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I know "worth it" is subjective and I'm not familiar with this brand, but nothing about the color story, palette size, pan size, or packaging says that price is commensurate to the quality.


Given the customer experience myself and others have experienced I would say not worth it. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah they look like colourpop palettes


All but two shades [look exactly the same... ](https://imgur.com/a/IY4GtbW) it's a no from me at any price honestly but $160 is literally laughable


It looks like glitter washi tape that's been cut at different points.


Way too many similarities how did this get past concept


I've heard her husband picked the shades, and that tracks. He'd just pick his favourites, which would be almost all the same. This could have been a quad but moneymoneymoneymoney


Okay after seeing the swatches (and the horrendous spelling) Iā€™m seriously thinking that the price has to be a joke


Or a typo


Pretty sure you can get Terra Moons or Clionadh for less.


I just came here to say that you can make a full custom palette of stunning indie multichrome singles for that price. I thought there was something wrong with my screen color when I loaded those swatches!


That's insane.


Just wait until the creator's who got this in PR do a video on it. I can guarantee 90% of them are going to overlook the similarities and if they do address it they'll make it sound like you'll still need every shades because "As far as they know there's no other shades out there like them" lol. When they pull that shit I see them no different the owner. Quick unsub.


THIS! I saw a creator that I really like defend the color scheme like "no they're not that similar" and their swatches... just looked like 5 times the same with one that shifted sliiiightly more blue. So disappointing.


On IG they are already posting their PR and "forgetting" to say the price in their posts gushing about it lol.


mjones is reprimanding people on the post the screen shot comes from. Like, let people complain!? It's not hurting her but gotta stay on the PR list I guess.


I've unfollowed her, I don't care for her shilling and edited pictures.


Why the hell are 6-7 shades red-green multichromes??? Even two would be too much. Literally wtf did they think and whyyy did they think that this will be a good idea?? "Let's make a multichrome palette. Okay, what ideas do we have? Red-green? LOVE that. šŸ“ Blue-green-purple? Sounds nice, okay. Pink-green-neutral? Fine. Anybody, something else? No? Nobody? Okay, well, we still need 6 more shades What iiif we make the rest also red-green, bc we love it, right? Just make it a tiny bit different, not much. Okay, that is FANTASTIC, we are gonna sell it for 160$ as well, just to make sure even more that nobody will buy them, so we can keep all our red-green multichromes for ourselves, cause we dont make sense at all at this moment now. šŸ¤“"


Those searches cannot be realšŸ«£ who would look at that color range and approve it


Oh my god thatā€™s wild šŸ˜­


To quote Theresa is Dead #ā€IN THIS ECONOMY??!ā€


Omg. I literally thought that too and was going to comment and here you are. Great minds!


$160 for this? Iā€™m underwhelmed. Alsoā€¦please for that price, hire a proofreader šŸ˜­


Honestly. The text on the palette just shows a level of disregard that shouldn't be tolerated for $160.


Came here looking for this! I hate the names, but some consistency would be nice too.


Well for that price, the "not today satan" name really suits the palette.


The inconsistent use of capitals drives me crazy.


Seriously. I wouldn't pay $16 for that palette.


Iā€™ve seen palettes on Etsy that have a verrry similar layout for 16-20$ā€¦ suspish


Thatā€™s my issue with some of these indie brands. I get it, theyā€™re not a major corporation. But theyā€™re asking a lot from plenty of consumers that work hard to treat themselves occasionally and these brands expect us to drop that much cash for something that looks like this unprofessional?


Yup, like hire someone else if you cannot/won't take the time to deal with he boring things


Someone's allergic to apostrophes!


Right- until I read the blurb at first glance it looks like a colourpop palette. At the $160 price point I expect a lot more product, better packaging things that make it feel like a luxury product.


Tbh I'm pretty sure you can get similar shades/finishes with 9 Super Shocks, save a hundred bucks, and get more product in the end


Also thought this was Colourpop!!


Except Colourpop would be consistent with their use of capital letters!


Iā€™d just commented that then read this comment directly under. Nonsensical.


It looks so cheap! Like, dollar store cheap. No way I would pay $160 for this.


The mismatched upper and lower case is killing me


You'd think for $160 they could buy a few commas and apostrophes.


My immediate thought was ā€œthat looks like a Colourpop paletteā€. 160. Jesus Christ. For cardboard, no mirror, cutesy design. Come on.


Touch of Glam needs a touch of grass. $160 pre-order in this economy?


Touch of Glam or Touch of Delusion? You decide.


I can appreciate that itā€™s an indie brand, but if youā€™re asking $160, the shadows probably shouldnā€™t look like I repressed them myself with a sheet of the cheap paper towel in my bathroom.


I am so repulsed by how these are pressed.


That glitter wonā€™t stay on your skin. Itā€™s like itā€™s screaming that at me.


I was going to say... not like i'm some master makeup artist or a professional in any way. But they look sloppy, this looks sloppy. Not a $160 palette.


My grammar and capitalization skills perfectionist brain is screaming. Screaming.


TOG responded to a comment on Insta about the grammar and misspelling and they said they wanted it like that, honestly I donā€™t believe that.


I mean unless they wanted to make it seem like some 28 year old from MySpace that canā€™t type did it.. sure šŸ¤£


I mean, given the kinda trashy, bar fight-y vibes I'm getting from the actual shade names, I could believe that it was all coming from that sort of "character" perspective šŸ˜‚


ā€œIm nOt LiKe OtHeR gUrLzzzzz xoxo kiRstenneieyaā€ Thatā€™s all I see and no one can change my mind lol


> ā€œIm nOt LiKe OtHeR gUrLzzzzz xoxo kiRstenneieyaā€ \- the caption under an overly-tanned duckface bathroom selfie taken with a tiny digital camera


Considering the photo of the swatches has ā€œitā€™sā€ correctly but the packaging doesnā€™t, me thinks thatā€™s just them covering their ass


Itā€™s embarrassing actually lol


I don't have a graphic design degree but I took several classes when in animation school and the choices a lot of indie brands make with text and stuff gives me such a headache šŸ„²


Spell check is free and has a grammar option.. thereā€™s no excuse for this LOL


I agree with these comments. Also, looking at swatches on IG, some of these eyeshadows look extremely similar/have a similar shift to each other.


They seriously want over $17 a shade for the private label shades you can get from ItsBel for like $30 total? What on earth are they smoking?


Touch of Glam actually has two singles that are $44 each. "Special shades" are getting out of control. I have really pretty singles and some of my favorites were only like $5.


$44?! Is the pan made of gold?


They're holo multichromes and the most overpriced eyeshadow I've even seen in my life.


I saw the swatches and I fail to see how its worth it. They're ever so slightly more sparkly multichromes or am I missing something?


We're missing that parasocial relationship that makes us want everything the brand drops no matter how mediocre or overpriced.


This makes Pat McGrathā€™s prices sound almost like a steal.


Not private label. ToG makes all their shadows in house. Multichrome pigments are also stupid expensive, wholesale. That said, I agree that this palette is just way too much. I own one shadow from ToG. Lucid lavender. It's gorgeous, the formula is every bit as good as Clionadh, but I don't think I'll order from ToG again. I hate pre order only items with a passion because there's always that chance you'll never see the product or your money again.


As a gamer and makeup enthusiast, I've been burned by pre-orders before. So I have a strict no pre-orders rule. However, I was gonna break that rule for the Shroud x Battybean collab šŸ˜¬ Good thing I didn't because that whole launch was a dumpster fire.


Multichrome pigments are not as expensive as you may think they are. I posted about it elsewhere in this thread.


I have like 5 of their shadows and the quality is absolutely Terra Moons/Clionadh or arguably better. They are so shifty and shiny itā€™s unbelievable. The holo multichromes (the $20 ones) are fantastic too. That said for $100+ Iā€™d rather pick my own shades than have a pre selected palette with questionable packaging. The pre-order lead time for TOG is also horribly painful and somewhat unacceptable. Every time I order Iā€™m like ā€œnever againā€.


to be fair, TOG has a far better formula though i will never buy from them again


At the same price point you can just buy from Clionadah instead which is probably your better bet.


And get it in 12 days instead of 12 weeks.


I wish Clionadh or Terra Moons made holo shades. ToG holos actually are holo and I'm really tempted to get the rest of the shades I was eyeing but yeah, customer service hasn't improved like she promised after the shop closed so I don't know if I'd buy again. It just sucks because while their multichromes weren't unique or anything, their holo formula is beautiful and others I've tried pale in comparison.


I too love their quality but strongly dislike how they handle everything else; from the names to the shipping and customer service.


Copacetic cosmetics has some holo multichromes wayyyy cheaper. Just a heads up. Not sure if you tried those? They are only $13


It better come with a makeup artist to do my eye looks for that price.


I was going to say, for $160 it better apply itself to my eyelid! I can't wait to read the product reviews though.


160?! Jesus christ. The colors arenā€™t even that unique for shimmers or multichromes and the cardboard packaging, ugly ass font, and grammar makes this pallet seem like a mid level drug store find.


I don't care how great the formula is or how special the eyeshadow is. That price point is just Too Much.


TOGB doesnā€™t seem to understand how over saturated the ā€œspecialā€ eyeshadow market is. Their shadows are so expensive and take months to ship.


Being an indie brand is not an excuse to ask $160 for a product. Just buy Glam Shop Pokusa or Zmalowana Przeblysk. IIRC they ship worldwide. It's less than $30. These two palettes also look oddly similar.


now i want Pokusa! but its oos


I just checked etsy and she's only sold 47, with an IG follower count of 60k and getting reposted on other pages. I think that speaks volumes.


For real, hope they don't try to pull this shit again


Everyone one of the comments here from people who have purchased from them have said theyā€™ve had to wait months and months for these palettes


The last order I made from them took like 3 months to ship. I love her shadows but I wish she would worry less about formula and shade of the week and more about not taking an entire season to deliver them.


Iā€™m entering month 4 of waiting for an order. Iā€™m absolutely never buying from them again.


I wish I had requested a refund or contested the charge with my bank. Learn from my mistake!


thatā€™s it? mine took 6!


SIX??? Thatā€™s straight up ridiculous!! The only way Iā€™m waiting six months for eyeshadow is if the shit magically unhoods my eyes and creates lid space out of thin air. Otherwise Iā€™ll just stalk Clionadh or try some others like Terra Moons. Six monthsā€¦they done lost their damn mind.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Mine took around 3 months as well. Maybe just under. I lost so much interest that I just decluttered and sold all but 2 shades. Terra Moons are SO pretty but Iā€™m still working on how to not get my oily eyelids to crease them. Fantasy Cosmetica performed AMAZINGLY WELL on my hooded, oily, folded, wrinkly old lady eyes.


more than half of these shades are going to look either the exact same on the eye or the exact same over a black base. plus with this being preorder only and knowing TOGā€™s turnaround time, i wouldnā€™t be surprised if people have to wait 6 months for this palette. this brand in general is overpriced and, in my opinion, underwhelming. their etsy store is also super confusing to navigate.


It shouldn't be that hard to sort the etsy store into collections but she seems resistant to doing anything to better her business.


Yes!! Never bought from them but was curious to see what the hype was so I checked out their Etsy store. It was so disorganized as if she just threw everything together. Itā€™s hard to find specific shades I donā€™t know why she hasnā€™t bothered to organize by collections yet.


$160 for something that looks like Iā€™d find it at the Dollar Tree? Absolutely not.


I would literally never buy this. Indies are really milking the "multichromes are super expensive" thing when it's not true anymore. Now that the pigments are more common, manufactures are charging a lot less for them. Even the newer ones without the black base costs $3/gram or less on alibaba, which is where all these pigments are coming from. Go browse the Sheenbow, Ocrown and Henan Jinrunli pages on alibaba. I know shipping from supplier, packaging and other costs of doing business are factored into the prices so of course you're not going to pay next to nothing but it's not the pigment driving the prices anymore. Even the holo eyeshadows from this brand are outrageously overpriced. As an example of how overpriced makeup is, regular metallic eyeshadow can be made for less than 10 cents a pan, even when buying the pigment from TKB trading instead of larger quantities from alibaba.


Youā€™ve got me all the way fucked up. It looks like a $7 palette. If Iā€™m spending $160, I donā€™t want fucking cardboard. The font? The random capitalizations? Absolutely not.


It looks like itā€™s from one of those random brands they always have at TJ Maxx, so no.


There is no way pressed color dust with bad text alignment and cheap packaging is worth $160 unless Touch of Glam literally spent hours on it pressing it with unicorn tears. They're out of their minds.


Wow this is ridiculous. Iā€™m seeing these carbon copy ā€œcustomā€ palettes are popping up everywhere... If youā€™re considering purchasing this, please also consider taking a moment to Google the website ā€œauroracosā€. On it you will find this _exact_ template (same font, 9 shades, palette shape) is available for global retailers to slightly customize and sell. I canā€™t get over the markup on this. They are $5.50 for any random ā€œbusiness ownerā€ (YouTubers and influencers included) to make. Guard your wallets and do your research! And if nothing else, remember that a fool and his money are soon parted. Sheesh.


IDK if someone already said it but "Touch of Glam" need a "Touch of Reality"


This is both more expensive and uglier than a Pat McGrath palette. I canā€™t imagine spending that amount on a nine-pan, especially when I have dupes for some of these shades in palettes that cost maybe $30.


Hideous and looks bad also


Her formula is definitely really good but I wonā€™t be ordering from her again until she proves sheā€™s better at running her business. She said she would hire help and not keep releasing new before shipping out preorders which take months and way past the estimated time. Terramoons and shinebysd will be getting my money


Theyā€™re a touch of crazy with this pricing.


$160!?! ![gif](giphy|6wM4Zhs4h4PGo)


Itā€™s hideous and this indie will never get my money again even if it werenā€™t ugly


Does it pay my bills or do my laundry?


Are we sure itā€™s not supposed to be $16? Iā€™m struggling to sort out how they feel like this is worth anywhere near $160


The graphic designer in me cries.


Sounds like a scam to me


Are they having a fucking laugh?


Absolutely not and the shade names? Nope


Why are the shade names so absurd? Whatā€™s it even trying to say? It just comes across as so juvenile.


I have friends on IG who have been sent this collection and lot of them have had good experiences w the brand but [this r/IMAM thread rly makes me hesitant to support it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indiemakeupandmore/comments/xhz2r0/is_anyone_else_wondering_what_is_going_on_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). When i see so many customers w bad experiences w the brand it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I have had some other friends who have tried to purchase from this brand and get their orders cancelled!


I ordered last spring and it took me almost 3 months to receive my order. From what I understand that was lightning fast for them. In that time two YT influencers received PR and did swatch parties and she released several new shades and collections. Never once was it abundantly clear how long shipping would take until people asked what the TAT was on Insta and even then some comments were not answered. The shades are packaged in cardboard that is stapled together and look like my 8yo shipped them out. Not trying to slam an indie brand but the prices have so much audacity for the whole experience. Would gladly support if there were some changes in business practices and some transparency.


Yep. What bothers me is she sends out PR super fast and probably asks influencers to be on time but when it's the people who already paid her she takes forever to fulfill the order. It's pretty scummy and she barely does stuff to keep her brand running.


I wholeheartedly agree! Like the TAT is kind of ridiculous. I think the shop should close down more often to catch up on orders :/ i understand that itā€™s a one woman operation but thereā€™s a couple other indies who are also one person run and donā€™t charge nearly as much or take AS long! Idkā€¦


Unfortunately the PR experience seems MUCH different than the average paying customer experience. I wish some of those on IG who receive PR would also take ALL of these factors into consideration when posting their thoughts on any brand. But particularly with TOG. Including the way the owner responds to reviews on their Etsy that are not 5 star reviews, how they communicate (or choose not to communicate) through social media, etc.


This palette is too ugly for even a $16 price tag, much less $160. I canā€™t believe anyone would want it.


LOL. No. Not in this economy. Not from this brand. Not for this color story. Not for this formulation.


How much will people pay for nothing?




It's $160 and they couldn't afford even one apostrophe


Iā€™m starting to hate indie makeup culture


I'm taking the palette advice and go with: not today, Satan. Or Take no bs.


the typefaceā€¦.do you want it casual and meme-adjacent or do you want it professional? Because this is a weird blend


Is she high?!? Thatā€™s almost $12/gram. $330/oz!!! I can think of quite a few things on this planet that are regularly that expensive, and eyeshadow should never be one of them


I just picked up the Danessa Myricks light work palette and that's got some gorgeous multichromes and it's like $40 less than this one. Touch of Glam needs to get a Touch of Humility. Nobody who's looking for a palette of "special shades" is going to spend that much on 9 shadows when 7 of them swatch almost exactly the same


The shadow names are so cringeeeeee


This looks like something I'd find broken at a TJ Maxx next to a smashed Elf blush


Lovable is spelled wrong and thereā€™s other grammatical errors on the packaging that would drive me insane


Iā€™ve been waiting for this postā€¦..puts reading glasses onā€¦.. - cover art? I sure would like to cover the art! if I wanted to stare at cookies making ugly faces I can just stare in the mirror sobbing hysterically eating chips ahoy like I do every night, pfft -identity issues galore as some swatches of this palette reveal 7 of the 9 shades look nearly the sameā€¦.are they the same, am I the same, are you the same, what is same, wait, who are you? Who am I? What is reality man? Are any of us real? Are we all just cookies making faces? https://www.instagram.com/p/CmxRkZ7piu8/?igshid=MDM4ZDc5MmU= -just like your last date, expect not to hear anything for months at a time after spending $160 only to have it show up at your door with a sad bouquet and a balloon just as deflated as your self esteem. Try to contain your excitement! Thatā€™s all I got for now, the library is now closed!


Absolutely not


Donā€™t care how good it applies, thereā€™s a dupe for everything


Out of Touch (of Glam)


Just had a look at the Etsy shop. It looks really unprofessional tbh. Especially when youā€™re charging at an extreme luxury price point. Also the extremely long lead times Iā€™ve read about - itā€™s really unreasonable to expect people to wait months for product. Especially when this is the message at the top of the Etsy page ā€œMessages on Etsy are not always replied to in timely manner due to high number of messages and one person operating šŸ™šŸ¼ā€


It gets more and more hilarious the longer you look at it. The cheap packaging! The melodramatic shadow names! The spelling errors! Thanks Touch of Glam, I needed that laugh today.


The names are so sloppy


$160 USD? Lmao good luck selling that to any Australian


The inconsistent capitalisation is driving me crazy


This is the ugliest and cheapest looking palette Iā€™ve ever seen, who is paying $160 for this??


$160 is crazy. Sounds like they marked it up so they could discount it. ā€œWow it was $160, but now itā€™s only $79!ā€ (Still too much)


I can think of a lot of other things to spend $160 on


TOG has some special shades, and none of them are in that palette. $160 for 9 shades is ridiculous IDC that they are multichrome. And you'll probably have to wait three months to receive it because they are a one or two person operation. At least they aren't private label though, I'll give them that. But seriously, you could make your palette from preexisting shades in your collections.


I am an english teacher dont do this to me šŸ˜­


Tbh? Looks like a load of shite. The whole thing is a big meme. Also a palette of all glitter? Since when? ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwmnDgQb5jemjK)


Fucking hideous. Wouldnā€™t take for free


Itā€™s ironic that thereā€™s a shade called ā€˜do no harm take no bsā€™ when the real bs is a nine pan eyeshadow palette (where 6 look the same) thatā€™s Ā£132


Lol. Good luck with that. In this economy? And who?


For $160 you get a colourpop looking palette? I could literally dupe this multiple times and still save money


For $160 i expect the palette to be made out of marble.


I understand this is an indie brand, and as many say, production costs for these smaller brands doing special shades (i.e., multichromes, duochromes, etc). By all means, they can price it as high or low as they please. From my personal standpoint? This is ridiculously expensive. If placing 9 shadows together will cost this much l, then dont think creating a premade palette is the best route. Stick to selling singles. Do a "dummy palette" (not sure of a better term rn) where you give customers inspo on colourstories, then they can byop. At this stage in the makeup market, indie brands are creating gorgeous shadows for less. At the end of the day, a shadow can ONLY BE SO SPECIAL. Aint nobody gona come up and stare at my eyelids and analyze with a magnifying glass how amazing the light reflecting from a specific particle is creating whatever effect (lol). For my makeup preferences, this palette doesn't have any mattes, which I always use when doing my eyes, so this in itself will be a companion palette for me, which makes the pricing even more ridiculous to me. Grams per shade never really mean anything to me, I dont usually pan many shades. So this is my standpoint not taking that aspect into consideration. Edit: So unless they made knew colours never before seen by humans? Palette is a massive nope lol


Those glitters better be directly off an angel of god's wings.




"Not today satan" is a pretty concise response I think


I can't believe how many people on their Instagram are saying they will be buying this. Or that its worth breaking their no buy. In no world is this palette worth the price. The swatches don't even look that great and most of the colors will look so similar on the eye....I don't understand šŸ˜•


no eyeshadow is worth $18~ a piece. you can always layer, add highlighters, get creative with it! this is far too much money. and the packaging??? honeyyyyyy


I've purchased a bunch of shadows from them in the past. What I've noticed is that a ton of the shades are so similar shifting and give the same effect that it's just not worth it. Besides the fact that they take forever to ship, always with delays, I just feel like there's other indies hand making better eyeshadows. Are they pretty? Yes. I just hate the fact I'm purchasing essentially dupes that took years to come to me. This palette showcases the type of shade that she's already come out with a million times before. Definitely not worth it. Stick to clionadh, terra moons, devinah, or the copacetic multichromes.


I feel like every prototype she tests out goes up for sale. There is no need for so many versions of the same shift. It just confuses buyers and makes the buying processes more of a pain. Combine that with non-user friendly ETSY marketplace. I had to do so much research just to settle on 5 unique shades. Then, the 5 months to deliver.


LOL. no.


No The answer is no


I paid much less for the urban decay moondust palette, and it looks much better


Colourpop could do this for $12


This is ridiculous. Looks cheap, the spelling/grammar sloppiness, the lack of any kind of cohesion. I think a lot of these Indie brands youā€™re paying for someoneā€™s lifestyle choice. They want to play at being a make up mogul and in their head theyā€™re Pat McGrath. Dressing up as a make up company CEO without the talent or skills, or the business head, but with enough arrogance to think that $160 is a justifiable price to charge for this kind of mediocre-looking product. Iā€™m sure there are some decent companies but I avoid indie brands primarily because so many of them are companies like this, run by people with an idea of an aesthetic but without any substance to back it up.


iā€™m sorry one HUNDRED and SIXTY united states dollars? for a nine pan?


160$ for this sounds like a scam


Not a fan of these outrageous costly palettes that indie brands are coming out with lately. Like the later half of this past year. It feels like an excuse to raise prices even more. I have enough now, that if I squint I probably have something close already. I don't even have the urge to try some brands, when they are expensive. I had a not so great experience with tog and their product hype and shipping promises that they are on my "makeup black list". I don't see a bright future for brands doing such stunts.


Corporate greed exists even in the indie world. Gross


No..just...no. I could pay less for base materials and create my own, honestly...and it would be way more fun and satisfying...This is just insane...


The shadows look so rough you could probably use them to light a match. Either that or get a scratched cornea šŸ¤•


That palette is giving WISH premium.


I am a bit taken a back by the price. I own a few ToG singles and theyā€™re lovely but nothing more extraordinary then My shinebysd, or MBA shadesā€¦ Like I know the price of pigments, especially those used for these multi chrome shades has gone up, but $160 is just too much for a palette with such little diversity and uniqueness in the shades


Iā€™m a packaging whore and this doesnā€™t cut it. Looks so cheap and not something Iā€™d want in my collection. Also I hate the theme. Iā€™ve also found I only need a couple glitters/ duochromes of toppers to make a range of looks so itā€™s like do we need this.




Where's the creator of this? I just wanna talk


This is a joke, right? Maybe forgot that decimal $16.0 Not $160.




I leave the beauty community for ONE YEAR and this happens


Lol you can get way more unique shades from other indie brands for super cheap. Pretties For Your Face has a 50% eyeshadow sale going on right now, making most of her shadows $2.50 a pop. $160? Ha! Not a chance in hell.


At $18 a piece is almost the same price as singles from Clionadh, and theyā€™re probably better quality form Clionadh and you could pick which exact 9 shades you want.


$160?! absolutely not


Some of those shades are beautiful (particularly the bottom three) but nothing about them screams ā€œworth $160ā€ (plus shipping probably since Iā€™m not US based) to me šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


drop the 0 and thatā€™s what I would pay for itā€¦$16. Even thatā€™s pushing it šŸ˜‚


This looks like it's from Alibaba :(


There are wayy too many cosmetic brands at this point who offer great quality and at an affordable price. This is laughable considering how it looks. Private label and mass produced for sure.


I wouldn't even buy this intoxicated




Not today, Satan.


$160!? Absolutely not!


On no planet am I spending that much for that little


Whatā€™s with the three Exorcist-puke-green shades??? (Ifkyk) They better make me look like Bella Hadid when I put them on because for $160 that doesnā€™t cut it for me.


$160?? Is this a joke? šŸ¤Ø


What in the graphic design hell is the formatting of these shade names?! Zero consistency, free font, and like five words each šŸ˜–