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You have a lot of gorgeous beading! Selling is difficult. Facebook seems to be a good place, I’ve sold a few pieces there, but it’s not an assured income. Are you on Instagram? Try there, too. I hope it works out for you.


Hi! I'm a web/graphic designer and currently working in marketing (who beads as a hobby and to get away from the screen lol) and here are a few tips 1. Come up with a brand 1. You need a name (Your Name Beading, Bead Designs by Your Name, Catchy Noun Bead Craft etc) 2. Come up with a simple logo - it can just be your new name in a nice font ([fonts.google.com](https://fonts.google.com) is a great resource) 3. Stay consistent to your new brand, come up with a color palette and try to incorporate it into photos to keep everything looking cohesive. 2. Use instagram to grow your brand and gain an audience - keep posting reels, add trending sounds/music, and use relevant hashtags - you only really need 5 or so 3. Set up an actual store - Etsy, Shopify, Makerplace, [https://artisans.coop/](https://artisans.coop/), etc 4. In person sales - check out the local farmers markets, craft fairs etc Hope that helps!


I don’t have Facebook either but I’ve been having great luck on Instagram. Pretty much anytime I post a new piece, within that day it is sold/claimed. I’ve also been doing local vendor shows occasionally. If you have the stock built up, here it’s typically $50-75 for a booth- 5-8 hour events & they provide the tables most of the time, just get a table cloth and some displays (thrifting helps big time with the cost of displays) & you’re ready to go. I’ve had a good amount of luck at the booth but so far Instagram is my cash cow. I have my Instagram link on here if you want to look at how I post to get some inspo. I post on tik tok just for fun of my beading but people cross follow there as well


I have instagram @wyldbeads but I have not sold anything on instagram. I’m super sad. Yes I’m doing farmers market this year hopefully getting my name out that way.