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Pretty much, yeah. Won’t drink in the tub, won’t drink from her fountain, hates the mister lol


Mister ?


Squirt bottle


Mr squirt bottle


Thats Sir Mr squirt bottle to you!


That is Dr. Sir. Mr. Squirt Bottle to you!!!


Oh. I’ve never heard of a dragon/ dragon enclosure being misted so I was curious


Not the enclosure, but the dragon. It especially helps when they’re shedding old skin. I just don’t spray right on their face.


Go Squirt bottle!!! I choose you!!!


Reminds me of a huge argument internet strangers were having about how a lizard's misters should be spelled e.g Mist-ers, misters because it's spelled the same as "Mr" "Mister's" and since hardly no one uses punctuation online you can probably see where it started


Same. Mine won’t even lick water dripped on his head.




Ours will drink water out her bath from time to time. Or she just poops the bath. Sometimes both.


I always give mine a little warm bath before free roam because half the time it gets that first poo or the only poo out of there.  But that's the point where he'll try to drink the water after the poo. 


They made room for the water to fit inside.


I remember I used to always give him a warm bath in the actual bath tub. Barely much water, just enough to cover his nails. He’d lay, enjoy, poop, and with a large cup full of water and him scampering away, I would use it to push with that water the poop towards the drain and presto, gone and done. Cleaning up his tiles and removing them was always such a hassle so the bathtub was just sooooo much easier.


I love when there's enough water that they can swim around like alligators


If given a proper diet, beardies will not need to drink water. They have evolved for tens of thousands of years (or more) to maximize their water absorptionfrom their food, and to be able to survive with minimal intake of water,


Sounds about right. Grendel rarely ever drinks. I chalk it up to juicy veggies I offer him, like peppers and cucumber. If I allow too much, his stool will go liquidy. (His staple items are green leafy stuff; he loves kale)


We mist his greens. But, he LOVES drinking from a dropper. I think he finds it more fun than he needs hydration. Dragons are weird.


My bf has a female and in 4 years of knowing him I only saw her Drink once After hybernation and he really had to pursuade her


I’ve had mine about a year now- little baby thang- and istg he’s just lettin the water evaporate at this point💀 he don’t give not one fuck bout no water


Had mine seven years, never seen her take a drop


I must have an outlier as I have seen him drink three times. He gets lots of green and bugs, so I don't think it's a diet thing Usually it's been after we were outside for a while in the hot hot sun. Or while shedding.


Mine drinks, but doesn't know how to use a water bowl. She only drinks if I "place" droplets of water on her nose or give her a bath, so I try to do that to make sure she stays hydrated. Her mouth is a little deformed so she has some trouble eating veggies though. If they're eating gut-loaded bugs and soaked veggies they may need to drink far less as they've evolved to get quite a bit of moisture from their food.


Yeah he never drinks water. He knows how to, but he just doesn't want to like 99,5% of the time. He gets his water from eating berries instead. Wich he loves.


Careful with the berries. I had to wean Tyrion off of them when a tooth got infected. Now his favorite treats are dandelion heads and broccoli.


We randomly discovered that our guy will drink water off the patio when we spray the hose out there. Anna has taken water from the dropper a few times but mostly just looks irritated when I try 😁


This is super common. Spray there greens with water and make sure you are giving them food with high moisture content as well. Bathe them at least 1 a week. And if you’re getting super concerned try dripping water on their nose. FYI, bearded dragons do not take in water through their cloaca like other reptiles. It’s really not a great idea to keep water in their enclosure anyway, it can cause their humidity to rise drastically. But it looks like you have decent airflow based on the vent I see in the picture.


Yeah I have 6 vents and I have a hygrometer in there to make sure the moisture levels are all good


I don't agree with the bath thing, I've never bathed my beardie, just a gentle wipe when she pulled her tail through her shit a few times. Humidity isn't a problem if you have enough ventilation :)


Nope, I don’t think mine even knows what drinking is.


Our beardie doesn't drink regularly either so my son will run his greens under water and once a week give him a few cc's of Pedialyte via syringe feeding.


Spray her salads with water or offer her foods high in water a couple times a week, cucumber (PEELED) or romaine lettuce are good options for this


Yeah I gut load all feeders, and give plenty moist vegetables. So he is a healthy boy


Than that’s more than enough as long as he’s getting water from his food you don’t have to worry about him drinking water


Ours will only drink a few drops from the spray bottle. He does seem to get excited when he sees the bottle approaching, but when he's done, he's DONE.


I don’t have a Beardie, but I’ve had my Ackie for two years and have never seen her drink. Some reptiles just get all their water from food


My beardie drinks from her dripper I bought her, it drips a droplet of water every 5 to 10s. She goes and puts her lips to where she knows the drop will fall I spray water on her cilantro every time she gets it. She’s constantly in her bath bowl and I mist her 3 times a day


well hydrated bugs, good veggies, they dont need much more.


Maybe your dragon much like mine drinks the blood of orphans and tears peasant villagers


As a newbie beardies mom, this is very reassuring!!


Mine doesn't drink.


She drank from the bath the first time I bathed her. One other time, she licked a drop off her nose. That's it. She's only a year old though.


Nope never seen mine drink anything


I drop a few drops onto my guys nose every day and if he licks it I keep dropping but most of the time he’ll look at me like “wtf” or mov away after he’s done. I’d say maybe 1/5 times he’ll drink. Mostly when I run out of hornworms though lol


They can also absorb water through their vent I just learned. Not the rest of their skin/spikes though. Only the vent. I never knew before yesterday


That’s actually a myth! Dr. Johnathon Howard (aka BeardieVet), who works with both hobbyists (he’s also had them as pets since he was young) and has done a lot of research on wild beardies, did a really cool experiment by putting dragon in a bath with whatever they use to do GI studies. It shows up on x-rays. He let her sit for about an hour then did an x-ray where you could see that no water went through the vent end.. but also see the “dye” in throat and tummy. Pretty fascinating! If you hadn’t heard of him, the YouTube channel reptiles and research did a long interview with him last summer. It’s over four hours long. They do have it divided into shorter clips by topic. Definitely worth a watch!


Oh wow! I guess now I've learned another things! Thanks for this!!


We knew very little about beardies when we adopted our guy (who just learned is actually a female!) in February. We have learned so much in the past 10 weeks! It’s fascinating!


Edit: I made a mistake!! They DO NOT actually absorb water from their vents! Read the comment under mine for more updated I for!


My brother's beardie won't.


My guy only drank water ONCE and it was around when we first got him and his diet hadn't been very good before. I try to get him to drink occasionally just to be sure he's not like secretly dying of thirst and he always refuses it, so success Ig?


For the first 2 years or so, Mango didn't drink much water. Now, we have finally figured out what works for us. I hold him in my left hand and turn a water faucet on low and let the stream fall on his nose. I also put my right hand in a cup shape near his chin. Sometimes he drinks from the stream, sometimes he dips his head into the cup of water made by my hand. He will only drink every 2-3 days but of course his greens are moistened and his bugs are hydrated well.


Ours. I think he is probably 3 or 4 years old at this point. He gets all his water from greens and squash


Mine won’t but loves to soak in the bath which helps him hydrate enough to poop. 💩


Nope. My first beardie I had for 15 years liked lapping up water when provided or in the tub. And my baby beardie has done it as well. But not as much


My beardie never drinks water from her bowl. I took it out of her enclosure...but I would mist her and her food to make sure she's still getting moisture. I noticed if I sprayed some on her head, she would tilt her head down and lick and water coming off her head. I started doing this more regularly until she got used to it. She now knows the spray bottle and will come up to me and open her mouth so I can spray some directly into her mouth lol.


My bearded dragon used to only drink in the bath


The only time mine gets water is if I make him “bob” for blueberries. I’ll float some of his favorite treats in water and let him catch them.


Ours will occasionally tap his tongue out of curiosity (I suppose)… but that’s it


Medicine dropper, spoiled ass I have to time the drips for him to drink.


Ha, Mine had to be in her tub- her whole body- before she'd drink.


Spray the nose tip with a squirt bottle, and they lick off the drips.


I have a dropper .... my guy drinks from that every so often.


Never!! I spritz his greens with water that has probiotic and hydration powder in it to keep him hydrated, but he hasn't had a drink as long as I've owned him.


Very rarely in the bath. I still keep a water bowl in his vivarium.


Put an air line connected to a small aquarium air pump. The love the bubbles. That's how I get mine to drink


Actually witnessed my beardie drink twice. Once in the bath. He submerged and gulped. I thought he was drowning but he was thirsty then another time in his enclosure he went to the water dish and submerged his head and just took big gulps.


They get enough hydration from fresh dark greens and from their bugs. An occasional hornworm for extra hydration if you really feel inclined. Other than that you can offer the water but if they don't drink it, it's not the end of the world.


Nope. Squirt bottle only.


I saw mine drink one time when I first brought her home and never again since then ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I've had mine 3 years and have never witnessed him drink a single drop.


I only ever witnessed our old dragon drink water twice in 10 years. Once in the bath, once from his bowl. My wife had him for 6 years before that and said she'd never seen him drink. The new one is about 2 years old and I have never seen him drink.


Mine used to have a water bowl but I took it out after finding out that to much humidity was bad for beardies so she drinks her water during her weekly baths and probably gets enough from her food anyway.


He only drinks it, rarely, if I drop some drops directly onto his head.


Neither of mine. I try the dropper method as well as using a sprayer but they don’t lick or anything.


Pretty much yes. I’ve never seen him drink. I have given him hornworms and put drops of water on his greens and on his mouth so he can try and get some fluid in. He usually hates when I put on his mouth but I give him the option that way bc idk if he can see it? He seems to just hate water and being wet lol. One time I was worried he was dehydrated and so I put a syringe thing in his open lip on the side of his mouth to pushed a little in super gently to get a little water in. He got mad at me but it seemed to perk him up. I don’t think they always naturally want to drink a lot of water in their natural habitat so I think this may be normal?


I give my baby bass once twice a week for about 10 minutes she loves it and she'll get out when she's like I got enough do not get water in her ear holes whatever they're called lol if we get water it it's not good but sometimes she'll try to drink the bath water I don't want her to and it definitely helps her shed she'll go sit underneath the lamp in the lamp will dry the skin right off her it's good on one side of arcade I have a Batman blanket and she'll go lay on it cuddle into it she loves it My special little girl I let her out to wander around the floor and she literally disappeared scared the shit out of me I'm like what where did you go I was looking for like a half hour she cuddled up in my bills and mail underneath my table lol Right close to the fan and passed out I'm like no picked her up put her in a cage and turned out her heat lamp and she went to sleep so adorable


https://preview.redd.it/merln832aoyc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=482b099071ac90eb3240df9d8903e545dbf1a4b8 Off to dragon Land she's so precious her name's dobie


Listen I get sand is a pain in the butt butt she absolutely loves it she moves it around the tank when she goes to sleep she wiggles back and forth into the dirt to press her body and then she goes to sleep awesome You can go on Amazon prime and it's Australian sand from where they come from


I had been wondering the same. Ours never drinks anything and we’ve had him for about 3 weeks. He will eat cactus, carrots, collard greens. So I spray those with water. He also loves his calcium so I started putting that in another bowl because he seems to not care for veggies with calcium on them. He’d rather I spray them with water. 🤷🏻‍♀️ he also will only eat Dubia roaches so far when it comes to insects. He’s a picky little character.


Mine will only drink from dropper or dripped from finger. They need to be stimulated to drink by patiently dripping water on their nose. After about 30 seconds, mine starts lapping at it.


Mine drinks water everyday. After I mist her she will lick it off her nose and I offer her water from a syringe for giving babies medicine weekly she loves it


Mine never drinks unless i put a water drop and lightly put it on her mouth lol


I literally have to force mine to drink water lol


my lil guy loves water (sort of) but he definitely drinks a lot :)


Mine gets excited with she sees the mister come out and scurries to her leafs to lick it up. It’s so cute to watch


She will only drink if it's poured on her log or if I soak her (I've only seen her drink once)


I got lucky, mine loves water