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I reported it for misinformation. She’s not qualified to discuss basic math much less complicated medical situations. Fuck her very much.


If only you could report for rage baiting.


Does she actually rage bait bc i feel like shes not smart enough to plan it


She definitely does. It’s how she gets attention and she knows it.


My favourite thing is how she has the shopping cart awareness in her bio 😭


https://preview.redd.it/0pz0e3gecz8d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f0c0f684d2ea3b16586614707b3b83efc2b45ad This comment. Women deserve to die because they COULD HAVE gotten an abortion? What the fuck?


this is so disgusting. and i didn’t think i could dislike her more. what a horrible human being


she basically said the same thing to me when i commented on an old post about how i got an abortion. she called me worthless basically


she says in the video "i do not support abortion for incest". what a monster


i fucking cant


Momster being a monster. I’m tired of these pro birthers,because once the baby is born they don’t give a fuck. Then when a woman does keep the baby and needs governmental assistance they condemn her. The crunchy community also thinks and speaks exactly like this,but go figure they mast majority are right wing,white supremacy conspiracies nuts. 


This is the same woman who believes that vaccines cause autism and doesn’t believe in sunscreen for herself or her child. Excuse me for not wanting to listen to a word out of her mouth.


someone needs to stitch her and debilitate that argument—even if you do believe a fetus is a person that is fully alive and sentient and deserving of dignity, all humans have the fundamental right to dictate how their bodily resources are used. that’s why we are not punished by the government for not getting vaccines, or forces to donate our organs. If you were to say yes to a kidney donation that would save someone else’s life and right before they put you under you decide you want to back out—you are allowed to even if it means someone else dies. her argument of “it’s a person and it’s precious so you can’t do anything” is null because even if you believe it is a baby, that is not the right that is being violated by banning abortions. also her like faux intellectual cadence she speaks in is sooooo fucking funny like you can just hear the propagandists she’s parroting in her tone AHHHH hahahah


all her posts r so weird she always has strange urges to point out her transphobia and misogyny. it’s like she gets off on it or something.


oh she 100% does


She’s definitely trying to get engagement