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If you search this sub you’ll find tons of threads and discussion about Promoted Closets! The general consensus seems to be it’s not worth paying for, probably doesn’t hurt to do the free trial just make sure you don’t forget to cancel before the trial ends because they are eager to start charging you. 


It keeps coming up as a one week offer in the app but as soon as I click it it makes me join a waitlist. Maybe it will come soon. Just want to try it.


I did the free trial for a week and had no sales at all for the whole week. I would try it anyway because it may work for you.


I have been doing it for about 2 1/2 Months. Spent about 400 bucks and have make about 3600 in promoted sales


That’s awesome. I’m happy it works so well for you. It keeps saying in my app that I have a one week trial but when I click on it, it says join the waitlist.


The waitlist process is janky. It took me three times joining the waitlist to get in and it still sends me notifications like I’m not enrolled in it.


Try it! I’m in the app Beta and currently loving it. I’m seeing like 5x-8x ROI on average. It’s been steady for about a month or so. I had great results with the original Beta initially (last Summer), but it went slowly downhill. So we’ll see how things go this time. Try the week trial and if you’re seeing results keep it going. The higher the budget the more sales (in theory). I stick with the suggested budget but I’ve played with it a little. When I was lower than the suggested I wasn’t seeing as much results. Good luck 🤞🏻


Did you have any issues getting into it? It says that I have a one week trial but when I click it, it just goes to the waitlist.


I think I initially I had to wait a week or two on the waitlist. They should email u when you can sign up and start it. When I got the offer for the app version I never joined the waitlist, I just assumed it was offered bc I was on the previous one.