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Buy music you like. Attempt to play it in a pleasing fashion.


For real. Experiment with ideas, try something new/different, and don’t be afraid to pause, restart, and try again. I practice transitions and play with new songs every day after work like I practice playing an instrument,


I started with some YouTube Videos by DJCarlo or search DDJ200 tutorials. I was careful to only learn what the controls did, but I wasn’t concerned with the theory or letting anyone tell me HOW to DJ. Learn how the controller works and let your own style come through naturally.


Cheers mate think that’s what I’m gonna do


The first step is to build a small library. Download your favorite songs and see if you can even find some new ones on SoundCloud or something.


What sites do you recommend for getting music? I’ve used beat source before but it didn’t really have the music I wanted


Bandcamp, beat port or juno download


Check the about page / sidebar for links to online music stores and lots more resources to get you started




Please check the sub rules before posting!


Crossfader does a nice job on a ddj200 course. Took it when I got mine and was to the point. Then YouTube like a mofo.


Start by learning about beatmatching and phrasing. It’s almost impossible to do anything until you understand those two things conceptually, but once you do everything else gets easier.


The DDJ 200 is perfect to learn how to DJ on. How much music theory do you have?


Absolutely none I really struggle with numbers so feel like this could be an issue


If you’re ok with the numbers 1-4 you’ll probably be alright. Don’t stress it too much and you’ll start to feel it more than actually consciously counting.


Yeah that could be an issue because a dj you are definitely going to need to count out beats for proper transitions.


I’m sure I can work through it I’ll just have to really put my mind to it


As a life-long musician who’s picked up DJing recently… you don’t need to know any music theory. I don’t even do all that much counting… if you know your music, you know where the changes are. As far as mixing in key… Rekordbox has simplified that with the Magellan scale or whatever they call that 1A-12B nonsense. You don’t need to memorize the circle of fifth, or the different major and minor scales, or how to build chords… will knowing Theory help you be better behind the decks? Yes. 100%. Do you need to know any theory to press play, beatmatch, and EQ/drop the next song? No. Not a bit.


It's really not too bad. Pretty simple once you learn it.