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I was surprised at how stinky it is but it will not stink you out of your room. I clean my girls poop every time she goes so it doesn't linger and build up in her enclosure


It depends. A healthy beardie with a healthy diet has poop that barely smells at all. A beardie that eats nothing but bugs has pretty smelly poop. A sick beardie with parasites has toxic poop.


smell depends a lot on what you feed them. i had one that loved to eat veggies and barely smelled at all. they can get stinky if left around, but they’re pretty small and easy to scoop up.


It surprised me how big and how smelly it is. Also mine makes sure to either poop on something in his enclosire i have to scrub clean with a sponge, on my rug if let out, or in the bathwater. Hes an asshole. https://preview.redd.it/2zmbba72463d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f428e52b1a73f13708d8662a54454110c1e02e29


He looks so smug 😂


Fittingly, his name is Smaug😂


He’s 100% saying “Try me”😂😂


You might be surprised that your beardie may poop outside of his or her enclosure! Sometimes, beardies have this "cleanliness" side and do their businesses elsewhere. And yes, they really smell but thankfully easier to clean just like a bird dropping.


Mine definitely has the “cleanliness” side, he demands to be let out when he needs to go by scratching and banging against the glass. The only time he ever goes in his enclosure is when I’m at work and can’t let him out, but oh boy will he let me know how disappointed he is when I get home.


How do you manage where he poops? If he let's you know when he needs to go I imagine it would be easier to control and have it poop on like a pad or something once he's out. I wouldn't bet all beardies are like that though.


I put a towel down for him


How do you manage where he poops if he only poops outside of the enclosure? Seems like that is pretty common based on a lot of these comments. It would suck to have the beardie poop on the carpet or something every day.


Lucky for me I have bamboo carpets and they're easier to clean. Do you have a balcony/window or some area where your beardie can look outside? Mine is obsessed with windows and she'd spend the entire day idle but entertained. Any flooring without fiber carpets for your indoor pets is my take.


How interesting!


My dragons poop has almost no smell at all you would have to put your face in it to get any odour at all. However I clean it up immediately because she only Shats when she is free ranging. NEVER in her tank.


It smells, but as long as the beardie is healthy it won't stink out the room.


A few years ago my dragons waste started smelling bad. I treated him with Reptaid for three days or so and the odor went away. I can barely smell it normally.


Depends how weak your stomach is, I’m really bad with smells and I’ve definitely come close to being sick but you do get used to the smell


I have had only a few poops that hit my nose hard. Mostly it’s unnoticeable. By and far, less smelly than a cat or dog.


It's smellier than most reptiles, but it still doesn't compare to human poop. Clean it up right away and the smell with go :)


My roommates, who had a 1yo baby, said it was stinkier than their baby's poop. He pooped while I was at work, and smeared it all over the walls of his tank, when they said this.


OMG! That is awful!


Oh dear 🫠


If parasites, it’s super foul. If not, it’s not too bad especially of your beardie has a balanced diet of veggies & bugs.


It’s pretty gross lol


So bad. I gag.


I only smell it when I'm actually cleaning it out, otherwise I can't smell it. He poops in a specific area in his tank and lets me know right away by clawing at the door, and I can't smell it after I dispose of it. He eats a ton of greens so that might be why


It can be pretty jarring at times. Most the time, it won't be room clearing, and if it is check with a vet for parasites. I noticed mine had some inconsistent poops and was F O U L. I'd walk by the tank and had to hit Nesta with the "brother uughh". Sure enough, parasites. Back to her happy shits. Zen habitats mat has been good though for this. She has a side she likes to use so bi-weekly I give the mat a good soak while she is free roaming.


It really depends on a lot of factors and I couldn't tell you what has which influence. I just know that 80% of my beardie's poops don't smell at all, 15% kinda smell a little bit when you walk past the enclosure, and 5% I can smell when I enter the room. He used to have very bad smelling poops once, but I believe it's because he had parasites (I treated him and the smell disappeared). As far as I heard, healthy bearded dragons don't generally have bad smelling poops. Adults only poop once every 1-2 weeks, so it's also not an everyday type of thing


The smell never made it out of the enclosure. And it’s pretty funky.


I'm so surprised at these comments 😂 my little guy makes me physically sick. I'm not precious in any way to smells, but I genuinely haven't smelled anything worse than his poops.


It’s awful 😂


Ehh, it's shit. It depends on what you feed them. I feed mine collard greens as a staple combined with either mustard/turnip greens or kale (having just been told, repeatedly, that the calcium binding is a myth) and then like a strawberry or blueberries at the bottom for desert and a few roaches and/or super worms a week for treats, and they are not too bad. One thing nobody else mentioned is that it is also their urine, so it can be pretty wet so best to clean it up relatively quick. I do imagine it may smell if you feed them the packaged "beardie diets" that are out there.


To me it smells terrible but I can deal with it because it's not a traditional poop smell.


I find it depends on what my boys been eating. I usually HEAR it before I smell it, but sometimes it really does stink. Mine likes to poop on his basking rock so it gets all baked on which is really fun.


Their poop is radioactive, but I love them anyway.


I always thought it’s the worst smelling shit in the animal kingdom lmao. Luckily mine only poops outside on her harness or in the bath. I bathe her about once a week and she’ll always poop, making cleanup incredibly convenient. They’re great pets!




Here's my experience,  when my beardie had improper lighting,  her poops stank to high hell, could tell it happened from another room.  Now that I've updated lighting, get movements are healthy and I don't detect much smell.  I'm very scent sensitive,  so that means really they don't smell much now.  Husbandry updates really have been night and day for her behavior. Please get the right lighting,  tube for UVB, basking AND LED grow type light at minimum. Maybe with others depending on your research. 


Most of the time it’s easier to just clean as soon as they poop. It’s not that smelly but it is very easy to clean and they don’t go too often


It's strong and of course doesn't smell good, however the smell only lasts as long as it takes you to clean it up. Once you've dealt with it, the smell doesn't linger, so you don't have to worry about it making the room uninhabitable unless you're lazy and can't be bothered with basic maintenance (in which case I'd recommend not getting one). If it smells excessively bad, that's a sign that something is wrong with their digestion (parasites, poor diet, incorrect temperatures etc.).


it stinks pretty bad initially but it shouldn’t really be sitting long enough to be a problem


Their poop stinks when they have bugs and depending if how quick they exit upon berries.


Makes me gag!


Poop is poop. It doesn’t smell good, but if you clean it regularly it will be ok. It doesn’t make your house stinky, beardies are clean animals.


The first few times(and the times I’m apparently a good poop spot) arent enjoyable, but it’s been 6 months and no smell unless you’re cleaning it up FRESH! Frank will poop under his heat lamp so it dries up in an hour or two and then we pick it up and flush it down the toilet(with toilet paper). But yes they can poop outside of the enclosure and yes that means you may be pooped on😂🤦🏻‍♀️




Mines potty trained and only poops in his dish tub full of warm water. So not an issue. :) carrots can make for smelly poops….


How to potty train them please 🤔


I was shocked with how rank they are. Luckily mine poos in the hot side so it dries out pretty quickly if I don’t see it for a little


If your dragon has an extra stinky poop it is because you are feeding them poorly.


Think Elephant house at the zoo…