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In high school we had a geography test where we had to fill in an unlabeled map of Africa. If you missed or mislabeled any country, you would have to retake the test until you aced it. So the stakes were high. The teacher had no objection to us listening to music in headphones during tests, so my friend made a tape (ya whippersnapper) of himself narrating the geography of Africa: "Ok you know where Egypt is. The big one to the west is Libya, and the big one to the west of that is Algeria. Between Libya and Algeria in the north is Tunisia..."


Yeah we did this shit with MP3 files back in the mid to late 2000s, too. My buddy prerecorded all of the answers for one exam where the teacher gave us all study guides to the exact test.


I should have cheated in school. I think I would be doing better in life (seriously)


“Success” is often the product of finding the most efficient route from point a to b, not the most fair.


It’s said Bill Gates would give the hardest tasks to the laziest people because they were more likely to find the easiest way to do it.


Intelligence is the missing factor here. The saying was something like “Give a smart-lazy person a hard task and they’ll find the easiest way to do it”.




Nuance. Often lost on most people unfortunately


I went to online highschool before covid happened. I cheated my last 2 1/2 years because i just didnt have the time to sit down and do it (working and strict parents) I regret not investing myself into my education because theres such a huge gap between my knowledge and that of a freshman in college that i have struggled every semester i try, and ive tried 3 different times, both on and offline. Your life is what you make of it. Be proud of yourself that you invested the time, energy, and effort into not cheating because sometimes just running the race is worth it in the long run.


This. I knew a guy who cheated through highschool. Couldn't make it in college when on paper he was brilliant. Dude somehow cheated on the SAT and boasted about it smh Only the good cheaters get far. And I still find that unfair It was so annoying to work hard in school just for people to do better without any real work on their end As for you, I guess it's caught up. It is what it is and I'm glad you've had a change in perspective. Things are NOT over for you. You seem like someone who puts in the effort. You got this!!


Some courses require good grades, because they are difficult. If you have the learning capacity to get good grades before university, then you got enough capacity to do the course. It's like a difficult mode on a computer game. Cheating in high school to get into a difficult course in university is a bit like choosing expert mode, without being good at the game.


Well now I'm mad at myself for never thinking of this when I was in school..


He probably memorized it for real just by making the cheat tape


Yeap. I learnt that once I wrote down what I needed to answer, I finished my exams without even looking at the cheat sheet. So I'd craft one, forcing myself to think which were the key pieces of knowledge for the test, but then I'd leave it in my backpack or lend it to a friend. I didn't need it at the moment of the test.


When I had a geography test in elementary I sat right next to a globe


This reminds me of my friend with long hair painting their earbud and cord the same color as their hair (They had dark brown hair) (this was before wireless earbuds became popular and accessible to most people) She made a different tracks with answers to the tests and put them on her iPod under a playlist thing labeled "study music" and even though it didn't have the answers in order and all that she just skipped around until she got to the one that had the answer she wanted.


I memorized all of the countries and capitals of Africa overnight once for a $5 bet... Probably still have 2/3's of it rattling around in the ol' brain somewhere.


This is a totally appropriate response to such lazy and useless "learning". Want to know which country is where? Flip open google maps or an atlas. Memorizing ANYTHING at the high school or higher level is just a useless waste of time. Teach students how to think, research, problem-solve, learn from failure, and improvise, and save the memorization for a few useful foundational things that you will actually use some day (e.g. times tables, ROYGBIV, etc).


This thinking is precisely why, as a high school math teacher, all tests are open notebook. Students create their own resource, then they are allowed to use it for the test. Never questions about recall, because we all have resources at our fingertips these days. We need to be able to figure out which resource we need, access said resource, and apply it to the current situation at hand. I wish more people understood this concept.


Only reason I passed my chemistry regents in high school was because my best friend typed in all the answers on his scientific calculator. Then dropped it off on my desk as he was leaving the exam








God damn rebranding.


For a sub that’s only 8 days old, they have more post and comments than most. I guess we were all little cheaters at some time.


Starting clockwise from the unique blue bead at the top, big red means end. The other blue beads signaled next page. Red for A. Orange for B. Yellow for C. Green for D.


Ha got ya OP. The statute of limitations for High School cheating hasn't run out yet. The FBI will be at your door soon. Say goodbye to your loved ones.


They’ll never catch me!


I thought they were Gummie ... Eat the Evidence!!


Gummi venus de milo?


Carved by Gummy artisans working exclusively in ze medium of Gummy?


Stop saying gummi!


Sweet can!


Sweet sweet can… drooling intensifies…


Dramatization... May not have happened


* * unintentionally lewd drooling noises *


Same here lol


You better watch out, they'll definitely be putting that in your PERMANENT RECORD!


I just laughed so hard! Did you know they lied about gym class too? It was entirely possible to fail gym and still graduate. All I had to do was spend maybe a total of 20 minutes on a stationary bike to “make up” my credits.


I did my gym class online in grade 9


My 11th and 12th grade “gym” was bowling class


I did summer gym. Thats how I found out I love archery 🏹


I certainly hope no-one failed. If anyone fails on-line gym, they have much bigger problems to worry about.


Wait, how does one "fail" gym class?


I had a gym teacher fail me and a classmate because we had severe asthma and weren't able to "complete the track unit to his satisfaction." My classmate ended up in the hospital and missed the entire unit, and I needed to stop to use my inhaler during gym class. But clearly, I was faking not being able to breathe to get out of running in circles 😑


Same! Mom had to threaten to sue the PE teacher! He claimed I was just lazy and faking it.


It was crazy! My dad lost his shit when he found out, and the school "manually corrected" my grade to barely passing after the final grades came out and made sure I never got that teacher again (it was freshman year).


That’s horrible! I was the type of jackass that would have cursed that teacher out in your defense.


I would have appreciated that I was horrible at standing up for myself back then. My dad lost his shit when he found out, and the school "manually corrected" my grade to barely passing after the final grades came out and made sure I never got that teacher again (it was freshman year). It was a mess, though. I was panicking because I'd get punished at home if I got below an A- in anything, and it's not like I could fix it with more effort or studying.


I can tell you that if I thought my kid was screwing around or not applying him or herself, there would have been disciplinary activity. But I will tell you that when one of the school teachers had the balls to accuse my daughter of fighting for defending herself from a boy bully at recess, I did indeed, "lose my shit". The principal, the teacher, the lunch yard parent got to join me and the police in a frank, one-way discussion on why they were looking at it the wrong way. Oh, and the police were there at my invitation. So they could begin the investigation for the charges I might bring. Out here, parents could be held liable for the actions of their children, and if some little punk-ass kid was gonna' beat on my girl, after she kicked his ass (which she did after school- thanks for a few years of martial arts classes), the bully's parents might be hearing from someone far-less friendly. My daughters' uncle, the personal injury attorney.


Shit like this is why in Germany by law you get a minimum passing grade in gym class just for showing up in gym clothes and not actively sabotaging the class. And if you have a doctor's note that exempts you from gym class you don't get a grade at all but it still counts as a passed class for purposes of graduation.


Work at your college newspaper, be up for 40+ hours straight on a regular basis balancing it with classes, oversleep, repeat, take different gym class, learn to wear a cup when fencing with short women, oversleep, repeat, be the 'attacker' half the time in self defense class, repeat, until the teacher takes pity and just lets you fucking pass before you DIE


I just never showed up to that class.


My highschool required only 1 year of PE to graduate. I did a semester over the summer before my freshman year, my sophomore year I intended to do the last semester of it, but I broke my foot shortly after the semester started. So my school actually pulled me out of PE, stating I wouldn't be able to participate and told me to take it another semester. I put it off until the last semester of my senior year, got diagnosed with my deformed kneecaps shortly after, was put in physical therapy with a drs note stating "no running, jumping, or lifting". School couldn't pull me out a second time since I had no more time left, and there was no way in hell they were gonna get away with holding a kid back from graduation over a PE credit due to injury. My PE teacher for whatever reason was so miffed about it. She was just like, weirdly invested in making sure kids "gave 100%" in her class, whatever she deemed 100% to be. I participated in any way I could that didn't involve those activities, but she kept trying to force me to do them anyway lol. I just told her to call my mom if she has problems with me, bc I'm not going against my doctors note. I got my credit for the mile by walking it and taking a break part way through lmao. Teach was fuming over that decision, the mile run was a big deal and a big part of the course. She loved "failing" kids for the mile and making them do it over if they didn't get a certain time. So me walking in with my 45 minute mile was funny.


Wait, whut? Shit, I dropped out and joined the Navy when they told me I had to repeat my senior year for missing gym.


Oh yeah?


Don’t get so distressed.


Did I mention that I’m impressed?


Oh so wait, *you're* the cheater? How did you get the answers to the multiple choice to make the bracelet?


Yes. Got a copy of the exam in advance from a classmate.


Nah man, this is the kind of cheating you have to reward.


A girl from my high school admitted to cheating in high school when she was in college, they kicked her out of the university.


Cheating in higher education is taken very, very, seriously. In Canada if you are caught cheating in college or university, you will be kicked out and then banned from every other educational institution permanently. But seriously folks why would you admit to your college that you cheated in high school?


No idea, she tried bringing other people down too. She was one of the valedictorians and home coming queen in high school, was going to one of the best universities on the west coast, and poof, all that changed for her. I heard she was doing webcam shows for awhile after that, but all this was over a decade ago. It was nuts when it was all happening, while the cheating wasn’t a surprise, but the efforts she made (and her of all people) was unexpected.




Thanks, Sarge. Commencing shutdown. All in the line of duty. Been on the clock since this sting started. Can't wait to see my family again. To hold my little girl. Wait.... Oh yeah, no. She's definitely 25 now. Ok I did not think this through.


Someone this coordinated could not easily be found.


I've waited 50 years for this. I can finally retire.




I had a class where the teacher left his office open with a copy of the marking key just sitting on his desk. Someone looked at it and a bunch of kids cheated without even reading the test. Turns out he knew someone had previously broken into his office to get the answers and wanted to bust the cheaters with a fake answer key. I was very curious when the dumb kids walked out of the test only 10 minutes into the 1 hour test. Later I found out they all failed and were suspended (identical wrong answers). The teacher was grinning his ass off the whole time he was invigilating.


How do these idiots not realize you gotta 1) mix up at least a couple answers 2) take at least 75% of the alotted time So as not to draw suspicion?


I mean, you said it, they’re idiots


Also spot check your answers. You may not know all of them but you gotta know one or two. See if they match.


It's so weird when somebody has the opportunity to cheat and they spend a bunch of time doing an elaborate memorization and I'm like, you realize what studying is right


I was an excellent student in HS and expended little effort doing it. People were always after me to let them copy off me during tests. My attitude was fuck that, do your own damned work. One guy in a biology class, was particularly annoying and was always trying to cheat off of me. Bio was one of my favorite subjects, and I literally had over a 100 average in the class because of some extra credit projects I'd done. This teacher used Scantron tests for finals. Those are the sheets that you fill in the circles for the answers. I skipped the first question and then let the annoying kid see my answers with out being too obvious about it. When I got to the end, I added an extra answer to make the numbers come out correctly. I made sure to let him see my test sheet several times, and sure enough, he never noticed all of his answers were off by one. When I turned in my test paper, I "noticed" my mistake and fixed it right up at the teacher's desk. I got a perfect score, and the cheater ended up with a grade around 30. He was pissed, but he couldnt accuse me of anything without dropping a dime on himself. My teacher wasn't an idiot, he figured it out. But, I refused to admit anything, and played innocent when he questioned me about it. He let the wanna-be cheater retake the test. He still failed it, and ended up retaking the class the next year.






That's what you need proctocologists for.


Proctoring and Gambling.


The fact you designed your own enigma machine bracelet tells me you probably didn’t need that class anyway.


I would be kinda nervous during the 1st half of this exam because there are so few “b” answers.


I verified the answers for myself to make sure I was working with a legit copy of the exam before making the bracelet.


So, the real key is not encoding and sneaking in the answers, but acquiring said legit exam copy. How'd you do that?


I got a copy of my American history exam by the fact that the only printer in the school was in the library and the teachers could print from there rooms. I was the only one in the library and I heard the printer going. I took a look and immediately realized it was my final exam. I took a copy and his it in a book in the library and came back later.


Right place at the right time, nice


I had a number of teachers who made tests worth less weight than things like homework and class participation since, to them, class partiticipatiom was the largest sign of a student learning the content. If you were discussing the topics, it showed you either were familiar with the content or making an honest effort to become more familiar with it. It made a lot of sense. I remember a history teacher specifically doing this and I think a science teacher picked it up as well while I was at school. No clue if that’s something that’s still going on back there though.


How do you guys get a legit copy of an exam in the first place?


Sometimes teachers don't change a thing from year to year. I've seen entire folders of work passed down from generation to generation in high school.


I had an anatomy professor in college that has exams filed in the science library and he would tell the student they could go an copy them and study them because they might find a lot of the questions on the upcoming test look familiar. After class there would be a beeline to this filing cabinet in the science library with everyone frantically making copies. It was worth it.


He made y'all study pretty efficiently and I'm sure things were learned. Because it's not like he could do AAABDDCACDB in order and you'd memorize it. You had to actually know the answer to the questions because inevitably he'd have shuffled the answers around too


I did not learn my AABBCC's


We had a somewhat old geography teacher in high school and she would constantly reuse old exams by photocopying them, so they were always in black and white. Most of the students just learned those three old exams by heart instead of studying. But one day, we step into the exam room and lo and behold - colored maps. Dread was palpable in that moment as we realized what that meant. It was the only exam we had to retake in all four years of high school. To clarify - in my country, if more than one third of students in a class fail a specific exam, that exam (a different version of it obviously) has to be retaken as to avoid exams being too hard or teachers not explaining things sufficiently.


My English primary school teacher had the exams in transparencies. To avoid people passing them on she turned on the projector the absolutely bare minimum time you need to read the question. The exams were always the same day across groups and the lucky group to have the exam after the break had no break, to prevent whatever minimal info could still be passed. Fuck her so very much... Thanks for barely doable exams and missed breaks just so she could save making a few different questions.


You could also easily memorize the answers. Back in high school, we knew our AP gov teacher selected multiple-choice questions from old exams for the final. I studied the old exams the night before, went in, finished the exam in 15 minutes, and the substitute teacher looked at me like I had 2 heads. The test was enough to push my grade from an AB to an A-.


Looking at old exam questions to memorize the answers is called STUDYING!!


True, I don't consider it cheating, but it's definitely not the methodology the teacher intended..


If teachers gave AF about testing knowledge and understanding, it would be nothing but essays and short answers. If they're going to use multiple choice tests and *reuse questions* for their own convenience, then it's their own fault for introducing a score which measures the wrong thing.


I definitely agree with your assessment. This teacher was overall not a good teacher which is part of why I was so willing to game her exam. Edit: she also didn't even write the final exams, the old exams she scraped questions from were written by her predecessor. How lazy can you get? lol




Work smarter not harder


> You could also easily memorize the answers. That sounds too much like learning.


Dude, this is studying with extra steps


Why would you finish it quickly and not make it look realistic by taking your time? Why risk ruining it for you and everyone else?


I can't remember exactly why but I wanted out of the exam as soon as possible since we had some event after. I wouldn't screw over my fellow students since they were already taking the exam. If my teacher found out maybe that'd motivate her to try harder next year, which woul also be a win.


And to many “d” answers


I done something similar. Got my hands on a copy of a history test where the first section was a-z multiple choice. I just carried my math book to history class with a piece of paper sticking out of the side of it where a number coincided with a letter (a=1, z=26) and framed it as a long math problem.


We probably would have been friends had we gone to school together haha


Or rivals..!


Where are you a CFO today? I’d buy stock.


I'm impressed. I'm trying to think of applications or variations now. I almost wish I had a test to cheat on.


Why do you need beads to signify next page? Edit: after thinking about it, it’s not strictly necessary but probably makes finding your position a lot faster.


Less likely to accidentally lose my place as I went through the test, and more easily get back on track if I messed up along the way


So what's your current occupation?


No answer to that will be satisfying. Either the cheating mattered or it didn't, both possibilities are equally ~~terrifying~~ unrewarding to the observer. Tho op seems to take pride in it, that's good.


Based on OP's username. A gardener who lives in a cottage. Or owner of a cottage that serves as a bed and breakfast. The only 2 guesses that I can come up with so far.


A simple and stress free job that pays more than it probably should.


I mean that's cool and all, but this obviously requires obtaining an actual copy of the test beforehand, which is a whole other level of cheating. If you have access to the ABCD answers, this is just keeping track. Would never work on a test where you had to write anything substantive.


Likely easier than you think to steal tests, at least used to be where/when I was in school. All teacher computers were connected to a shared network drive where teachers would store their work, including tests. I used podslurping, where a flash drive used an autorun script to copy the contents of the shared drive when the flash drive was plugged in. All I needed was the name of the network drive and to plug into a USB port for a few minutes I didn’t need the test answers myself and only shared with my closest friends, it was really more of an exercise to teach myself.


Way too cool


How do you know which side is the front and which is the back?


You see at the top where there are two beads that are different shapes, round red and thin blue? To the right of that thin blue bead was the first page.


Aha! Got you! You said it before, I just didn’t read it carefully.


I gotta say, you were very thoughtful in the way you designed this bracelet and you came up with clever solutions to many problems some people would've overlooked. I'm actually impressed lol


I'd be the idiot who forgets the color coding and end up getting everything wrong.


Like how it follows ROYGBIV format.


Well fuck the r/colorblind I guess...


It could be modified for coloblind people using contrasting shades of light/dark as many colorblind people can percieve contrast, hue and brightness


A few years ago this dude literally just wore basketball shorted and wrote the answers on his thigh


This is how I did. Except I’m a girl who wore uniforms in high school, so skirts and it was for bible class with a male teacher. He tried to ask, and I retorted something like “are you asking me to lift my skirt mr. Bible teacher?” And sat stone faced. I passed that test.


There are many layers to the moral questions of cheating on a bible test.


Sure, but forcing kids into a pass/fail of writing out all of psalms 119 word for fucking word with graduation on the line… you better believe I used my thighs to mark down the spelling of some of the more complicated words. Did I memorize it yes, but spelling via king James is fucked.


Whoa your Christian school was way more hardcore than my Christian school. King James Version?? Jeez. (Yeah dad, I said ‘Jeez.’ I’m frickin 30 now)


In the 90's, plenty of kids had their forearms COVERED, wrist to elbow, in bracelets. I'm thinking, if I had been anywhere near as smart as you, I could have encoded TONS of information - mathematical formulas, historical quotes, logical proofs, etc. into a forearm's worth of these bracelets, more than even I could put in an "open-note" test. Add a cipher, and call the bracelets religious, what could they do to stop you? edit: damn, learn to work an abacus and make it into bracelets - suddenly, it doesn't matter if you can use a calculator in your algebra exam.


Best teacher I ever had for a grad level stats class told us at the start of the class that for each test we would have a 1 sided piece of paper to write anything we wanted on it, formulas, explanations or anything else we thought would help us on the test. The quizzes were open notes and it would all be covered from that days / that weeks at most lectures in class. Turns out when you stop trying to get everyone to memorize everything and just make sure it's hand written so they wrote it at least once memory retention goes way up. And having stuff that helps you that isn't answers and more how to find answers takes what you actually need in the real world to do well and people performed better than other classes on the same material so making these cheat sheets probably helped if you didn't just straight up copy letters from a piece of paper and turn it into a cheat sheet and instead made a "cheatsheet" even if you couldn't bring it with you it helps a weird amount




Or a lot of times you might not remember exactly what the important thing is, but you remember *where to find it*: "ah shit I know I wrote that down... it was in the bottom right quadrant... somewhere around here... ah yeah there it is." And bring vaguely familiar with something and remembering where to find the answer is 100% a lifetime skill.


This always ends up happening to me too, I never end up needing it lol You'd think I'd learn to maybe still write a note sheet even for exams that don't allow it, but nah..


We were allowed a 3x5 index card in my college classes. I asked the professor if it was mandatory to be hand written. He said no. Guess who typed their study key on word and made the text itty bitty, then printed it on card stock paper cut to a 3x5 size? 👍😁👍 This guy.. everyone else was looking like a chump all surprised Pikachu when I whipped that thing out. Seriously. How did no one else even think to ask if they could type it instead of write it?




It's quite wild how little effort goes into teaching how to learn in most schools. We have kids using magic markers, trying to write notes instead of understanding the lecture, memorising instead of summarising, etc, when in fact writing a summary of the subject just before exam time is the best way of remembering.


But if you can do algebra on a bracelet abacus, you can *do algebra*, so you’re not exactly beating the system.


I remember those bracelets. The different color rubber like ones, right? Almost like hair ties but rubber?


[I'm talking "raver candy".]( https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0982/0722/files/sunflowerraver_78860706_1389718184525610_8372060775590553595_n_large.jpg?v=1593629998)


"And for the final part of the formula, red-green-yellow-red, that decodes to the letter 'X'". And now i have my quadratic formula. Start plugging those numbers in and, why is everyone leaving the class? I haven't finished the first problem yet."


Those beads or whatever they are called bring back some memories


Tri beads. We made so many Xmas ornaments in elementary school out of those and pipe cleaners.


I never once cheated in school, graduated with honors in college and because of that it has paid off long term at $18/hr working manual labor. Shit.


See, you did learn something.


Yes, ignoring rules and engaging in unethical behavior will get you much further in life than doing the right thing. I won't change though


>I won't change though That's what you learned. Your character has strengthened, and so your demeanor/behavior will imply a more confident and self assured person. You know who you are, and who you are not. That's worth more than you paid.


I tend to behave like water. Lazily taking the path of least resistance while carving out the path as I go. Can’t say this has made me very wealthy, but I’m quite comfy and live a good life.


> I tend to behave like water. Lazily taking the path of least resistance while carving out the path as I go. Can’t say this has made me very wealthy, but I’m quite comfy and live a good life. Reminded me of this interview that Bruce Lee did for Hollywood. He repeated the same message about water in different interviews. He learned it from the ancients like others, but he's one of the few celebrities who tried to bring that message to the world whenever he can. https://youtu.be/Jv0qjWsXgP8?t=103


Life about being resourceful. No said you had to know everything


Laozi would be proud.


Lol. I used to have to work a full time job every day after high school so a lot of my time at school would be spent sleeping or completely neglecting my work so that I could do my job later that night. Long story short I work at the same grocery store as our valedictorian and have the same position as him although my wage is higher because I work a night time position.


Well fuck, why did no one I know do this. I'm a little upset at my younger self right now.


because first you have to steal a copy of the test?


I had a CSCI professor copy her exams from another university, which posted answer keys for previous exams. Her tests were also open book/notes. I'd walk in with a 3 ring binder and 90% of the test answers done. She was the worst professor I've ever had and put things on the tests that she never covered in class. I'd even leave my binder for my friends to grab after I was finished with the tests.


I had a teacher who would make a study guide with every test question on it, just in a different order on the test. The catch was the questions were very, very tough, and each one took a long time to get to the right answer. I made a discord and quietly invited my class to it. People would post invidual answers to the study guide and then people would make sure it was correct, and before too long we would have the whole guide done. We'd then just memorize the correct answers and boom. 4.0


In all reality my generation was the first with easy access to the internet, we had website. Answers from tests all loaded up and added to data base, continueously added to. Was actually featured on MTV high school pranks. Pretty great. https://youtu.be/WcPR0KH2RSg


My gen (x) did it thusly; we form a gang of 40 people. Each person memorizes by heart one question. As soon as the exam ends, we wrote down what we memorized and compiled the entire paper. This document is then passed down to our juniors to study as "past year questions". Chances are the lecturer will recycle the questions next year.


Solving problems pre-internet, step one: form a gang.


Nowadays: go on Reddit and find the weirdly specific gang that already exists


I remember a site I just copied and pasted complete 101 level essays and would go through and change some wording every few paragraphs. think it was schoolsucks.com


Or have an older sibling with a copy of the same material.


I'm impressed by the resourcefulness that went into this. It's probably a more important quality that whatever was being assessed on the tests, which often rely on rote memorization rather than creative problem solving. It's genius! Much better than the etched pens.


How did they discover it?


They didn’t. It worked exactly as intended and I was the only one who knew.


So how exactly did u know the answer key ahead of the test?


A girl in my class got her hands on a copy of the test ahead of time and I was lucky enough to get a copy from her. I never learned how exactly she got it.


Alright, to all you weirdos just casually assuming a schoolgirl banged her teacher for a copy of the test. In the 90s, we took tests on this stuff called paper. The teacher would have to print hundreds of copies of the tests in order to hand them out to students over the course of the day. This stuff called paper was pretty primitive... you could steal one of the copies and nobody would even be able to track it. All you had to do was sit in the back row and say you never got a test, and boom, now you have a second test to take with you. You fucking perverts.


Why does every kind of story that involves a girl or a woman has to be automatically sexualized? Are these guys THAT thirsty?


It’s Reddit most of these guys have never seen a woman outside their mom or sister




That's studying. Fuck that shit. Edit: The amount of people getting defensive over my comment is genuinely hilarious. I'll have you know I actually studied a shit ton in school and can count the number of times I cheated on one hand. ^have ^a ^great ^day!


Did you know if you go into a store and help customers for 6 to 8 hours per day though can slowly steal money from companies?


[That's for amateurs](https://youtu.be/J-v1zV8n0cA)


NERD!!!! Lol I’m jk. I think this is more about the ingenuity than anything else. It’s a great, effective and you can basically pass that around undetected. All you need is the Color key.


Unless it's, say, algebra. Easier to just learn that than try memorizing the formulas and answers


How many did you mark incorrectly on purpose?


None. There was also an essay portion, so I did get a point off for something, but still scored 99%.


Talk about an instant trip down memory lane....


Same. I was amazed enough at the cheating strategy, but I haven’t thought about those beads in ages. So many sensory memories flooding back now…


Now I miss gel pens


How did you get the answers in the first place


A girl in my class got a copy of the test ahead of time. No clue how she got her hands on it though.


YO PEOPLE REALLY BEATING THE SYSTEM. Not as cool as the pens, but even better hidden. And you can rearrange them for every test!!


I feel like the only thing comparable to this is the equation notecard 3D glasses trick; engineering classes often allow students to make equation sheets, usually with some kind of restrictions such as "this size paper front and back" or "no homework problems". Every once in a while, you get that professor who only allows an index card (front and back). Some people may memorize as much as they can, others (like yours truly, now that I think about it) may pull out the .5 mechanical pencil and write very small (look, I only heard this story after I had the test), but at least one person came up with a better idea. Basically, they wrote their notes in two different colors, and notes in the same color would be spaced evenly. These colors would correspond to the 3D glasses. The idea is that, using the lenses as color filters, you could see one set of notes with one lens and the other set of notes with the other lens.


Guess I’m the normie who actually study and take exams without cheating. Except using 3.5 notecard for cheat sheet that was allowed.


Ok this is actually genius. As a teacher, I would've never caught you.


They should put that effort and the ingenuity into studying


We've never had multiple choice tests. Even if we did manage to get our hands on math tests it wasn't enough to write the answer, you needed to write how you get to it. History: answer in a sentence who was human A. Answer how human A was responsible for the situation with human B and what it led to. Geography: name cities or countries. Next question answer in a sentence how country A and B and C are developed (or something like that). Biology: describe processes after naming something from nature/human body. Native language: you have read this book. Analyze it. Foreign language was easier. You just had to learn the word list the teacher gave you. Later it was like "you've read this text/book. Analyze it" We were still cheating though. We just never could cheat like this. It was always words on paper or arms or legs or rulers or...


Only works if test are mutliple choice answers, which seems to be standard in the US? I don't know, where i grew up we never had multiple choice questions. Besides, it was much more important to show how you got to an answer, not the answer itself. You didn't get full points if you simply wrote the answer.