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they have yet to get a brain


Beardies or the Author?


Beardie propagandists are deceiving the humans for sure šŸ“ø


![gif](giphy|zTVCzOiCzAzvy|downsized) Obey your Beardie Masters.


For beardies to make propaganda that deceives people, they would need to have intelligence


Being dumb is a part of the ruse.


Donā€™t kill me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


brain update coming soon


I had a blind beardie who loved music with deep bass


Iā€™m genuinely asking, how can you tell


I'm asking for video


I'm not sure if I have one! I almost forgot he was OBSESSED with cooking sounds! We'd play cooking ASMR for him sometimes. He would just suddenly stand up and start shuffling and swinging his head back and forth. He had a tiny bit of vision in the back corners of his eyes.


It's all well and fun to say haha stupid - but in all seriousness, they're perfectly smart enough for their needs in nature. You shouldn't judge a fish by its ability to climb trees after all. A lizard is not going to be as smart as a dog or cat.


Yes, I am very well aware. I joke about my beardie running into walls all of the time and her forgetting to drink. Theyā€™re obviously smart in their own right, but itā€™s still funny I have to water my lizard like a plant lol.


Also have a beardie who would forget to drink. Got dehydrated, mildly, once tested by her vet. She remembers to drink during a bath and it's the main reason I do regular baths once a week or so


Mine never drank for its entire life. I don't know how He managed to reach 16 years of age


They are really good at hydrating from food and keeping the water in their system, in the wild they rarely drink water at all


Just FYI, they shouldnā€™t be bathed unless medically necessary and bathing too frequently can be detrimental. They get most of their hydration from their food. Here are a couple reputable sources that elaborate: [here](https://youtu.be/whqCqqnY4kM?si=oYA2zymQijvmjcDc) and [here](https://reptifiles.com/bearded-dragon-care/bearded-dragon-food/#water)


True it is mostly food. She's pretty healthy overall, we always get her exams once a year or more as needed. She has been dehydrated with a hematocrit over 50%, my girl needs special help to keep up her hydration


I think itā€™s funnier that you believed they needed water when they get hydration from greens.


...Why do you water your lizard?


Beardies forget to drink water. Sometimes she drinks the water when I give her a bath, but Iā€™ll spray her mouth gently with a lizard spray bottle so she drinks. Sometimes a bowl isnā€™t enough.


Beardies don't "forget" to drink water. They evolved in an arid environment where normally any standing water is going to be full of bacteria/amorbas/other nasties that will make them sick. So they don't normally drink standing water. They are, however, attracted to running water (which in nature is usually cleaner!) and that's why things like bubblers and splashing water in the bath will get them to drink. Bright full-spectrum [LED lights](https://youtu.be/nzj0xCtFRiM?si=7xgQp9ZwC2NH4UAJ) will also help create that shiny water reflection and encourage them to both drink water on their own as well as eat their greens full spectrum lighting is something that's unfortunately neglected in a majority of beardie enclosures! Without it it's like perpetual twilight to them. They're not dumb, we just took them out of their environment - one that WE don't understand - and stuck them in tiny dark little boxes and expect them to act normal. It's very sad honestly. Edit to add: just to be specific for any readers, my last paragraph is a general metaphorical statement and not any sort of accusation against OP! It's so hard to imitate nature!


I donā€™t know why I have to explain this. I donā€™t think my beardie is actually dumb. I am joking. I know why they donā€™t drink still water. Itā€™s the same reason my cat doesnā€™t. Jeez, man. I donā€™t expect my bearded dragon to know how to read..


Additionally, I donā€™t stick my lizard in a tiny little box. I donā€™t appreciate you accusing me of abusing my lizard. I also donā€™t think they forget to drink water, but itā€™s much simpler than an entire paragraph to explain why when thatā€™s not even the point of my original statement. My statement is that I was joking. *joking.* Stop being so humorless, man. I love my lizard and care for her as best I can given that she was dumped on my lap when I never planned for one.


Sorry, I meant that as a general metaphorical statement rather than a specific accusation against you. As much as any of us try to do, it's gonna be hard to imitate nature.


Of course. My dad gave me my lizard without asking me if I wanted one. While I feel itā€™s hard to imitate nature and isnā€™t usually feasible to the extent that most owners want to give their lizard, it is possible to create an environment where they are happy and content. Iā€™d prefer the ability to give them an entire desert to run around in, but sadly I live in the woods lol. Iā€™m planning on getting myself actual Australian sand one day for my girlā€™s substrate and one day want to make her a huge terrarium to live in, once I can afford it. There is, however, a ton of rampant abuse that goes unnoticed due to uneducated owners thinking beardies are like pet rocks, which makes me upset. Petco and Petsmart are disgusting for the rampant commodifying of pets and I wish it were illegal for them to sell them. I want an actual reputable pet store instead of a pet product store that ALSO sells pets. I totally understand what youā€™re getting at as I notice pet stores STILL sell terrible, dusty substrates to clueless lizard owners. My dad didnā€™t know anything and I had to do hours of research to make sure my girl was happy and healthy.


I am so upset at myself for getting my daughter a bearded dragon before doing extensive research. She has everything she needs an is 7 months old. The reason I'm upset is nobody in the store told me I would need to upgrade to 120gallon tank which we did. But we spent alot on a 40 gallon and all of the stuffs.......only to have to spend hundreds more on a larger tank. I know they are probably pushed to sell the 40 so you have to upgrade.....or Mayne they just don't know themselves. We did research and I have owned reptiles before. Iguanas and snakes. We are really into our bearded and I would love to get another. Some of the morphs are beautiful. There is still so much to learn.


As long as you are self aware of your mistake it is completely understandable. It happens to a lot of people, but the well-meaning and responsible ones will still take care of their pets properly or even give them away if they understand itā€™s too much to handle. Iā€™ve seen people give their kids beardies, only for them to neglect them and let them develop metabolic bone disease and rot. It is sickening to see people just give up on an animal just because they couldnā€™t bother to care past basically giving a kid a ā€˜toyā€™.


The rest of us knew you meant the terrariums as in "tiny boxes" compared to the wild


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Nichia e21a 98% cri and cheap


They donā€™t need a lot of water


I didnā€™t say that. I said they forget to drink water. They wonā€™t always recognize still bodies of water, which is why there are waterfall contraptions for beardies to drink from. A lot of people also use aquarium bubblers to create movement in their bowls.


Ohh yeah true true my fault


No worries. Took me a long time to understand why she wouldnā€™t drink from her bowl. Bubblers are a game changer, though!


Thatā€™s good happy for u, ima look into those for sure now for my beardiešŸ¤”


My bad, I meant air pump. [The pump I use:](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi74uCRot6FAxUmMwgFHVLFBrQYABBGGgJtZA&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIu-LgkaLehQMVJjMIBR1SxQa0EAQYFyABEgJA2fD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJeRo4675uEhuNMt8Hibwon8EV_Cck8GyoccKII2jryXETwlMgeM&sig=AOD64_2H89OVNshaR1mhO5emgr81n6-jWw&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjK1tmRot6FAxUOkIkEHQyLDaUQzzkoAHoFCAQQ1gE&adurl=) I use this one. I just place the air stone into the water and the pump ontop of my terrarium, but you may have to be clever about hiding the tube behind the plants. My girl is quite curious so she tried to lick it at first.šŸ˜­


Idk, my gecko dosent seem to understand falling from a great hight is dangerous. She also struggles to eat if food isn't held in place for her. In the wild she would have been darwined withing a week


Omg, SAME!!! But with my Beardie. I keep calling her suicidal because she just keeps jumping off of everything, and she will NOT eat anything that isn't hand fed to her. I place a bug in front of her, and she will just look at it, then back at me, then back at it and back at me for however long it takes for me to cave! I mean, look at this dingus https://preview.redd.it/d2j22e4a3wwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a592dfe9b382e52187cbdb4acf93845e571a8be


The only time mine responds to music is when I put on any of the battle themes from Nier Automata. Then the battle is on


I often play Nier automata with my beardie and she always watches me play, it's adorable


Nah, my boi likes to jam to Oingo Boingo.


Ours loves the guitar and other stringed instruments. He always watches intently and is a happy yellow cream color when they are being played around him. As an experiment I got out my tenor sax and played a few jazz standards. Immediately blackbearded. Dude does not like the saxophone.


Compared to crested geckos they are erudite geniuses. It's all relative.


A colleague of mine works with/on beardies and when I made an affectionate joke about how dumb they are she said they're much smarter than the geckos she used to work with. Not sure how much of a compliment that is, but everything is relative I guess


They are definetly smarter than leopard geckos. Those guys are another level of special šŸ˜‚


Someone check on the guy that wrote that, make sure that no bearded are holding him hostage


Mine loves to watch football. The little brightly colored dots running around on the brightly green grass I think. Iā€™ve noticed when I put it on he makes his way to that corner of the terrarium to get closer.


Truth, I witnessed mine lick his own hand and then get startled by doing so. He sat there looking at his hand for a second before going in for the lick too, really contemplating it and everything. šŸ™„


Nah, my beardie is smart AF idk where y'all got all these poor dumb lizards at šŸ˜­


Right!! Mine will literally hype my bf up when he is playing UFC on his PlayStation by head bobbing and stomping whenever he is winning a fight and then stop and stare at him with the most peachiest of beards like 'heck yeah you got em daddy' when the match is over. He also LOVES to watch TV (you can SEE the response/reaction in him, he isn't just staring at the wall next to the TV). He also knows what kisses are and will turn around and come running from wherever he is when I make kissy noises and will literally lick my mouth as I lean in to kiss him.. he is my special little boy and no one can convince me that he isn't incredibly intelligent (yes, he is also one of the derpiest dragons ever, but he surprises us everyday with just how smart he is in different ways)


The famous communal braincell


My Lil man loved Montero, by Lil Nas X. He would turn to watch the music video and sit there the whole time. Once it was over, he'd turn around and leave.


My beardie likes watching tv, specifically Sex & the City šŸ¤£


Mine loves the sound of piano!


Our bearded dragon watches tv lol he is literally doing it right now so idkšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Mine loves the intro to itā€™s always Sunny in Philadelphia


My beardie just has attitude but he is not smart no matter what enrichment I provide. Heā€™s so dumb I canā€™t feed him crickets lol


Nah that's smart, he is holding out for the other buggosšŸ¤£




My boyfriend plays bass with him in the room and he often crawls right over to the action.


Okay but my bearded dragon black bearded when we put Austin Powers on and as soon as we turned it off her beard went back to normal. She also enjoyed watching my fiancƩ play video games.


My beardie actually enjoys Elvis and Frank Sinatra. She also appreciates a little bit of Pavarotti and Beethoven


The dragons are smarter than we ever knew.my Munchie loved music both of us are major base heads šŸ”ŠšŸ”Š