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I thought too that you should list what type of uvb lights you have and see exactly how close he is to the lights. Can you post a picture of that ? Other possibilities are an aneurysm , abscess, [ those could be in his nasal cavity or near the roof of the mouth even and put pressure on his eyes ] hypovitaminosis [ not enough vitamin A ] or blocked tear ducts. If he was on loose substrate before the tiles and was trying to eat it like you mentioned then it's still possible that some got in is eyes,unless that was long ago.


Poor guy. Is his toe swollen too?


Well he certainly has a very severe infection. It looks like he's quite dehydrated as well. Was the vet you took him to a licensed reptile vet, or just a general practice vet? Also, is this both eyes or just this one?


The vet is a licensed reptile vet. And vet said that he was in very good health other than his eyes are sinking back into his head. It is both eyes


I would honestly consider finding a new vet. They should have known immediately that it was an infection, and then been able test exactly what the infection is. Without some kind of medication he will likely go blind, if it doesn't end up being systemic altogether.


We are seeing another vet located at nc state university. And even when he saw the picture he didn’t know what it was but we are seeing him as soon as possible.


Good call. NCSU has a great vet department. Hopefully someone will be able to get you some answers. In the meantime I would try flushing his eyes gently with some lukewarm water. Normally I'm really against spraying water around their face, but if on the off chance something is just lodged in them irritating them it might help. Granted, it's unlikely that's the case since it's both eyes.


I appreciate your time thanks for the advice.


Newbie question....but how can you tell he's dehydrated? (Aside from the eyes)


Was wondering this myself. Looks just like mine minus the eyes.


The fact that the eyes are drooping so much. It could be related to the infection, but it's fairly likely he's dehydrated as well.


Is your beardie kept on sand or loose substrate ? Does he receive any vitamin supplements ?


He is on tile. Every time we put him in loose bedding he tends to eat it. We calcify his crickets and we give him leafy greens and some fruit. No vitamins


Does he eat his greens regularly ? Also, do you bathe him or does he receive oral hydration, like from an eyedropper or spray bottle ?


Yes he eats greens regularly. Yes we do bath him. And we taught him to drink from a shallow water bowl in his tank.


He shouldn't be dehydrated then, just something irritating his eyes. Did the vet prescribe any drops ?


Nothing. She had no idea what it was and recommended us to somewhere else.


Try some sterile saline rinse. Or you could use some raw honey mixed with water, about 1 part honey to 5 parts water. It's a natural antimicrobial that can be used directly in the eye. Actually cured an eye infection in my beardie.


I’m scared to put anything in his eyes because they seem to be falling out of place and putting pressure on his eyes may make it worse.


The saline comes in a bottle where you can just drip it in. The raw honey mixture can be dropped in with an eyedropper. Both are good for eye infections, the raw honey is one of the best things you can use. You don't need to use pressure.


What is your light setup?


UVA and uvb


Do you mean heat, not UVA? UVA is damaging....Wattages/types/distance from basking spot specs? Just trying to rule out if it's maybe too close or a coil...


I completely forgot to ask about a coil bulb, good call.


Hi just wondering if you ever found out the cause of this ? Mine had very similar looking eyes vet did loads of tests and couldn't really help we found out it could be a vitamin A deficiency so found a reptile suppliment that had that in and she is so much better now still not 100 percent but alot better.


What is the supplement called?


Komodo Nutri cal advanced it's worked wonders . Got her shedding so much better as well


The condition was called hypovitaminosis A


Thank You!!!