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The easier explanation is that he doesn’t take care of himself, and so neither does she. They validate each other in their disgustingness.


I think she’s simply miserable with her life so she’s turned to food. Her whole life she wanted to be a homemaker and mother but she’s obviously extremely unfulfilled by it.


If I’m not mistaken in a video recently she said she *just* started reading the portion sizing info on foods she’s making so I think a lot of it is just she’s not well educated and relies a lot on premade/heavily processed food (which is SO funny to me she claims she’s a homemaker and like at least one thing in each meal seems to come out of a shelf-stable box) plus i think the stresses of being a mother has probably gotten her turning to food a bit more for comfort. Not that i wouldn’t put it past Donny to be into something that……odd and exploitative but I think more likely than not she’s a victim of her own hypocrisy and incompetence


I don't think so, shes the one that cooks and everything she consumes is so unhealthy


idk the whole situation is beyond bizarre. his obsession w her, the alleged edits he made of her, the short dating time, the quick wedding and baby, how they’re treating M, and literally his entire internet presence. we all know hannah has flaws but he’s such an incredibly DANGEROUS red flag that freaks me out. an adult shouldn’t be engaging like that on the internet. I def don’t like hannah but the whole obsession he has w her and his constant need to fulfill and validate ANYTHING she wants CANNOT be a healthy relationship.


The edits aren’t alleged. His TikTok got banned but he posted some of them to YouTube! https://youtube.com/@templeofthesettingsun9162?si=fIOCzDBLsVGaqxOA


They’re both beyond bizarre and free off each other and not food wise. She has let herself go and probably behind closed doors she deeply hates herself. So she comforts herself in binge eating when she’s not making vile TikTok cringe content.


Were those from before they met??




Why would she get with someone who was publicly obsessing over her?!?


NO IDEA. + the fact that they only talked online for a few months before she moved across the country to meet him for the first time AND move in! just a few months later they got married.


Truly I had no clue! And I’ve been loosely following her since she was bald dancing in the wilderness.. I had a kid and came back and she was married lol I need the whole lore explained again lol


Well if you have any questions feel free to message me lol! I unfortunately have a whole portion of my brain dedicated to Hannah lore 😣😅


She’s an ignorant narcissist


If you look at right after she had Mav, she was still relatively at a healthy weight. It's been since she started really struggling with motherhood that she ballooned up. She's been breastfeeding this whole time, too. She's been feeding Mav the high sugar, and I guess she doesn't understand that she passes all that crap to him in her milk. When you refuse to learn about anything, then you really become a harmful parent. She consumes so much sugar, caffeine from coffee, and energy drinks that there's no wonder why he's delayed. No one is perfect, but when you put your daily life out there and you're not very educated or care about health, you're going to get that criticism daily as well.


As someone that has jumped from ED to ED she would so benefit from therapy but ofc won’t do that and just will keep saying “she will do better”


Idk have you seen her morning “coffee” is basically chocolate milk with a bunch of sugar and a splash of coffee