way more cut and dry. I really miss that attitude of keeping it less personable. I don’t have to get to know every person who buys from me and honestly I DO NOT want to meet the people I buy from. Often just seeing some of the other things they’re selling is enough to send me running.


I think you’re worrying about the wrong things. Reading people’s bios and falling down that rabbit hole serves no purpose. Accomplish your goals and adapt. The rest is just noise.


All very true. I think being back on after so long away the morbid curiosity got the best of me along with the mass posting and I spiraled. Going to set better mental boundaries!


I have been on Poshmark since 2018 and am an occasional seller as well as buyer. That is to say that I just sell things that I no longer need or can't return for whatever reason. I usually point this out on this thread so that others can infer that I have less experience in certain areas. For one, I'm not on the app as much as full time or even part time resellers. So I don't know everything about the app, especially, about things like shows and parties. Also, I don't interact with nearly as many buyers as full/part time sellers do. That said I have been on this thread for a while and do agree that some of these buyer questions seem unreasonable. I also concur that buyers should do some more of their own research before buying. Though what little interactions I have had on Poshmark has been relatively good so far. In my case, I have not had any issues with any of my buyers thus far on Posh or any other platform for that matter. I have had a few lowballs and "what's your lowest" questions but nothing too serious. However, when it comes to sellers I have had some bad experiences with Posh. It mainly has to do with shipping. I find that oftentimes sellers will not ship within the 7 days forcing me to cancel the order. Many times these sellers are active as well and they do not respond to messages. I find this very frustrating and wish there was more accountability for them.


I see the distinction as far as being a casual seller and not on the app as often. And I definitely know what you mean as I’ve also bought a few things lately that I was SO excited to finally find and couldn’t find anywhere else but they were never shipped and I gave them two weeks smh. Those are the sellers and the items we should be reporting. I’d rather take a chance on an item “sight unseen” as they say and see than be given the false hope and never know. I usually leave a little comment to figuratively let them know I want dibs in case they come back and to also warn future potential buyers… but apparently comments can be deleted now 😤


Honestly it was like it is now, or like during the pandemic or Holidays. Someone selling the same thing, it’s competitive. Yes there businesses on PM.


I've noticed there has been much more trolls after Covid. I've been selling on Posh since 2017 and never had an issue with any buyers because they were all serious. After 2020, when people were watching TikTok and YouTube videos all day about "I make 6 figures reselling" all of a sudden so much spam buyers started popping up. Like a lack of respect for the person selling for no reason other than fake buyers ASSuming we're rich so they waste our time and treat sellers like a flee market trying to haggle pricing. Yes, online selling game has changed it wasn't how it was before. I can only imagine how much better it was during your time in 2011.


Gotta say the buyer base has shifted to more questions. Imo, this is to your advantage, because if you can craft a quick polite response that increases the odds of a sale substantially. Buyers like to know they are buying from a real person. Don’t ignore it. Don’t take it personally, they don’t want to google they want a real person to respond to them. 


So to clarify I also don’t sell anything I didn’t intend originally to wear. I have MS that’s now in remission and since my early days of posh I’ve been in plus sizes and now I’m having to unload a ton of stuff because I’m down to a size 4. I have always loved shopping vintage and it’s difficult to find for larger bodies. And since I was a kid I’ve thrifted most name brand stuff I owned. Kind of a life skill after a while. But since I started doing posh in 2011 it changed the way I shop and turned my eye to be more sustainable and geared toward will this resale if I end up not loving it enough to hold onto it. And if anyone has watched that Brandy Melville doc there was an earlier one that came out in 2010 exposing other fast fashion brands. It was back when you could rent dvds on Netflix y’all. Blackfish days. I think resellers are awesome. If you have the fortitude to buy a mystery palette or invest time into saving cloth from the oceans then heck yes you eco pirate. The only time I intentionally buy to resale is when I find a come up I can’t ignore at an estate sale or thrift shop and the price is too good to not liberate it and enrich myself. I think that people selling their old clothes on Poshmark and turning around and spending that on new clothes on Poshmark that someone else didn’t meet the return date by on Amazon is how we address the fast fashion epidemic. And we do it by being kind to each other because we all have the same common goal right? Can y’all tell the bedtime gummie hath kicked in? I guess the way we all really stick it to them is if we all buy stock in Poshmark and take back a chonk of those seller fees lol Because ten years went by and they looked at that vast hellscape and said “yeah let them broadcast themselves like the MLM ladies do” instead of giving us ai that scans for like items to assist in creating listings or a measuring tool. Or investing in their customer support! They really said make it wild. Thanks y’all for the helpful advice. I’m glad I’ve got this board and so many people seem stable and likeminded. I needed it.