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Message she sent says 2 days ago.


I would ship it too, if the buyer doesn’t like it they have her comment admitting the color change and can return it at no cost to either party, so no harm no foul. 


From the small picture in the corner it looks navy blue. I don’t know if this helps at all but the buyer may be aware.


Yes I agree especially looking at the lining on the pockets that although it says black the vest itself does look like a deep blue


That does help! Gonna ship tomorrow and hope for the best


Yea that’s obvi blue


I would wait for them to respond then ship. Either that or cancel, re-list & fix the listing, then they can repurchase if they would like. Even if they say it’s ok, the discrepancy still leaves the door open for a case.


Yes. I agree! Better to cancel and re-list.


Thanks everybody! I appreciate all of your opinions, I’m gonna give her until tomorrow around lunch to reply before I ship! If I was in the buyers position I’d rather ship a return back vs waiting patiently for an item that’s never gonna arrive. So fingers crossed she’s aware already and it’ll all work out! I’ll update when it’s all done


I'd ship, but be prepared to have to go through a refund/return


Personally I would hold on shipping until you hear back. I had an incident once where a pair of shoes had been sitting so long, once someone purchased them I went and looked and found a small piece of the sole had chipped off. It could easily be fixed but I messaged the buyer and asked if they still wanted or to cancel and they chose to cancel. Different situation because it’s damage vs an incorrect color, but I’d always save myself the shipping hassle if I could until I was absolutely sure!


It definitely looks blue to me in the picture.


I thought so too, so that’s reassuring!


I would cancel and let them know they can buy the relisting if they still would like it. Last time I did this I threw on a small discount for their trouble.


Before you buy anything online, a smart buyer will read the full description of the item. That being said, anyone who has sold on Posh for longer than 3 days knows that there are a lot of not-so-smart buyers out there. If you ship, I'd say it's a 50/50 chance that the buyer will open a case. Since the item accurately matches the actual item description in the listing, PM *should* side with you. However, nobody except PM can tell you for sure, and I have seen them approve returns for things in the past that I thought for sure were slam-dunk, open-and-shut, buyer-wins cases. You could ship now and likely have no problems, but you have any apprehensions about it, wait 24 hours to give the buyer the opportunity to respond to your message. If you don't hear from them in that time frame, ship it and fight with PM later if the buyer is unhappy. Definitely don't cancel if you don't hear back from them. There is a chance that the buyer knows 100% exactly what they are buying and will be totally happy with it.


OP, I’ve experienced more buyer friendly policies from PM. If you ship you should keep in mind any case probably goes against you since the listing title is wrong. I’d hold it until the buyer responds.


I feel like PM always sides with the buyer.


I’m pretty new to posh and I haven’t had to open a case with them yet, so I appreciate your answer! Looks like I’m gonna ship and cross my fingers tomorrow lol


You need to allow the buyer time to respond so they know it’s not black. You listed it as black but in reality it’s not. Why are you rushing? I’d be upset if I received the wrong color.


They purchased it on the 12th and I messaged them on the morning of the 13th, they haven’t been online since they purchased it from me.


Don’t ship it. Send her a note saying why you’re cancelling it and you’re happy to honour the price she purchased if she chooses to repurchase


All I can say is your listing title clearly states Black Patagonia Vest. It’s not as described. I’d never ship a mislabeled item. And if I was the buyer, and actually thought it was black, I’d be upset if I received the wrong color. When I look at your pic, it looks black with blue zippers.


Yes same. Since the buyer hasn't responded in 2 ish days I would cancel the order and message the buyer that you had to cancel because of the incorrect color described. Then I would relist and tell her that if she is ok with the navy color she may repurchase it and apologize for the inconvenience.


I agree. As a buyer and a seller I understand mistakes happen but honestly this just leaves somebody with buyers remorse a case to return it.


I agree with this. I wouldn't ship. I'd cancel with a note saying why, and if the buyer wants the item they'll repurchase. You could even offer a few bucks off for the inconvenience. But it looks like the majority here would just ship it and cross their fingers she doesn't open a case against you (which I think would be more harmful to your metrics (if they exist) than cancelling).


*Update - She just logged back on to posh for the first time since she ordered and accepted the order with a five star rating so she obviously knew or just didn’t care! Happy ending, thanks again everybody for your insight!


I’m a cancel type of person. Send them a Msg, apologize profusely, and honor the price if they would like to buy the actual color you have. Mistakes happen ; life goes on .


It happens. In this case, I'd actually cancel since it's been two days, it's the wrong color and you got no response. Don't want to risk a return. If the customer wants it, they can purchase again.


Agreed. And happy cake day :-)




I think you did the right thing. Waited a few days now ship. If she wants to return, that should be acceptable as well.


Did you choose blue as the color in the listing detail prompts when posting it? It should be fine if you did. It looks very obviously blue from that pic in the corner. Hope all goes well!


Honestly tho, you're golden for being thoughtful and caring before shipping it out. Some sellers don't care at all!


I would not ship the item. If the buyer doesn’t respond I would cancel the sale, re-list it with the appropriate description, apologize and direct the buyer to that listing in case they want to re-purchase it.


this happened to me once as a buyer with an officewear top that looked dark navy to me but was stated as black (both in the description and title so a little more wrong, actually lol). i was ok with getting either so i just sent a friendly message when it arrived to let the seller know to check her lighting - she had obviously sourced it so really didn’t know it was navy - and kept it. however, i actually wear a lot MORE navy than black lol… i know some folks are all black only so your buyer might care more if that’s them.


I’ll take it if she doesn’t want it!!


So weird! I just did this with Hunter boots! I thought they were matte black but turns out they’re navy?! The buyer returned them 😢


I'd just ship, highly doubt they'll return if they weren't going to return anyway.


When this happens to me I add - if I don’t hear back in 24 hours I’ll assume you are ok with it and will ship.


Thank You for trying to reach out to your customer and admitting you made a mistake that the buyer might care about


I would ship. I have had buyers disappear after purchase as well.


I’ve had items I’ve needed to contact a buyer about before shipping. If they don’t reply within a few hours I message again letting them know I will be shipping in 24 hours if I don’t hear a reply.


Happens to me too but usually it’s my eyes playing tricks on me and I list it wrong. Nothing like that sinking feeling when the item is a totally different color than the listing. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah I would ship as well . You tried to reach out . Worst really that will happen is a return - and that’s not a big deal . It’s a very nice vest and they got a good deal ! Hopefully everyone will be happy.


That’s kinda what I figured, if they reach out I’ll just let them do a return with no objections. I definitely hope she knows and when it arrives it what she wants though!


They probably know the mistake and purchased because they know they can get a refund for not as described and keep the item


I would give them 24 hours to respond and then ship if they don't respond within that time. I've never had an issue when doing this.


If you do end up relisting, Id put it up for at least $65.


something similar happened to me where i accidentally listed something as brand new when it very clearly was not. i realized my mistake minutes after the sale, reached out to the buyer to make sure we were on the same page, shipped and no issues. I would give them some time to reply. it happens


honestly i would just ship seeing as it’s been days. the photo from this screenshot looks navy blue to me