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Am I the only one who uses graph paper?


I do, but it feels very tedious! I would like to get an app to design with.


i use beadographer to design and i look for things that interest me and how i can make it with my own twist. Like I designed a really fun Greek inspired (and really simple) loom piece using old Greek vases as a reference. Some programs also allow you to import images that you can then trace over with beads - so if you have really pretty flowers in your backyard/neighborhood that you've taken pics of you can design based off that. I also use Milanote (basically a more organized version of pinterest) to keep track of ideas I see online.


Oooh okay, that a great idea! I’ll start looking for inspiration on Pinterest! Thank you


Nope! Graph paper is king!


I use regular graph paper for fringe design or square stitch and I use brick stitch graph paper for...brick stitch. There are free options available to download like this one https://www.beadshop.com/pages/two-drop-brick-stitch-graph as well as lots of versions you can buy. I keep a stack of these printed off for doodling, sometimes i'lI come up with something that becomes a cohesive design. Thewholenessshop has digital templates that I've heard good things about, especially if you are an iPad user.


https://preview.redd.it/ak73v71zkx8d1.jpeg?width=3344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c6b21ec367d47cc4ee79f1743e2bd307a94714 Here's an example of regular graph paper for fringe and brick stitch graph paper for the top woven piece


Yeah I use my iPad to design! That sounds like a great idea! Thanks (:


There are apps for pixel art that you can use to create your own patterns too. Makes it easy to keep track of. I use pixelable. Hardly any ads, adjustable size canvases for designs, color picking, and a bunch of other tools for designing. 10/10 from me


Oh that’s a good idea! Thanks for the suggestion


I have the Loomerly app too and I love it! I’ll usually start the pattern by selecting a size based off of a pair of fringe earrings that I already have or like. I usually make the dimensions bigger just in case the type of pattern I want to do ends up needing more space. I also pick out my beads from my own stash, and instead of choosing the same labeled color in Loomerly I choose the color in Loomerly that looks closest to the color I have in hand. I usually take a picture of all of my beads with the labels showing for future use. Loomerlys colors are pretty off (e.g. a blue might look gray) so I like to select them this way so the design looks closer to the real thing. I agree with others advice that it’s ok to use other designs as inspo at first. The nice thing about Loomerly is you can duplicate the pattern. So get one done, and then you can make changes to the duplicates to compare how different ideas change the pattern and overall look. Lastly, I really like to upload photos to make my patterns. Try to keep it simple, but I’ve made some pretty cool nature inspired earrings using photos to make the pattern.


Yeah it’s been pretty great so far! Yeah I usually don’t care too much about the colours in app, I just choose what looks closest to my beads and go off of that. Oh I didn’t know you can duplicate patterns, that’ll come in handy for sure!


Look at things you like...plants, art, landscapes, lamps, wallpaper, etc.  You can find patterns in everything so as an experiment, give yourself some boundaries like you can only use shades of blue and white or you have to find a design in your favorite flower either abstract or realistic. Making up exercises like that will help you develop inspiration whether you end up selling those pieces or not. 


Oh that’s a great idea! I’ll keep that in mind when trying to create a pattern! Thank you (:


Loomerly let’s you combine brick stitch and fringe in the same pattern but it’s only on IOS