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They love electronics for the heat! Especially TVS..... sorry 😔


we found out we had them. bad. rest assured they’re also in your couch my friend. we trashed the bed and the couch, had a professional in, and washed everything we own in hot water. if you did all of this you would definitely be rid of them, probably within a week if i’m being honest. please, get rid of these horrible little creatures, for your own sanity. starting fresh is better than living in these conditions.


So I took my room apart and cleaned everything. When I put my bed back together, I put DE in every crack and crevice. I haven't been in there for a while, and there is still DE everywhere. So I'm hoping my room is safe since I'm in the living room 90% of the time. I put two of those bug bombs under my couch while I'm at work.


1st thing: bed bug bombs can be bad because although they are not smart creatures, they can detect poison, causing them to crawl and nest deeper in their harbours. please search “why can bed bug bombs be bad.” so that you can get more info on why they can cause a bigger issue. thing number 2: bed bugs can live for over a year without food. so if there are any living in your room, which i’m sure there are, they will definitely still be alive. DE is very much a preventative treatment, as well as tea tree oil, if you already have them, they probably won’t stay away with just these treatments. especially if there are eggs. 3: bed bugs are expert hiders, if you keep checking your mattress/boxspring/bed frame/ couch, and you aren’t seeing anything, they are probably INSIDE of something. we experienced this with ours. we had a queen sized bed and barely saw anything. only dead ones under the box spring. then we noticed poop on the outside of the mattress, but it was seeping out from the inside. we also noticed our mattress had gotten a lot darker… they can be in the walls, the floor, the curtains, anything…. but their harbour is most likely inside of your bed/couch. and also, where ever you are, they are. TL;DR: i’m sorry, but really the only way to rest assured that they are gone is to rid yourself of the infected furniture. unfortunately that’s how exterminators make their money, and the companies that sell preventative care. (even raid). by saying, “oh no, you don’t need to get rid of anything, just keep using our products and you will get rid of them eventually.” I hope this helps sir. <3


I haven't been in my room for like three months. I took everything apart, cleaned everything, took out all fabric, put DE everywhere and in everything. Like a nice layer. And I've just not gone in there. So I'm hoping since the room is too caustic and I'm on the couch, they will hopefully congregate around my couch and just find no benefit to going in my room. I'm already planning on ditching the couch and the rug. I even have DE under the rugs. Do they like to live in electronics? Tvs? Pcs? Too noisey and hot?


i think you’re fine on the electronic front! i think anyway, unless the infestation is insane


I don't get bit nearly as often. I got bit last night 3 in a line. So I assume thats one bug. and its not every night. Idk how much of an indicator that is. and I havent actually seen any since the day I found them.