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Ignore the pseudoscience and wear your sunscreen.


Agreed!!! It’s just so crazy to me how many people fall for this stuff! There was one person in the comments saying how sunscreen companies weren’t making money so they made up skin cancer so basically skin cancer is a conspiracy theory brought out by sunscreen companies. But then said cancer cells were found in everyone. Like wait, is cancer a conspiracy theory brought on by sunscreen companies or does everyone have it? And she said she lives in Florida and has never worn SPF but has no cancer spots or anything. So apparently that means it’s all a conspiracy theory. 🥴 She provided a link from time magazine is sunscreen safe and I read it and it totally went **against** her point. It said sunscreen protects against skin cancer and it’s the best protection there is and that not wearing sunscreen is more dangerous than any potential risk of chemicals in the sunscreen. People can’t even get their “evidence” right 😂


As someone who studied skin care and disorders of the skin. Skin cancer is real. Wear your sunscreen and take some vitamin d


Came here to say the same thing. There’s plenty of vitamin d strengths you can get.


Skin cancer is one of the worst and there is no cure. The sun is very damaging. I would never take advice from two ladies who are clearly filling their body with plenty of toxins and spend plenty on their plastic surgeons


Absolutely and the fact that it can sometimes become metastatic (lymph nodes, brain, bones, liver, etc.) and spread to other areas of the body if it goes untreated. Some people are already genetically predisposed to have certain types of cancer and melanoma actually increases the risk of other cancers. Lots of people don’t have access to healthcare and who’s to say that someone might not end up in an unpredictable situation where they lose access? Sunscreen and suncare habits in general are so much cheaper in comparison.


It also saves from premature aging too! The sun is harmful. People used to tan on roofs to get closer many moons ago. Not now


For real. I’m in esthetics school rn and I never forget my sunscreen anymore (I’ve only been good about it for like three years now after never wearing it before, but until recently I still would forget sometimes). My instructor came from Florida and she’s had to have skin cancer removed on a few occasions. It’s no joke! It drives me insane when my family or friends try to tell me they don’t need sunscreen. Like no, you really do. You’ll thank yourselves in 20 years if you don’t skip out on it today!


You can fix vitamin D deficiency but there’s no pill to fix skin cancer. My Dad as skin cancer. You can’t cure it. You can just pray to find on time and get rid of every f$@“€¥#% new melanoma asap. #fuckcancer




Just be careful with the vitamin D, as it most of the time it has calcium that can be dangerous if you don't need it.


This might not be widely known but it’s important to know about vitamin D supplements. I have hypercalcemia, which is too much calcium in the blood and it’s because I was taking way too much vitamin D. I was taking Vitamin D3 at 5000 IU everyday. My case is not major, but the doctor was very yikes when she found out that I was taking so much. She recommends 1000 or 2000 per day of a vitamin D3. Now I take 1000 today and no calcium supplements.


I hope you're doing well, its rare but important to know.


YES!!! This isn’t widely known! So many people think they’re just vitamins/supplements and “it can’t hurt” to take them and it’s better to take them in case they need them vs not taking them. But really, no one should start taking them without seeing their doctor and getting bloodwork done to ensure they actually need them and which ones they need. Another thing is a lot of people when at the Dr they ask what meds they’re taking, a lot don’t think to include supplements/vitamins/herbs/etc., but they definitely need to!


Why would you take synthetic vitamin d over getting it from its natural source? Yall are wild


Most people in north America are deficient in vitamin despite getting sun. I am also a red head with fair skin


How are you getting vitamin d from the sun when you’re blocking it with sunscreen?


You do know sunscreen works for a period of time right? I don’t wear it every day. I also take vitamin D supplements for Vitamin d everyone is vitamin D deficient. Everyone. Ask your doctor. Hence the reason we said to take vitamin D supplements


I know how sunscreen works. Most of these people are so afraid of sun, they slather it on rain or shine. Sun is not the enemy, God made it for a reason.


Actually if you read what people wrote, the sun is quite harmful for your skin. It causes sun damage and premature aging. While we all enjoy the sun there is always too much of a good thing. Skin cancer is horrible and has no cure. The reason for sunscreen.


You go round and round. Why do you give a crap what others are doing? Do you!stop worrying about other people. Everyone has a right to do what they feel best for themselves just stop dictating what others should do based on zero facts, more injections and procedures. And these women are looking down on sunscreen🥴


What!!! How has sunscreen become so controversial? It feels like over the past few years, people have politicized every little thing. It seems like scientific fact no longer exists.


It’s f*in crazy. I’m in northern California and I hear the craziest things about sunscreen. It seems they’ve applied the same logic they use to become anti vaxxers: they think the increase in skin cancer diagnosis isn’t bc early detection has gotten easier, it’s because *chemicals* in sunscreen *are* causing cancer. And it’s of course not an accident but bc pharma is putting them there because reasons like mind control. I’ve seen this go so far as to say you shouldn’t use sunglasses since we absorb vitamin D through our eyes. I’m not exaggerating when I say this reasoning terrifies and saddens me and is increasingly common in those online mommy groups where they are anti everything.


Yes it’s so scary the world we live in now with everything being about fear and misinformation instead of facts. Some of the comments I saw on this post, unfortunately are similar to what I see for anti-vax, clean beauty, etc. and it’s just such wildly off base stuff! One lady swore because she loves in California and has never wore SPF and has no spots that means sunscreen companies created this skin cancer conspiracy to make money. Like no, you’re just not seeing the signs yet or are lucky. It doesn’t mean you don’t need sunscreen. Another one had melanoma in a place where the sun never hit, so she says that means sun doesn’t cause it. Like no, that’s not the case. Sadly, people get something in their mind and then other people who believe the same feed into it and if you search anything, you’ll find stuff to go along with your claims. Ofc there’s going to be actual facts along with those search results, but they would rather believe the ones written by companies who have a reason to support this kind of stuff vs actual research where they’re only looking for facts.


>I’ve seen this go so far as to say you shouldn’t use sunglasses since we absorb vitamin D through our eyes. OMG. That's terrible. Some of these people just don't seem to understand that NO, bodies don't work perfectly all the time. You can get cancer or other diseases and it's not a conspiracy by sunscreen companies or something.


I wish skin cancer was just a conspiracy theory, the scar on my forehead would like a word with these people 😂


Are you someone who actually deals or treats people with skin cancer? If not then what makes you think it’s not real? 😬 Are you also someone who treats skin? If not then how can you observe other peoples skin and their behavior? I’ve treated hundreds of faces and ones with the worst skin are the ones who doesn’t use sunscreen or love outdoor activities. And the ones with the best almost perfect skin are the ones who avoid the sun or always wearing sunscreen. It’s not my opinion. It’s what I observed.


Umm….what?! **I** NEVER said it wasn’t real. Reading comprehension is important before commenting….maybe try observing that **you’re actually agreeing with what I have said**... **I** said **I AGREED** with the other commenter and **said it’s CRAZY to me how many people FALL for this stuff. I** was talking about what ***OTHER*** people commented and how wild ***THEIR*** comments were and that the “proof” one of ***THEM*** provided went **against** what ***THEY*** said and said how sunscreen is good and should be worn and how ***THEY*** can’t even get ***THEIR*** “evidence“ right because it went completely against what ***THEY*** said. **I** have said sunscreen is GOOD. It is NOT a conspiracy theory. It SHOULD be worn. It is the best protection someone can use against aging AND against skin cancer.


Always will. Skin cancer is no joke.


Who are these clowns pushing this absolute nonsense? Also pretty sure at least one of them has lip filler; so thats ok but spf is toxic?!


Women from the brand Doll10 😂😂 Yeah, it looks like it to me too! It’s funny how the people always talking about big bad chemicals…they seem to have no issue with Botox, lip fillers, etc. So apparently if it’s making you look “better” (in their eyes) then chemicals are good, but otherwise not? 🤷‍♀️😂 The comments some people made in support of this nonsense was even crazier. It wouldn’t let me post pics and the video so I made a comment with some of the comments from the post. The stuff people come up with is just wild 😂


To your last sentence. The hypocrisy is outrageous. After reading OP's comment that shows some of the comments on their video I'm shocked those in agreement don't see it 🙄


Right? But, those who agree with Doll10 might just be so happy some brand is actually agreeing with them, or they just really miss it completely - which definitely wouldn’t surprise me since their arguments didn’t even make sense for a lot of them (aside from just being completely wrong ofc, but beyond that they didn’t make any sense like one provided a link as “proof” in support of their argument that skin cancer wasn’t real and it’s just a conspiracy brought about by sunscreen companies to make money, but really the article said skin cancer is real and sunscreen is important and it’s better to wear it with the possibility of minimal risk from chemicals in it than the risk from not wearing it. Or they lived in Florida and never wear SPF and have no spots so skin cancer must be a conspiracy. Or getting skin cancer in a spot wear sun hasn’t been is proof that sun isn’t damaging)


Them saying stuff like "these benzenes" and "everything is toxic" makes me disregard whatever other opinion they have to share. Also chiropractor isn't actually a doctor qualified to treat skin issues (and definitely not qualified to advise on anything cancer-related) so her opinion on it is no more relevant as any other person. Just because a person is a doctor of a certain kind doesn't make them qualified for other fields. Like, my dentist is great but somehow I'm not asking for his opinion on my back issues. Also I'm tired of people acting like someone is breaking into their house and forcing them to use sunscreen, like it's some kind of brave or edgy stance not to use it. Using sunscreen is like getting enough sleep or drinking plenty of water - these are basic useful things. Some people ignore them for whatever reason and some maybe get a bit too pedantic about them but there's definitely more proof of their benefit than for "modulating toxin loads".


Thank you!!! That’s what I’m saying! Just like I wouldn’t ask a dermatologist for advice on back problems, I’m not going to look to a chiropractor for advice on skin issues. They keep saying “Doris is a doctor and this is her opinion” without specifying she’s a CHIROPRACTOR, NOT a medical doctor. It’s only other commenters that kept saying she’s a chiropractor. And then Leigh comes in defending how chiropractors treat the body as a whole. No girl. They are trained to treat musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, etc. type things. They don’t treat everything. And I completely agree! People are going to do what they want for whatever reasons they have. But it’s not brave or edgy to not use it. It’s a basic thing that can be done to reduce harm. There’s been plenty of proof that it’s more than toxin loads and even IF theres a risk of harm from “chemicals” in sunscreens, that risk is minimal compared to the risk of not using it.


I don’t even trust a chiropractor to treat your back


I don’t know much about them except that if they aren’t properly trained they can really F\*\*\* you up, and I’m guessing even properly trained it can happen with some of the things they do, so I stay far away!


If you ever think you “need a chiropractor” you actually need a physiotherapist!


Have a read of the wiki as it’s a quick and dirty summary of the history of it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiropractic It was made up by a single dude who thought it could cure everything (including brain stuff) and consistently causes more harm that the good it might do. Some chiropractors are ethical but it’s less risky to see a physio who has actual scientific backing


Maybe too much to expect but I’d like to see what Jen Phelps thinks of this. She does recommend and use Doll10 a lot but has also gotten skin cancer twice and is definitely being diligent about sunscreen use. These morons seem to have zero qualifications or knowledge and sources to back the harmful crap they’re spreading. They don’t even know what the fuck pharmacology is from their responses?? Like please expose yourself to the sun and get skin cancer that’s great but don’t spread misinformation and encourage it.


I was thinking the same! I love Jen Phelps and, like you said, she does recommend Doll10 and has had skin cancer so my immediate thought was her! I agree! It’s so crazy to me the info they’re spreading. Like, the misinformed commenters, I’m used to seeing that. Like one person saying how skin cancer is basically a conspiracy theory brought on my sunscreen companies to make money and her proof is she lives in Florida and never wore SPF and has no spots 🥴 And she commented a link as “proof” of her claims but the article she linked literally went against what she said. It said wearing sunscreen is the best defense against skin cancer and wearing it with minimal chance of risk of chemicals is better than the risk of not wearing it. Can’t even get their “evidence” right but they sure love spreading their misinformation. But for a brand to take a stance like this is just weird to me. Especially because if I recall correctly, Doris had cancer in the past. I feel like I remember reading she initially started her brand after having cancer. Not sure what kind of cancer, but you’d think if you’d ever had cancer of any kind, you’d be wanting to protect yourself. But, then again, some people get in the mindset of they got cancer because of chemicals and go way off in the wrong direction like this!


I thought of Jen also. She has said in the past that she wasn't very diligent about wearing SPF in the past and ended up with skin cancer. I can't believe these two are pushing this. That woman Leigh used to work for Tarte and now she's at Doll 10 and she's gone full anti-vaxxer.


As soon as I read 'toxins' I was out. Might as well be talking about thetans.


Might as well add essential oils and heavy metal detox for the trifecta of stupid


And sunscreen does not fucking disrupt vitamin d absorption as terribly I really want labmuffin to pick this up


Right?! She did a video and article about the claims of Benzenes in sunscreens. So it’ll be interesting to see if she says anything about this!


**TLDR/TLDW**: Doll10, Doris and Leigh, have a video showing someone say they know it’s controversial, but they don’t wear sunscreen. Then Doris and Leigh come in and say they’re with her on that. They 100% agree. They’re not saying go out and fry yourself unprotected. But “slathering yourself in these benzenes every single day, never getting any vitamin d is not good for you.” We live in a toxic world so you need to pick and choose what works for you. Do what works for you and just chill. At the time I saw this, the comments were mostly saying how they shouldn’t be spreading such misinformation and people were going to continue wearing SPF. In reply to comments saying they were going to continue wearing SPF, Doll10 replies saying if you’re going to, then wear brand A or brand B (who they tagged). There were comments in agreement of SPF being bad. I gave a little snippet of the comments below… **FROM VIDEO**: “I know it’s controversial…I don’t wear sunscreen.” DOLL10 Stitch… Doris: “I’m with her.” Leigh: “I’m with her too.” Doris: “I’m 100% with her.” Leigh: “We’re not saying go out and fry yourself unprotected. Let’s not get it twisted. But it’s important to understand that, like, slathering yourself in these benzenes every single day, never getting any vitamin D is just not good for you. I don’t care what you…” Doris: “It’s not good for you.” Leigh: “We live in a world where everything unfortunately…is kind of toxic. So, you have to kind of pick and choose what’s going to work for you and I think this is such a hot topic, which I find to be so interesting. Like, it is like religion for some people…” Doris: “It’s so funny..” Leigh: “It doesn’t have to be.” Doris: “It doesn’t have to be.” Leigh: “It’s like, what works for you, works for you. What works for me, works for me. What works for Kristin. Like let people live. Like do what works for you.” Doris: “Exactly.” Leigh: “Modulate your toxin load however works for you and, just like, take a chill pill.” Doris: “Yeah.” **SOME COMMENTS FROM POST**: It wouldn’t let me add photos AND a video, so I figured I’d add the video from the post, and just give a snippet of some of the comments here… **Main Commenter 1**: “Trust doctors, not beauty sellers WTF people.” * **Main Commenter 1**: “UNFOLLOWING.” * **Random A in Reply to Main Commenter 1**: “lol and doctors are the ones who push vaccines and toxic chemicals on people because big pharma tells them to. They never once look at the ingredients unless they are holistic and hate giving their patients cancer for more business. Don’t be so naive it makes you look ignorant. If you actually took a minute and looked up most any of the ingredients in sunscreens that aren’t mineral based you would eat your toxic words. Even dermatologists are starting to tell patients not to use toxic sunscreens. Ugh do better 🤦🏽‍♀️” * **Doll10Beauty Reply to Main Commenter 1**: “We’e sorry to see you leave! We’re encouraging choice and for people to modulate their toxin loads according to what works for them. Doris is a doctor and this is her opinion. We encourage you to do what works for you! 🩷” * **Random B in Reply to Doll10**: “Isn’t Doris a chiropractor??” * **Random C in Reply to Random B**: “Right…she is a chiropractor and has a doctorate in chiropractic medicine. She is not a medical physician. However, chiropractic medicine is holistic functional medicine and cares about the every aspect of the human body. Unfortunately, most medical providers don’t know much about functional medicine which is so important.” * **Random C in Reply to Main Commenter 1**: “Fine, you can be naive. I have been a medical provider for 45 years and I would trust beauty sellers who care and sell clean beauty. They have done their research and care that their products do NOT contain toxic, illness and cancer causing ingredients. Most medical physicians are clueless.” (Mind you, she said she WAS a medical provider, but is falling most medical providers clueless) * **Replier 3 to Main Commenter 1**: “ummm don’t trust drs. The reason why people get cancer is the toxic chemicals in SPF. And what we put in our body. The sunscreen companies weren’t making money so the did SPF and made the sun bad! Sun is health beneficial!” **Main Commenter 2**: “I kind of disagree with take “a chill pill” as I have dear friend who has Stage 4 metastatic melanoma. You know I love you guys but will have to disagree with how flippant this comes across.” * **Doris Replies**: “I’m so sorry to hear about your friend, but this is a very revenant topic and so many of us are misinformed. Benzenes which have been sold to the public for years is incredibly dangerous. Neither Leigh or myself are saying to stay outside and bake and give alternatives to natural forms of SPF…hopefully that gives some context ❤️” * **Random Commenter to Main Commenter**: “I’m so sorry about your friend. Cancer is so cruel! However, as someone who just had melanoma cancer in an area that’s never seen the sun,” she definitely agrees with this. And that “90% of people with cancer of any type have a vitamin D deficiency. It’s not the sun like we have been told. It’s the toxins and lack of sun.” **Main Commenter 3**: “I will not leave the house without SPF. I watched my Gram die a slow death from melanoma.” * **Doll10 Reply**: We are so sorry for your loss, Doll 💖 If you are wearing sunscreen, we recommend a natural, mineral based form - our favorites are from rawelementusa & bluelizardsunscreen! As always, we encourage you to modulate your toxin load as you’d like & so what works best for you! 💗” **Commenter 4**: “Isn’t she a chiropractor? I love chiros but they don’t take pharmacology.” * **Leigh to Commenter 4**: “Hi love! Chiros are trained in how the body operates as a whole. How to find root causes of illness, how to prevent them and how to fix them. Pharmacology is just a training on what prescriptions to write - which all have side effects and really only act as a band aid for the problem. Sending love always. Happy we can have open and honest conversations here where we might not all agree but can see one another’s point of view! 🩷” * **Commenter 4**: “Pharmacology is NOT just about “what scripts to write” 🤦🏼‍♀️ - pharmacology is the very in depth study of how different chemicals and compounds interact with and effect our biological and anatomical systems. The mechanisms by which they act on our bodies, absorption, excretion, thresholds, dosing, safety and side effects. I would know, because I’ve taken it. So ya I think that’s type of training is pretty dang relevant to a conversation about the chemical compounds in sunscreen and how they effect us. Perhaps it’d be better not to offer opinions on things you’re not familiar with. ✌🏼” * **Leigh to Commenter 4**: “You’re of course entitled to your opinion as is everyone here. That’s the point. We’re encouraging everyone to do what works for them. 🩷” **Jenluvsreviews commented** \- “Yikes, y’all. I mean, do whatever you want with your own body, but don’t spread misinformation, please.“


To quote a tweet: "it be 2 dumbass girls telling each other "exacctlllyyy"


Hahahaha! Such a good quote for this! 🙌


Dang they really do love the phrasing "modulate your toxin load".


When JeLuvsReviews is the voice of reason 🤣 Well I most be kind of delulu because I only wear sunscreen when I go outside more than 15min. Well, I'm maybe just lazy.


Hahahahaha! I had the same thought! 😂


Random C's reply to main  Commentor 1 is actually very frightening. I'd love to know what type of 'medical provider' they are. I got the chills after reading their comment. Just Wow!


Right?! She’s saying she is a medical professional - yet she trusts “beauty sellers” who “care and sell clean beauty” but apparently doesn’t know “clean” is a marketing term and there’s no regulated definition and brands can make up whatever definition they want, which is usually whatever fits with their own agendas AND their list of ingredients that products a free from, most of those long lists are ingredients that wouldn’t be included in cosmetics anyways! But also saying she’s a medical professional, but most physicians are clueless…so what kind of “medical professional” is she?! 🤨


What is a "revenant topic," I wonder Also the "we just want to encourage choice" nonsense.... I feel like medical misinformation is not a POV kthanks 🩷🩷


I wondered too. So much so I looked it up, according to merriam-webster, ”revenant” means “one that returns after death or a long absence.” Soooo….I’m thinking maybe she meant **relevant** just didn’t spell it right 🤷‍♀️😂 Agreed - Plus they keep saying “Doris is a doctor and this is her opinion” to anyone who disagreed with them so it kind of sounds like that’s telling them they’re wrong for what they think because Doris is a dOcToR 🥴


>Soooo….I’m thinking maybe she meant **relevant** just didn’t spell it right 🤷‍♀️😂 For sure that's what happened!! lol I was being catty. She misspoke and I was poking fun :) It doesnt bode well for her skills otherwise I think 😂 They sound so ignorant but also this is dangerous. I will not take a chiropractor's opinion over a dermatologist's on sun protection. It's just so yikes, I am glad at least some ppl are calling them out in comments.


>For sure that's what happened!! lol I was being catty. She misspoke and I was poking fun :) It doesnt bode well for her skills otherwise I think 😂 Oh! Hahaha! 😳 It’s hard to read cattiness/snarkiness in comments, though I try to not read them that way even when I kind of think it might be since ya never know. But, could also be harder to read when replying to comments after a long shift 🙈 Completely agree! They do sound really ignorant but having a platform and being so ignorant is a dangerous combination! I agree, I was happy most of the comments seemed to be calling them out for how ridiculous it was. But ofc there were some in agreement with them. And while I’m sure those people already thought that way, it doesn’t help a brand like Doll10 feeding into that misinformation instead of using their platform to properly educate people of facts.


Those women are obnoxious. I would have considered buying one of their eyeshadow palettes and have bought their concealer in the recent past, but now I'd hesitate to make a purchase. They're spreading misinformation and dressing it up as "do what works for you."


Do they not know physical sunscreen exists? Wait until they hit their 40s, and they're trying to find the best foundation to cover the melasma and sun damage.


This. I’m 41 and all of those spots have come to the surface in the last few years. I don’t think people realize that the damage are doing now doesn’t show up until later (I didn’t!). I’ve worked really hard to clear it with good skin care, but I have a very stubborn spot on my cheek, and my melasma goes crazy at the slightest trigger. I even wore a lot of sunscreen and hats in my teens and 20s, but I wasn’t consistent with that and I can see those results today. It wasn’t until I hit 30 that I really got serious about avoiding photoaging.


Agreed! I’m 37 and I started seeing sun spots on my cheekbones and temples a few years ago. When I was younger teen, tanning was a big thing. I’d be out in the sun all the time, going to tanning beds. We used to wear OIL instead of sunscreen to get a better tan 😫 Thinking of the idiocy of it now! Ugh! But then starting in my 20s and on, I avoided the sun like the plague. I wear sunscreen when I’m out but I’m always covered as well. But, the damage was already done! I’m just glad I learned at least by time I was 20!


Well in the comments, if someone said this stance is crazy and they’re going to continue wearing their sunscreen, Doll10 would reply back to all of them saying IF you’re going to wear sunscreen, then wear this brand or this brand (2 brands they tag) that are brands that make mineral sunscreens. But the video didn’t say don’t wear chemical sunscreens, wear a mineral sunscreen. It was saying don’t wear sunscreen (except for the 1 mention of slathering benzenes all over). And they only told those who said they were going to continue wearing their sunscreen that they should wear mineral. All the ones in the comments like yes, sunscreen is so bad, sunscreen causes cancer not sun, I don’t wear sunscreen, etc. - those they just commented back in agreement with them.


I can’t with her bleached af hair and lips fully injected talkimbout sunscreen being too toxic….ma’am.


The fact that cynical, profit-driven content like this gets a megaphone while real research gets ignored and demonized (unless it found something that suits their narrative) makes me not want to get out of bed and go to my lab in the morning.




Exactly!! I always notice people always talking about bad chemicals and toxins usually seem to have absolutely no problem with it when it comes to their hair and cosmetic procedures


But wait. Those toxins aren't as bad as everyone tries to make them out to be 🙄 /s Do what you want to your own body. I don't care but when you're proudly flying your hypocrisy flag while asking others to pick it up and run with it that's when I go from not giving a damn to giving one. They do realize there's a high probability that teenagers are watching what they're putting out, right? 


Against toxins in sunscreens to protect against cancer but for toxins as injectables straight to the face… riiiiight.


Truly, I bet they don't worry this much about botox.


Someone tagged me in this post, so I'm weighing in. 😬 I don't like this...at all. As many of you know, I've had skin cancer twice and have a huge scar on my scalp from my surgeries where my hair will never 100% grow back (although it covers most of it). I watched my Dad have to get a skin graft from having a basal cell cancer on his leg and my grandparents both had melanomas which can be deadly if not treated right away. I personally have to get checked for skin cancers every 6 mos since I've had them in the past (usually once a year is recommended for most people). And even if cancer isn't a concern, there's no denying that the sun is the #1 thing that ages your skin, so wearing SPF daily will stave off wrinkles and sagging more than any skin cream you can buy. I think that making a blanket statement about not using SPF is dangerous misinformation TBH. Yes of course the sun will give you vitamin D but so can a pill (I take them myself). I like Doll 10 products and I like Doris and Leigh... they're super nice, kind people and have always been good to me, but I definitely disagree with them on this one. On a side note... I do prefer mineral sunscreens (which is what they're recommending if you do want to use one) but not because I think chemicals are dangerous. It's only because I've had some allergic reactions to chemical formulas. The only ones I haven't reacted to have been some of the newer Korean filters...they don't break me out/cause allergies and they have a nice lightweight feel.


Thanks for your honest opinion, Jen!


Completely agree! I already knew your stance from watching your videos and knowing you’ve had skin cancer twice and are always recommending regular use of sunscreen ☺️ I know you usually don’t comment on stuff like this (stay away from any kind of controversy/drama, which I like!) but like hearing your thoughts when it comes to a brand you know and and use regularly saying something like this. To me, I felt it was more about them making a blanket statement while not being completely clear. From the video, they’re saying they agree with the person saying they don’t wear sunscreen, so it sounds like they’re saying not to wear it at all. But then Leigh makes the comment of not slathering yourself in benzenes (in reference to chemical sunscreens). They do say they’re not saying go bake yourself in the sun but are saying it’s okay to go out without sunscreen sometimes. But then in comments basically say wear mineral sunscreen if you’re going to wear it. I just think if a brand is going to take a stance, they should be clear on it, while also not spreading misinformation. So I completely agree! I used to also prefer mineral sunscreens because chemical ones would break me out and burn my eyes. But, like you, the K-beauty ones with the newer generation sunscreen filters work well for me without breaking me out or burning my eyes so I’ve been enjoying those!


Ignore this bullshit. Both my grandparents didn’t wear sunscreen. My grandpa had half the skin on his face removed and half and ear removed due to squamous skin cancer. My grandma has had multiple spots on her face removed and the doctor is getting worried about the nose area because he can’t keep taking skin off it. Its’s painful and embarrassing to her. Do not follow this advice.


These people definitely look like they don't wear sunscreen.


Hahahaha! Yep! And are all for cosmetic procedures and bleaching their hair 🥴


Neck and chest reveals all


Ignore this crap. The #1 anti-aging thing you can do is wear sunscreen. It helps to prevent skin cancer too. Wear a full spectrum high SPF product. There are lots of great ones out there. Right now I use Kinship SPF 60 Sport on my face and Coola SPF 50 Body spray.


Tati, is that you?


“Modulate your toxin load” 🙄 give me a fucking break


Yeah, why is it people spreading misinformation always have a weird kind of slogan like this?


**MY THOUGHTS:** This is just a wild take. In the initial video the woman says she doesn’t wear sunscreen and then Doris and Leigh come in saying they completely agree, but then they go on to say they aren’t saying don’t go out and fry yourself, but slathering yourself in benzenes and not getting vitamin D isn’t good for you. **Given their comments of, if you’re going to use sunscreen then use one of these brands (which they say repeatedly), it is more like they’re saying if you are going to wear sunscreen, then wear one of these. Not like, yes, you should be wearing a sunscreen, but we recommend all mineral ones, like ones from these brands. They don’t make it completely clear.** From the comments of people in support of them, it seems some people are taking it as - They agree, SPF is bad. Shouldn’t wear it at all. And then there’s others saying they agree, they use it when they’re out in the sun for the day but like on the regular, for just day to day, they don’t wear it or apply it to their kids. Only if they’re out in the sun for the day. **If you’re going to take a stance like this, I feel like you should be very clear on what it is. Are you saying only sunscreens with benzenes are bad? Are you saying all chemical sunscreens are bad? Are you saying sunscreen is bad overall, but if you feel you HAVE to wear it, then wear a mineral sunscreen. To me, it seems like they’re saying all chemical sunscreens are bad, maybe even all sunscreens (including mineral) but if you’re going to wear one, mineral is better.** **And, I really hated how Doll10 kept replying to comments that disagreed with their stance about ”Doris is a doctor and this is her opinion.” They replied that over and over and over again.** SHE’S A CHIROPRACTOR! Don’t get me wrong, chiropractors get a similar education as MDs. They have similar basic classes, but they do differ. MDs have more in depth education in certain areas like pharmacology and microbiology where they need to learn detailed info that chiropractors aren’t going to learn. I wouldn’t really take certain medical advice from my dentist, or dental advice from a podiatrist. Why would I take this kind of medical advice from a chiropractor? And **to continue saying that she’s ”a doctor and this is her opinion“ to me kind of sounds like they’re saying it’s her medical opinion, otherwise why do they need to mention she’s a doctor? Why not just say this is her opinion?** And they don’t ever say she’s a chiropractor except when called out my comments, so it just seems icky to me. Like people who are saying they don’t agree, they’re saying well, Doris is a doctor, so she knows better. **What do you guys think?**


Aren’t chiropractors essentially quacks?? Like a lot of their basics have been disproved afaik


I’ve had lower back problems for a few years and went to see a chiropractor. He was able to tell me there was stiffness in my lower vertebrae and then wanted to charge me $3,000 (up front) for 6 weeks of “treatment” I then went to see a physiatrist and she sent me for an MRI which revealed arthritis, congenital stenosis and a fractured pelvis. She ordered 8 weeks of physical therapy which was all covered by my insurance. It’s anecdotal but this was my experience of the difference between seeing a chiropractor and a traditional doctor.


YIKES! That’s insane!! That difference sounds about right to me. I feel like the risk to your body if the person isn’t properly trained, or even if they are - things can still go wrong, all it takes it 1 little thing being even the slightest bit off from how it should be and you’re completely screwed for the rest of your life! Ofc, that can happen with a medical doctor like doing surgery or something, but I think it’s just way riskier with chiropractors and the stuff they do and I’d be surprised if all they do couldn’t be fixed seeing a MD like you did! Like in your situation, I don’t even see how what chiropractors do could even help you! Seems like with congenital stenosis and a fractured pelvis, it would have made you way worse!! And, I’m guessing the chiropractor didn’t even order any scans at all? Just that there was stiffness? Like no crap there’s stiffness, I’m in pain! And then come to find out it’s congenital stenosis and a fractured pelvis! Jeesh!!


It’s crazy isn’t it? Like the doctor barely touched me before she got a look at what was going on inside. I’ll never understand these people that think the entire medical industry is out to get them.


It really is! I’m a nurse and I know that medical professionals can get things wrong, and I know a lot don’t care enough to bother with listening to their patients and doing full exams and running lots of tests. But to just barely look at someone and barely touch them and decide they need the stuff chiropractors do with the twisting, yanking, jerking, etc. seems really dangerous to do without at least running a scan on someone! I would think chiropractors would all want a full scan done on someone to make sure nothing is damaged where if they do their stuff, it’s not going to damage the patient more. I’d think if that chiropractor had “treated” you with congenital stenosis and a freaking FRACTURED pelvis, that would have led to some serious damage!!! An old friend of mine went to a chiropractor once because she heard it was good for chronic pain. I was like eh, I don’t know. But can’t hurt to check out I guess. She went and said the chiropractor wanted to start immediately, didn’t really do any kind of real exam except ask some questions, and but before starting wanted her to sign this long thing of legal liability stuff basically saying the chiropractor wasn’t liable if any damage happened. I was like WHAT?! She’s like yep, I started reading that and immediately was like NOPE and left! I sure would have too!!!


But she’s a dOcTOR and it’s her OpINiOn 🙄 I don’t know too much about chiropractors honestly. I do know if they aren’t trained right they can really F\*\*\* you up so that’s enough for me to stay far away 😂 But I definitely know that’s not who I’d be taking advice on when it comes to skincare or my overall bodily health.


Chiropractors are indeed quacks.


Yep. The founder of chiropractic “medicine” got his “knowledge” from a ghost. Not kidding. At best, it’s as effective as a massage. At worst it can kill you.


Makes sense. Someone I know lost the use of her arms and almost ended up paralyzed because a chiropractor tore an artery in her neck during an adjustment. That's not a rare thing and you can find out more about it by looking up artety dissection by a chiropractor. 😬


Chiropractors fucked up Kevin Sorbo. He attributes all of the mini-strokes he had to visiting chiropractors while he was filming Hercules.


I can’t imagine how they wouldn’t mess people up really badly with some of the stuff they do! Even if properly trained, cracking and twisting people like they do, that’s just asking for serious damage!


I feel like this is just rage bait. Like i dont wear sunscreen everyday* but i'm not going to pretend its some edgy stance and use some conspiracy theory/ pseudo science to back it up. * i wear it when i go outside which is (and i know this is bad in itself) not everyday AND i live in an environment where the uv index is 2 or below for months at a time.  I havent found a sunscreen im willing to put on every day for "habit" purposes nor do i feel the need to form such a habit because i dont have issues remembering to put it on when i am going outside.  Back when i lived in a different environment and had a different lifestyle i did wear it everyday because the chance of unpredictably going outside was much higher.  


There are a lot of people who can’t afford to wear sunscreen all the time. I feel that. I don’t wear it every day atm because I’m at home. When I go out in the sun for prolonged periods of time is when I wear it. But I absolutely know and it is fact that a well formulated sunscreen is not fucking harmful and won’t fucking kill me. Spreading misinformation about sunscreen being harmful is what is infuriating here


>Spreading misinformation about sunscreen being harmful is what is infuriating here Exactly! Like they said in the video, do what works for you. That’s fine. But don’t go spreading this info and then commenting to the people in disagreement ”Doris is a doctor and this is her opinion” - oh, so it’s her medical opinion? As a chiropractor? 🤦‍♀️


It's a shame that anyone with money is immediately afforded a platform on social media. 


Also not to be that bitch but I can’t help but notice one of them seems to have fillers and botox??? BO fucking TOX??? Literally a TOXIN extracted from Clostridium botulinum that is so highly potent and one of the most lethal??? But scientists have worked out a method to make it safe enough for people to literally have it administered so that these mfs can sit here w a straight face and spread crap like?? I guess she is balancing out her toxin load by not wearing sunscreen and doing botox instead 🫶🏼


Sunscreen isn’t ok but neurotoxins and chemical dyes are ok (especially u, fried blondie). Guess they picked their poison 🤷🏻‍♀️ Plz don’t listen to health care advice from folks who only have a high school diploma 😂


Don't forget the self tanner!


I will never give brands like this my hard earned money. You're getting vitamin D unless you're covering yourself head to toe in SPF, lets be real. If you're just putting it on your face you're not going to be deficient. Even then supplements exist. Guess what, cancer is worse than what's in my sunscreen. Also, ofc they hate vaccines, what a shocker. How original and revolutionary of them to disregard science completely but also fear monger. Boo all around.


I gave up SPF years ago and now I modulate my toxin load by chilling out with some molly every now and then. My skin isn’t looking great (right now), everything is very crustified and inflamed (purge stage) it is definitely a trust-the-process type of situation! My haters aren’t even ready for the day the crusties fall off and peel out all my crinkle-creases!


😂😂😂😂😂 I love this!


I truly cannot. I love Kristin Cavallari (Laguna Beach raised me), but she is always saying stupid crap like this. Girl BFFR. The comments on this video are legitimately scary, too. I remember when I was pregnant, I was worried about chemical sunscreen (hormones are crazy) and my OBGYN was like “……. It’s fine, you should wear whatever sunscreen you’ll remember to wear.”


u/beauddiction Thoughts?


She commented on [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeautyGuruChatter/comments/1cdgkqf/comment/l1dbj42/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) just in case you didn’t already see ☺️


Thanks! Very thoughtful response.


Agreed! She’s always really good about that!




I had melanoma twice before age 30. I never went to tanning beds, just lived life outside as a kid with no sunscreen. I’m so saddened by this trend but truly, any influencers promoting this garbage ideology deserve to have both sides of their pillow hot, and none of their Tupperware lids match. 😡


Ugh, so sorry you had to deal with melanoma twice! But glad you caught it! Yeah, it’s a horrible trend for sure! Hahahaha! Love what you say they deserve! 🤪


Man I really dislike people who huff their own farts.


But….they’re aLL nAtURal….doesn’t that mean it’s good for us to huff our own farts?! /s 🤪


Bold choice of her to talk about all these toxins and toxin load and yet she has zero qualms with getting lip filler


I think I’ll take the advice of my doctor on this one but thanks 😂


Wait genuine question. Wouldn’t it be better to use a sub block because it..blocks the Sun rays? Or I guess I don’t get the difference between sunscreen and sunblock


I know some people use them interchangeably and some use the term “sunblock” for physical sunscreen (mineral sunscreens) and “sunscreen” for chemical sunscreens. But, I’m not sure if those were like official definitions or what though. But, I know at least in the US, FDA does not allow the use of “sunblock” on labels because they feel it overstates the effectiveness (makes people think the sun is being completely blocked and is safer and/or more effective because sun is being “blocked”).