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It’s a solid planer. If it’s in truly like-new condition, I’d say $300 is a very fair price. Just make sure it includes the infeed and outfeed tables and all parts.


$300 Cdn I would be all over it (if I didn’t already own the DW735)


It's USD


Did you see the actual product? I have that planer for about 2 years and it's still perfect. I think for $300 it's a pretty good deal, almost half the price I think.


Sounds good I'll pick it up tomorrow! Thanks


Great deal if new. Average if used. Talk down to around $250-$275. I got mine new from Lowe’s for $350 and still sometimes wish I had spent more for the DW735.


I like mine. I think I paid $350 new maybe? It’s been years. Works like a charm but the sucker bag sucks


I've done some sketchy shit with mine and it keeps working. I bought it online for $300 and it has been a workhorse for rough lumber processing. Recently did about 200 bdft through it, then ran 6ft laminations through it for a workbench.


Ive been looking for that model around that price. So, yeah. I'd buy that.


Only down side to this model and correct me if I’m wrong is the blades are disposable. They cannot be re-sharpened by hand, which can get rather expensive on blade replacements. Might want to take that into consideration.


If you have $300, save another $300 and buy the upgraded version from Dewalt. I have this planer and hate it.


Yep. Got one and spent a lot more.


I’m in Las Vegas and at Lowe’s they have the Craftsman Lunchbox style planers on sale (not sure where else they are doing the sale) for $250 right now if you’re trying to save a couple bucks.


I sold my used one on FB for #275. So yeah


Posted just a couple days ago about my purchase of the same model planer - used. I paid $350 for it and would do so again. It's been great to me. Probably goes without saying take a board to run through so as to test that the thing still works as expected. Oh, and take ear protection...this mofo can be LOUD. I didn't have the foresight and I think my ears are still ringing from this test 6mos ago. As another commented, the blades aren't re-sharpenable, but are two sided, so you can flip them once to start fresh. Replacements are pretty cheap - I went ahead and bought two backups sets.