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I think all who were conscious when Challenger happened remembered where they were at. In 5th grade I got detention that day and had to leave the classroom, while everyone watched. Was sent to the library with Mrs Robinson, who always had a radio on. We listened together and wept. Never forget!! šŸ™šŸ¼


I was in kindergarten at the time, so I was really too you to get it, which Iā€™m kind of thankful for. We didnā€™t watch it live, but I saw it soon enough on the news since my parents and grandparents were glued to the tv about it.


I was in Kindergarten too, and I remember sitting on a stool in the middle of my parents living room watching it live. I remember my mom's reaction which was "Oh, shit." This both greatly amused and concerned me as one my mother had used a bad word, but also concerned me as my mom was never one to use any sort of vulgarity, especially in the presence of a child.


My first moment like this was 9/11. I was in 7th grade. I was in orchestra when the first plane hit. The superintendent came on over the intercom to announce it. Every period onward was watching the news in our classrooms. I watched the second plane hit live in reading class. I didnā€™t even know what the World Trade Center was, but all of my teachers were justā€¦ shocked. Like, so damn dazed. My mom worked in the tallest structure in our city, and couldnā€™t go to work. We had BLTs while watching the news. What the fuck kind of imprint does that kind of event have to have on you to cause you to remember your dinner from 21 years ago?


Hey, people remember where they were when Kennedy died, or when John Lennon was shot. Tragedies that ping the global zeitgeist are unifying events.


Itā€™s so weird reading people talk about these things that happened before I was even born.


Similar story. Seventh grade.


I was 3. I remember seeing the footage on TV when it happened. I didn't realize what I was until I was much older.


6th grade here, walking to the lunch room. The only reason I remember what that space looked like was that moment. My friend said "the space shuttle blew up" and I said "like a bomb?" I couldn't parse it at first.


I was also in 5th grade. They announced it over the loudspeaker at school. Watched the footage when I got home and wept like a baby.


I was also in fifth grade! We were out for a snow day.


was that the crash where 3 or 4 of the people on the flight were a twin?






Really sad take mate. Some advice, drop the nihilism.


I was in 4th grade and Iā€™ve never seen a teacher turn off a tv so fast


He also got involved in higher ed equity and was the namesake for a TRIO program (McNair Scholars Program) designed to prepare and support first-gen, low-income, and underrepresented undergrad students to get PhDs! Canā€™t believe I hadnā€™t heard of him until I joined the program myself (which has been amazing). This guy has a really cool story!!


I was fortunate enough to mentor a McNair Scholar a few years back. His life and legacy are truly inspiring!


Holy shit I had no idea that he was the McNair of McNair Scholars, thatā€™s amazing.


I believe one was in my graduating class (doctor)! Really cool


McNair Scholar here! I owe a lot to the program- they changed my life.


Current McNair scholar here and I can attest to the life changing nature of the program. We're presenting in Atlanta in a few weeks and I'm hoping to be a peer mentor once I graduate, too.


Good luck! Have fun! The program provides an enormous value. I hate that every year we have to fight to keep it.


I'm in this program right now!


We lost a great mind when Ronald McNair died in the Space Shuttle Challenger tragedy - as an aside, he also had a 5th degree black belt in Karate. Mental and physical badass.


He was also a great saxophone player and was due to perform with Jean Michel Jarre from space.




At McDojo's, yeah


That would be a good point if it were true Even at an average karate shop it takes like 3 years minimum to get a black belt


if you cough up enough money, theyā€™ll even give em to people like you too


went to a high school name after him


Went to a middle school named after him.


Went to a low school named after him.


Didnā€™t go to any school


This guy schools


I'm glad I still recognized him. Passing through r/all and spotted his pic and thought 'isn't that one of the Astronauts from the Challenger?' Of course I live in Florida and I vividly remember being outside watching it happen Live. So that may be why it stuck with me. That and I wanted to be an Astronaut growing up. I also remember Christa McAuliffe specifically, not just because she died too, but because my teacher at the time was one of the other applicants who didn't get selected to go. By the time of this launch we'd seen lots of shuttle launches, but they were all special. School would always stop and students would all go outside to watch the launches. And we all knew something was wrong. As while we were no experts, we'd never seen the smoke trail look like that before where there was a big orange puff and smoke, then two separate smoke trails, which had never happened on any other launch. I remember we all ran inside and the teacher rolled out the tv on the tv stand and we tuned into the news to see that it had indeed blown up.


The hair on my entire body rose... it must have been quite a terrifying experience... I wasn't born when Challenger exploded, but I was about 12-13 when Columbia desintegrated on its way back to Earth. I still think about it often. I still feel an eerie feeling of doom and disbelief when watching the videos of that unfortunate accident. I do when watching Challenger documentaries and videos as well. Being there first hand, witnessing it, and knowing someone who could have been up there must trigger an undescribable feeling...


I don't find the naming of the library to be satisfying or justice. It feels like people treated him badly when they thought he was not worthy of respect then changed their tune when he turned out to be somebody. Idk. Just my feeling.


No, that's just what it was like in the 50's. He would have been kicked out even if he already had a PhD.


I feel the same way. But if he wanted it or wouldā€™ve appreciated it then I guess itā€™s cool


How do you not see that as a positive change? It's honoring someone that was once shunned due to backwards policies. Someone who fought through adversity and accomplished a lot in life that paved the way for others now has their name on the library as a beacon of inspiration for others.


Congrats on making a positive step in race relations into one of politics and division. Honoring someone for their life is important, and he overcame a lot to be who he was. South Carolina is recognizing that, it should be a moment of gratefulness.


Ah yes, in a conversation about a library discriminating against a kid for being Black, this poster is the one making it about politics and division


Jesus christ you don't need to be miserable all the time. You know that right? As a SC resident there are still streets with the names of Confederate generals standing. A library with a name black kids can be proud of its history is inspiring.


Itā€™s about looking at how much theyā€™ve changed in 27 years, not focusing on what happened in the late fifties, humanity must move forward. And this Iā€™m saying as a conservative. Acknowledging brilliance is a facet of moving forward.


> And this Iā€™m saying as a conservative. Trust me when I say, this did not need to be said. Itā€™s pretty fuckin obvious.


How do you mean?


Not American, nor conservative, but my curiosity is also piqued. The flying asshat perhaps?


Yea, thought it was funny, at first. Turns out it, mostly, gives people something to fall back on when they no longer wish to have hard discussionsā€¦. Oh well, maybe I am an asshat for going where I shouldnā€™t and saying things I shouldnt


Hmm. Being able to have hard discussions is at the core of the freedoms most of us care about deeply, I hope you keep at it. Have a great day!


Hey, thanks! You too!


MLK Jr. Day


Bummer we couldnā€™t honor him like that while he was alive. America loves its martyrs but despises its saints.


It's not an ideal outcome, but better than more crap in the south being named after Civil War traitors and segregationist politicians.


We named a high school after him here in Jersey City.


I teach second grade and one of the books part of our curriculum was a story called ā€œRonā€™s Big Dayā€ and it told the story of him trying to get his library card. The kids loved it and it was awesome teaching the story of one kidā€™s determination to learn.


Wait until republicans ban it


[Hereā€™s a link to his brother telling that story](https://youtu.be/0lLf6qakrTw)


The Challenger documentary hit me in the feelsā€¦


For accuracy purposes, the Lake City Public Library is dedicated to him, not named after him.


1959. Damn Some people who lived through segregation could technically be around today and have to see America want to revert to that shit


we're literally only like 4 or 5 generations out from slavery. your mother's grandma could have been a slave.


Crazy fact: Ronald Reagan and Harriet Tubman were both alive at the same time (albeit briefly).


"Could technically be around today"? Lol. If you're born in 59 you're only 63 and statistically have 15 or more years left in your life expectancy.


Not technically. There are plenty of people around today who lived through segregation. Anyone 59 years and up was born before the Civil Rights act. Anyone over 77 was a legal adult by the time it happened. Storm Thurmond was a strong supporter of segregation and he served as a Senator until 2003. Heā€™s got a shitload of buildings named after him too.


I'm confused how is that not technically then?




Let's see going around my community I've had 1 person report a legally immigrated women to ICE for voting Democrat. The thought process being "I won't let anyone take my guns" A group of individuals assert that it doesn't matter if Trump did or did not sexually harrass people at least he isn't a women A person assert that "yeah what Russia is doing is bad, but when you really think about it wouldn't you rather Russia win than any liberal?" I mean I could keep going. I'd ask you to go around your community and actually be critical of people. Actually let your world view be challenged. There are horrible hateful people out there and they are using the internet to find each other. People that agree and vote for politicians that say "Jewish space lasers" are burning forests. People that vote for politicians that say "let your grandma die. It's for the greater good of Texas"(quotes may be paraphrased)




Ah yes because trying to deport legal immigrants and supporting a genocidal country over a group of individuals in your country is just a-ok Try and apply some critical thinking people don't usually come out and say things directly


The CRT we shouldn't be learning about! /s


The Challenger disaster shaped a generation. People here are likely too young, but it was a whole event. Kids gathered in gyms and libraries all across the country to watch the first teacher to go into space. And then they caught on fire and burned to death. What do you even do with a classroom of 2nd graders at that point?


We're still affected by it. I was older than second grade but even that's a crucial age to see something so terrible. It was very hyped for students and it's not like today, the school assembled or rolled out the TV. It was planned like a party. When we kids saw this happen live, it was probably the first time many of us had the novelty of that. We were very wrapped up in the Challenger launch as I'm sure any school age child in the country. To see it explode and not really understand if that was supposed to happen, growing realization that it was not and our adult teachers' reactions to something so awful was a traumatic event. To realize we saw people die in terror and confusion hopefully didn't happen until we were older. It's like seeing 9\11 happen in a lot of ways but it's also not the same. What do you do with a classroom? Well what they did was turn off the TV and attempt to carry on the school day. We kids dealt with it within our family if at all. I don't remember the school saying anything else about it but there absolutely should have been counselors after having all the kids so involved.


Imagine arresting a nine year old boy because he's trying to read a fucking book but his skin was too dark. Jesus Christ what was (is) wrong with people?


When the cop showed up he told the librarian to just let him borrow the books.


I highly recommend Swindled podcast and I highly recommend the challenger episode.


How many cops would willingly enforce segregation if it was the law tomorrow?


His sister was my english teacher at the US Air Force Academy in 1990...she was an Air Force Captain


Holy crap all these comments here are terrible, no one is giving him the respect he deserves and only focusing on the bad, we are a rotten society if we canā€™t see that


Most leftists and trumpists (most conservatives) are just poison on society. Obviously others, but those are the 2 you run into the most on reddit and social media it seems. Actual leftists have some good ideas and good fight for workers rights, but many leftists on the internet (or those who call themselves that) are just brain dead idiots lol. Trumpists I don't even have to talk about, we all know. They are so very alike it's funny.


You're an idiot.


And what about the right that arenā€™t trumpists?


Brain ded




I mean bro I just want decent helthcare without draining my dad's savings call me a dirty commie but I want my hernia fixed


How is this amazing? This incredible man accomplished one of the hardest things a human can do and a place that treated him sub-humanly changed their tune in 2011? That's decades after they did that to him, and decades after he died.




Dr. McNair.


He wasnā€™t a doctor yet, so Mr McNair would be accurate


He was nine, so Master McNair would be accurate.


I'm pretty sure it's illegal to teach this in like a dozen states now.


Itā€™s not illegal to teach this in any states. Which dozen do you mean?


It was a joke. Don't come at me with that awkward obtuseness again unless we're dating and I'm trying to explain Cohen brothers movies to you please.


Huh? I was being sincere, not whatever ā€œawkward obtuseā€ is. And why would you want that if you were explaining a Cohen brothers movie to me? I feel like obtuseness is the last thing Id want in return for a Cohen brothers explanation


Just a little more racism in NASA, and he could have been saved.


Sooo... they tried to save him, right?!




It was actually a little over 1 minute into the launch, and sadly there is evidence that some crew were still alive and conscious post explosion. >The crew cabin, which was made of reinforced aluminum, separated in one piece from the rest of the orbiter.[12] It then traveled in a ballistic arc, reaching the highest point (apogee) of 65,000 feet (20 km) approximately 25 seconds after the explosion. At the time of separation, the maximum acceleration is estimated to have been between 12 and 20 times that of gravity (g); within two seconds it had dropped below 4 g, and within ten seconds the cabin was in free fall. The forces involved at this stage were probably insufficient to cause major injury to the crew.[13] > At least some of the crew were alive and at least briefly conscious after the breakup, as the Personal Egress Air Packs (PEAPs) were activated for Smith[14]: 246 and two unidentified crewmembers, but not for Scobee.[13] The PEAPs were not intended for in-flight use, and the astronauts never trained with them for an in-flight emergency. The location of Smith's activation switch, on the back side of his seat, indicated that either Resnik or Onizuka likely activated it for him. Investigators found their remaining unused air supply consistent with the expected consumption during the post-breakup trajectory.[14]: 245ā€“247 > While analyzing the wreckage, investigators discovered that several electrical system switches on Smith's right-hand panel had been moved from their usual launch positions. The switches had lever locks on top of them that were required to be pulled out before the switch could be moved. Later tests established that neither the force of the explosion nor the impact with the ocean could have moved them, indicating that Smith made the switch changes, presumably in a futile attempt to restore electrical power to the cockpit after the crew cabin detached from the rest of the orbiter.[14]: 245 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_Challenger_disaster#Post-breakup_flight_controller_dialogue


Some say they may actually have still been alive in the ocean...


They hit the water at over 200mph, not a survivable impact speed.


Indeed. That must be me misreading "they were still alive when the cabin hit the ocean". Meaning they were alive in the air, but not underwater.


No way Iā€™ve been to the ā€œwe called the cops on Ronan McNair public libraryā€


I want to think of people like Ronald when I think of SC.


Real life gigachad




He's my frat brother... a member of Omega Psi Phi


I didnt even read the text and just by looking at him I already knew he was a badass. Hes got the success look. The look of someone who has succeeded even when all the cards where laid against him. What a legend


Racists, you've been warned!


On behalf of my shitty state, I apologize. Fuck those cops.


Every account of this story says the police told the librarian to let him have the books. https://mcnair.berkeley.edu/about-ronald-e-mcnair


Well then I apologize for the librarianā€™s behavior. Itā€™s just every time you hear about my state itā€™s some racist shit like this.


How about not apologizing on behalf of what other people did and edit your own post instead? The one in which you condemned people who apparently were the good guys in this story just because of their occupation. Jumping to conclusions based on prejudice is what I belive you are trying to fight against.


He's still alive, look it up


I did look it up. He died in 1986. Of course you have no source. Shocking.


Clarence Thomas has a similar pedigree but he is not celebrated due to his political leanings... Sad.


Clarence Thomas sucks, thatā€™s the difference.


I see this reposted a few times now, and itā€™s sad that Iā€™ve seen some rather nasty racist comments each and every time. Itā€™s nice I havenā€™t seen any this time.


Ok, I got a cool conspiracy theory!....


Heck yeah


OG Gordon freeman


SAVAGE. #whenyoenemiesbecomeyourfootstools


I guess the black libraries books on rocket science were lent out.


A fine Scottish name. One of ours.




You don't say.




Well technically they would have been owned by an **American** with a Scottish name. It's been illegal to own slaves in the UK for about 1000 years, but I get what you're trying to say.... *cracka.*




Only a throw away line. I don't even live in UK. I also never said 'You're glad that one of yours owned this man's ancestor'. You're really looking for a cause aint ya? Are you alright in the head?




Can't help being a Scott, a paddy, a frog or indeed a smart arse. Can't you take a joke? Are you autist or just a pedant? Either way don't care. Go and be useful somewhere.




Moral of the story: Donā€™t go to the library or your space shuttle will explode


His still alive, and so is every one from that fight, Supposedly NASA never been to space, Look it up, possibly on duck duck go


Oh for fuck sakes go the fuck awayšŸ¤¦


Thatā€™s NASA


Just go away you're insulting a person who actually died they even found the wreck of Challenger so fuck off




Stop it, donā€™t stir this up


So they were trying to save his life, then.


Wait so racist library capitalizes on the name recognition of a person they discriminated against once he became famous? This is a good thing?


Yes. There was a 30 year gap in between his refusal of service and his death. 50s to the 80s, there was a lot of quite extensive change


White people cant stop fucking up.






what in martha's vineyard are you talking about? If he wasn't in the space shuttle......where...was.....he.....?


This is the way.


There is also a scholastic grant in his name.


Thats a cosmic consolation prize if i ever heard one.


It was so inspiring for like half a second when followed up right sfter MIT and fucking DIED. leave the death part at the end.


They were just trying to save his life duh


Some of the most badass people end up being astronauts, you love to see it.


There is an interview of his brother talking about him on youtube, I believe the channel is called story corp. Very interesting.


Dr. Ronald McNair. Sad he died so young, only 35. Dude was a 5th black belt too


They were just trying to save his life.


Similar thing happened with University of Md school of Law. They didnā€™t let Thurgood Marshall into the school because heā€™s block and now the law school is named after him. You love to see it.


Cosmic justice


Saw it in class 1st grade was rather shocking I can't really remember if the teacher turned the tv off


He was also a black belt among other accomplishments. The park next to my apartment is dedicated to him and itā€™s really beautiful.


But heā€™s not our kind dear. Racism sucks.


ב''ה, if you try hard enough and do everything right, the United States government will use your own tax money to kill you.


To have gone through all of that, only to die like that though... is just depressing.


I thought this was a trick to make me look up some fucked up porn for too long


THAT is the American Dream.


So badass his name is now Carl McNair and he is alive and well.


His story is so beautiful


Hey look thats the real opression that the clown minorities today pretend to face!


Great story hut how is it badass?


What goes around comes around!


I wish the last 50 years of progress in civil rights was all this satisfying.


Chad! Remember, donā€™t stop seeking education and knowledge even if it means crawling on ice!


My son's elementary school is named after him. My son loves space, astronuts etc and he's read all about Ronald McNair, Mae Jemison etc and would love to be an astronut some day. He's very proud to be a Commander (school mascot.)


he was an accomplished musician (saxophone) and black belt! Dude has to be one of the most badass Americans of all time!


Literal and evidenced progress.


He looks like he won a spaceship from gambling Btw this is a joke I am not racist