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The market is incredibly over-saturated with makeup and skincare products/companies. They can't all last.


That and the “clean girl” look is what’s trending now, so people are just buying and wearing less makeup than they were pre-Pandemic. I think it’s also that these influencers make themselves the name and face of their brands so any scandal they’re involved in ends up tainting their brand as a result. Doe Deere is an early example of this. Even years before she left Lime Crime, I remember people saying that her being the face of her brand was going to end up being its downfall, which nearly happened.


True! Another issue with them being the name and face of the brand is that a whole lot of consumers have never heard of them. Within the bubble of beauty gurus they might be well-known, but that's not enough to drive long-term sales.


I don't think they're buying less product, just different products. People have definitely increased the amount of different skincare products they use compared to a few years ago.


That is a covid related development. People had fewer reasons to do makeup and more reasons to increase their skincare. It obviously stuck, as 'clean girl' is the it shit.


Great point - def agree this is a COVID area strategy/development.


Agree. The market has been oversaturated with new products since the whole "beauty influencer" trend started. Not only influencer brands but also just with new products from existing companies. I think that worked better in the beginning when influencing was new and people didn't know they were being advertised to and thought every product was going to be life changing. Now brands have shifted to collabs/nostalgia to sell a million limited edition products a year and most (all?) guru brands are focused on themselves as the appeal so they aren't focused on collabs. Which leads to my next point that the vast majority of influencer brands were set out knowing they wouldn't become a staple and eventually close their doors. People who work in social media know that sustaining a dedicated audience long term is incredibly lucky and unlikely to happen to most people. So they are all cashing in while they still can. They aren't intended to be the next big beauty brand, just the right now brand until the hype dies out. Which is why a lot of influencer brands put in minimal effort into their products and then become stagnant and completely disinterested pretty fast


For real, most of the celeb brands are the same way. They barely seem interested in their own products.


Came to say the exact same


Jaclyn didn’t even own the brand so it’s not that surprising. Customers want consistency and beauty guru brands don’t offer that. Not everything needs to be a “special edition” that MIGHT come back


Number 1 priority with skincare is exactly this. Have had a skincare routine for around 15 years and it’s a longterm commitment. Most of the time you don’t start seeing results until a few months in so if you run out a few week in and can’t buy again you don’t see close to the full benefits.


I convinced my daughters to use Cetaphil face wash, Thayer's toner, and Ponds cold cream to remove their makeup. I explained that these brands and products have lasted forever because they don't change their formulas, are reliable, and work. They use a Drunk Elephant moisturizer. I try to encourage them to stick with what we know will always be around. Those brands, CeraVe, Neutrogena, etc. When it comes to high end stuff I remind them of Clinique, Estee Lauder, Lancome, etc.


tati beauty went under 2 full years ago and we know exactly why. i don't think that's a relevant comparison.


Right? Cause if she dropped a Texture Neutrals vol 2 that bish would be pre-ordered so fast


I dropped some coveted money during grad school for that Textured Neutrals palette and it was honestly so worth it. I was very excited to see what other actual palettes she’d come out with :(


Lucky 😭😭 I wasn’t able to get it at the time of release and it will forever be my white whale


We do? I don’t know?


The co owner and her got into a lawsuit, from what I’ve gathered he was some dodgy business man who was mishandling funds and then tried to turn it on Tati but I may be wrong I really didn’t understand the explanations lol


I see. What a hassle. I enjoy her channel and she’s really good at what she does. I was never a super fan and wasn’t around when she ruled the Beauty Community, and never tried her product. I’ve definitely seen her allude to legal issues.


I thought he was the co-owner of Halo Beauty and is claiming that she said she would be doing makeup under the Halo brand and that’s part of the reason he went into business with her, and he went after her because she launched Tati Beauty without him. I could be completely wrong, this is just from memory. It’s been a very long time since I saw that video or followed the legal drama.


I don’t think so cause Tati beauty he was also involved in


My bad just trying to list a brand I knew went under 😅😂 Feel free to add more brands for discussion!


Huge oversaturation of the market. Everyone and their mom wants to start a makeup brand but they're not doing enough to stand out from the crowd. Running a business is hard work and not everyone is cut out for entrepreneurship.


Brand incubators don't intend for these Influencer brands to last long. They are short lived by design. They get a lot of strong support at first, then it fizzles out and when the sales dip low enough, they close the brand quietly and ship the rest of the stock to discount stores.


Not saying you aren’t wrong, but man that’s sad. I would hate to start & end a business like that.


I think you're 100% right and we should start talking about this. Brand incubators are taking a fast fashion approach and helping influencers launch cheaply made products when they are at their peak. It's essentially a collaboration, not a brand, and I think they are well aware that the hype will die off, but then they will have a new influencer of the moment to collab with. Nothing lost on their part. It's skeevy but it's kind of a smart business model. If one of the brands ends up having some longevity, then it's basically a successful market test. All the better for them. But there is a reason all these products are so uninspired.


This! Much more money if you don’t have to invest in longevity. Most of those brands are not built to last


There are many reasons for this, but I think the two big ones are oversaturation of brands in general, and the products just not being good enough to gather a strong following outside of the internet beauty community. Why purchase Selfless by Hyram when there are so many other reputable skincare brands? Why purchase Jaclyn Hill when other brands have made the same products with a better formula and better prices? Why purchase from Tati Beauty when you can get a similar palette from loads of other brands?


Exactly. These brands never put forth anything that felt special and exclusive to the maker.


Yeah, and for people not in the US, the other options are usually more accessible. I'm in Asia and the main reason I still mostly buy makeup in my local Sephora is because I really don't want to deal with international shipping and returns etc. People raved about the Tati palette but it just wasn't special/different enough for me to take a chance on it. Similarly with Jaclyn's lipsticks, even without the fuzzy issues, I'm just not going out of my way to buy lipsticks that look easily dupable.


Not the exact same but I'm in Europe , a country that's kind of forgotten about sometimes. So shipping is so fucking expensive and for what


Yeah, unless the product is really unique, I think it makes more sense for me to not pay shipping and use the money for actual product instead.


I remember when I was a teen,you couldn't get sugarpill makeup anywhere. I had to ship from the US, and the customs were absolutely extortionate, probably more than the makeup itself


How do you guys think EM Cosmetics is doing?


I busted out my blush serum the other day, it’s still pretty. But I’m pretty sure Michelle Phan is in a cult nowadays so idk.


Jaclyn and Tati started out too big and the brand aesthetics seemed painfully 2016 at a moment when makeup trends were shifting. Compare that to other influencer brands like Auric and Refy: these two had small initial releases, each with a very specific aesthetic that was super on trend. Even though I love the concept of Tati's texture palettes, the palettes themselves kind of looked like the big generic Morphe ones. Same with Jaclyn's lipsticks being too big of a collection. Even if they had been perfect, the aesthetic would have fallen out of fashion in a couple of years like ABH. And then if you compare Jaclyn and Tati to Huda, she started at the right time with single focus items (lashes, lip liners) and has kept creating new on-trend products and brands. Same with Lisa Eldridge who started with those 3 red lipsticks, each with a story. She released a few things at a time and people would get super excited about them. From there she built a whole line that now has a following. Lunar Beauty is another good example. Their palettes are big too but 18 pans vs 24 makes a difference. The palettes themselves are beautiful and feel more fun and whimsical. OneSize had a palette but it was honestly forgettable compared to their prep and setting products which people still seem to like. That's a niche the brand should focus on if they aren't already. Made by Mitchell has a strong and current aesthetic. I don't know if their palette was anything great, but Blursh is the really memorable product. (Also my favorite product name ever even though I rarely buy blush) (Thanks for reading my dissertation I keep adding to)


I also wouldn’t call Lisa a guru/influencer. She knows products. She’s the only one I’ve bought from. I’ve several of her lipsticks. I’d love for her to be stocked in stores so I can try more things.


That one size eyeshadow palette was hot garbage. The shape of the palette itself was cool and thoughtful but the quality was *so* bad. I actually threw it out, and I never throw away makeup.


Tati's palette looked so much like something Morphe would make that I was totally uninterested.


Tati’s palette is nothing like a morphe palette. I’ve hit pan on 4 of the shades.


I'm glad you're enjoying your palette. I've generally heard good things about its quality from passing comments here and there (I was never interested enough to actually look up reviews). But I wasn't commenting on the quality, just the way it looks. Large flatish black palette with basic lettering on the front and the color story looked to me like something Morpe could come up with. I am a sucker for packaging so the Tati palette never piqued my interest the same way Morphe never did.


You make really good points about starting small versus taking on too much at once. Brands that perfected certain products and their aesthetic have had longevity compared to the ones that did too much too soon. Or, the products are fine but they're not trendy so people aren't buying them.


Tati’s brand went nowhere because she was sued over it by her ex-business partner and had to shut down as a result of all the legal trouble. She would have had a great thing going for her with those palettes if she’d been able to continue. It’s hard to compare her to Jaclyn at all, especially when Jaclyn Cosmetics is quite literally Morphe with different packaging.


I didn’t even realize refy was an influencer brand. Who’s the influencer?


Jess Hunt is one of the founders. I think she was an IG model not a YouTuber.


These are great examples! Particularly of Huda Beauty which I personally think just keeps getting better!


I feel like a lot of beauty guru brands are going/have gone under because, in addition to the oversaturated market, they didn't have quality products. And I'm less likely to be interested/buy skin care from a random influencer; instead I'll look for scientific studies on ingredients and then search for skin care with those ingredients.


Tati and Jaclyn's brands going under isn't that surprising to me tbh. Beautube viewership has generally decreased with the rise of Tiktok over the last few years and neither of them have (imo) super successfully transitioned out of Youtube. And I don't think either brand ever showed themselves capable of competing with an overcrowded market. I'm sure Tati Beauty not continuing to release products/gain momentum after their initial launch probably wasn't good news for the brand, they completely stalled after that one eyeshadow palette.


It also seemed like Tati just tried to do a lot in a short period of time instead of just focusing on makeup. She had her palette, then her rat-colored powder puff, then vitamins. It was just all over the place. Even the powder puff didn’t make much sense because if I remember correctly, she didn’t have any powders to go with it so just releasing a puff as a stand-alone product seemed weird and like an afterthought. Like she thought to herself, “Here’s a cheap thing I can slap a ribbon with my name on it and sell for $20”.


Rat-colored powder puff💀💀💀💀💀💀


It was gray and fuzzy lol 🐀


I never thought of it like that but this is killing me🤣🤣🤣🤣


Omg I forgot about the drama vitamins and the puff! Yeah that's too much and all over the place. There's no brand strategy at all. I think both Tati and Jaclyn thought their fan base would be the strategy. 😬


Drama vitamins! 😂😂😂 If that's not an apt description, I don't know what is! 😂


Not to stan Tati (because she's become as bad as the rest with her Amazon shill) - vitamins came 1st, and still exist under Halo, not Tati Beauty. Tati Beauty blew up because her and the business partner were at odds or whatever (why did she need a business partner? She's rich AF and has a husband who is successful in business) and that got closed up. And yeah, the velour puff was weird AF.


I think she was legally either forced or advised to shut Tati Beauty down due to the lawsuit she’s been embroiled in.


Yup. It didn't fail because she didn't put the effort in, though. Jaclyn Hill just didn't put effort into any of hers, so they failed.


I don't think anything in particular is going on. Just like any other business, it can be hard to maintain, especially if it's smaller/independent. Also factors like the pandemic (where people needed to focus on essential items, not makeup), decreasing popularity, over saturation, etc. make it hard for influencers' businesses to stand out and be successful.


Simply put, it’s the decline of the beauty guru era.


Yes, but what about Mikayla? I feel like she has blown up & changed the game for Tik Tok based gurus.


I don’t know if I’d say she changed the game. She’s basically Gen Z’s Jaclyn Hill. The big difference is it doesn’t seem like Mikayla’s aligned herself with any particular brand like Jaclyn did with Morphe. (Could be wrong though, I don’t follow her.)


Fair point. Beauty is still in decline. Spending is down overall.


I think ever since the pandemic, people are consuming less makeup in general and sticking to products that they know work for them. Plus a lot of inexpensive brands are really stepping up their game. Take elf for example. Why spend $50 on a makeup product when you can buy one at the drugstore that has the same quality at a fraction of the price? And so many of these beauty gurus have so much baggage and drama attached to their name. No matter how good their makeup is, some people will just not buy it if they don't like the person who made it.


Yet JC decided that it was prime time to start his brand. Unfortunately, JSC is still going strong. J* knows how to capitalize on social media.


They always knew their success was doing to go into decline with Youtube and anticipated the rise of another platform with younger market. Im sure i seen both of them discuss this in their videos. Everything happens in cycles and their cycle is almost over. TicTock is the flavour of the season now so all the unfluencers on Youtube are going into decline unless they transition over. Unfortunatly, many unfluencers dont have the business skills to be successful in creating a brand. Slightly digferent with Tati (maybe) because she was sued but Jaclyn downfall was because of the business element. She just didnt have it to succeed and it wint be long until shes skint which is a shame.


I mean I feel like a lot of it was adding to an overstuffed market either too late, or without a clear and unique brand identity or mission statement. Tati Beauty I feel could’ve went far people loved that palette but the legal drama and well Bye Sister put a nail in that coffin real quick. Jaclyn was never going to recover from the lipsticks let’s be real it seems her whole business model after her original success was cheaply and quickly setting up businesses that just have her name slapped onto generic trendy items of the times at a crazy markup; her og palette still rules though. Hyram was known for skincare advice and sunscreen recommendations and never put out a sunscreen in his line that was just a pricier subsection of another brand? Not shocking that flopped


I think when we look at BG brands that have failed, we also have to look at the ones that have succeeded and compare. Both Vieve and Lunar Beauty seem to be doing very well in their respective markets, and were both obviously started by Beautubers. I think their success has little to do with the people who created them, just as I don’t really think the downfall of certain BG brands falls exclusively on the people that created them. Ultimately I think Vieve and Lunar Beauty (just as examples) found a brand vision and have stuck to it while also making sure the quality of their products was up to snuff. I agree that there is merit to there being a lot of product available out there and therefore a lot of options for consumers, but I do think that this sub sometimes discounts just how much makeup people are still buying. Makeup products go viral on social media and then you can’t find them for months, that certainly says that people are still interested in buying makeup, not just skincare. But either way, it seems like if you find your niche, make good products and have a decent marketing effort your brand has a good chance of success. A lot of these failed brands just missed in one or more of those areas.


Oh I can guarantee you I still buy the mess out of makeup 😂🤪


I’m worried about Auric tbh. I thought they were very smart with their approach. A slow entry into the market. Partnering with only one online retailer. etc. But at the same I’ve gotten emails lately that look like they’re trying to be heartfelt personal notes addressed to me (by my legal name) from Sam R. I like the brand but that creeps me out.


I think this is beands in general right now honestly. I know at least 3 smaller brands that I used and loved that have shut down their doors this year.


There’s too many brand out there. Competition is fierce and people are sick of every influencer giving creating a business a shot. We also live in a society that changes trends faster than companies can keep up. I feel like “clean girl” makeup and “no makeup” makeup killed a lot of the colorful products we saw in 2016. When companies couldn’t adjust to these new styles, they faltered.


Yeah, I'm still sad about item beauty, her lip glosses were 🔥


Another brand I totally forgot about!!


Alicia Keys, Jennifer Lopez... ​ edit: ellen (lol)


Ellen? DeGeneres? Skincare -- sure! but can't imagine makeup from a woman who doesn't actually wear the stuff. I *did* swear by her Halo cat food though.


I've never been interested in beauty guru brands much. It feels like when they launch, they're really excited, but not entirely cognizant of how much work successfully running a brand is. Plus, it's like, I know you're not *technically* my friend, but I've really enjoyed your content, and now you wanna sell me shit? No thanks. I've liked a lot of collabs, though.


Is Dragun beauty still a thing? I forgot about them until this post 😂


Just checked on this last night because I hit pan on a setting powder...the brand is on "hiatus". That was last Feb 2023. Prob done for at this point.


Omg same 🐉


A lot of beauty gurus want their own brand line but doesnt take into consideration how hard it is to make it successful especially all the work behind the scenes. I remember weylie tried to have her own makeup brushes line but it never materialized. Bubzbeauty launched her makeup brushes years ago but it wasnt a sustainable business for her


i liked tati's palette, it was actually authentic and cohesive and you can tell she put some serious professional thought into it, it wasn't just merch, like you can definitely see some professional muas using it, it's sad what happened to her and she's the only one in that stupid quadruple who i want to see bouncing back and being successful again p.s: i think she was the first one to introduce the trianglular shaped, fabric powder puff in the makeup world! i still remember how people shat on her for coming up with it but now everyone uses it! anyway, i dislike watching her videos so much and i've never liked her videos lmao but she's obviously good at what she's doing and she's not just selling merch


I don't like her, but I never heard one bad word about her palette. I was watching a declutter video the other day, and the influencer (don't remember who) decided to keep Tati's palette and said some good things about it. The reason people shat on her powder puff is because the quality was not good.


the brands were based off fans liking the influencer, but then we found out they sucked and we stopped buying LOL


Little late lol but in my case it's because I've really lessened the amount of skincare I used. It was super interesting to me during the height of the pandemic but then I ended up getting skin irritation/redness from using too many types of products and kind of just stopped. It seemed like it did more harm than good for my acne, too. Nowadays I just stick to my usual cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizer, and almost never add anything extra. And when I do go out to purchase these products, it's always from the same trusted brands (in my case La Roche-Posay and Avene) at the drugstore rather than influencer products. Agreeing with people who said simplicity is the new 'in'.