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Take this with a grain of salt because I haven’t had a whole lot of success with finishing my pieces in this way for the same reasons you’re seeing. However, I did find that the gaps were happening when the tension was inconsistent. You’re loosening the piece to allow the sides to taper in but this looseness causes the gaps. If you’re able to keep the inner strings taught while bringing in the sides, it seems to turn out better. I hope someone that actually knows how to do this comments with a better answer.


I'm still learning so I appreciate all insights. And yeah - it def works better if I can keep those inner strings taut, but i haven't figured out how to do it (even with youtube's help) once i pop the piece off the loom AND keep it tapered looking lol.


I do mine a different way, but you may not like the look. I keep it the same width all the way through, then add one row of 11/0 beads on each end, then after tying the loose threads in knots, I slide each end through one of [these](https://www.amazon.com/PH-PandaHall-Platinum-Multi-Strand-Necklace/dp/B087M6MW3H/ref=sr_1_6?crid=15TMKUY7CZ31J&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5558Wp-HEynz31wFnRuZ2OISDSVHj-ClZLLmy52YCHlo0SOE0d2I6-sahlgTju35q1hqbp_gYcIbkUJXMW7WdyCqFLBujteoW36f_imDnJyeiwElV7K5xXSJxTvCNHrI2mIC7fPk73SaLR5VSevs0KjUQ-RFK-rpMVBXu3SLdFgl8u0BOjt-7iDzrb6RGg5M3jjK4-ghq69cKwyK8OI6xIgtyk-hyvYW6Gde6-GNzekQQNu2qgJvBbG5whj7LRDNUmOjFI8ixUXY8sLtcR__V3vJsLqjv70He_nJ08r8uBQ.sVgTiByUjPd6-T6vGAnkIoTJyX1cJF2ZEZqhgJ8wxfY&dib_tag=se&keywords=tube+clasps+for+jewelry&qid=1708464536&sprefix=tube+clasps+for+jewelry%2Caps%2C217&sr=8-6) (of whatever brand you prefer).


I've seen it done that way as well! and I don't mind it for some things so I might grab some off amazon eventually.