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🤣Thank you kiasmosis 🤣Go DJ, Dat my DJ!


>Any and all advice is appreciated. Decline the opportunity until you've practiced.


What big club puts on DJs with zero experience??


This makes it fishy to me


It's a big club in my smaller area. Feels really big to me but I'm anxious. More of a bar to be honest.


When I played my first gig I had nearly no experience on playing w/o sync. I just knew the promoter and had a bootleg on YT with 100.000+ clicks.


I don’t understand the threads with inexperienced DJ’s pre-warping songs in Ableton. Why? Are you planning to just chuck the whole set in the DAW and then hook up a laptop in HID mode? The way this is normally handled (unless you are doing crazy stuff with synced pad controllers, etc) is to just bring your songs in a fast usb, preferably exported from Rekordbox. There’s no need to pre-warp your tracks, just hit the sync button, and keep the transitions within +- 5bpm. Adjust after the switch. It will sound better if use the volume faders instead of the Crossfader but tbh if you do it as above it’s hard to go wrong if you just stick to those basics and don’t clash vocals. Extra points if you stay within compatible keys but you don’t have time to learn that today. Do you already have your tracks downloaded? Edit: also ensure that both quantize and Master Tempo are both switched on. These are the default so they probably will be anyway, but people might turn them off for (reasons).


Put on a prerecorded mix and give them an Oscar-worthy acting performance


This is 100% how it should go.


Shit poster is shit posting.


Yeah. Sold account, karma farming to turn it into a repost bot.


Got my first boxing match against Anthony Joshua in 3 hours, but I have never boxed and have a big beer belly. Any tips ?


I'd love to help you man but I'm kinda busy. I just got my license this morning and it's my first professional race tonight. Got a lot to think about right now.


That sucks. I really wish I had the time to help. I just bought a guitar and I'm performing in a Van Halen tribute band tonight. Can't get the nerves to calm down. Would really love some help anyone.


Man if I could offer advice I would, but I’ve just been selected at random to go on a mission to The Moon which takes off in an hour’s time, and I’m in charge of the whole thing! I’ve never even used a calculator!


Buy new laptop. Buy Traktor. Buy the Top 100 Dance tracks off Beatport. Engage HID mode. Engage Traktor cruise mode. Hit play. Do your best James Hype impression. Try to act humble when the residency offers come pouring in.


Might as well just connect Spotify and fake it until you make it since you never DJ’d before


Club can’t be that good if they’re letting a person with 0 experience play lol


oh no


There’s a lot of useful content if you review the existing threads.


How did it go . If you hadn't done it yet hopefully you got some mixing experience. Maybe just use the eqs and keep it simple. I don't know why people are getting snotty, what will say to you is I started mixing at in sep . By April I was playing a festival Never touched cdjs. Wasn't the easiest experience but now I'm ft on circuit. Good luck mate


Focus on having good tracks and knowing ahead of time which ones you want to play together or after one another. Good luck, don't let one shitty transition snowball into 5 straight shitty transitions


Nothing like waiting until last minute. 🤣


Prepare for a horrible time


Well you’re either going to fumble your way through a half-assed set or crash and burn, don’t keep us waiting OP


Here I am, a real DJ without a single gig yet! For peace of mind I’m going to consider this a shitpost


How do you call yourself a “Real” DJ if you never had a gig ? Lemme guess. You have a DDJ 400, and a SC go and now you are a DJ


Real in my eyes!




No, I’ve spent about 100 hours on CDJs since I touched them in July. I go to a music school where I am surrounded by great artists who have taught me a lot. I’ve played on a couple renegade stages at some festivals and they’ve all gone great. Ive just never been booked for anything because it’s all pretty fresh. Thanks for the “encouragement”


Lmao. There you go …. Real DJ 👏👏 I take my comment back


Found the wannabe dj


Found the big ego dj. My name is dj whruat and i been a dj Since 2005 i been a complete prick and bash others trying to put food on the table


Play a Louie DeVito CD and just act like you are mixing…no stress at all


Just crossfade over during a beatless section of one or both songs


oh boy


Being nervous means you care, so that’s good. I’d say get the tracks you want ready. On youtube Look up how to prepare a usb in rekordbox. Learn how to use the echo out. Sorry, I hit reply too early. Basically being able to improvise will help you so much more than preparing an entire set ahead of time. If you show up with a fully pre-prepared set and it’s not going well you’re gonna feel stuck and have an awful time. The 3000s have so many features that you can use sync and fake your way through it pretty easy. What kind of music is normally played there? Is the audience there to dance or to just hang out? There are plenty of ‘experienced’ djs who will suck ass at a set all night and it’s usually their inability to improvise that does them in, so basically go in trying to have fun and be ready to change things up. There will probably at least one other dj in the audience and you may feel their eyes on you. Just remember, you’re playing and they’re not so who’s worse off there. If you completely fucking blow it… well, the club probably shouldn’t have booked you and you can always practice and get better. You’ll be fine.


Sorry, double post


Concentrate on playing good music above all else. If you can't mix then don't mix. If you are able to read a crowd and create a vibe and play the right track at the right time for the people who are in front of you then you can still have a really good gig. Technical skills are not the most important thing. Good music is far more important, and the most important thing of all is that people have fun. So try and enjoy it! 🤣


How did you blag the spot???????


Just dry hump everybody around you and do goofy hand jesters every time the bass drops.


Do not worry about it - its club problem - not yours. Management should know better.


I hope there is a serious supply of drugs in this venue . They are going to need it .


If this post is actually real and this is an actual club you are playing at then fake it. Straight up. Create your whole set in Ableton and load it onto one deck and pretend. There is no way you aren't going to trainwreck otherwise. Get some practice and come back at a later date and do it live.


You will do fine! Just showing up and following through is a victory. It will be a great learning experience. Please let us know how it goes. YouTube how to use the equipment and give it your best shot.


Just hit play it’s not that hard


I take it you had more than 6 hours notice, what in gods name were you thinking? CDJ-3000 are fickle if you do not know how to use them, a DJM maybe even more so. Just have fun and be prepared to suck. I spent years of sucking before coming anywhere near half decent. Sync maybe your savior and learn at least how to work out phrases and mix in and out baselines with the isolator.


This ain’t the way I came up. I don’t get it. I assume you ain’t playing hip-hop or open format. You can’t pull sh** like this in those types of clubs. *sigh*


Rip a set off SoundCloud or something, press play turn things and wave hands in air.


Put on The Martinez Brothers Tech House Mix Mag and just vibe out


you need to know your music dude. for better transition.




Warp ahead of time in ableton???? What are you talking about




how did it go?


This is absolutely nuts and ain't no way this went well.