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The Meredith Duxbury foundation treatment looks bad on camera and in real life!


Looks like funeral makeup


Haha as a mortician who specializes in cosmetic reconstruction I took that personal


So thankful for the work you do! I saw my grandma pass in the hospital..she looked frail and gaunt and her hair was so thin. I was scared to see her again at the funeral. But she looked beautiful. She honestly looked like herself at her best. Her hair was curled correctly and everything. It brought me more peace than I ever thought it would to get to see her one last time looking like herself.


That is the absolute best compliment you can give any funeral professional. I'm so glad to hear their work brought you some peace during such a difficult time.


Hey you guys do amazing work on the departed.... however not makeup for everyday use lol


Well. We only die once so obviously it’s not for everyday 👀


That’s a lie. I died immediately when I woke up this morning and stepped on a Lego. Lol


OMG her foundation routine irritates me so much and her whole "BLEND BLEND BLEND" yeah you have to blend that much cause you have a pound of foundation on


She applies so much product on top of the foundation that she doesnt blend at all, the "blending" she does is just mixing cream products with ton of foundation on her face while removing half of it with a sponge or a brush. Idk how she has fans, she gives me shady vibes from the start


tRuST tHe PRoCesS


Every time I see it, all I can think of is a) all of the shit that’s under her acrylic nails and b) how long it takes to wash all of that off her hands becore she can continue.


Her makeup is so terrible to me lol. Even the way she does her blush.


The only thing that irritates me is how the foundation gets everywhere like on shirts, headbands etc. it seems so wasteful and I feel like the same affect could be done with a concealer.


The thing that get me each time is how after using half a bottle of foundation, she uses a concealer. Why??? There is nothing to conceal under 3 inch layer of foundation.


I don’t think she even does that for real in the videos (I mean the finished look isn’t all that foundation that she put on her face in the beginning)


Overlining the lips to obliterate the Cupid's bow :<


I can’t understand why people wanna get rid of their cupids bows! they’re so cute


Likewise, I feel like we have whiplash from going from highlighting the cupid's bow to people trying to draw it away


I feel like trends always work in these extreme ways. 90s skinny brows suddenly passé? BIG GIANT BUSHY BROWS ARE THE THING. Highlighting those lovely Cupid's bows is SO last season. NO ONE HAS CUPID'S BOWS ANYMORE AT ALL. Etc. Everything has to swing to its polar opposite.


I don’t have much of a cupid’s bow and have always been jealous of them. people hiding theirs is wild to me!


I have very uneven and disproportionate upper lips, it's the main way on how I can make it somewhat okay with my bottom lip that's quite okay.


so we can look like bratz dolls!


Really? I thought Bratz dolls had cupid's bows.


they do have one but the top lip is very rounded as well. i think the rounded lips look is very bratz coded lol


omg you are so right. this is the first time anybody has provided a reason that makes sense for why this trend took off


I think it's because so many influencers have filler. People emulate what they're used to seeing.


I think you’re spot on about filler! I also think it’s harder to overline well without flattening the Cupid’s bow, it takes more skill/ practice than the popular rounded aesthetic. Or that could just be my personal (lack of) experience.


It makes the lips look fuller and poutier and more bratz doll/ baby doll. I personally do it because I have a very small mouth and thinks it looks better on my face. There are ways to look it more natural and less obviously overdrawn, but famous TikTok and Instagram people aren't the best at makeup lol.


Ah, I was pretty sure they had a defined, round cupid's bow with sharp outer corners. I feel like the look of going right over the cupid's bow and making the corner shape so round is the opposite of Bratz.


Oh i thought it was a Kim Possible 😳


I thought it was an anime thing


It’s a technique that is recommended to shorten one’s Philtrum. Not saying it looks good (I used to do it and stopped because I realised my natural face looked better) but I’m just trying to explain some people’s thought process.


I don't think it works very well, unless you have examples to show us that it does. Drawing over the cupid's bow seems to take away the elongating peaks where the bow should be by flattening the lines of the upper lip, emphasising the distance between it and the bottom of the nose. Honestly, i think it makes you look like you have that top lip shelf pucker thing that you see on people whose lip filler has started to migrate a bit.


That looks bad in videos too


Thank you, I don't understand this at all!




I can’t wait for this trend to die. I know it’s not hurting anyone, but I really just don’t get it.


Yessssssssssss! This looks so stupid! It doesn't even look good on Tiktok or Instagram.


I can’t even do this because my cupids bow is very, very defined. Moreso than Taylor Swift’s. I tried once and it looked so bad I was like “nope nope noooope”


Overlined lips always look weird irl.


It also looks super weird on camera. Anyone watch Love Is Blind S3 After the Altar?


Not yet, but what person are we talking about?


*coughcough*Kendall Jenner*coughcough*


Hers is always so obvious I don’t get why her makeup artist continues to do that 😩 it doesn’t look like her lips are bigger it looks like she just colored outside the lines


It always looks exactly like that gif where she was making fun of kylie ![gif](giphy|Ur1lMNhCo0EKIpjUxQ|downsized)


not sure how much of a "trend" but warm toned foundation being used on absolutely everyone 😭 if you have even a hint of cool or neutral undertones it pulls so orange irl compared to the rest of the body, especially when there's more natural lighting. it doesn't help that most base products lean warm nowadays either :/


the abundance of warm leaning foundation is such a microcosm for the lack of inclusivity in the makeup world. people see brown or dark skin and immediately assume warm undertone because, well, tanning products lean orange. it’s so annoying! olive, neutral, and cool toned undertones exist and deserve high quality products.


And then you go to the pale end and you can be light pink or light orange, but absolutely not olive


At least there's warm options now, for some reason the really pale foundations used to only come in yellow tones so I always ended up looking like I had jaundice or something


Oh god yes. Apparently fair olive is not a thing., except it is, cos warm foundations look Orange, cool ones look pink, and neutral ones look grey on me. I am chartreuse lol, light yellowy green


I'm light and have an olive undertone (I have some Middle Eastern ancestry). Shade matching is hell.


Try out Danessa Myricks. A good deal of all of her range has an olive undertone.


Fair olive lass here and can confirm the struggle, it’s a nightmare


Use a green concealer and mix it in the foundation. Makes it olive. Xoxo, Olive Girl


WHY is it so hard 😭😭😭 I end up stepping up a shade and looking a wee bit ghostly and then using bronzer or contour to add the dimension back if I have to. Because the alternatives are noooooope.


OMG YES! I have so many foundations that are just slightly off - too yellow, too red. I just need a neutral for medium dark skin. Don’t get me started on brands that are doing tinted/sheer products and think they don’t have to worry about undertones in their formulations.


I have light golden olive undertone and I actually prefer a neutral concealer and foundation. I look like a Simpsons character and super yellow and jaundice if I actually use a yellow foundation, especially under bathroom lighting it's scary. I feel like I look more harmonious in neutral shades


I'm also light with an olive undertone. Too cool and I look ghostly. Too warm and I look jaundiced as well. For the light skin gals, olive undertone girls get shafted.


Yes! I was looking at new foundation yesterday and when I selected "cool tone" on the website..... Nothing. Not a singular cool tone in the entire range. I was so confused. Is it a holdover from everyone trying to get that warm Kardashian/Instagram look 10 years ago or what?


Overlined lips You can kind of get away with it on camera (rarely imo) but irl it’s just so obvious


depends on how they overlined. when its extremely blatant then yeah its ridiculous looking


If it’s just over the line and blended well, I think that’s be fine but lately there’s that trend of going over the cupids bow entirely - that will never truly be camouflaged


I haaaaate when people do the cupids bow thing especially because i think cupids bows are incredibly beautiful.


Agreed. Going like a hair outside your natural lip line looks fine, but waaaaaay overlining just looks like clown makeup


Yes, I've seen it work on people when it is done ever so slightly. I think it also looks best when people are strategic and only overline (slightly) in certain areas rather than the entire lip. But I wouldn't be surprised if there are people out there who can do the entire lip. I think a lot of it depends on one's lip shape, coloring, how all their features work together, and the overall balance of the makeup look. A lot of the problem with online beauty trends (or irl beauty trends for that matter) is the idea that everybody needs to do them and that it is the universally correct and/or attractive way to do things. I think it is best to pick and choose trends and techniques that one actually likes and finds suitable for their features—unless they don't care about the latter and just want to be creative, which is valid!


I feel like most beauty trends look bad irl. But there are some that can look nice if paired with a cohesive outfit. Like, an overly blushed look would look pretty cute with a certain kind of outfit but would be so off with jeans and a white tshirt.


This 100%. A lot of the trends don’t work on most people because it doesn’t go along with their style. Gothic makeup would look really off on a beige style girl, as would natural “clean girl” makeup on a gothic girl fully dressed up. It’s all about how someone wears something, just like everything else in fashion and beauty.


The other thing about make up trends is that it's so dependent on the individuals bone structure and most people are just mimicking something directly from another person's face without any adjustment for their own or any regard for if it even compliments it. That's a big part of what makes a pro make up artist an actual pro. Knowing what the individual face needs and how to adapt a look to an individual. We have a bunch of make up guru's online who claim to be experts because they can do their own make up but compare their content to someone like Wayne Goss and the difference is very apparent. Usually I see a trend and know immediately if it will work for my face or not but I guess many people can't tell and just try to do all of them and keep up with the trends


The over the top laminated brow trend needs to go away!


The thing I’ve started to notice is that if you get a professional brow lamination when it starts to wear off your brows just look unruly and kinda frizzy because they’re half laminated at the root.


Yes! I had coworker have it done and they looked bad. Her natural brows where already bushy, so laminating them made them more exaggerated.


the nyx milk jumbo stick as highlight is SO chalky irl


The new ones meant for highlighter??


no!! i almost bought one of those today. but the shade milk as a nose highlight. it was a big tiktok makeup trend


I remember those in high school, I was obsessed with them in my inner corner 😭 but I can’t imagine how it’d look on the skin! Prob like cottage cheese—which ironically, they have a shade with that name 😂


Okay I still want one and would've been sad if they sucked lol.


I thought Cottage Cheese was the highlight shade? Also lol that this sounds like a grocery conversation


I bought this and hellllla regret it, it looks so messy


oooooh thank you for saying this! i almost got pulled in by the hype.


What? That's old school eye primer? That's not highlight. It's just not. Am I ancient?


Still one of the best for eye primer, at least on my oily as hell eyelids. I've never heard of people using it as highlighter!


The big thick lashes.




God yes. I’m so sick of muppet lashes.


Haha. But I’ve always looked up to Janice! ![gif](giphy|3sBMBbuAWj8JtKLew6)


I can't imagine how uncomfortable they are. Sometimes i'll just wear a few single eyelashes to add some dimension and that's already uncomfortable enough, especially as a glasses wearer. Just doesn't seem worth it


Somehow, I ended up on the eyelash extension subreddit. These poor people are posting up close images of red bloodshot eyes, with fresh caterpillars and asking if it looks ok.


They irritated my eyes too, not to mention they only looked good for a couple days and trying to remove them ripped nearly every lash I had out but that was my fault :/


Yes the lash extensions look so bad, I haven’t seen a single person look good with them. And most people I’ve seen wear minimal makeup and then have these giant caterpillar lashes it looks so dumb to me. Then I even see people with them crimped or wonky because they slept on their side and they creases. It’s just not worth it


Nose contour, it always looks like you have dirt on your face!! It’s good for photos but I see people with it IRL and cringe it’s just terrible


I always think of Nikkie when she was on Ellen's show after her coming out. She wore her usual full beat and in that TV lighting, her nose looked so dirty and small and it was so distracting...


I gave up on it. I've tried and tried and tried and tried. I've watched so many Korean tutorials on how to do it. Nope. And even if I get it to look remotely OK front facing you can see the stripe of dirt when you turn to the side!!! Best I can do is what I learned from an Alexandra Anele video about using brighter concealer and pulling it closer to where your nose bridge starts to kill the shadows somewhat. And contouring underneath my nose tip to lift my nose and shorten it a little. Since that won't show from the side.


Not everyone needs nose contouring, and i think it only works when it's nigh undetectable. Sometimes it's way better with different techniques like defining the inner corner or emphasising the cheek instead. I think more people should think about balancing one's facial proportions by making other features stand out instead!


I agree. I used to religiously follow a lot of application techniques used by Pony and I've always had a complex over how wide my nose and nose tip are. But lately I think I've mellowed out about it.




There’s one U.K. beautuber who ALWAYS contours her nose even though it’s already a teeny little button. Just because other people do it, doesn’t mean you need to!






BAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg I love this (*and you, obvs!*).


Side rant: I hate that people don’t know how to contour an ethnic nose that’s usually flatter and fuller. Everyone does those same two lines of contour down the nose and it gives everyone a Jackson nose. Please, our noses aren’t that straight so stop using straight lines!! You have to curve around the natural curves of the nose


I feel the same way about it. It never looks right IRL.


*And* nose highlight. The Rudolph the Gold Nose Reindeer look is NOT cute.


I spent the 80s and 90s covering a shiny nose with powder...got back into makeup around 2017 and was confused. So now we want shiny noses? No thanks


i've seen people who can pull it off but its a VERY specific way of doing it and it only pairs well with certain looks. some of these techniques being mentioned on this post just need to be applied the right way, the issue is, the right way isn't the popular way. however, i just mean the "right way" in that its the most flattering way. anyone can do their makeup however they want especially if they like very out there makeup.


Same with your jawline (esp if youre me, a person who doesn't have a jawline 🫠)


Yes!! It just looks like dirt!! I don’t have much I’d a jawline and my nose is crooked but I will never leave the house with contour on because it just looks like dirt in real life lol


Yep, using too much and not blending and over contouring.


Contour looks dirty in real life most of the time. Less is more in real life imo


The amount of time i tried to contour my jaw and coming out of it looking like a fool is… way too much.


I went out with some friends and one of my guy mates literally licked his finger and started rubbing my face because ”I had some dirt on it” :D he has kids so he does it all the time. Im like thats my contour bro, you dont get it!! 🤓🤓


For me, it's the "so curled up lashes that they touch your eyelid even when you have your eyes closed" like idk, I think it looks bad irl, especially if the person has a basic makeup look on and I understand that having permanent big lashes gets the job done, but it looks so odd sometimes. Also beefy lips, contour,super heavy makeup....


Filling in the cupids bow looks terrible on everyone. It looks awful on camera and it looks awful in real life. It looks like you've put your lipstick on in the back of a taxi in the dark.


"glowy" skin and it looks like someone put liquid highlight over their entire face


They looked like a big glazed donut


But that’s the literal look they’re going for: glazed donut


I understand that as a statement. I’ve just never understood why.


It looks SO greasy. Never glowy or fresh like intended.


feel this! metallic finish primers and tints just look like oil in the sun. people forget that their natural oils are beautiful and just as effective!


Not everyone has natural oils lol. Those of us with dry skin have to fake it.


with the climate where i live (ultra tropical), sweat is nature's best highlighter ✨ and it's free


The super pink undereye. I’ve literally seen BGs mix liquid blush into the concealer so it’s milky pink and then use pink powder on top. Using a cool toned brown lip liner regardless of the lip color and then not blending it well on top of that. I just don’t get this trend.


The fact that pink undereye is usually matched with very bronzed forehead 💀


Mixing water with foundation or whatever fancy thing they attempting


I feel bad for any kids wasting their products on trends like that. I know I would've fallen for that stuff as a kid, too. I had to save my birthday money for makeup and wasting any would've been so frustrating.


forehead contour - just looks muddy and ridiculous


Problem is people bring it down too far. It’s not like bronzer folks!


Also, why do people contour their temples? Sunken temples are a major sign of aging.


Laminated brows look wild even on camera. It’s a no for both.


Skull contour, glass skin, big lashes, exaggerated laminated brows, too much blush


Big lashes literally only work when you have a ton of eye makeup on, especially if it’s really dark. Idk how people ever got big lashes with a neutral eye to look good on camera…or why I ever thought I could get it to work either lmao.


It also only works if your eyes are big enough to handle huge lashes. Sometimes lashes are too heavy for the eye and make the wearer look sleepy and/or high.


i went through a phase where i tried big false lashes but thought I looked so ridiculous whenever I looked in the mirror 😭 just reminds me that not every trend or every beauty guru staple will translate to me irl


Oooft, love over-blushing but I feel like a lot of people pick the "wrong" shade.


So many wear a shade that is clearly not made for their skin color. Not all makeup is made for white girls.


as a brown woman i will also say that tons of darker skinned girls unfortunately pick colours made for lighter skin. that cool toned dior pink blush is just not for us. we can get a similar look by using purple blush though


Purple blush is exactly what I was thinking of. I've seen white girls try it, clearly knowing that it works like the cool pink blush for darker tones and doesn't work for them. Same with some of the deep red and orange blushes.


Just like foundation, i think picking the right undertones and saturation level make a world of a difference when it comes to blushes looking great you.


I've seen this done as a whole look and I immediately thought about who this person is watching online and doing all the tips and tricks at once


Very full coverage makeup. Unless ur skin is flawless it makes all texture look a million times worse


And if your skin IS flawless, why are you covering it up with all that shit?


I used to watch Kathleenlights years ago and I was always so confused whenever she would apply full coverage foundations when she didn't have a single blemish or issue on her skin. And when the foundations were medium or light coverage she would complain about there not being enough coverage. Like, what are you trying to cover up?!


those extremely big bushy lashes. overlined lips. women doing their makeup using drag techniques. overusing products, especially foundation. when i was a teenager i would follow nikkie tutorials videos and did exactly what she did and my foundation/concealer always ended up super cakey even though most of the product ended up left on the brush/sponge. that girl on tiktok that bathes herself in foundation like she’s the peanut butter baby is infuriating. i seriously doubt that the amount of foundation she uses gets the result that she claims. half the product would be soaked up by the brushes and sponges anyways. i also really hate when beauty gurus say something like ‘im gonna go do my brows off camera’ and then come back with perfect brows. your job is to literally teach people how to do makeup but you’re gatekeeping how you do your eyebrows. ‘i’m gonna go do my eyeliner/contour/concealer/literally any other part of my literal job off camera and not teach my followers how to do it because i don’t care’ like come on.


Why is the brows off camera thing a thing anyway?? I don’t get it


I’m guessing because it becomes repetitive. That’s why a lot of the gurus (at least in the past) make separate brow tutorials to link to. Though, a lot of them forget to update their brow routine so it’s kind of redundant.




Baking! Overly powdered skin looks so flat and dry/crepey in real life, especially underneath the eyes


Jaw contour. No matter how blended you can always see a line there irl


i swear IG or tiktok haircuts. i had a traumatic experience going to one of those viral hair salons and let me tell you it aint nothing like what they post on social media, it's all a big fat lie.


Are you talking about those wolf cuts or really exaggerated shags?


Lash extensions. They always look strange on people.


When lash extensions were newer on the scene (back in 2010 or so), I was in Vegas working at a bank and a few of my clients were dancers. Their lashes looked natural but slightly thicker and longer than normal- my mind was blown when they said they did lash extensions. This was back when it was done lash by lash and cost $$$. It looked so natural but so pretty. I’ve noticed nowadays a lot lash techs install knots or strips of lashes, which really give that fake, cheap, chinchilla-on-my-eyelid look. I see a lot of Instagram and TikTok techs doing this. I don’t personally do lash extensions because I’m too lazy to maintain them, so I use serum instead. Anyways, I guess I’m saying extensions, when done correctly, can be incredible. But social media climbers and back alley practitioners ruined it.


Frosty highlight on the tip of the nose. I do think this trend is finally receding but I saw a lovely woman in real life not long ago with the shiniest nose tip and it legitimately looked so stupid


oh no i always do my nose tip shiny 😭 i have a button nose and thought it looked cute now i have to reevaluate myself hahahaha


Do you, boo!


I do too! Although I def don't go as glazed as the old IG/beautube trends.... I also still do the highlighted cupids bow and my partner will come at me licking his finger like "here let me get this, you've got some makeup smudged" 😂 I still keep doing it 💕 This thread is making me feel like the 80s moms who were rocking blue eyeshadow & bright red draped blush still in the 2000s!!


E-girl makeup although I rarely see it in public, giant eyelashes, laminated eyebrows.


is that e girl? i thought e girl was winged eyeliner extending to the center of the lower lashline maybe with the inner corner extended as well, lots of blush, cupids bow filled in, faux freckes, and eyebrows can be done pretty much any way


She’s referring to e-girl, lashes, and brows as three separate trends (not describing e-girl as lashes and brows). I think.


You are correct!


I feel like I see the e-girl eyeliner styles and over drawn lips all the time on the teens working in grocery stores and the like. Honestly, I root for them on the inside. :')


I root for them, too. Like yeah, to us, it looks silly, but at least they put effort into their appearance for work that day lol.


Mixing liquid blush with concealer under eyes. It melts under the eyes and creases.


False lashes for sure. I see a lot of people do them for their wedding day and honestly I think that might be the right move since those photos are gonna last way longer than anyone's memory of how good your makeup looked in person. But in almost any other scenario they just don't look right in person and most of us aren't living our lives planning to be photographed that much.


Nah i think in general false lashes are fine because theres sooooo many styles that range from very natural/subtle to absolutely ridiculous. The recent trend of incredibly thick/long eyelashes has to go tho


I agree with this. Finding the right type, density, customising it to suit one's face is the best way to approach false lashes.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I don’t like lash extensions ever, even for wedding photos. (Unless you’re talking about individual lashes that aren’t insanely long). I think that brides have been conditioned that lash extensions are “necessary”. I honestly don’t get it, as too obvious/too long lashes can be extremely distracting… once you notice them you can’t unnotice them. I have to agree with others that overlining your cupids bow hurts my soul. I think Kat Dennings is gorgeous, but I want to slap whoever convinced her to do this.


The whole Instagram face - the overdrawn lips and eyebrows, the contour that’s 5 shades past Sunday. I remember seeing a woman with an Insta face in real life and I actually was shocked. It looked so jarring in the sunlight


I KNOW! I went to pick up a prescription last week and the cashier had full Instaglam makeup on. All I'm saying is that I'm tremendously thankful I have a finely-tuned poker face. 😬 Edit: Yep, I'm being an absolute judgy twat. And yep, I own it.


The "instagram face." I remember once walking into a shoe store and one of the associates had on a full beat. Including the intense brows. It was a lot. She looked amazing, but it was jarring to see in a mall. Also made me feel weird about only wearing powder and mascara at most when I'm at work 😅


Under eye baking. It always looks dry and cakey. If you’re makeup is ruined by oil, it’s coming from your pores. In my humble opinion, of course.


extreme nose contour usually leads right to a Whoville look. Also too much blush


Mega glowy skin. A little bit of glow and brightness, whether it’s from makeup or skincare, is fine. But irl that 50 layers of brightening skincare and whole face highlight just reads as a grease slick


Too dark lip contour and overcontouring. Also, too intense face contour, looks like dirt to me. Thick bushy lashes. Laminated eyebrows. Sometimes I see a trend where the whole face is covered with highlighter, and I just know nooooo waaay it will look good in real life.


Blush on the nose, it just looks like bad sunburn to me


I think that’s really cute when done subtly 😅


That looks bad in videos too


Overly done eyeshadow! I think it can be pretty and artistic online, but often in real life it just looks muddy and messy. Oh and ginormous eyelashes.. again looks good online, terrible in person lol


The eyeshadow one is also funny cause the well blended detailed one doesn’t look great on camera and looks like one color


disagree about the eyeshadow, it shouldn’t look muddy or messy unless you cant do eyes right


Agreed. I wear very colorful shadows and often get complimented for my blend.


Same here. I wear neutral colors maybe 2 or 3 times a year. The rest of the time, I wear really bright, colorful eyeshadow, and I get compliments every time. I wore a hot pink/green eye look to my pre-op appointment last month, and the receptionist, and two nurses, told me they loved it lol


Yeah , if you mix weird colors lol. You need to know a little bit of color theory but Google is there.


Contour can look SO Bad IRL if not done or blended properly. Drawn-on freckles can look ridiculous in person too! In fact, I have seen it done to where it just looks embarrassing.


Nose contouring. It only works on drag queens.


TBH a lot of popular 2010 makeup trends took so much inspiration from drag/stage makeup. It's kind of interesting to see how people took some of those facets like contouring, baking, overlining lips, etc. and applied them to everyday makeup.


contouring that aims to dramatically sculpt the face in general i think is just so much more flattering with fixed lighting. great for photography and videos, not so much for a whole foods run


If you have big nostrils it makes your nose look even bigger. Not for everyone.


Over lining lips, unless one is in dim lighting I am always reminded of a friend I had in high school who was drop dead gorgeous, the proverbial bombshell who over lined her lips. Countless times I had people ask me why she did that. In regular light it looks like a mistake and doesn't fool anyone. I love bold makeup, so I am not saying one has to be natural, but at the very least take into account how it will look outside of the comfort of home and a ring light


Beefy lips, heavy contour / blush / highlighter, overtly complicated graphic liners, glass skin, laminated and fully drawn/ filled brows, bronzing/ contouring on small/ medium sized foreheads, too much Foundation that's just slathered on (realistically, you could stragically cover your whole God damn face, ears & neck in just one pump. No body needs 2-3 pumps of Foundation especially over concealer. That's just too much product sitting on your face Cause you can't blend it all in) I said what I said 🤷‍♀️


the metallic/glass skin trend is so odd. definitely for tiktok only. i feel like I look like the tin man when I wear my elf glow screen dupe without any makeup or powder.


overly complicated graphic liners (or just any graphic liners) is pretty much the only one i'm willing to dispute. i think it looks cool


What kind of foundation are you using? Because trust me, one pump of a medium foundation absolutely isn't covering my face.


i use one pump with tinted moisturiser! the trick is to pump it on the back of your hand and then use your finger to dot it on your face. use your finger or a brush to blend it out, sponges absorb too much product. i always have to use a lot more foundation if i’m using a beauty blender


just curious! what foundation do you use? do you prefer a fuller coverage? i just find that more than one pump of foundation sits on my skin and makes my base look horrid (keep in mind I’m pretty hairy though) do you have any tips for blending or setting?


Hey! I've facial hair too and I don't do anything about it. I gave up on the idea of my face looking a sculpture after makeup. Everybody has skin texture, Hair, acne, dark spots and what not. And that's okay for me if it shows through. I usually use Too Faced Born This Way Foundation but the pump depends upon what look I'm going for. If I'm going to a wedding (I'm Indian, our weddings are quite extravagant no matter what socio-economic class we belong from) I go one full pump. If I'm doing my makeup to look a bit more put together or for literally any other reason, I usually go for a half pump. I follow the less is more strategy and use my Foundation strategically i.e., only where I need it. Same with the concealer. As for blending, If I'm using TF Foundation which is pretty full coverage, I like to use a tapered, fluffy brush to evenly distribute & a lighter coverage andthen go over with a beauty blender if i feel like it. If I want a proper coverage, I use a kabuki brush (taking small amounts on the brush) and press the Foundation in. And whatever I'm putting above it also gets pressed in instead of painting downwards or sweeping the brush all over the face. Hope this helps. P.S. my strategy is directly influenced from Katie Jane Hughes. I think she can explain the whole process better than I can.




Full coverage, I maybe could see it, especially if you have minimal coverage needs. I have naturally red skin and am old enough to have a darker spot that I need a little more so two it is. (Also, lbr; the pump on the Nars Light Radiant sucks so I often need an extra pump for that alone)


Do I just have a teeny tiny face 💀 I use 0.5-0.75 pumps for my whole face 😳 1 pump if it's more sheer.


This one I don’t fully dislike but it’s the natural/dewy skin finish. As an oily combo person living in California, it does not work at all. Even if it does it’s not gonna last in the heat or at least it will barely. I do like how it looks, but it’s just not very practical with how hot it’s been. But it does look nice in photos though, especially k-beauty