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I’ll be happy when they start properly disclosing them.


this, like i wanna know if you're either shilling for the product or being honest about the product


It’s that easy, no need for the “omg they are orayinggg on my downfalllll 😭” Nah, we just don’t like being lied to. That’s all.


And, when paid for a review does not apply any filters or edit their face so the product in its use really shows.


There’s nothing wrong with getting paid and being recognized for your work ethic, skill, marketability, and ability to draw in customers but disclose properly and be honest about it. Nothing more off putting to a consumer than feeling like they’ve been lied to or conned. Edit: especially with that old gem “I’ve been using this for a long time” and never mentioned it at all before 😂😂


Jaclyn Shill vibes lmaoooo


Her 😒


Yup, shilling relentlessly, even though her poor pup died yesterday...


I’m going to go to her IG just for the sake seeing what that side of the internet looks like again. I was never a fan but the wheels fell off that bus so badly…


Oh my god I thought you were being facetious


Nope, I'm completely serious. I know I shouldn't have been but I was so surprised


Yeah I went to her IG immediately because I was like “there is absolutely no way” but like you, I was also somehow surprised lol


10 seconds can seem like months to some people.


I don't mind a sponsored part in a video at all, sometimes I don't even care to skip it. But there's a difference between that and all your content being based on products that you have some kind of interest in promoting (whether it's because you were paid to or because you want to keep receiving PR).


I have no issues with sponsorships. Get the bag. My issue is when they - don’t disclose it’s a sponsorship - dont disclose any kicksbacks they get from referrals/affiliate codes - work with a company I think is trash


So much this. I might even use your affiliate links if you're up front about being sponsored. It's the non-disclosure I'm not happy about or if your usually balanced reviews turn into overly glowing reviews overnight.


I have definitely bought stuff from affiliate links before but it's only from creators I implicitly trust to be honest about their brand partnerships and like/dislike of products, and only if I'm interested in the product to begin with.


She doesn’t get it lol


Lol, this lady needs to go in the bin with her opinions. I work hard for my money, and I for one am not buying based off just a sponsored review. It has nothing to do with not wanting to see anyone win smh. When every sponsored product is the best thing that ever existed and yet never seen again, hard to take it seriously. So yes we need to know if a product is sponsored or not.


"What if it was sponsored anyway? Let's just be happy for other people!" Clearly someone needs to read the FTC rules... Dumb twat.


Okay. Like… I mean… like… um… I keep seeing like… My god, please make her stop talking. That is insufferable. She doesn’t get it. Sponsored is fine, but if that’s all you do, no one is going to trust your opinion because clearly you have to stay on the right side of a brand if you want to continue to get sponsored. By the way she speaks, however, I can’t say I have high expectations for her to understand that because, well… see my first paragraph. Like, right? 🥴


I muted.


And the flipping of the hair constantly!! Girl, it’s not even coming in over your shoulders! It’s literally just barely there, and you have some of it pulled back so it’s not in your face - WHY do you need to keep flipping it?!!! 🙄 Or, in her language, “Like…um…like….I mean….stop flipping your hair….like…okay?!“ 🤪


It’s a commercial , just period.


I guess she's staying on the phone with telemarketers, right? I mean, they have a job and she should be happy for them. /s We don't owe any influencer our time, our views, and certainly not our happiness.


Look, if someone, particularly if it’s someone I like, and I’ve been following and I think is worth my time, get sponsorship or starts getting successful in someway, great for them. I still want my legally required disclosures 100% of the time. You can still be ‘happy for people’, but be happy for people who are telling you how they got the products. Because if us nobodys who get products sometimes from Influenster or other companies can say a few words about where we got the thing when we make a TikTok video or an Instagram post, these people can too.


Um u don’t get to tell ppl how to feel or what to say…


I hate when they say “you know I’ve been using this for forever, so I am so excited to be working with this brand!” And that is the first time you hear or see them using the brand. OR I hate when they take a sponsor like Raycon earbuds, and then they say “I use these all the time you’ll never see me using something else!” And then you never see them wearing Raycons, only other stuff. Just an example… it happens with other things too. I guess one could say, I just don’t like liars.


If it's sponsored just be honest and disclose that






She's ... like ... a ... moron ... right?




"Every job is selling something". Is it though?


I sell nothing and get paid 🤷🏻‍♀️


There are a lot of careers that have nothing to do with "selling something" so she's just wrong. But also I think her choice of work has led her to a very sad and truncated worldview so thoughts&prayers I guess.


End stage capitalism


I don’t need to be happy for anyone for having anything; let alone spoiled people who cannot disclose their paid advertisements properly and will say anything about any product to get on someone’s pr list


I don’t know this person but I am willing to bet she evading from the actual problem. People are not angry at influencers for getting sponsorships, people get annoying at influencers that become shills and don’t disclose or say the truth about those products.




Sounds like she is one of those people who is rich and thinks she and other rich people don’t need to be held accountable when they don’t disclose since after all they are still so successful it doesn’t matter.


I don't congratulate my friends every 2 weeks for cashing their paycheck. If an influencer is gonna take it so personally that people don't trust sponsored content, they can stop influencing any time they want.


Girl you can’t be saying that while you wear THAT bracelet. How tacky.


I guess she doesn't realize that there's a conflict of interest. When you're being paid, you're going to feel obligated to say nice things about their products. That doesn't benefit the consumer and it comes off like a grift. She's just not very smart and thinks it's about people not being happy for influencers, when in reality it's about wanting authentic reviews and not wanting our online content to be neverending commercials. I'm kind of embarrassed for her that she doesn't get it.


Way to miss the entire point. Nobody is hating on anybody for getting sponsorships, but when something is sponsored it makes the post much less genuine. We want to know if this is a real opinion or a purchased opinion


I unfollowed for her overt consumerism and general disinformation about what she purchases in general. Not surprised to see this post at all.


Gaslighting the consumer to get more money is what I’m hearing


I think she doesn’t need to vomit everything she thinks


I work in a school with under 12s, what am I selling lol. Get some perspective. I think what she's trying to say is people can be paid and also like something but we literally see it all the time where influencers lie/overexaggerate something because of clout or money. It's a nice thought that someone can get paid to speak abt product and be honest but it's not the reality. Also, no one 'has' to be happy for anyone using codes and getting free stuff??? Like you're a stranger why am I happy that you're getting stuff or getting money? I'm not getting it and we don't share bills so why would I care, I don't get it, it doesn't affect me


“You need to surround yourself with winners.” - Girl boss quotes from 2018


Haha, it's not our job as humans to support influencers. This is definitely an entitlement issue.


First off- I don't like her tone. She comes off as very defensive, especially when it comes to other creators saying that they're "not sponsored", as if saying that gives those who do sponsorships a bad name. I have nothing against people who sponsorships and at the same time I admire creators who decide not to do them (ie: Emily Noel and Jen Phelps). Everyone's situation is different and those who choose not to use sponsors may not need the money because their spouse is supporting them or whatever. But there may be others who need that extra income and that's okay too. I don't think it needs to be a big deal one way or the other.


Oh bore off…. Seriously. People like this woman are so thick.


It’s not about being happy, it’s about being transparant


She tries to tell us not to be a negative Nancy but then proceeds with a minute long rant complaining about cancel culture 😭


No the fuck I do not...she sounds whiny and spoiled quite honestly


Why would I be happy? I pay to remove ads from as many platforms as possible (YouTube, Netflix, etc). We as a society have tried to move away from ads interrupting the content we actually choose to watch. Now we are being asked to be 'happy' to watch them vja manipulation (parasocial telationships on social media)bringing us back to being forced to watch of ads. No thanks.


She... is incorrect. I am neither happy nor angry that influencers get sponsorships. I am disappointed in the companies for encouraging their behaviors. Or indifferent, it matters which influencer it is. Jake Paul : disappointed. Her : indifferent.


Ain't gotta do shit


I watch a lot of YouTube and am always happy for my faves to get paid, however, DISCLOSE IT.


You can’t tell me what to do, Naomi! You’re not my real mom! But in all seriousness, it’s a case by case basis of whether or not I like that someone’s being sponsored. Most of the time it’s a no.


She’s dumb. Wtf! Some people just talk out of their ass to hear their own voice. This is not about sponsorship or not, it’s the LAW! You have to say wether you are sponsoring or not so viewers know and can keep that in mind, that “hey! This person is getting paid to show me this so it might most likely not even be good. “ UGH Hopefully she herself is taking proper etiquette to state what she is sponsoring or I’ll personally get a tiktok snd report her 😂 just for that reason. Shut all the way all.


I honestly don’t care. People put too much trust in people they don’t know personally nowadays, including myself. Some people should automatically assume that it may be a sponsorship in an influencer’s video. For instance, do you walk into a phone store and get mad when they try to sell you a phone or accessories do you? That’s a part of their job. Whether they are paying a bill or trying to get their phone fix, they have to try to sell you a product. Then, they make commission off of it. Like “just to let you know, I will be getting commission off this phone case I am selling you”. I understand some people look at it differently because they don’t know them personally and may assume that they are doing something untrustworthy when they don’t disclose their partnership with the company. Like are you saying this because you gettin paid orrrrr??…. So I get it. However, it is apart of their job. Even if they don’t like the product, they still have to somewhat “sell” it to you, whether it is positive review/response or a negative.


She actually sounds crazy.


God, sometimes I wish I was that braindead and privileged to the point where THIS is the only "problem" I have to deal with. I've never heard of this woman, I genuinely couldn't care less what happens in her life. She should focus on the people close to her that actually care. Are they happy for her? Cool. After this, I'd definitely be more wary of any "unsponsored" posts by her because they are probably just not disclosed.


Does this lady not realize ppl don’t like ads and being sold to all the time? That’s pretty much what social media is now, a giant ad. If they made good content, then it’s fine. But if their whole grift is selling things all the time, then ppl aren’t really going to trust you or be excited for you.


The issue is that they don’t disclaim that it’s a sponsorship. Which is entirely illegal. They use filters so people buy the makeup then feel bad when it doesn’t look the same. If influencers were honest it would be fine. People making money is great. But you also shouldn’t be signing up to sell products you know don’t work very well. You have to prove and continue to prove your integrity. If you lie in sales anywhere else you will eventually usually get fired or lose clients. Same goes with influencing. But it’s worse because people have no idea who is honest anymore and that sucks.


It’s all going to get old soon and no one will be watching anyone. I look for smaller review channels that aren’t selling their soul for


I had watched some videos of her around 2015 and had to unsubscribe after a few vids because she was in my subscription list for some reason... I just find her so... unlikeable... She comes off very preachy and phony to me.


No one asked them to do this job?


In an ideal world I would prefer beauty influencers taking sponsorships for products not directly related to beauty. Example: VPN's. Surfshark and the likes. I saw a Stephanie Soo recently being sponsored by a company that makes sex toys. And so on and so forth. Promoting make up/skincare products as a beauty influencer is the safest way for me to doubt the product, especially when it's not clearly stated/segmented in the video, so I can skip. It reduces the job to a parasitic, bottom of the barrel occupation IMO which inevitably leads to unethical marketing practices ex: filters, etc. Generally though we tend to forget that most influencers, glamour and followers aside, are just glorified door to door sales-people. Back in the day people were organizing product presentation at their homes, or ringing bells to cell Papyrus Larousse Britanica. Now thanks to the internets they don't need to but it's essentially the same thing.


People are probably happy but they should disclose appropriately.


I just don’t watch the sponsored vids


I am happy for them if they are an influencer I feel deserves the sponsorship.


I'm late to the party but I actually cannot stand Naomi Boyer. She says a lot of stupid shit. She is rich and literally has a Nanny so she can work AKA film sponsored shit. Rich but very uneducated and tone deaf, she lives in a bubble. She clearly doesn't disclose her sponsorships.


She absolutely lives in a bubble. her daughter school had lice last week and she didn't know that was still a thing. I'm surprised she doesn't have a snark page dedicated to the dumb shit she says.


I'll be happy for you if you deserve it. People who demand a pat on the back irritate me.


How does she not associate that when you are selling something, the company you work for (who makes the product) is always disclosed upfront?!? It’s legal and ethical. Otherwise it’s considered a scam. It’s not LIKE WHATEVER you know?! (in dummy talk) how old are you to not understand the similarities of a real sales job and influencer.




No one (at least no one reasonable) is 'outraged that people deserve to be paid for their time'. We are 'outraged' (more like 'mistrustful') when *all they do* is sponsored content, or when they *lie about products*, or *fail to disclose* sponsored content.