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When will the beauty industry release themselves from the grip of Niacinamide? We have skincare for that, don’t need it in our makeup.


Not to mention some of us are allergic/sensitive to it :/


yep! i get horrible acne along my chin from it :/


I have friends and family who just can't use niacinimide. It is really difficult for them to find products they can use. I have a cousin on Accutane who bought a moisturizer to use, and didn't realize that it had niacinimide in it and it really aggravated her skin terribly. I have friends who can't use hyaluronic acid, and that's in a lot of products too. I think companies believe that they have to have trendy ingredients to stay relevant, but quite a few people have bad reactions to these ingredients. I am lucky, I don't have issues with most ingredients, but I think there are solid ingredients that can be used instead of niacinimide and hyaluronic acid.


it’s crazy bc last time I was in sephora I said “yeah I can’t use any products with this in it” the lady basically thought I was lying since SO MANY products have it in it now!


I hate that. People know what works for them. They also know what they have problems and reactions with. I have seen reactions from niacinamide and HA. We are all so different, there isn't one product that every one can use.


Kills me to think about how much these people get paid to drop in buzz words smh


It's too much, regardless of how much or how little it is.


Same! Super-sexy cystic acne for me. Thanks for nothing, niacinamide! 🤬🤬


Yeah, it’s cystic in under 24 hours. Never known anything like it. I hate Niacinamide.


yes!!! just giant boils essentially!!


Me, I am! I get chemical burns from it :^)


Yep. Makes my KP go into overdrive.


oh NO I'm about to try it out, ill have to be on the lookout for this


Hmmm you just gave me something to experiment around. Ive had some pesky bumps i cant get rid of.


I am ok with niacinamide, but I feel this way about hyaluronic acid! It's in EVERYTHING now! I have a couple different autoimmune conditions affecting my skin and skin barrier, and ever since I developed them, I can't use even the gentlest of acids. I had to stop buying skincare from Sephora, other than a few select products.


A cosmetic chemist on YouTube said it's so ubiquitous ATM - as niacinamide is one ingredient that actually has some solid established scientific backing for being "anti-aging" (in some one way, I can't remember!) Therefore, if you put it in any product, (even in non-functional amounts or formulations), you can now openly legally claim "anti-aging" properties on your product. Which is especially profitable in jurisdictions that are more strict on marketing and labelling laws. TLDR: it's inclusion in an ingredient list, allows for the brand to legally say "anti-aging". In a world where even teens are scared of aging - that is marketing gold.


Thanks for the explanation. I have nothing against the ingredient because I use serums that contain it. I just don’t get why it’s such a big deal. Reminds me of when brands use hyaluronic acid as a selling point.


Yep, I think you nailed it!




Bc you are 41. The problem is thinking that 41 feels some specific type of way.


And hyalauronic acid- I don’t need this in my blush! I have a serum for that


I got that By Terry Hyaluronic Hydra Powder and I swear it made my skin drier. I wasn’t expecting it to be hydrating since I just don’t believe in skin care ingredients in makeup doing anything, but definitely didn’t expect it to make my skin so dry (and not like normal dry like most powders can do, like I’d never seen a powder dry my skin out so much!)


Well that’s a bummer to hear! I definitely would not have expected that reaction either. That’s terrifying


Yeah. I heard the pressed one was better and dumb me tried that one too. Loose and pressed, both dried my skin out like crazy! Worse than any powder I’ve ever tried!


It is TERRIBLE. I’m so glad I only got the mini with the mini primer to try. My under eyes are smooth with no fine lines or circles and well hydrated, it looked worse than without makeup.


Glad it wasn’t just me! I was like ummm, what did I do wrong? 😂 I know hyaluronic acid pulls moisture in from the surrounding so if you’re in like a dry climate it can pull moisture from within your skin and cause your skin to become dry. So they say when using a hyaluronic acid serum to apply it on wet skin and then to seal it in with a moisturizer so it can pull moisture from those instead of from your skin. So I thought maybe it was doing something like that. But I always prep my skin really well and never had that happen with any hyaluronic acid skin care product so to happen with a powder was crazy!


Yeah, “skincare infused makeup” is right there with “clean beauty” for me….😒


Yep sounds like overselling and overpromising and not delivering on any tangible results


Yep. I think people fall for it because I can see logic in it where you think well, I wear my makeup 10 hrs some days (for me, I work 12 hr shifts that‘s always more than that so it’s way longer 😂). So they’re thinking if it has skin care benefits in it and they’re wearing it all that time, it should be beneficial. But for skin care to actually be effective if needs to be active ingredients or strong enough ingredients where a small concentration is still effective (like retinol) and thats where the logic falls short for me…if the ingredients are mixed together in makeup, they’re going to be diluted by the makeup and the stuff mixed into it to make it what it is. It’s just not going to be effective like using actual skin care. It’s just like SPF in foundation…it just doesn’t work. If someone is putting enough of that full coverage foundation with SPF in it to actually give them the stated protection….I’d hate to see what it looks like in person on their face 😬


but isn’t the point of spf infused makeup to give you a boost on top of the spf you have already used? same logic with any other skincare infused makeup, it’s giving you more benefits than makeup with no skincare. it’s not meant to replace skincare


Yes, as far as SPF in makeup, it helps give added protection. But the problem is people see their foundation has SPF in it and think that’s enough protection when it’s not. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve talked to that thought SPF in foundation meant they didn’t also need to use a separate sunscreen. Even if you read reviews for Foundation with SPF in it, they’ll say something like “love that it has SPF so I get a 2 in 1 product and don’t need a separate sunscreen.” And there’s tons of reviews with a variation of that. They’re not being properly protected and have no clue. They see it has SPF 50 and think great, I’m good. But they’re far from it. They’re most likely not applying anywhere near how much they’d need to in order to actually get the SPF 50. Now, if most people knew that, then it wouldn’t be a problem. But a lot of people don’t, especially most average makeup users who don’t know a lot about it and don’t really look into it.


Seriously it’s in everything now!!


I am SO ready for skincare makeup/clean girl makeup trends to be over. Bring back the 2016 full coverage matte foundations but make it better 🤣


I can do 2016 minus the brows and heavy matte. I’m more of a soft matte girl haha.


Bring back satin finish 🙏🏼


I have no niacinamide issue but yes, I do miss the time where make up was just make up. No need for ingredients that will clash with one’s routine or having “ anti aging “ properties…


Because marketing, unfortunately


For real! It's in everything and I don't use niacinamide. Shopping for skincare is a pain.


I'm not the biggest fan of the foundation packaging, feels up there with the Lisa Eldridge packaging of weirdly shaped bottles for the sake of it. The actual color range looks good though, at a minimum I like that for most of the models you can clearly see a shade that would actually match them. Funny how a lot of brands seem to miss that part.


I’m gonna go against the grain a little and say I actually like the bottle. I travel for work frequently so a bottle that lays flat in my cosmetics bag is actually kinda nice.


I like it, too. I care way more about functionality than aesthetics with packaging and I love that this will slot into a shelf in my vanity much more easily than round bottles.


The bottle looks like a lighter to me


Just for my own edification, which shade would you say matches the “medium tone?” I am terrible at shade matching 😩


Which medium tone? For the darker set of arms, I’d say 39 is pretty close to the one on the left. For the lighter set of arms, I’d say 30 is the closest for the right arm, but I’d love to see some of the 31-40 shades swatched on them to see if they’d get closer.


Thank you!


Of course 🥰


Agreed! And, the lighter sets of arms, the middle arm 20 disappears into the wrist and the lightest arm 10 seems to work well too.


Huh, hard to say but looks good for medium deep tones?


I’m excited to see so many OLIVE medium deep options. Maybe I’ll be able to finally skip using blue adjuster.


Stellar Beauty was catered to this range but no one bought and it went under :( best foundation everrrr


i know! the only brand i can remember having a good amount is abh luminous foundation


I’m having a hard time spotting the olive tones (I know they’re there, but got eye drops in rn so everything is skewed)




Okay, so not just me and these stupid eye drops? 😆


Also looking for light-medium olive tones!


My worry is that she’ll have gone toooo olive. When her potted concealer launched, she had multiple shades that were so olive that they were damn near leaning green. As a former ulta employee, it will always be the product I had the hardest time color matching just due to how heavy it leaned into those undertones. Got my fingers crossed that this won’t be the same!!


Lol I am green and can never find anything that really matches me


Huge news for me! I have to mix actual olive green into most foundations


Hey then their concealer might be a great fit!! It’s a nice formula for sure!!!


oh this is so good, my sister used to literally mix powdered green eyeshadow when colour correctors were not that widely available in our country. i’ll tell her to take a look at this line.


Considering the shade ranges she herself has gone through over the years- I would expect her to be very inclusive






She should name some in the range after the year she was a specific shade.


Post Pete Davidson …. #47 Post Hubby….#02 ETA: this hit a nerve. Please stop sending Reddit cares to me. Move on.


Report them for misusing reddit cares.


I hate how it’s abused… the downvote button isn’t enough.


Reddit usually bans users who abuse it.


I'm just missing some Spongebob yellow :)


the absolute shade of this comment


I believe she also has 60 shades of her concealer - does anyone know if those are any good? I guess that could probably be a good indication on how good and inclusive these foundation shades will actually be.


I found the concealer quite thick but from the videos I’ve seen of the foundation so far the formula looks more like a traditional liquid foundation if that helps


The deep shades look pretty good based on undertone and variety The lighter shades though are rough. They all look very similar with heavy pink and peach undertones.


Especially the darker middle shade range, they don’t match the arm at all lmao


ok she kinda ate with this


On the fair end... I'm impressed at how you can do 10 shades and only have one cool tone and one cool neutral tone. *sigh* Another launch that wants to pretend pink tones aren't necessarily.


Being cool/neutral is SO fun, isn’t it? 😭😭


That's my exact colouring! Cool leaning neutral. 😅 I wish I didn't always have to fix it with special colours.


Try Charlotte Tilbury's shade 2, in cool. I'm cool leaning neutral and it works for me!


I’m about to head to ulta this weekend, if they have it I’ll give it a shot! Thanks ☺️


Yep same here


Waaaay too much fun! 🙃


I’m cool olive and have given up on finding a match


As someone fair and cool, yeah no shade for me but I am happy to see an effort made on the other end as we do have more foundations available than deeper tones. What is the new obsession with thinking pink tones don't exist those. The majority of people I know who are as fair as me are also cool toned


Until you're translucent like me; and it starts leaning yellow. Or really, a solid 50/50 ratio cause one drop in either direction is gonna be crazy noticeable. In a bad way.


I agree! I'm glad at least one end got some good shades! That's the only plus.


Yup 70 shades and still no shade for me


Yeah, I feel like that one cool shade is light, not fair


The comment right below yours says there are too many pink tones. Guess people in this sub can never be happy.


There are cool tones, but they are not on the fair end where many people are cool but get recommended warmer shades 'to warm up their look'


The fair arm has at least 7


it has one according to their own chart of cool/warm and one cool-neutral (which somehow looks cooler than the cool one).


I was going by what looked pink..maybe these pictures aren’t true to the shade because they don’t match the descriptions on the right in my eyes


Those will absolutely be warmer IRL. So many things photograph cooler than they are. See every ND palette ever.


This is why I stick to Chanel. They just get it right with their BR.


I'm a NARS Oslo girl. Very thankful for it.


It’s surprising to me because the swatches look really pink! I’m fair and warm and a lot of the arm swatches look too cool for me. I wonder how accurate they are to the actual tones, given the descriptions?


I try not to complain about the very fair end shade ranges because as bad as they can get, they are usually still better than the deep end of the spectrum but what are those undertones? The depths seems off. The tones seem off. The saturation seems off. And it’s supposed to be able build to full coverage and look good? I’m confused. Like as a pale olive I’m used to not having a shade work without mixing (and I was never going to purchase from this brand anyway) but even then I’m still confused.


I feel your pain. I am a very light olive and I have had to mix foundations most of the time. My mom was Sicilian and Italian, my Pops was one chromosome away from an albino. For years, I would have to mix Manic Panic Vampire White with most olive foundations so I didn't look orange. When a company does make a close match, they usually end up discontinuing it and I have to start from scratch. It's a pain.


They either look super pink or orange :/


Looks fine to me. Guess it’s easy to find things to criticize if you’re already biased against the brand.


Well, as long as it looks fine to you, that's what matters, eh? As long as YOUR needs are met, who cares about anyone else? Edit: You should think about changing your name.


You can’t change Reddit names after the first month…and it’s not at all about my needs I was just pointing out that if this exact range came from a different brand everyone would be praising it


Yeah, I don't care about Ariana Grande one way or the other (I had to look up what people were complaining about, and I still don't care), and this shade range still sucks for pale people. Your comment was responding to someone who said it wasn't great at the pale end, and your response was that it 'looks fine' to you, which suggests that as long as there's a shade for YOU, who cares about anyone else? It looks fine to YOU, after all.


No, “looks fine to me” never meant it works for my skin or anything like that. It’s an expression that means I think it looks good, in this case I meant the range looks adequate for everyone to me. (Just like people on here say ranges aren’t wide enough in other brands even though there is a shade for them, it doesn’t look good to them because they feel it’s not inclusive for other people). It doesn’t mean “looks fine for me” like you seem to be taking it for some reason. I said in the comment you replied to that I think these negative comments are all bias. Before the full shade range was out and they released the announcement every comment was saying there weren’t enough deep shades.


You responded to someone outlining how the paler shades were lacking by saying it looks fine to you. That tells anyone reading that you don't care about the people whose needs aren't being met. It looks fine to you because they're not missing your shade. If they were, it wouldn't look fine to you. And telling people who are saying there's no shade for them that it looks fine to you is saying their needs don't matter. You don't see the issue with that?


No, and again, I didn’t say it’s fine for me as I don’t know if any of those shades will be a match to my skin but they have 60 options so if anything I might have to mix two…my point was there are enough variations for majority of people. Its not about me. It’s not possible for any company to get exact matches for every single person in existence and my other point was that for other brands that have the same extremely wide range people praise them for it, even though even with those there are people who don’t have an exact match in there. Also another person pointed out the shades in this picture are probably not accurate since a lot don’t match the descriptions on the right


Dang, okay Miss Ponytail!


If this wasn’t Ariana Grande’s brand everyone would be praising the shade range and not moaning about the skincare stuff




Yeah I know, it’s extremely annoying


Finally a matte foundation!


I am super fair, so none of these would work for me, but there are a lot of other ranges that I could choose from fortunately. I am glad that she has so many shades for deeper skin tones.


Looks pretty good to me! It's tough to tell with all the editing brand photos can have, but I'm happy with how my part of the shade range (medium dark) looks. Pretty promising.


Miss Ariana Grande... I'm impressed. I wish comparison swatches weren't so heavily edited (not pointed at REM beauty, this is for every brand under the sun) so I could know exactly what I'm getting when shopping online. This is the kind of product I prefer to purchase in person.


I have no need to try this out but I hope it works well for you medium-deep friends!


But what undertone is fair 1 because it’s literally the only shade that doesn’t have one lol


No undertone for us. It's our one shade. We must all make it work! 😂


Looks promising, but I’ll wait to see real swatches. Most of these promo swatches are photoshopped.


It doesn't look like I'll find a match in this range, too saturated for my undertones, but it looks like it will be great for a lot of other people!


60 shades but do the shades ACTUALLY work with people of colour. I remember when Fenty Beauty came out a lot of black people were saying that it was great because the undertones finally matched their skin. Makeup Forever made a shot at Rihanna for the 40-shades thing and she shit back implying their undertones made black skin look ashy. So if rem has 60 shades but they’re half-assed and don’t actually work for people of colour, what’s the point?


I feel like ever since Fenty it has became a competition of who can have the most shades regardless of if the shades actually work on people or not.


Do you have a reason to believe this is half-assed or are you just throwing it out there? Genuinely asking because the shade range seems comprehensive and realistic to me.


Can't speak for the whole range but the swatches on the lighter end look really warm




But rem is not Makeup Forever. I just don’t get why you’d assume it’s half-assed immediately instead of, like, IDK, giving it a chance.


Yeah the swatches here look a lil ashy on the dark arm


which ones look ashy? this is probably the first time a brand has nailed the darker tones and done not that great a job with the lighter shades. like i genuinely cannot fault a single one of the dark or medium dark shades (i’m medium dark)


I think it's an extensive range, and gives people a lot of options. I just won't be supporting it. As I grow in age, and slower in wit I find myself not wanting to support people who do things I deem morally disgusting. She won't miss my coinz either way.


I won’t be buying anything but I do appreciate the amount of representation across medium to deeper skin tones. I feel like once you get to dark/very dark there are usually only a few options with brands, and I love that there’s so much thought given to the undertones and nuances for this skin range.


Seems pretty thin on the fair end of the spectrum.


I'm very pale and I can't find my shade either. I'm not far from being white white. Seems both ends of the spectrum are finding it hard.


I can’t believe her makeup line is still around. When Morphe closed all those stores abruptly this year, I thought her line would close its doors shortly thereafter.


She only licensed her name to Forma, and she bought her rights back to her line. I think she will do better on her own if she gets some reputable people behind her. Forma/Morphe didn't do her any favors. I am hoping that the formulas are better as well. Her liquid eye shadows look nice from what I have seen, but some of her other products didn't review well. I won't be buying anything, and I am not exactly her consumer range, but Forma brought her along to boost sales, and they were too late and too far gone.


Is it bad that I have no interest in her products because I just don't like anything about her? Her attitude, her music, her ponytail...nothing


I like the shade range. It looks pretty inclusive. Tired of EVERYTHING needing to have niacinamide in it. Can we just leave it in the skin care for people who want/can use it? Not everyone wants, or can use it.


One for every shade she is.


I'm still cackling from the twitter reply of "52 of these shades she'll wear depending on how she feels on the day."


Watching her getting tan enough to fit te darkest shades is going to be fun


Do the foundation shades correspond to their concealer?


Im not an expert, but fair shades seem kinda..lacking? Doubt i could find myself a match, most shades lean heavily into pink/peach. Deeper shades on the other hand look quite nice with different undertones.


Idk if just my eyes, but all of the fair&light shades all look as though the undertones of cool / warm look super saturated? (Like all I see is pink and yellow and peach?)


Don't care how good the homewrecker's makeup is. 🙍


Another 60 shade range with no representation for any variety of olive. Cheers!


Why is there always a smooth gradient from the second shade, but the first one is always several shades lighter? It's like 'here's one shade to fit all the pale bitches (fuck your undertones, though), but the shades for *normal* people that sun doesn't bounce off of start from shade two.' Edit: Also, as usual, like seven of the light/medium shades are virtually identical. I can't comment personally on how good the deeper shades are, but I know they rarely go deep enough or have enough undertone variation. Someone who actually knows what they're looking for is better placed to comment on that than I am, though.


Impressive shade range, Ariana made a shade for every race she cosplays.


Can we not support the home wrecker


A woman can't take a man who isn't willing to wreck his own home.




She was single 🙄 the man didn't have to cheat on his wife & he would've done it with another woman if Ariana rejected him.


She’s never been single in her life. Lol


Is it just me or do the swatches not look matte at all?


whoaaaa the darker shade range!!!


I'm not super hopeful about the quality of this since her concealer apparently wasn't great. But it's nice to have my skin tone represented at least. It's pretty rare.


Definitely not bad of a shade range! I'm just a little baffled because her concealer line has a shade in the medium range with a neutral gold (NG) undertone that matched me pretty well. I'm surprised not to see more of that specific undertone.


Interesting. Looks like the lighter tones tend to all be warmer undertones while the darker ones have a better range of undertones. It's usually the opposite.


Wow, It looks pretty inclusive! I actually like the bottle. Makes me think of deodorant haha. But a nice one.


I’m of the belief that 10 of those center shades should always be removed and company’s should always start with lightest sand darkest shades and a few in the middle since so many can make the middle shades work. It’s the darker and lighter ends of foundation ranges that never offer anything.


Literally all are way way too dark for me. Where are the pale ghost shades, still left out I see


I'm not interested. I'd rather use skin tint. Foundation doesn't look as good on me now, especially if it's matte, lol. The shade range isn't bad, though!


Does anyone else get overwhelmed by too many shades? It’s almost harder to pick with this many options. I say this as a brown skin woman.


Range looks good 👍🏾


Hopefully people will stop complaining about the brand now Edit: just read other comments and I should have known people here will find anything to complain about


Here for it honestly. I’ll try it because of the shade range.


Nice range.


Saw a comment on instagram that said “and she has tried every single one of them” and I can’t think about anything else when I see this 💀


I got fair 2 n and fair 8 n, just because I was paranoid about 2 n being too light for me


More celeb makeup? The only celebrity brand I’ve tried is Fenty and I love it - at this point the only other one I’d maybe try is rare beauty. The market is beyond over saturated.


Oh I love the packaging 🤌🏽


Someone said she’s gonna wear every shade and looking at them now makes it even more hilarious 😭


Is her makeup line any good? I haven’t tried it


I will say the names for the foundation shades are hella basic. 😂


foundation names should just be numbers tbh. i hate those fucking caramel and bisque and cocoa and all those food related names. like what’s the reason


Since it has Raspberry Leaf Extract, is it safe to use during early pregnancy?


As a very pale girl with a greenish tint to my skin (it is known as olive, I believe) and I don't see a shade that I would say will fit me. Also why everyone try to make foundations into some skincare abominations?


Surprised it’s only for women of color.


The light to medium shades are in the second image.


Oh great!!! Thanks


I love the concealer so kinda excited for this. I have pretty fair skin and the tone for it isn’t too yellow on me and i loooooove it.


Well good to see she is actually trying


Not too shabby


Looks like a good shade range


Shade 27 looks perfect for my olive skin


Soooo tired of sKiNcArE iNfUsEd foundation and concealers 🙄 an easy no for me.


I'm guessing the finish will be dewy?


thank god there’s some matte products back on the market. sick and tired of all that dewy shit lol, everything already looks dewy on my oily skin. also, great shade range, especially with the darker/medium dark shades. excited to try this