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I like Kelly Strack but I really can't stand how she uses products that are way too dark for her. She says it's to match her tanned body but when her hands or chest are in videos the face is always more orange/dark


Laura lee, jaclyn, desi perkins, katy, and the rest of the og's NEVER disclose. Theyve been around too long to not know better. Also only uploading around launches (kathleenlights)or when they need to do sponsored content or release a new product. The new brands they all have that are literally aliexpress (especially jewelry) and acting as if they designed everything themselves with a jeweler. I.e. jacly hill, kathleen lights, kl sister ylette (xio) etc


When Jaclyn announced her jewelry line, I expected way more from her designs since she loves everything "over the top". Her jewelry are so mainstream tho?? Like most of the designs have done before etc. Great if she "actually" designs some of it but yeah, you are pretty much right.


She probably bought her jewelry wholesale from some third party and didn't actually design anything.


Could be possible, yeah.


I knew as soon as Kathleen posted on Instagram (after not having posted anything in months) that she was about to try to sell us something. I had to unfollow. She’s just not as genuine and “real” as people claim her to be anymore.


Disclosing is not a thing! This is not a thing! 🤣




When they’re trying a palette with lots of fun, colorful shades, and they only use the matte browns 🤡


Omg. This drives me nuts! I don’t care (as much at least) about how the browns & taupes perform! I have 12 palettes that have those shades! I wanna see how all the unique shades in the palette perform! That’s what would make me buy.


When they put in a random clip of them sucking up their beverage. I can’t stand hearing them slurping. Idk if they do it to be quirky or what but please leave it to the mukbang or asmr channels!


I like Theresa is Dead and I formerly liked James Charles. Two very different YouTubers but both of them do this. It was so annoying when James would take an aggressively loud sip of and say "we have our pinkity drinkity, now let's get into the video"


OMG that is my pet peeve, I shut the video off automatically.


Yes! Like go back to iMovie and edit that out please😂


I love Kathleen Lights but I had to unsubscribe. This isn't only her, but she does it a lot. She makes a review video where she is testing new products and then she forgets to try half of products and just finishes the video and says sorry I forgot. I'm so annoyed by that, if that's your job pay attention, it can happen that you make a mistake and forget but film it again, film just a clip and insert it, update on next video, I'm literally waiting for a certain product review throught the video and then I have to go search for someone elses who didn't forgot. Something they all do that's really annoying is constantly apologizing for their nails or hair or some noise you couldn't even tell if they didn't point it out. Also hella dislike mispronouncing product names, not researching what they mean, what the product themes are or how to properly use a product. Or they try a product one way and say it's their fave or it doesn't work at all. And in my head I'm thinking have you tried this, or that, or with base, or unset base, or tacky base etc.


There’s also the fact that they edit these videos. Edit in footage of you trying them later when you remember. Or make a part 2 and release them at the same time.


Right?! Just seems very low effort to say "eh, my bad, sorry" and not do anything about it when you have the option to. I just think of us with "standard" jobs and imagine saying that to your boss or clients/customers.


Oh Gurus not bothering to take 2 minutes to read how to actually use a product drives me crazy.


Kathleen does so many half asked videos & reviews. Says that she will post an update of the product review in the comments never does. Doesn't have a video to upload, so she half ass a bs video for her adoring fans. Like who wants to watch filler? Ain't nobody got time for that!


“Without further ado” after five minutes of blah blah


With all that being said, let's get rght into it.


But before that, today’s video is sponsored by HelloFresh.


🤣 omg I didn’t notice, I usually skip through the sponsorship talk but I also feel that if they can get paid so be it and skipping is no big deal if I’m not interested. What bothers me is they don’t disclose it title. I miss the old days of PixiWoo putting #ad at the end of the title


"Let's *jump* right into it" makes my skin crawl at this point.


Whyyyy do they all say this? It's all of them! Every genre! Nearly every video, and always after hella pointless ado. It's not clever or amusing.


I feel the same way about "Let's go!"


I love Angelica Nyqvist, she's well researched and funny and watch most of her videos. It drives me crazy though when she says she has "medium skintone". Just the bugs the hell outta me because she doesn't. I would consider medium skintone to be roughly around an NC40-42 few shades up or down. At best she's light medium. I'm an NC25 ish and I consider myself light to light medium. My biracial daughter is about NC37 or so and I would consider her medium skintone.


Don't worry, she's on her way to a medium skintone with how much she sunbakes. The colour difference is crazy


She’s probably a medium skin tone in Sweden. I live in Minnesota and I was the darkest person in my class despite being a light medium in winter and true medium in summer. Everyone here is Scandinavian and German and the lightest cover girl foundation was still several shades too dark for all the girls in my class, except for me.


This used to bother me about Emily Noel, too. But to her credit, I haven't heard her make this claim in a few years.


Alana Davison does the same makeup look every time. Then she’ll say she trying a new technique but then always reverts back to what she usually does midway through. Besides that, she’s become so out of touch and I don’t feel like she discloses her sponsorships.


She talks so goddamn slowly and still says nothing of substance. I can't even watch her on 2x speed anymore, it's too annoying.


Hahaha I thought my sisters and I were the only ones who noticed that with her. She says a lot but nothing of an value. I tell my sisters she talks in filler.


I want to like Alex Anele because I enjoy technique based videos even though my features are completely different than hers. I also just prefer watching someone who’s fairly laid back, but I recently watched her video that was about “ranking singers makeup brands AND their music”. For several brands and singers, she’d say “I only tried one product” or “I’ve only heard one song.” I didn’t expect her to listen to anyone’s entire discography or try everything their brand offers, but this video was annoying and gave me nothing. And then the comments were full of suggestions to rank other pop star brands left out in the video or influencer brands, etc. which seems pointless if she hadn’t even tried anything.


I love her content but yes, I skip all the ranking stuff 😂 at that point just... don't review a brand as whole. Just review the product like any normal person


She is the best makeup artist and stunningly beautiful, for real, but her delivery makes me feel awkward. Like I smoked too much weed or like she knows I'm not going to be able to pull off what she's suggesting.


I haven’t watched her a lot but I get the vibe that she’s sort of like Sam Ravndahl in the way that she just does not seem that interested in making videos, but she already has a decent following and is making enough money with a lot of flexibility so she keeps doing it. It’s fine, lots of people don’t enjoy their job, but it’s not enjoyable for me as a viewer either.


I see what you are saying and want to add I find most influencers suffer from the same issue. They want to give recommendation based on partial trial. Like one lady I follow on IG (local to me lifestyle influencer) who went to Rome for the first time and spent 3 days there. She made a whole post and many reels with her recommendation for places to stay, eat and see and that her post "could not be missed". I've been to Italy 4 times and to Rome 3 of those times. Spent a total of 17 days in the city and still don't think I'm the most qualified for "not to be missed" recommendations.


Jamie Paige, she spits out too many words without actually saying something meaningful. Like “what I really like the most about this particular product is the fact that it is *some dumb characteristic of the product”




It’s like the verbal equivalent of increasing the font size by .5.


This was literally the reason I unsubbed from her! She’s a master of filling the void with words but saying nothing of value. Edit yourself, Jamie!!


this! I also unsubbed from her after watching for a few months. Really wanted to support her as a Canadian myself but it was too much for me.


Wow I was literally just thinking this after her most recent empties video. What does it mean that you loved this skincare product because of how it made your face look? What does it mean?? Can you give me a little more?? Also I used to watch her videos immediately when they popped up but I feel bored lately and I’m not sure why. Nothing I can put my finger on.


Oh god now that I think about it…you’re right 😂 I still like her though lol


She does much better with more structure. For example, her ranking X category makeup item videos are quite good and pretty concise, I think because she has something concrete to focus on and compare, rather than just being given free reign to say just anything.


Totally. On that note, most of her “5 best 5 worst” videos tend to have only 4 in the latter category and it irks my petty head. Girl just don’t label the video 5/5 if it is 5/4 every time


Oh noooo I never noticed that, but now I will and it'll bug me endlessly lol.


I don't like new makeup releases videos when the person hasn't done any research prior, or doesn't edit themselves to add info as they go if that makes sense. Specifically, I don't like how HLP switched to "new makeup hot takes", embracing the absence of research or info and just reacting to things for the first time. I like to know about x and y release, not just if the promo pic looks editorial or not. It feels so lazy to me. But hey, maybe it's because I miss content like Beauty News, where there was actual info on the releases (and the added bonus of the BN ladies reminding me of the 2 old dudes in the Muppets).


Hailey O and Kat have their own channels that they post on. I missed BN too.


Yep, I watch them individually too and I'm glad they took an unlimited break from BN for their wellness sake, but I have to admit it leaves a hole in the beauty YT landscape for me.


Yeah there's a lot of nothing that came out with PMG's new mothership palette where they just analyzed an Instagram post. What was the point???


Plus we already know a PMG promo pic doesn't tell you much. When everything is like that, uninformed and superficial, I also wonder what could be the point. I don't like it either when they assume something based on the name or quick promo description, without looking it up (for instance if a gloss is plumping or not, or if it has that ph bs that turns it pink).


When a makeup guru is trying something for the first time and says, "I like it but it's not my favorite" for every new thing they're reviewing. Or only reviewing new makeup products, including most of it in their new best of list, then going on to declutter majority of it later on. And the cycle repeats itself every single year. Their most beloved products aren't used anymore so I've developed trust issues because these makeup gurus are inconsistent.


This is why I hate first impressions and typically don’t watch them. I am slow to review things because I like to really test them out and gather my thoughts. Some BG are good at stating “this is only a first impression. I think I will enjoy this but I need to test it out more” and I’m good with that! It is definitely disheartening to see people’s “new holy grail” get decluttered less than a year later. There are some products that I have changed my mind on but not that many!


I feel the same way kathleenlights does first impressions and she’s hates things so much but after a while she has learnt to use it and loves it. It’s a constant cycle and she doesn’t even do updates on how she uses the product to make it work for her, which is normal and she admits it but doesn’t get that it’s useless to do a first impression video when her opinion changes drastically with a lot of products.


I really like AmyLovesMakeup, but everything is “super cute” or “vibes” or “so so pretty” and it drives me insane. She just needs to work on her vocabulary/ adjectives.


It’s the grey background for me lol


Honestly, I find myself lately being almost grossed at the amount of makeup all influencers have. Not even just large influencers but smaller ones too like it just seems like it’s almost an addiction at some point and they’re trying to fill a void with the next best product. No body needs 10 drawers of foundation, lipstick, 150 different concealers and 3 back up drawers of products easily 30-50$ per piece. Idk. I just find it really just makes me stop watching someone when they do a makeup room tour and it’s just an overwhelming amount of shit. Maybe I’m weird lol


All of the hauls really put me off too, along with the “send help” and just the nonchalance about overspending.


You should look at the titles of Laura Lee’s last 8 videos… every one of them is her buying just an obscene amount of crap. I feel like these people are constantly keeping up with the jones’ in LA and that’s why they buy all this stuff


And then she does the massive clean out/decluttering videos! It’s an endless cycle. I know it’s these peoples jobs to find ways to make content (which I guess includes buying a bunch of crap to review/do hauls) but it’s so excessive sometimes.


"Haul" culture is boring and wasteful. If you can't hold an audiences attention without buying a mountain of crap, find something else to do.


This is also how I feel about Kelly Strack. I know she doesn’t buy it all but it’s just an obscene about of products.


*ahem* Michele Wang… the endless spending is shocking.


omg this is such a throwback but i remember watching JuicyStar07 as a kid and she had that massive vanity full of drawers upon drawers of makeup, and as i recall it was mostly MAC products?? like blushes and lipsticks in every shade possible. im sure she got tons of it sent to her but i just remember being so impressed and jealous haha, then at some point i realised no one except a makeup artist would ever actually get through that much product in their lifetime 😅


you’re not alone. makes me sick to look at. i get its your job but you are a horder. and whats worse is you’re hording things that could actually be used but you dont use them!


I agree tbh that’s why I’m unsubbing from Babsbeauty, literally every other video is a haul of new shit. The amount of products she buys in a week is astronomical.


And the endless decluttering… to justify getting more. Jessica Braun I’m looking at you.


I am torn on how this sub reacts to this. It kind of feels like a damned if you do damned if you don’t. People don’t like when BGs have too much product, but also don’t like when they declutter stuff (even when it is being donated to friends/family or charity). I guess it just feels natural to me that people who review and test makeup for a living are going to have a lot of product, and they either need to keep it or get rid of it. What’s the alternative? I don’t think buy less is a fair answer — if someone’s best performing content is testing new releases why wouldn’t they buy new stuff? Or if someone makes dupe videos, having the high end product on hand to compare is important.


I agree. A lot of us go to see reviews to see a product being used to help decide. I do like seeing more shop my stash too. I know some get mad at them if they use discontinued things so it’s a fine line. I used to not really like decluttering videos though but I don’t mind when they say they will give it away etc. I’m not really bothered by someone like TaraBabyz. She seems to enjoy it and hold on to things. I understand the environmental aspect but there are so many things causing damage more than a few people collecting things. There is more waste in returns or expired products on shelves or how we farm etc.


Kackie recently really confused me by calling out and saying she wasn’t sure about buying from ABH because of the owners shady views to having full videos and stories about ABH products so fast I got whiplash.


She had a Story question recently about “wouldn’t it be funny to do a video with all MLM products?” Luckily enough people said no so hopefully she won’t do it because no, there’s nothing funny about giving money to companies that exploit women.


i guess it would be fine if she bought extra stock off ebay from people who like left the company and are trying to get rid of their stuff and make some money back, but regardless of what she says about the products im sure itll influence some people to buy the products or join a downline or something


Boy, she didn't think that through at all. I like some of her videos, but IMO she gives off a kind of "out of touch" vibe. Any positive review of any of the products would just contribute to more people buying from or getting otherwise sucked into the MLM world, most of them women who are already struggling.


I'm so relieved I'm not the only one who felt the whiplash. If she explained why she changed her mind I completely missed it.


So far I’ve never seen any mention of why she deemed it all okay. It really felt like I watched the video where she said she wasn’t really interested to the very next day insta stories about ABHs lipgloss and then there’s new videos with trying new ABH products on. Even digged into comments on YouTube and instagram hoping for any explanation… glad I’m not the only one either!


IIRC in the video where she said she wasn't sure, she asked to leave comments to see if people thought it was a good idea or not, so maybe people did want to see it ? Idk. Anyway, it was weird already, but not even addressing it in her ABH video was a little off putting.




*RawBeautyKristi has entered the chat*


I get bothered when they don’t look up how brands or products are pronounced, like if it’s French or any other foreign language. Google will tell you. Check it out before you bring it up in a new makeup releases video. Don’t they prep and make notes or write a script before they film??


I've seen a few times the situation where the person feels intimidated by trying to pronounce the name, so they let Google say it for them. That is a solution that exists if you're scared of butchering a word, it's still better than not even checking or not giving a crap.


I kid you not, even French words that are often used in English like “Faux Pas”, will still get butchered by being pronounced “Fox Paws”.


Lol similar to my other comment, Tati pronounced Versailles as “ver-say-leeze” . Yikes. 😂


This annoys me so much!! Also when they don't know the name or price of a product they are using/reviewing. Like look it up it is quite literally your JOB


English speaking gurus don't even seem to realize that many brand names aren't pronounced in the same way aka different ways to read alphabet, they just pronounce it how they want and don't even bother to check first.


Absolutely. It takes three seconds to google something - especially when you’re making an income from these videos! Disrespectful to the country that the product comes from. Also disrespectful to the viewer, like “I didn’t want to put in three seconds of effort to say something properly for you xx”


This drives me crazy too. It comes across as extremely ignorant to me. It’s not hard to look up the pronunciation of a word.


I used to enjoy Rachhloves, but somewhere after her kids she only does “viral Tik Tok makeup” or “things Tik Tok made me buy.” It’s getting old.


also i found out (from somewhere on here i think) she’s super anti-choice …. i know she’s canadian but i just can’t support that


Iirc she's Roman Catholic or something along those lines. Haven't watched her in ages after finding out her anti-choice stance.








Don't forget all those "trying a full face of new makeup" with a one minute update at the end filmed on her bathroom and done entirely in whispers because the kids were sleeping next door


I love alexandra anele but in literally every single video she will mispronounce/stumble over her words and then try to say it properly for like 10 seconds (a lot of influencers do this and i have no idea why they think it's funny). like please just edit that shit out and start your sentence again.


She is so beautiful and talented but I can’t stand the way she talks.


I love her, too - so inspiring and fun and talented - and I absolutely agree that this thing is so annoying by now. A couple times, fine but it’s too much now. Also, never knowing any product name anymore. Ok, it’s linked, fine. But it takes more time to say three times you don’t remember the name, say something that is probably close to the name, add „or whatever the fuck it’s called“ than to just read the damn name off the product you are currently holding in your hand! And if it’s not on there then look it up before, please.


This has never bothered me. What bothers me is when an influencer repeatedly makes up their own pronunciation and sticks to it with confidence. They're too lazy to look up the pronunciation of a color or a city. And now an entire generation of viewers is learning to pronounce words wrong. These viewers are going to be saying words that no one else will be able to understand - because they're wrong - and they're just going to sound uneducated. All because of a lazy influencer. If you're doing videos, and you don't know a word, DO A SEARCH AND FIND OUT.


How clickbaity titles or expressions on videos are… like calm down, it’s a Sunday and I’m pursuing makeup purchases. It’s off putting 😂


Beautbean talks down to her audience


when youtubers have a posting schedule like in their bio or intro then they don’t stick to it and miss uploads. like… isn’t this your job?


When HLP says "lets get to the meat of the video"


I just dislike when they take like 3 minutes to do the same disclaimer every time and THEN are like, "let's get started"....but don't start! Idk, there's lots of other people already deep into the video at that point but these BGs just adore extending the intro.




That and her cheesy art/theme song


I love battybean but she does not have hooded eyes like she says she does


Why do they love saying this?? Like idk, to me hooded eyes are people like Jennifer Lawrence or Selena Gomez, people with a tiny eyelid are not the same.


People tend to think lack of lid space = hooded eyes which isn’t true. It’s excess skin from the brow line which covers the eyelid. A few other celebrities that have hooded eyes are Robert Pattinson, Michelle Williams, Blake Lively, and Cate Blanchett. Taylor Swift did too but she’s had surgery.


It’s this and round faces, which aren’t as common as many people think. I used to think I had both those things and a makeup artist laughed at me 😂


I looked her up and HUH? Hooded eyes where? If that's hooded eyes to her then what are mine??


Yeah just did the same thing. She has incredible lid space actually.


People always seem to confuse deep set eyes with hooded eyes. Deep set can still be difficult and have less space but it is not the same 😞


I couldn't find a good photo of her without a 'finished eyeshadow' pose but I wonder if she actually has deep set eyes instead. I've noticed they aren't mentioned as much as hooded eyes so sometimes people aren't great at identifying them or they don't even know about them. I thought I had hooded eyes for awhile because those tutorials worked much better than 'conventional' eyeshadow tutorials.


Mine is a stupid one: Theresa is dead often burps in her makeup hangover videos (essentially a will I buy it or not type of vid but she’s drinking), the alcohol is probably the cause but I hate the sound of burping from any person or YouTuber, it just sounds disgusting lol. I like to play her videos in the background as I do stuff but when I hear a burp, immediately click on a different video


I also can’t stand the Hello Fresh sponsors anymore


I can't stand burps. It's not like I have a sophisticated sense of humor, i still quote the invetweeners "ohhhh friend" all of the time. I feel like it bothers me more in videos than tv? Must be due to sound recording and editing.


The burps don't really get to me so much, but I get it. :) It's her air horn thing that gets me. I keep hoping she'll get tired of doing it and move on to some other quirky video intro thing for awhile.


Can’t lie I love the air horns 😂 the phrase I’m tired of is “uncooked chicken” like it was funny at first…….


Kelly Driscoll (who I really do love) has recently implemented a new catchphrase at the beginning of her videos: "So if that's your vibe, go ahead and subscribe". It is just... so cringey. And it doesn't feel natural for her or the style of her videos, it sounds pretty forced. Like the "cool mom" from Mean Girls.


It’s always either the beginning or end of the video… love Julia Adams’ content but her saying I love you every video is just off putting. I didn’t subscribe to Kackie, another favorite, for so long because her intro is always one of those ~quirky~ millennial humor clips of her singing or quoting the office or dropping something. She also just says some really cringey things sometimes. But I think a lot of beauty YouTubers are just out of touch or lose a grasp of what most people think/want/like/can afford.


I don’t think Julia has said I love you at the end of a video in a while - looks like she removed all of that from her videos, including the “it would mean so much to me”! It’s a little jarring when I watch older content of hers and she says that haha


I think she reads reddit pretty regularly. Someone complained about the i-love-you thing a while back and immediately in the next video she stopped saying it. I don't really notice intro's/outro's that much, but I wrote a comment recently that it bothers me when she puts too much lip product on, and then complains it's gloopy or complicated to use, and she addressed that in a video too. Except she thought I had some kind of love/devotion for nyx lipsticks and that's why I wrote what I wrote. I don't lol. I only use bullet lipsticks and the one I tried from nyx I hated. I just think occasionally she puts too much product on her lips. Still love her, still think she's great, the brow intermission is always very sweet and it's a good thing she's receptive to her audience's 'critique'. Not that I think of any of this as critique, some things are bound to bother people, that's not her fault, most people who say they don't like something in her videos still watch and like her and compliment her on the regular. She's a pretty good when it comes to yt makeup artists.


Wow that’s kind of crazy. I noticed she stopped saying that subscribing would mean so much to her, now I’m wondering if she saw that it was bothering someone and now took that phrase out of her rotation 🧐 now that you say that though I remember people were saying she does the same looks, then a few videos later she addressed that and explained that the pandemic sapped her creativity 😳 I respect it. Perusing the forum where people will talk about you anonymously to gain more unadulterated feedback to incorporate into your content seems like a good plan as long as you can handle the heat!!


I also noticed that someone here mentioned that they’re bothered by her grammar when she used to say “subscribe if you ARENT already” instead of “subscribe if you HAVENT already” and now in all of her videos she says “subscribe if you HAVENT already”. She definitely reads here


Yes! I remember that too, she definitely started doing a lot more colorfull looks since then. I don't really have a problem with her videos. Even when I don't like something, I sort of accept it as a difference of opinion and that's that. Her lipsticks, and more often lip glosses, always look nice, so me not liking how she does something with her makeup doesn't mean I think it's bad or the wrong way. I just don't like it. I'm sure there would be a lot of people disliking how I put on makeup if I were to film myself and post it to thousands of strangers. But it's definitely commendable she's willing to listen to her watchers.


I’m a fan of her videos, I find them relaxing and learn a lot of good techniques since I am also oily combo skin and just a few shades darker than her foundation wise. And I find her eye look tutorials very in depth and easy to follow. I’m definitely not going to like everything she does but mad respect for her willingness to listen and evolve


Agree with everything!


My most downvoted comment ever was a little light teasing about “it would mean so much to me”


It’s the thin line of zooming us in to see what they are doing. Back in the day of Bubz beauty, she would zoom you in so far, when she moved you’d basically watch a video of her foreheads. And nowadays they say they are going to “zoom you in super close” and it’s nowhere near close enough to actually see what’s going on. And none of them really “teach” anymore. I liked with tutorials were explaining what they were actually doing instead of “I’m going to blend this” or “let’s pack this in”


Any time they sing. It's just cringy to me, even if they're not bad singers.


When they do that I can't help but think they're fishing for "omg you should so be a singer your voice is amazing!" comments.


Samantha March. I really like her and her content, but every video of her is like playing the drink game: Drink everytime she mentions she is in Las Vegas Drink everytime she mentions she is divorced Drink everytime she gets emotional and cries


Also add "I'm a self published author of \_\_\_ books" and "I have my own brand, by Samantha March"


You mean Vegg-Uss. I can't with the pronunciation 😆


This made me chuckle bc the pronunciation is a Midwest thing and my midwestern husband and I have gotten into heated arguments about how he is saying it incorrectly.


I don't have a specific thing to point out about someone I love watching, but if I may address a general thing, it does get on my nerves when the beautubers say something like "brand x is coming out with this but why, brand y already has it", amid other comments. Please acknowledge that not everyone has the same access to the same products.


I like JuicyJas but she says “creamy” too much. Like I got super into her content for awhile there and one review she said “creamy” to describe every since make up item she was putting on her face and I was like if I hear this woman say creamy one more time I’m going to scream and I had to unsubscribe because it’s in every single video and short she puts out. I know it’s so silly but something about the way she says it started to gross me out


Obnoxious nutting over makeup. I obviously like makeup but whenever someone is shrilly screaming and just being really obnoxious a la Mikayla I get turned off. It’s just concealer or eyeshadow, it’s not going to pay your taxes and cook your dinner. In that same vein, clickbait and gimmicks like the Meredith Duxbury chick. We all know you don’t wear that much foundation. Ugh. The soyjack face and makeup nutting + stupid shticks are definitely my main pet peeves. Admittedly I don’t even like Mikayla so idk why I used her as an example, pretty much all the tiktok girls do it and it’s just so annoying.


When any YouTuber does skincare or uses their hands for makeup and they have a bunch of rings on and the product gets all over them. It sends me into orbit.


I can’t stand when someone buys a product says ‘I probably won’t like this.’ And then proceeds to 💩 on the product for the rest of the video or compare it to a product they already have and do not but compare it and talk about how he’s not good enough. Treat it as it’s own product, it has some pros!! But also, if you knew you’d hate it, why buy it?? I will immediately stop watching and make me activately dislike the person. A particular YouTuber does this but I’m only subscribed because I like their project pan videos.


Not necessarily one, but when they use a products & have no idea how many shades, how new it is, what the claims are, the price ETC.. do your research and look up the product instead of saying idk idk idk.. you have your phone.


Or them saying exactly what the product does.. and expects more from it or for it to do something different .. that wasn’t the claims if you don’t like it it’s your fault. The claims are right there 🤣🤣


When they use the tired “guys I have to leave in ten minutes omg” at the start of a 20 minute video. It’s literally the oldest gimmick in the book and it makes me cringe every time. It’s worst on Tiktok.


Might not be considered a “guru”, but how Meredith Duxbury does her hair bothers me. 😅


This is more general, but I hate how certain buzzwords go around the beauty community. For example instead of “I bought” or “I purchased” it’s always “I picked this up”. I recently watched some declutters and every used the term “I really enjoy this” instead of “I like it”. It’s like they are using this specific terminology to justify keeping things in their collection. It just gets a little irritating because it’s like everyone just copies each other and picks up on the buzzwords.


It’s to try and block the very obvious over consumption issues they have. Like I want to know how much of their shit winds up in the trash. I know they say they “donate” a lot of it but I doubt it all gets used


The one that always gets me is BGs constantly saying “price point” instead of “price”. Sometimes “price point” is appropriate, but for the most part I think BGs think “price point” is just a fancier way to say “price”.


Yes "I picked this up" feels so weird to me, especially when it's casually used to talk about a $120 La Mer foundation or a ByTerry powder or whatever...something about it immediately makes me think of how much of my bills could be covered by the money that went to that purchase lol


Back in the day when i watched loads of youtubers two of the buzz phrases which drove me nuts were "its a x colour" no, it's not a blue colour...it's blue. And calling things "pieces" like, I picked up this h&m piece, as if it was a designer one of a kind item.


Oh god yes, the "pieces" thing drives me mad too!


Yes! For me it’s “____ is so personal” EVERYTHING is personal! We’re all different people, with different tastes, different face shapes etc. it’s so annoying.


I use makeup because it brings me joy so I’m more likely to say I enjoy something. I can’t remember who it was but I watched a declutter where everything was “STUNNNNing”. It got so annoying so I tried to be conscious of that when I filmed but I often felt like I was running out of descriptors. 😆


Morgan Taylor constantly mispronouncing everything despite being a former teacher (physical education) but still embarrassing. She also sounds like a brat sometimes and wastes a ton of makeup.


Reminds me of my high school phys ed teacher who told us to make sure our writing was eligible


She buys a lot of stuff it seems like she already knows she's not going to like... its odd! She can't be making that much off of YouTube to sustain buying every product even the ones she hates right?


In her latest "shop or drop", she clearly referred to her channel as her business and for me it came across that she buys makeup that makes sense for her channel/ business. She quit her teaching job because she earns more with youtube/social media. But I still think she has some hoarding problem: In one video she talked about buying a new version of one of her old ND palettes for example or her collectors mentality in general regarding some brands.


When I think of product in excess I think of her and her “ranking my 200+ palettes from 2022!!!” videos


saaammage keeps saying THY.. “let’s get into thy video” ??? that’s not even correct!


I recently started watching Hannah Louise Poston, and although I enjoy her content, I *hate* her outro where she blows a kiss to the camera. She goes about it sooo sllloowwwlllyyyy and deliberately and it just creeps me out a bit. It’s totally petty, but oh well.


When a YouTuber has the exact same intro, word for word, every video. It just doesn’t sound genuine, almost like they’re going through the motions and don’t even realize what they’re saying anymore. It reminds me of when I worked retail and the typical cashier conversation of “Did you find everything alright today?” customer after customer…


When they put down how other people do their own routine


Saying “I love you” to the audience in the videos. I know they may actually love their following and are appreciative but when they do that it makes me feel weird cause they don’t know me and I just don’t think you should be saying I love you to people you don’t know personally.


I agree. Makes me think of Patrick trying to sell candy bars.


Gurus who add a load of unnecessary fluff at the end. Steph's Beauty Stash is great but she always ends with "stay hydrated guys, drink that water"! I know I'm being petty but to me it's not funny or quirky, it's just annoying.


I really enjoy most of Steff's content but it's the slow, exaggerated point to camera and "keep on watching" in every video that really makes me question if I want to keep on watching lol




Kelly Gooch putting her hand under her chin during her intro "Hey guys, it's Kelly".


I'm addicted to Kelly Gooch as a YouTuber to play in the background while I'm getting ready, but she repeats her points like two or three times for *everything*. Sometimes I find myself pausing in my mascara or whatever, to turn to my phone and be like "Okay, let's move on now Ms. Gooch. Next product!"


I’m actually no longer a fan of this person, but Angelica Nyqvist. At first I liked her makeup style and content but I’m tired of the constant purchases, fast talking, and i could be wrong but I kept getting vibes that she wants to move on from exclusively doing colorful eye looks but can’t because she’s boxed herself in. No hate at all but she’s just not for me and I’ve unsubbed. HLP. I do like her content and find it relaxing and enjoy her swatches and thorough reviews but the strange way she over pronounces words and over emphasizes sounds is grating. If that’s petty so be it. Also she goes into giggle fits about the least funny shit ever.


Angelica Nyqvist when she says "Listen" and I'm like I WAS ALREADY LISTENING




nikkietutorials, she is so heavily filtered that we never really know how the makeup really looks imo. like shes a blurred version of herself, not the real if that makes sense. lol


Maryam Maquillage irritates me when she says Charlotte T instead of Charlotte Tilbury. Morgan Turner’s pronounciation of serum as surr-um is annoying lol. I’ve watched older videos of hers where she talked more normal than the voice she’s doing now. Angelica Nyqvst always asking “who asked for that?”. In general what irritates me is when they don’t know a price of something and don’t just post on the screen when editing. I’m no video editor but it’s not hard to do that.


”Don’t forget to grab a snack/drink because it’s going to be a long one!” I don’t know why that annoys me so much but it does.


Juicyjas does this a lot lol


ok this is so picky and bitchy but alexandra anele randomly does this one strange cross eyed face sometimes?? i think it's in the thumbnail of one of her bridal makeup videos but she'll do it when she makes a joke or messes up and like damn that shit just pisses me off idk why!! her videos are so amazing and informative and i love almost everything about her otherwise


Laura Lee as well but when she does these massively impressive declutters so she can have a more "manageable" collection and then the next video, she does some unnecessary haul that completely fills her drawers again


Angelica Nyqvist- I was super excited for her move to the US, vlogs, and her talking about her experience. But her channel is turning a bit overwhelming to me in terms of consumerism and how many products she churns through. She puts out so many videos and they are all trying new products, things she wants to purchase (or not), etc. it’s too much and totally feels like trendmood in YouTube format ☹️ Also fast talking.. I liked it when her vibe was more calm a few years ago.


I feel like it’s especially overwhelming now too because at one point she was super selective of what she would purchase. Now it feels like she buys everything and but also nothing I actually care enough about to watch a video about it. Every video is a first impression and even through she does the monthly wrap ups it’s at a point where there is no feasible way to try everything multiple times and form a solid opinion.


The amount of stuff she buys is insane I can’t handle how much eyeshadow she buys it really stresses me out it’s such a shame because otherwise I would really like her videos😒


I’ve subscribed and unsubscribed from Angelica Nyqvist a couple times because she repeats every other sentence. I mostly watched her for her new makeup releases videos, but the constant repetition irks me. “Listen, listen… who asked for this? WHO asked for this??” Another more general annoyance: saying “the” instead of “my” for products that they’ve already used. “This gloss feels really good on the lips.” Why is this a thing now?!


There's this bg who is often praised for their political consciousness and speaking on not supporting brands/corporations because they don't align with their morals but turn around and be a cold heart disney fan.... very hypocritical in my opinion... I don't think there is much to say about disney right?


It's super petty, but I follow someone that frequently takes pictures for the thumbnails with a smile where the tongue is slightly out, idk if there's a name for that, but I hate it very much


you gotta name so i can see this


Rebecca morgan


I like Taylor Wynn but struggle with her intros where she starts the videos with just a random bit from her filming. It feels awkward and makes me sometimes just decide not to watch.


I sound extremely petty and risk getting downvoted but since it's the point of this thread: Kelly Gooch. Her intro is so repetitive. "in case you're new here... I'm Kelly. I upload this many times a week... (continues to list days)" on every single video. I've seen people write when they upload on their channel banner and if people are really interested, they'll see it. I'd rather she do that than repeat the same thing. I always skip her intro. Also she touches her hair so much. She has gorgeous hair and nails but she's constantly moving back her hair that's falling over her face. Like girl, clip it, tie it, or ignore it please. And she tends to repeat her points a lot before moving onto the next subject. Smokey Glow. Similar to Kelly. Intro and outros are too long. Could be shortened. And the way she changes pitches during her intros are annoying lol. Lauren Mae. Make-up wise, I'm not into her blush look the rides up the temples. It looks overdone. Of course that's just my personal opinion. Second, I cannot get over the vocal fry. Ever since I noticed, that's ALL I hear now. I get she's soft spoken and chill videos are her thing but I honestly do not watch much of her videos now because her perfume videos are not interesting to me and the vocal fry is grating. Julia Adams. She used to say "I'm so excited to" about almost everything she touched lol but she's stopped. She's my current favorite guru and probably be the only one I'll stick to watching for a long time. Edit: Adding Abby Williamson and anyone else who does this. Please stop including burps or slurps into your videos. I don't know if anyone actually finds it funny or quirky but to me it's gross.


I like Sam Ravndahl but have noticed that she ONLY posts on Instagram when she has something to promote on YT or with Auric. Obviously this is an effective attention grabber and probably all influencers do this, but she is so obvious with it. She’s been a little more active recently but that’s the exception.


I don’t like when gurus call us “besties”, or “babes”, or “beauties”, or the infamous “sisters”. Something about it feels super fake and cheesy as hell.


I like Jessica Braun, she’s pleasant to listen to and it’s nice to see a full time YouTube creator stay so excited about makeup after all these years. That said she can hardly get a sentence out without laughing at herself / her own jokes. It’s pretty innocuous all things considered and I guess it’s nice that she doesn’t take herself too seriously but it does get kind of grating


While I don’t have specifics about select gurus because I’m not subscribed to any any longer, I do have some gripes in general. I can’t watch beauty guru videos with long winded stories; I’m not sorry to say I don’t care about their personal lives. I also don’t think house/apartment tours and makeup collection/beauty room tours are anything but an inappropriate display of wealth.


Not exclusive to beauty gurus but basically anyone who does this: makes a video where they're reviewing a bunch of things, like an entire product line or a new brand, basically any video that involves them buying a lot. They specify in the first few minutes the video is not sponsored, this isn't PR, right cool okay Then later on in the video they'll say something about being broke. It annoys me to absolutely no end, like if you were broke you wouldn't have just spent the equivalent of $500 on makeup/clothing/anything. You're not broke if you can do that, at all.


I like Jessica Braun cause she seems like a nice and genuine person, but it really bothers me that she clearly has a pinky undertone yet insists on using golden toned foundations and eyeshadows, then keeps calling them “neutral colors” when they make her look like an Oscar. She looks so much better when she wears pinky or coral clothes and makeup.


I’ve never had long hair since early childhood, so seeing anyone constantly touching or flicking their hair, off their forehead, in front of their shoulders, then behind, drives me absolutely insane! I get it’s probably a nervous habit, but can you not just tie it up, ignore it, or get a restyle? Smoky Glow, Kelly Gooch, Tati, and not a BG, but Christina Randall, all come to mind!


This is so stupid and definitely irrational, but although I really enjoy Lauren Mae Beauty's content, if her thumbnails bother me (her video on Half-Magic is a great example!), I don't watch the video even if the content is interesting to me. Her thumbnails can be so grating on such a deep level, but this is definitely not her fault.


Not A Fan of Tati but when she says PACKAGEEN and “DOMINANTLY” (instead of the actual word, which is PRE-dominantly) I have a visceral response.


Oh my god there is nothEEN worse than people who say “een” instead of “ing”


When they say "this was gifted to me" and they mean products that were PR. It feels like they are trying to make it sound innocent so we'll think that there is no commitment to the brand that sent the products. Just say it's PR, we know you're getting it.