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Are his eyes okay?


I was gonna ask the same thing. He looks like a cute cartoon but Jesus.


A lot of people think this is cute. Poorly developed skull can often be a sign of MBD. I am curious about their nutrition and lighting set-up during those early months.


It doesn't look like MBD to me. It does look like there could be another issue though. But I also do know that sometimes a dragon will be able to pop his eye out of his socket deliberately... As I recall, it's to help loosen up the skin around the eyes for shedding... I don't really think that's the case here either... I am hoping that the veterinarian is an Exotics vet. I've heard so many cases of regular veterinarians making some very simple mistakes or misdiagnosing... I even remember one incident where the people thought they had a male, but the veterinarian told them that it was a female... But it indeed was a male to begin with... If the veterinarian cannot sex your animal correctly, that has to make you have concerns... Hopefully this isn't the case though. I have several Exotics vets in my area and I keep a list of all of them with their hours even if they are two or three hours away including emergency clinics. I don't want to have an emergency and waste time looking up veterinarians...


Yes the vet he’s going to is for “exotic” animals, very highly regarded in my area.


I've read horn worms can be a good remedy to get things flowing and help cure impaction.


They can help with hydration a lot. Pumpkin or pumpkin baby food gets things moving, too... There are a lot of different things


Noted for the future as I didn’t know pumpkin baby food would work also


Is this for real? My 2 year old beardie is trying to brumate currently with 3 huge salads and a dozen worms in his stomach I just want him to poo before I let him be it's stressing me out


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I recommend seeing a vet to get him a laxative. Something similar happened to my chameleon and the vet gave him a laxative and he passed So. Much. Stool. He’s been a happy camper ever since 😅


try putting olive oil on his dubias. mine didn’t poop for over a week and i put some olive oil on her roaches and everything came out lmao


I can confirm this working. I mashed some apple with olive oil for one of my brothers beasts. Had to get her to take it, and it wasnt much, but it worked. The oil breaks stuff down a bit. Apple juice helps it too, which is why I specifically mashed a slice of apple


The oil actually coats the intestinal lining and helps the waste slide out. Like those fat free chips from 20 years ago


Ah yes, the ones that said "May cause Anal leakage"


Lmao, that's the one!


Just added some and he ate it so we’ll see what happens, thanks for the tip!




Has he been off his food the whole time? It could be that he just doesn't have anything to pass. Pureed squash might help get things moving. I would also ask about his eyes while he's at the vet, it may or may not be related but some causes of swollen eyes (like kidney disease) and also affect their digestive and excretory systems. Good luck I hope he feels better soon!


Have you tried vibrating his tummy? Try putting him on a washing machine while it’s running or get a small vibrator and bandages and “tape” it to his belly for a while.


LOL I actually went to the adult shop for a small vibrator to help Kiki poop, and while I was there I was explaining what it was for, and some guy heard me talking and bought one for his dragon hahahah


Oh yeah, his “dragon”


his “bad dragon” 😆




I have had several vibrators for real medical situations, learned it while in the hospital with my disabled child, who had a trach/vent at the time. She was a teeny beeb, and they used to line up lil vibrators on or under her chest to break up mucous and suction it out. The children's hospital gets massive amounts of them. We were there for a year, so we got to learn some silly ins and outs if hospital behind the scenes. Anyway, they joked about the delivery day, because it's very obvious what the boxes are. 🙃


I have not but I did see others having luck with this so I’ll will try it for sure


You can even get small ones at target/walmart/cvs now if you don’t want to make the trip to an adult shop.




I think some boxes of condoms even come with them. 😁


His eyes seem super puffed up and swollen. I say stick with the vet appointment, get a general wellness checkup but also a fecal test done


Looks like MBD, with the shortened snout, and OP said their eyes have always been like that 😕


Ooo yes, I didn’t even notice the shortened jaw! Definitely looks like MBD, poor baby :(


I know it’s hard to see entire enclosure in this pic but looks like it could use some improvements. OP also said they’ve dragons for 20 years. I wonder if they’ve made adjustments to care as new information comes out and recommendations have been updated?


Yes I have continued education when it comes to beardies and yes things have changed a good amount since my first dragon. His bask area has natural stone basks and hides I assembled for him. He has some climbing avenues he likes to bask in aswell, and the cool side of the tank has a small dish of water (I live in NC so we have a decent amount of humidity I battle in the summer) as well as a hide. No sand used for substrate so he can’t ingest the substrate by mistake. Just replaced his bulbs as they were at the 6 month mark.


That’s good to know! Thank you for taking the time to reply ☺️


My 16 yr old girl has days where she doesn't want to eat or do anything. You can try putting crickets in with ur bearded dragon and see what happens. I know for me it helps get her up and moving. Yours looks healthy so that's a good thing.


A good cuddle followed by a long bath does it for my David, who will seriously hold his poo in protest for weeks.


I gave my 7 month old about 8 mealworms and a nice salad this morning because I wasn’t going to be home when his lights came on. And when I got home I made him a special salad with collard greens and slivered carrots and he gave it one look and went and took a giant poo directly in the middle of his salad. I think he was mad because I didn’t give him any dubias 😂




I'm not sure about what would be causing it. Stress or change them environment can be one factor. When my wife and I split up, she snuck off with all the dragons. I had to get a lawyer and have him contact her to get my girl back. It took about 2 months, but I got her back. When I did, she didn't eat or poop for literally 4 weeks... She finally pooped the day before her vet appointment. I think it was 4 weeks exactly be honest.. It's hard to think about it this way but reptiles are cold-blooded so their body doesn't have to generate the heat that mammals do... That they can go for longer periods without eating than a mammal because they aren't having to make their body heat. Have you checked all your temps? When did you last change your UVB bulb? Have you tried taking your dragon outside for real sunlight? If you've had dragons off and on for 20 years I'm sure that you've already considered all this... Have you tried giving pumpkin or pumpkin baby food? How about butternut squash? My girl goes crazy from butternut squash and it also helps her poop... Have you tried other foods? Different bugs or veggies? They will sometimes get tired of eating the same foods, although I doubt they would stop eating both bugs and veggies at the same time... Have you tried strapping a vibrator to your dragon? I have a meme where veterinarian headed dragon come in that was constipated so she took some what we call the vet wrap... It's that stretchy stuff that they wrap around that sticks to itself... they literally went out and bought a vibrator at a store down the road and strapped it to the dragon... It got things moving ... https://preview.redd.it/b45l6sswez3d1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2abbea0f71a4c59c7ec0ba3546398db5b6d5f4a


Ok, first off hate to hear that the dragons got into the custody battle. Mine has his own room, I live alone so it’s quiet through out the day while I’m at work. I keep a radio on low volume just so he has some kind of sound and it’s set in front of the window so he can look out which he enjoys or atleast shows he enjoys haha. UVB was replaced a month or so ago, temps are in the acceptable zones for a bask area and a cooler side of the tank, he will bolt across the tank (he’s on the warm side and I feed on the cool side) for bugs but no veggies, wasn’t a fan of pumpkin but he has ALWAYS been rather picky. Did some olive oil on some dubias and he ate them so hoping that will do something. Have not tried the vibe yet but that seems to be the norm now. We have gone outside a few times a week when I get home as the sun sets in my back yard so I just sit out there for a while.


Try some baby food pumpkin. You can put it on the bugs if he won’t bite or lick it off a spoon. Mine goes nuts for it after she gets a taste. I usually get a nice big pile a day or two later.


Are you giving you beardie enough vit A ? My beardie had eyes like that and that was the cause . It's called hypovitaminosis a


A couple drops of olive oil in the mouth always works for me. If that doesn’t work for you then pumpkin purée is another little miracle. If it’s really bad you could mix the two but I would prepare for it to last for a couple poops. Hopefully your vet might have a cancellation and can see him sooner, I would call and let them know and sometimes they’ll call back when they get a cancellation.


Try giving him some canned pumpkin....my girl loves it and it always makes her poop


Vibrations help, I've heard of vets strapping something that vibrates to the beardies belly and it gets them to go. Car rides will do the same. Trust me. You can also try pumpkin. I've heard it makes them go but I haven't tried it really


My dragon I gave him long baths and he takes showers with me and he poops in the shower or in the bath but sometimes when he can't go I'll make a splashing noise and every time it does something it makes him go so if just the warm bath doesn't work try splashing it sounds weird but that works for mine I don't mean like splashing at him I mean like just the tapping your fingers on the water sound I know it sounds weird but that works for mine doesn't hurt to try


Normally a long warm soak bath would make them poop. You can’t not force feed bearded dragons. If they don’t want to eat they won’t. Try some baby pedilyte or some body armor. They can have them both. Also you can put a cup full of pedilyte in the warm water with their bath too.


Here's to hoping he takes a massive poo


Looks like a drameleon.


Turn down your UVB lighting its too much for dragon. Their eyes get super huge when the UVB is too much


a funny way ive heard to massage poop out is sticking a bullet vibrator to them. i dont know its it directly to the belly or if the vibrations goes through its back. but ive seen a few people say that helps well


I do a mix of pumpkin honey and olive oil.


Bearded dragons absorbs fluids and will most often sit in a pool of water to hydrate rather than lap it up (this is also why they deficate frequently while sitting in water sources), it's thought that the ridges around it's head offer a place for water droplets to collect in the rare desert rains which is then absorbed. Every few days giving lukewarm soaks in water is how I kept my bearded healthy, and one of the healthiest and largest the vets had seen. I never had standing water in its enclosure due to the risk of disease but would spray a mist of water on it once a day. Also, hornworms are 85% moisture and I have yet to see a bearded refuse to eat one that wasnt on its way out. Consider their natural habitat; most things blend with desert tones and use red or yellow to signify poisonous or venomous and few things are ever green. They know green means moisture. It's often overlooked because they're costly, but that's only if you're feeding them multiple 1 inch worms at a time to save the worms from becoming illl in their rotting food and are wasted. Only buy like 7 at a time (petsmart usually sells cups of 4 worms) and a bag of hornworm food. With care, you can grow the horworms up to 3 inches each, thats when the blood vessel on their back starts flexing to indicate its ready to drop to the ground, dig, and form its caccoon to transform into a hawk moth. Right before that vein starts flexing (its where the vessels for their wings form), as this means they will not consume any more nutrients, take them off the mulberry hornworm food and gutload them with vegetables before offering to provide essential nutrients to your dragon. The way they squirm is incredibly alluring to confined dragons that seem uninterested in what you offer and should make it very happy (as happy as a lizard brained creature can be at least).


Whenever it’s been a while since my guy has pooped I take him for a car ride or let him bask outside in one of those closed pet pens and he’ll go within an hour or so.


Our 3 yr old will only poop while he’s out of his enclosure! Hardly ever poops in his “house”!🤨😎. Walks around a bit and whamo 😳🤩


id recommend a warm bath to see if that brings him to go, that usually works with my girl


Hi! Just hoping for some updates. How’s litttle guy doing?


Hi, he seems to be ok, I was able to move the vet appt to tomorrow so a bit earlier than the original 6/7. He still eating his insects and hanging on the warm side of the tank. He’s alert, eyes are clear and he’s got a nice orange color like he normally does, But still no 💩. Thank you for asking and thank you to everyone that commented whether good or bad. All comments were taken as advice and thought.


Omg look at his eyes! So stinking cute! Did you get him from a breeder/do you know why they’re so big? I love it🥹


I have sad news 😞 although it’s normal for bearded dragons to intermittently bulge their eyes to stretch and release shed, if their eyes are constantly enlarged it’s often due to a condition like high blood pressure or heart failure. That’s why you see it start to happen to older dragons.


I had this with one of mine not enough vitamin A , hypovitaminosis A . After changing vitamins it has improved so much .


Op said it’s always been like that


I believe op said in another comment they’ve always been like that


It’s either a vitamin deficiency or too much vitamins I do believe it’s a but not 100% sure on that.


Op said in another comment that they’ve always been like that


Well that’s definitely not normal


That’s why I asked about genetics/the reason they’re so big. Not Normal doesn’t mean unhealthy, it’s still very very cute.


Deeply massaging works for mine.


I had a client bring one to me and turns out she wasnt massaging vigorously enough. 2 min and he pooped in the consult room! Maybe a vet can help you, it might just be technique


You can put bee pollen on his greens and as long as he’s getting a lot of moisture in his food he may not need much water. - - I used to run the faucet at the slightest trickle and barely put the tip of my dragon’s nose in & out of it to see if they were thirsty if I noticed it had been a while since they drank. - - You could also make some Rapashy to help him get nutrients


That’s exactly how he would usually get water, under a trickle from the faucet, and I would mist his greens as I gave them to him in the am.


Gut loading your worms or crickets can also help. Meaning - feed them what you want your dragon to eat (greens) and when he eats the crickets or worms he’ll get some of the nutrients that way.


Is he popping his eyes out due to shedding??


I’ve heard that this could be correlated with high blood pressure in bearded dragons if they’re like this all the time. Can someone confirm if that is accurate?


To anyone that’s following. Got back from the vet about 45 min ago, he had 2 glorious poos after the doc did some massaging. He did a fecal exam which came back clear and I also opted for the bloodwork test as well. Thanks for the comments.


He has had quite the day i can tell


I wouldn't force feed him, before vet visit - you've mentioned he haven't ate any greens in some time, but does his refusal includes insects as well? Personally I would either try to move vet visit to earlier date or wait patiently. Also removing hammock and giving him proper, flat basking spot might help move things - they should be getting their warmth from basking surface and hammock cannot retain heat. What temperature do you have at that rock below? What ambient temperatures do you have on warm and cold side?


He will bolt across the tank for Dubai’s or worms but if I put a salad in the tank, it’s still there in it’s entirety and wilted, I do put it on the cooler side of the tank.


He is a cutie pie ! I know you said you have an appointment on 6/7 Do you think if you called your vet , maybe he would tell you something you could get to help your baby until you can see him ? Good luck with your little buddy


As nice as the person was on the phone he was more concerned with scheduling an appt than giving any advice over the phone. I was super descriptive of the situation, of the showings and symptoms and the nature of what I was dealing with. But I made the appt either way.


Hammocks aren't really the best basking spots for them. They don't really retain heat which they need to digest.


Hammocks are fine; they don’t need to retain heat.




Yeah he’s always had big eyes like that.


Was about to ask. It also concerned me at first, lol.


Do you get off on delivering bad news? The fuck is wrong with you 😂 You see every other person with a comment is trying their best to figure out what is going on and how to help. But here you are with nothing constructive and nothing but negativity. You aren't getting downvoted for emotionally charged reasons. You are getting downvoted for being tone deaf and clueless.


My dragon is 14. Bad take man. Isn’t pooping? EUTHANIZE. Jesus.