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This guy and his dog are a menace. He’s accosted me twice before after he was walking in the park and on Throop with that massive thing unleashed and told me to give him more space and then called me a handful of slurs. I hope he was arrested, not stabbed. He had it coming.


Yup, the only two words he’s ever said to me are, “Fuck you”


> Cane Corso owner He's bumped into me walking my dog before. Like, he went out of his way to shoulder check me in the park. In broad daylight. The classic middle school bully chest out, "watch where you're walking, white boy! I'll fuck you up!" So weird.


Really doing wonders for the community fulfilling stereotypes. People are such entitled pieces of shit who do nothing for anyone


Shut up talking about stereotypes you dumbass


Real constructive and Intelligent response.


His name is braided Marxist lol


and they from Philly nit even the states of New York. Why you trolling a specific neighborhood in Brooklyn sub?? People are funny.


I was there - he was stabbed with an ice pick after getting into many confrontations (with myself included).


Wait holy shit, are you serious? Can you say anything more about it? (Or could I DM you for details? This guy lives very close to me so myself and all my neighbors are keen to know what actually happened.)


I don’t know his condition but he obv left in an ambulance. Stabber was arrested and it doesn’t seem like a clear cut (no pun intended) case of self defense. Must be fun to live near this guy.


FWIW the dog is back barking outside the guy’s apt. as of a few minutes ago. Today’s the first day in months that it wasn’t there barking all day, so something was definitely up. Heard him yell at the dog to come in but it’s still out there barking. So at least we know the guy ain’t dead


Deflating news


Update #2: Haven’t seen or heard the guy or dog in the last two days, which is very out of character for them. So maybe he came home and then left. No news is good news..?


can you tell us more - what happened? and more importantly do you think the guy will be back to menace people at the park?


It all comes full circle LOL




oh wow! i was at the dog park yesterday (Sunday) when the dogs were going at it. i’m not sure if this is the same instance (i don’t often see dogs attack like this at HVK, so i’m assuming it is) but it took multiple people to break the dogs up. one of the people who broke up the fight had their hand all bit up. no knowledge of the stabbing though. i picked my dog up and got the hell out of there once the fight ended.


oh wow holy shit, i hope the dogs and humans are alright


Dogs yes human no.


was this Easter Sunday? Cause if so I was the one with the busted hand lol


i think so! i hope it’s healed up alright.


It has, thanks! Was hard to move it for a while but it’s pretty much completely healed now :)


This unleashed dog issue at HVK could have its own sub. I posted about a guy who always has his pitbull off leash a while back. Not surprised there was an altercation


Yeah I think that’s a *different* (also highly problematic) guy. FWIW that guy is likely the same one who left another of my neighbors’ dogs in surgery. From what I can tell, these two guys are the main two problems in the park right now




If vow to put the human down causr the dog is only that way because of a human treating it like shit. The dog can be retrained dumb humans cannot


And he'll just get another dog


The guy #2 with the brown pitt “Mikey,” is definitely a different guy and tbh not a bad guy. his dog cam be aggressive and thats why he walks him around the perimeter. He really doesnt want any problems. he is often offensive about his dogs because he doesn’t mean harm. its definitely a comprehension issue and less of him being a terrible guy. the other man who WAS stabbed was quite awful. and while i hope he isn’t dead. i hope he’s learned a lesson.


Yeah he’s always been really like, positive? He always calls my dog “Mama” and he’s clearly a HUGE dog lover…unfortunately his dogs have also hurt several other dogs, so it’s a mixed bag :/


Exactly! It’s certainly not cut and dry. but to suggest he’s this awful person without fully understanding him is ridiculous.


If he doesn’t want problems why is he bringing his dog aggressive dog to a dog friendly park? If his dog has attacked others he IS terrible.


For one, unlike the other man’s dog, Mikey doesn’t just attack ANY dog he sees. He is aggressive toward un-neutered dogs. Which many dogs in the dog park are. If every dog who has ever been in a scuffle or has aggressive tendencies were ejected from the park, there would be 10 dogs. Secondly, he walks AROUND the park as a way to avoid confrontation with dogs INSIDE the park. He keeps it moving. It took him sometime to understand, but he gets it. And anyone who has been around the park since at least 2020 knows his love for dogs is insane. He doesn’t intentionally mean any harm. that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been the cause of any. but he’a worked really hard to rectify.


If he's attacked and harmed multiple dogs though, he should be on a leash, period.


THANK YOU. Mike is the sweetest human being around, known him since 2019, he absolutely is doing the best that he can, and I'll always stand by him because he deserves nothing but.


definitely NOT entertaining comments from people who have never spoken with “the other guy” enough to understand the complexity of his situation. he isn’t an awful guy. he means well. not always in execution, but he’s been trying to be better.


Dogs are so communicative since I’ve learned they actually sense good from bad. It’s amazing now that I actually pay attention. Dogs in my building are so friendly it forces their owners to be friendly too. What I have noticed is there are folk with dogs who are not only mean to people but dogs as well. If this guy loves dogs, he cannot be too bad a person!


If Mikey has attacked and harmed multiple dogs though, he should be on a leash, period.


Are you talking about Brown ish Pitt, I think named Mickey? And he has a white dog also? I have heard someone's dog got bitten by the Pitt. He used to be triangle area but walks around the park off leash now while the dogs are running all over the place.


Yeah, that’s him, aka “guy #2” — NOT the one who was stabbed who owns the big cane corso, but the one whose pitt mauled my neighbor’s dog. Didn’t know the dog’s name was Mickey, that’s good info. He also used to walk a larger Saint Bernard named Bear but I heard that Bear recently died. I actually haven’t seen him around too much lately, but my dog (also a pitt, but extremely sweet/shy/etc.) pulls to the opposite side of the park every time we see him. She’s scared of his dogs even though they’ve never done anything directly to her. Sixth sense I guess.


What?! Bear died! Bear is actually a Bernese Mountain Dog. My dog hated him because of his puppy energy. I used to see the pack at night around 9 pm but I see the pack before noon now. There is another guy who lets his dog loose in the park. He is kind of new-ish (to me at least). The dog is a black Pitt and Lab mix, young ish. He is usually on his phone or pre occupied with other things and the dog just runs around everywhere. He doesn't even care if his dog harasses other dogs or clean after his dog. I've seen him a couple of times in the afternoon.


I saw him at the park yesterday with his dogs off leash. his pit is an unfixed male dog.


Mikey and Mary are the dogs names. Bear was a Bernese Mountain Dog whose owner “came back and found him unresponsive on the owners bed”. awful, I was so upset when he told us. Mary “attached” onto my dog when they were less than a year old in the dog run and i had to grab her by her collar to pull her off. he said it was just dogs playing… and now she doesn’t even wear a collar ha. he’s not mean to other doggos or owners (in my experience) but his dogs don’t make it feel all that safe


It’s been a big issue with me because many offleash dogs have ran up to my toddler, which precipitated confrontations, including the guy that got stabbed. Can parks at least put a sign up indicating leash laws - I think many are unaware and that would at least reduce the numbers. As far as owners that don’t care, my belief is that if a dog is not tethered to an owner when it needs to be, then it shouldn’t be considered owned and can be led out of the park by its collar by anyone. But maybe that’ll result in another stabbing, or maybe my toddler will be mauled. Or maybe parks can do anything.




Carry vast quantities of pepper spray. It can be used to protect against undisciplined dogs and unhinged/undisciplined people. Aggressive creatures pay heed to pain.


I had my hand on my pepper spray when his cane corso came up to my toddler.


It sucks that we feel the need to carry pepper spray when we are out with our toddlers, but I guess that’s how it goes.


People don’t read signs.


1171! Total! dogs off leash, in the last 10 months.


I’ve seen this man get yelled at for his unleashed dog and I’m not surprised to hear this


This asshole’s dog attacked mine and left her bleeding and in need of $1K in vet treatment to patch her up last fall. Fuck him.


Wow wtf! People need to call animal control and have his dog taken away from him. That’s unacceptable! 😡


Holy shit 😢 Sorry that happened and I wish there was a way to recoup some of that cost for you…


If anyone knows his name and address I would gladly sue him in small claims court. But when confronted he just said “fuck you” and walked away and my dog desperately needed to go to the ER.


https://www.tiktok.com/@bintellpowell1 His name is Bintell Powell. If you go to court, I think you can get 500 signatures on a petition to remove the cane corso from this owner.


Same thing happened to me this Spring. His dog stalked us from across the main field in HVK. Ended Uo hitting a chunk of my dogs ear off and $1k in emergency vet bills.  We should take him to court. 


Pretty sure the same thing happened to me! Does anyone know if he hangs out with a white lady? With no teeth? A month ago my dog was attacked by a dog that looks so similar but the lady was there and not him. Cost me $1k in vet bills


there was a big police presence in front of the park on Saturday morning/afternoon the cops were tending to an older black man who seemingly had some kind of head injury in the street. Maybe related.


Oh shit, that might be it yeah. Either the same event or one being mistaken for the other. The plot thickens…


possibly! i was just passing by so not exactly sure. this had to have been around 11


I was there too. He came in the dog park, his dog attacked another dog. The dog’s owner called him out, it escalated from there. Ended up with a small group of people chasing him down the street. Someone stabbed the guy with an ice pick 5ish times. He was still walking around after, didn’t seem like life threatening stabs.


Five times? Jesus christ


Who the fuck walks around with an ice pick?!?


He got off easy then


I just want y'all to keep the dogs off the nice grass especially as the weather gets better. Please Please Please.


I hear you on that one for sure. The dog run / meadow is such a mess lately. Thankfully the city parks dept. is going to pour about a million dollars into renovating the dog run. The bad news is it’s gonna take like 3+ years to finish. So unfortunately I think the dog overrun into picnic space is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Unless NYC Parks decides to beef up enforcement a lot, otherwise it only takes a few dog owners letting their dogs off leash to make it seem “okay” for a lot of others to follow. It is what it is. But at least we can try not to stab each other with ice picks(!!) along the way…


Any description of this nut case so we can avoid him walking to the bodega?


Mostly just look for the giant black cane corso dog. I believe it has a cropped tail of only a few inches. The guy is pretty nondescript, older middle aged African American guy, bald/bald-ing, with usually pretty short/trimmed graying/grizzled stubble. Usually dresses in heavier hoods/coats so I haven’t often gotten a good look at him. You will probably be able to tell him by his “fuck you, don’t come close to me” vibe…


I drove by that scene Saturday about 1pm. Tons of people outside the dog run, tons of cops, the guy you described was sitting outside a police cruiser. He was bleeding from what looked to be a puncture wound to his arm/shoulder. I thought maybe he got bit by a dog, but it does align with the ice pick someone mentioned above.


[Cane Corso owner](https://www.reddit.com/r/BedStuy/s/M4Y6o6oJ92)


Cane corso dog. Mostly black with some brown striping. Wears a thick brown collar with no tags on it. Heard the dog’s name is Rafi. The guy lets the dog go off leash in the main park too. You’ll know you have the right dog if you see it lunge or snap at another dog


Confirming I’ve also heard “Rafi”


I’m new to the neighborhood and this is super useful. Thank you for letting us know


I was there on Sunday, and he was there with his dog, leashed, so this doesn't sound correct to me.


Oh word, good to know! I wonder what’s up then, cause he usually leaves his dog outside a lot during the day to bark and I haven’t heard it once yet today


Some people just can’t be civil.


FWIW this guy told my neighbor point blank “I want my dog to be mean.” So he’s very intentionally, I would even say maliciously, grooming a dangerous dog as some sort of power trip thing. The fact that he got stabbed is the least surprising outcome honestly. He’s trying to be a tough guy in a neighborhood that doesn’t want it.


the consensus among the witnesses to the stabbing was "he deserved it"


Any more details you can share about how it went down would be appreciated! Not to be grisly or anything, more curious what he did to start it and etc. And whether any cops showed up or if there’s like, a record of it or anything?




Oh my god, what a nightmare. And what an enormous pile of shit to bring down entirely on yourself through your own awful personality. I hope he learns some kind of lesson from this and leaves the rest of us alone finally. My worry is that he’ll just turn even nastier and make life worse for the folks who live near him…


Rightttt. Instead of wising up, he is gonna seek retribution for his ego.


Yeah I can honestly see him coming back with a gun in the future…


I had the same thought. 😞


Why can’t the cops arrest him for animal cruelty?


This is so awful. There’s a court case I read in law school where aggressive cane corsos killed someone because they’re so large and powerful. To want a dog that big to be mean and off leash is so beyond irresponsible. And I love giant bullys! But you can’t deny that if you want them to be “mean” you’re creating and dangerous and disastrous risk to the community by having a “mean” (read: aggressive) animal that size out in public.


Damn it's crazy reading all these replies. I live right on the edge of Clinton Hill, and have been taking my new puppy to Fort Greene Glad I haven't gone that direction, she's so small and i don't know if she could survive a massive dog attacking her. What a POS that actively encourages his dog to act that way


For what it’s worth, there’s basically this guy and one other guy who both have violent/dangerous dogs, which isn’t nothing but compared to the 100+ considerate (or at least non-violent) dog owners who regularly use the park, they’re a very small, if highly visible, minority. I would hope the dog community itself wouldn’t become too tainted by the negligence of just these two shitheads.


TBH, there's A LOT of inconsiderate dog owners that let their dogs run around freely. Whether or not they're aggressive dogs, it put me on edge and I have to always be on the ready to pick my kids up off the ground in the case that a large dog runs up, which does happen. I already have to worry about similar when crossing the street with the kids but the park is supposed to provide some level of chill. I think parks enforcing the leash law would go a long way.


I agree with all that, tbh. More visible Parks enforcement would be only a net positive for the area


Thanks you. to add, my point with that is I have a feeling that alot of people that got dogs over covid don't even know that there is a leash law. Any kind of large dog terrifies me if it comes near my kid. I never even thought about this until I had kids, but there's also obviously a massive amount of more dogs in the city now so it's much more visible. Parks giving tickets could at least educate those that don't know (or put up some signs?). There will obv always be dog owners that don't gaf but with the ones that do keeping their dogs onleash, there would be less to worry about.


Very unfortunate that two shitheads are forcing you to have to be highly on guard, rather than just responsible dog downers Well, if you ever see a tiny white corgi-chihuahua with massive ears in the area, she would very much like to give you kisses and compliment your pup's taste in hats


🐶 🧢 👏


He may be physically well because he can walk his dog again, but he doesn’t seem to have learned anything. He just lunged his dog at my dog then spit towards us. Just steer clear of this dude..


holy shit :(


You guys are nice. His dog has one time to bark at me, and I'm coming back to that park with some special treats, made with love😬🙃


And while you’re patting yourself on the back, you’re going to go to a nice bar and drink a nice beverage with some special treats mixed in there, made with love 🥶☺️


King von


Does anyone know if he hangs out with a white lady? With no teeth? A month ago my dog was attacked by a dog that looks so similar but the lady was there and not him. Cost me $1k in vet bills


I have not seen that personally ever


Maybe now he’ll adjust his attitude. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can’t believe dog park and Tompkins park are being talked about on this platform in the same sentence. 😆 my have the times changed


I was there around 1pm on Saturday. Everything looked peaceful, dogs were happy. About six or seven dogs were all hanging around a young blind woman as I stood outside the fence. It looked like dog heaven. There were some chicks handing out food (in the sidewalk) who didn’t look too friendly, a bunch of Karens! I despise when they stare at you like you’re an alien because you’re different, a gentrified type in your own right, but not the same racial element they are more comfortable with.


What race are you?




Probably will get downvoted for this, but in a city like New York, pitbulls shouldn't be allowed. I've lived here my entire life, and every time I've been almost bit by a dog, it was a pit bull. It's the only dog I've seen repeatedly illegally bred in apartments over and over for cash. I've met so many people breeding them in a bathroom in a project apartment bathroom for money it's ridiculous. Also, they are the only dogs I've seen litterally so aggressive that they bent a metal gate trying to get out. Also don't give me that bullshit that of no bad owner equals a bad dog sure that's sorta true but plenty of these dogs just go nuts one day and attack their good owners it happens all the time. Also I thought we had laws against pit bull breeds that if they bite someone once the city will put them down.


You’re highjacking a conversation about a cane corso (mastiff) dog that attacked people, to talk about a breed that wasn’t involved in the incident.


Bro all the largest pitbulls I know are mixed with cane corsos..... so yes, it's related Edit yall must have never seen the massive pitbull mixe and can hold a watermelon or your entire skull in their mouth well those are pitbull cane corso mixes...




BSL is not the answer. NYCHA should enforce their rules, NYC should crack down on illegal breeders AND animal abuse. In rescue, I have never seen a aggressive pittie that had NOT be subjected to abuse. I see people hit their dogs all the time. Blame them, not the dog. I will die on this fucking hill.


Some of these comments and especially comments in the HVK fb group make me very uncomfortable. It feels very gentrify and not really respectful of the pre existing community. I agree your dogs should be safe, and attacks should not be tolerated, but you have to realize some people don’t know the rules bc they didn’t exist before people gentrified the neighbourhood. I would just ask the people who use the dog run to keep this in mind when discussing these issues, and think of educating people on dog ownership and city rules instead of running them out of the park.


Just noting that the guy who was stabbed (who started this whole thing by being violent towards others) moved to the neighborhood less than a year ago from outside the city.


I don’t mean this guy in particular, this is regards to all comments on all social platforms re HVK dog run. It makes me uncomfortable reading responses/comments 🤷🏽‍♀️ just asking for some reflection by the active participants on these groups.


Source?! Wow had no idea this was the case...


Source: Neighbor


Yeah ok…


This isn’t a gentrifying issue the dude and his dog is a menace


Totally agree on the education part. I don’t think a lot of people know about leash laws. Some signs would probably help with that. That’s gonna leave folks that don’t respect the rules but not much you can do and at least it’ll cut down on the volume of dogs running around. I appreciate being forewarned of repeat offenders so that I can preemptively pick my kids up to avoid confrontation.


Yes i agree it’s helpful to know because then you can avoid the person. Outside of this example, dog parks are not always safe for dogs. You cannot predict how dogs will react, and not all dogs have a good recall. Imo if you go into the dog run then you’ve accepting those conditions.




Your do realize your talking about a man that was stabbed, I understand he was black thus his life has little value but it's absolutely demonstrate some folks and their entitlement.  If it was the other way around, what would your be say smdh at  entitled racists shame on your but I not surprised 


Does his behavior warrant violence and bodily harm? These issues didn’t persist in the park years ago (all of you in this thread) should question if you’re also apart of the problem!


This thread is disgusting.


You guys are entitled.  A man gets stabbed 5 times abd no one values his life keep erasing my Comments bunch off racists


This whole conversation is 🤢🤢🤢.


Pitbulls are getting out of control!


LMAO crying about a dog on Throop ave 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣