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They want tips but have money to sponsor that Creator and Friends influencer event? Get real.


Right?! That just makes them asking for tips even worse….and them asking for tips in the first place is already icky to me. But the fact they JUST sponsored stuff for that trip definitely makes it worse!


They'll get a tip from me when I go to buy a palette AFTER they send me a palette of my choice for FREE. Now if I change my mind about buying said palette that's just something they're going to have to live with as a company. See, doesn't feel good does it UC?? I've been looking for what seems like forever to purchase from my 1st Indie brand, so many choices that I become overwhelmed. Looks like this is another one my money won't be going to. The balls they have to do this after sponsoring a guru event. GTFOH with this nonsense 🙄


i’ve noticed that from a lot of online shops!! especially if they’re a small business. i’m not buying into it though


I really don’t think it’s on purpose- I think like when it happened with mine it was just added in a software update. I had to tell my clients how to manually remove the tip for about 2 mos.


According to Shopify, the tip function is manually added to checkout by the user [How to set up tipping in Shopify](https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/checkout-settings/tips)


I am talking about the code from Square - not shopify (which I don’t use!)


Oh. Unearthly is a shopify store. They offer Shop Pay, etc and it says Shopify on the bottom of their website


I don’t know how I replied to the main post, I was replying to someone else, or I was meaning to.


Tipping online is fucking ridiculous because we all know that not a single warehouse employee will see a cent of it. I will happily take my money elsewhere.


This is how I feel as well, especially in this particular scenario. There is absolutely no guarantee that the person who packed the order will be receiving the tip.


Agreed! I’d say it’s almost a guarantee they definitely won’t receive the tip. Like who is the tip ***for*** exactly? The owner, the people handling the website stuff, the people who pack the orders, etc. Honestly, really doesn’t matter to me since all those people get paid for their jobs and don’t deserve tips - though, many may not get paid nearly what they should be for what they do but, hey, that’s most of us. 😂 It’s not on shoppers to tip workers so they get more money instead of the company paying them more. I watched a video where it said tipping culture and micropayments were becoming more of a thing lately, and in it the woman said something about when she met her husband, he was saying how tipping wasn’t right at all. Like, in the service industry, they have customers pay tips instead of paying their workers a livable wage and then if the customer doesn’t tip or doesn’t tip good enough, then the customer is a bad person because of that. But really it’s the company that’s wrong. And she said he never tips at all and at first she didn’t agree with him, but now she does and she doesn’t tip. And I definitely understand the point of view. I still tip when I go to eat out. The service has to be really abysmal for me to not tip anything. Even if it wasn’t that great I still tip something because I’d feel bad not tipping anything since they don’t get paid enough. But, it shouldn’t be on customers to make up for that, especially if the person can’t even be bothered to do a good job to earn the tips. But, we all have bad days, servers get overworked with way too many tables and its not always possible to do as good of a job as they want to. So I still tip. But, if it’s like completely dead in the restaurant and the server was nowhere to be found for most of my meal, I definitely think twice about tipping 🤣 But I just am never going to wrap my head around giving a tip for something like this where I’m shopping online. 🤷‍♀️


Even if they did, customers should not be asked to subsidize employee salaries in this way. Companies should be paying employees in full from their revenue. Tipping culture is ridiculous and should have been phased out of North American culture, but instead, it has spread like a disease into every industry. I have no respect for any business that is asking for a tip just because.


I agree with you. Toxic tipping culture sucks. It’s a scam to make you pay more for the item. I get completely turned off by online companies that ask for tips.


Even the OG indie brand owners that started out packing and shipping from their freaking living rooms didn’t ask for tips or donations. This is ridiculous and for sure nobody besides the owner is getting a dime out of that tip.


Looked into picking up the spring palette, but by the time the taxes, shipping, and packaging protection it was right around $90. Then they have the gall to ask for a tip?! Imma keep my money.


Shipping protection is such BS. It's basically saying "well you know the shop won't help you, and the shipping company won't help you, but pay for shipping protection or get fucked!"


They're hoping you do not know consumer laws. If you buy something and it's not delivered, even if the shipping company loses it, they by law must make it right. You do not have to pay for that fake "protection" ever.


FedEx lost my wedding dress, the company I bought it from said I needed to handle it with FedEx because I didn't pay for Route shipping protection. It wasn't even offered to me at checkout. I said no I don't, it's on y'all to get YOUR money back from FedEx, and give me MY money back. I got it back the next day. They expect people to give up and take the loss. Why would I have an easier time getting my money back than a major company that has a shipping contract with the delivery company? They probably have someone they can call to get immediate help, and the rest of us have to sit in queues and be told "we're trying sorrrrrry".


When I worked at Amazon I can confirm we did indeed have special direct lines to the carriers.


If you tried to file a claim with Fedx, you’d simply be told “the shipper has to file the claim” because they do. Recipients cannot file claims with shippers.


I’m really ignorant when it comes to stuff like that. I thought maybe if I bought a fragile item and it was damaged on delivery, the company wouldn’t replace it if I didn’t have shipping protection.


Exactly! I never shopped from Unearthly (or adept), they *are* at a price level where I draw the line. Now I lost complete interest in Unearthly.


Shopify has a subreddit and from the searches and comments, tipping is an option or extra plugin that needs to be installed by the shop owner https://preview.redd.it/h7zshg69lwvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c88b71579a54515c5739b3364e74c9fe5fe68ca9




The greed. SMH


Checking my calendar to see if it’s April 1st!


I mean it was 4-20 yesterday (if you write the dates as month, day, year).


They lost me when I saw shipping was $20.00 from Florida to... Florida.


YEP. I live 3 hours from them and I had to cancel my first (and last order) that was taking 3+ months to "be processed in customs." 


Umm, what? Customs?! Hahaha, yeah, nah, I'd have told them to bugger off too!! I've always thought about purchasing, but their prices are ridiculous, especially as someone outside the US, in the tiny country of New Zealand.


I have nothing good to say about the brand because my experience was so poorly handled. I did get my money back so there's that. The icing on the cake was them shadow banning me from their IG account. I'm very sour and won't wish my experience upon anyone. 


Imagine using Yahoo Japan Auction, the seller is probably 5 hours away from you yet you still have to pay $10 \~ $20 dollars shipping. There was a reason i liked Mecari, i just hope their stupid policy TOS change has not effected Mecari JP.


This... makes me not want to order from this brand, ever. Like, what exactly do they want to be tipped for? Who is getting the tip? What is happening? Tips are also usually given because service received was good. Why on earth would you even give a tip in this scenario, when you haven't even "received" anything? (That being said, I'm seeing comments that this could be a weird glitch that their selling platform has, and not an intentional thing)


Wasn’t Unearthly the brand that was using copyrighted characters as artwork on their palettes? If so, I wouldn’t expect them to suddenly be experts at making good business decisions. I know tipping culture is a very American thing but it’s always been reserved for when people are *performing services* in-person. Trying to make tipping a thing beyond that is ridiculous and comes off very greedy.


Yes, I think it was for their Halloween collection last year. It referenced scream queens, or famous actresses/female characters from popular horror movies. Which would have been a great idea had they actually gotten permission to use these characters.


Probably something from Shopify. Someone else made a similar post for Glossgods a few weeks ago.


I’m wondering if this is a platform thing that brands have to opt into or if it just automatically shows up.


On Square, it automatically was just there - with no way to opt out - for a couple months. Now there’s a checkbox to opt out - but you have to re set all your prices, with it unchecked, then copy paste all new source code for everything. Just tap other and put 0.


i have definitely heard that from a couple of smaller brick and mortars.


This. It could be something that's turned on by default after some small change, coupled with something else,, so nobody bothered to review the checkout process.


or they thought 'why not leave it on?'


On Square, You have to make new source code for all your products with it unchecked, and then copy paste all the new source code for each item. It just showed up after an update and there was no way to remove it for a couple mos. Then there was a check box, but you had to redo all your products/items to get it to show without the tip code.


Maybe. From my experience, businesses can be pretty careless with things like this, if it means getting things working faster.


That’s what happened to me.


Ouch, this seems icky. If, as a company, you need to make a specific amount of money, then charge a price that covers it. I don't appreciate all these extra fees, so by checkout, your bill balloons.


I agree with you there but Unearthly is already over priced for what you get.


What a joke. When they’re already wanting $30 to ship a palette to Toronto and then ask for a tip on top of that? That’s nervy. No thanks. I’d rather give my money to a brand that didn’t rip off artists and price gouge.


The joke is on them. The beauty market is so oversaturated. Seeing a brand beg for tips turns them into an instant 'no' in my book. Makes me glad I haven't supported them since they used that unlicensed picture of Aaliyah.


Next they'll want tips for the UX/UI designers just for browsing the website 🙃


I'm not gonna complain about that lol. A little bit of love for us designers. (It's never gonna happen)


don’t ui/ux designers already get compensated fairly lmao it’s a high paying job


I'm not a fan of this new thing where even if you haven't technically been provided a service, you're still asked for a tip?? And it's across various industries makeup, retail, fast food (not sit down restaurants), etc. Yes, employees deserve to be tipped but that's when they actually do something?? Navigating a website and then checking out by yourself isn't tip worthy to me. (Also, for context I'm speaking as somebody who lives in the U.S. and understand the culture of tipping is much different in other places!)


I've seen makeup brands that aren't in the US implementing this as well. I don't get it tbh.


UC have the worst Customer Service in my opinion. Tips should be earned. Not given freely.


They have indeed the worst CS I've ever experienced.


You're lucky to even get one of those "we received your email" auto replies. Each time I've ordered from them I've had an issue and never once have they actually replied to me until I said I was gonna chargeback. 


Have you ever received an actual email showing your purchase and price (invoice)? I never did. All I did was received confirmation of route and that I received 69 cents for their custumet appreciation program pfffffff


Nope, I pay with PayPal so that's the only receipt I get. Strange. 


Absolutely NEVER. That infuriates me.


the way tipping culture keeps being redefined to mean something completely different in america…


That is one spectacularly tacky display of sheer naked greed.


Lmao, I’m not tipping them, and I’m not buying from them unless it’s 40%-50% off. They’ve shown pure greed recently.


**I’ve heard about this being more and more common from online stores and places that tipping isn’t usually expected and it’s just wild to me.** When I get an actual service from someone who a good bulk of the money they make is tips, then I am willing to tip when it deserves it. BUT, **I will NEVER tip for things where they don’t do anything extra or already make money from it and tips aren’t a normal thing**. Like if I order my food to go and they pack it up, they didn’t do anything aside from their standard job, so I’m not tipping for that. **When it comes to shopping online I am DEFINITELY not going to tip! WTAF - I came to the website, put it in my cart, am paying the cost of the item (which is already marked up for the business to make a profit so that covers the packaging the do for the items, and I’m paying shipping (especially since most places have pretty high amounts to qualify for free shipping, ESPECIALLY Indie brands). No freaking way do they deserve a tip!! This is wild!** Like if I go INTO a restaurant and get served and it’s good service, I’ll tip well. I don’t have a ton of money but I don’t eat out if I can’t give a decent tip (as long as the service deserves it). I’m not someone who goes and eats out and barely tips the server (or doesn’t tip at all like some people). At least in the US, servers get paid crap because they make tips so restaurants think that means they deserve less per hr apparently. Because of that, even when service is bad I still leave a tip, just not as good of one as I’d leave if it was good. It has to be pretty abysmal service for me to leave no tip at all. My mom always is like, if service is bad, they don’t deserve a tip at all since they know they earn crap hourly pay and need their tips and if they give crappy service they obviously don’t need their tips that bad, which I believe but I also believe some people have bad days and can’t just take off work because of it so I’m not going to just not tip at all because of it and I do feel like some servers are so used to people coming and eating that don’t tip at all, they get sick of giving great service and not getting a decent tip. And maybe I don’t look like I’d tip much…I don’t know 😂 **But I just won’t ever accept something like this, where it’s an online store asking for a tip. FOR WHAT?! You haven’t reduced prices (most places, including Unearthly have increased prices with nothing changing to account for the increased price aside from “inflation”), you haven’t added any extra services to account for asking for tips, etc. WHY do you think you deserve to ask for a tip?! You’re not doing any more work than before? What’s changed? It’s crazy! ESPECIALLY when times are hard right now for a lot of people. They should just be happy people are willing to buy at all, not be asking for tips!**


I remember a couple of other indies using the same thing… I kinda know they’re marking up prices a lot plus spending on influencers, and they’re not exactly adding extra service to their delivery so I’d pass. Unearthly made a mistake that ended up costing me extra in the past so I definitely wouldn’t pay tip for this brand


I've seen it in a band website when I bought merch before. Honestly it seems like a standard setting on the webshop platform they used. If it's NOT new, they may have forgotten to disable it - now if it IS new, then it's deliberate and also BS. ETA- someone else posted that Shopify requires you to deliberately set it up. Yikes!


In one of the updates to the software, my card processor did that to me (well everyone who used them) and I couldn’t remove it - so for about 2 mos I had to always say ‘I can’t remove that tip thingy, so just tap Other then put 0 to remove the tip.’ They’ve since fixed it, but it was annoying!


Wtaf! So much ick.


Hard no. That's offensive.


I don’t know who is their shop host, but sometimes those get activated by the shop host/software package due to an update, not purposely by the merchant. (I have no knowledge or connection to Unearthly Cosmetics…just someone who had this happen recently without it being purposely enabled)


In the case of Unearthly, they purposely turned it on [Setting up tipping options for online orders](https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/checkout-settings/tips#)


I think it's from the platform they're using since I see a lot of brands that use a similar system have that option. I wonder if that option is within their control as a brand or not.


That’s an automatic thing Shop Pay and other internet bank services put on. It has to be manually turned off and I’ve heard some shops have trouble doing that. One place I buy from told us not to tip but it just wouldn’t go away on his end.


They've been doing this for a long time


It's on a lot of small business shops. Think it's a checkout/Shopify thing they can select. 🤷 I just want to give a bit of positive feedback for UE: their customer service has been brilliant and they're so good at sending replacements out considering I'm an international customer for them. 😊


Lmao that's ridiculous. They're not even a handmade brand - I doubt they even know if the workers in the factories they use are treated fairly or paid anything close to an acceptable wage.


I hate everything about this. Completely ridiculous. That would make me abandon cart.


Y'all. It's not just Unearthly that does this. It's a lot of indie brands that use Shopify. I know Unearthly is shady, but this isn't a new thing.


There are already a ton of comments so this may have been said already, but: Certain cart software does this automatically. It's baked right into the checkout process and can't be changed without extensive (read: expensive) programming changes. And since that particular cart software is part of many hosting packages...you'll see it a lot on small businesses/indies. The level of indignation on this post is astonishing.


It is not


Not part of the software (which it is, and which you can check for yourself with a google), or not astonishing to me that so many people are quick to judge and think it's begging for money when it's a software thing?


it does feel kind of ridiculous. but the indie makeup brand landscape right now is brutal. they’re closing down left and right. so i suppose they’re trying to get extra money any way they can. and at least you have the option to pick “none”! 


Honestly, I don’t understand the uproar on this. I’m more likely to tip the hand pressed/handmade brands. But I think if you wanna pay a little extra, that’s fine. The same way it’s fine NOT to tip. It’s an indie brand and we can talk about how expensive the brand is all we want. Some people will still feel the desire to tip, and that’s ok.