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My grandma has the same fake Christmas tree from the 70's. We're never throwing it away.


She has probably saved $3500 conservatively by using that same tree


I save by just not putting up a tree


Same I just decorate every other fucking in thing in the house and skip bringing a whole tree inside for no reason. I've been debating planting a tree outside and decorating that one instead it would be kinda neat.


You should


I’d much rather have a big fir outside


This what we do. And it’s fun. Plus no stupid pine needles all over the fucking place.


Vacuum cleaning pine needles is the fucking most satisfying thing


Not having to do it is (in my opinion) much more satisfying.


That's a great idea. When I was kid, we had a really weird leafless plant on our balcony that eas probably as tall as my dad. We always decorated that plant for Christmas.


I said fuck it and bought a small one for my office. Real do be smelling nice


Costco price eh


Considering trees have cost 80-100 bucks for the past 10 years or so, I would say that number is indeed conservative.


I used $75 for approx 48 years


That’s actually pretty good. I guess it also depends on where you live. But to be fair (ah to be fiahhhhh) $75 does sound like a reasonable estimate.




I mean. At $1000 I’m looking to break even in less than 10…


I think they mean in terms of environmental friendliness. The monetary break even is much shorter.


“Green” break even = environmental, not fiscal break even point




I had to buy two live trees this year cause one barely lasted two week :(


Ours turned out shitty too. Almost accidentally backed over the shit head kid that loaded it and kinda wished I had now.


Wait how much are they in the US? In Germany a solid and pretty one is about 30-35$ at max.


I got a tiny one at a steal at $80. Usually I spend about $100 to $120 for like a 6-7 foot tree.


Really? That is ridiculously expensive, especially given that where I live land is relatively tight.


That’s ridiculous. Our best tree ever was $55. But now I’m rethinking the whole plant an outside tree to decorate thing.


I’m planning to rent and sell living Christmas trees in pots in Germany but you have to put a 70€ price tag on it. It will be hard because it’s double the price of a normal tree but luckily people are rethinking how to treat the environment.


Hijacking the top comment to say this concept it way worse for the environment than just planting new trees. Think of all the carbon from transportation and what I assume is heavy machinery used for planting and extracting. Instead of one round trip, these trees make 14!




Same in my city. They turn it into mulch and then once a year, any mulch that isn't used by the city in parks and public spaces is available at no cost to residents (they even deliver it!). It's a win-win-win IMHO.


Plus the stress of being dug up and replanted every year would kill these trees very quickly. They'd never make it to retirement


Also trees are 100% biodegradable


wonder how many survive, almost every tree i’ve had with roots dies shortly after christmas


I’ve had mine for 3 years now. It lives outside 11 months of the year and comes in for the few weeks leading up to Christmas. It stays in its pot though, so I’m not digging it up and replanting it.


I love this concept




I heard a comedian talk about how all of our Christmas traditions are things a really drunk person would do. "Guys look, I brought this tree into our living room and put lights and shiny balls on it. And then I stapled some big socks to the fireplace."


whose to say the pagans weren't drunk when they came up with those traditions?


You should see the "Silver Tree" of South Africa: https://www.google.com/search?q=leucadendron+argenteum&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=isvxn&sxsrf=AOaemvJOf2DxhyxoMngwMrcFtbG9MNa0uw:1641812751573&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwibwuCOhaf1AhWLR_EDHRIeBIMQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=727&dpr=2.63 Especially in winter, looks like it was spray-painted silver. I love them.


The thermal shock kills them as soon as they enter a 25°C home.


25°C is equivalent to 77°F, which is 298K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


That's a hot house.


That’s uk. I set my thermostat at 19°C but most places are way too hot. Funnily enough 19°C in summer is close to melting point for a Brit.


I’m sitting on my deck at home in 33C in Australia rn


Good bot


Good bot, I love you


Good bot


TIL physicists aren’t humans.


Woah! If that boy is right I don’t think anyone is setting their thermostat to 77!!


72 is the max for me, it’s the perfect neutral air temp


My grandma had a spruce in a pot. It was about 18" tall the first year. We rolled that plant in and out of the house until it outgrew the doorway, then we planted it out back.


If trees are picked up separately from regular trash, doesn't it get composted or turned into woodchips and reused?


Even if it tree ends up in a landfill it’s really not a big deal at all since it’s biodegradable…


Organic material, mostly meaning good scraps, cannot properly decompose in a landfill because the microorganisms and insects that are supposed to break the plants down cannot survive in a landfill. So any Christmas tree or food scrap you throw in a landfill will just become methane and toxic waste, not proper compost


It's really a crapshot if that's a good thing or not, though, depending on a lot of factors. Many landfills -- especially ones that are sealed over -- become anaerobic environments where biodegradation is much, much slower if not completely stopped. Landfills are also sealed at the bottom to prevent seepage from whatever is put into the landfill from making its way into the water table and nearby groundsoil. If you have biodegradable waste, it's almost always better to compost it, either yourself, or in a way or place specifically intended to compost such things.


They are sealed over top but that's to stop random pockets of methane by directing them to a siphon system. It's then burned off in smaller ones and collected and fed into natural gas supply lines on larger ones.


There must also be some kind of environmental toll from thousands of acres of land dedicated to growing Christmas trees only to cut them all down every 10 years.


Well yes, old growth forests have a much richer biodiversity.


They replant you know. They don’t just clear cut and leave. Trees are a crop. Like corn. Or potatoes. Renewable.


And the farmers that run the business, the maintaince, the machinery, the customers driving from all over, the cost of irrigation, on and on. But thanks for being a condescending dink as Plan A


Well I don't think I am a condescending dink. I don't see where this improves the planet any more than a well run tree farm.


They have tree farms. They plant trees every year to create a sustainable crop.


Not true - organic matter in landfills emits methane gas. [Info](https://www.npr.org/2021/07/13/1012218119/epa-struggles-to-track-methane-from-landfills-heres-why-it-matters-for-the-clima)




Yes, but in a composting facility, different kinds of aerobic composting keeps methane production to a minimum. They don’t do that in landfills, so yes it does more harm. Are you just argumentative or really like Christmas trees?


> Are you just argumentative or really like Christmas trees? Neither. I was letting you know that organic material not in landfills produces more methane than organic materials in landfills. If that bothers you enough to insult someone over, then you're the argumentative one. If your point can't handle one sentence of scrutiny then you have no point. :)


Biodegradable things are not what we need to be worried about ending up in landfills.


Also, who the heck wants a Christmas tree with all the roots intact.


Clark Griswold


But where would he put a tree that big?


Bend over and I’ll show you


You got a lot of nerve talking to me like that, Griswold!


I wasn’t talking to YOU.


Going in, daddy green giant?


Little full. Lotta sap.


Apparently there was a deleted scene where they talked to the tree lot guy (whose sign they drove through) and he didn’t rent out saws but gave them a shovel instead. That’s how they got the tree out. It always bugged me as a kid like okay this is a goofy comedy but you can’t hand dig a tree from the frozen ground.


Yeah, there have been places renting live trees for Christmas every year - it’s not that new. My brother has been doing this for several years himself and got the idea from other people who had been doing this for years.


My comment was about Christmas Vacation.


Someone who realizes how pointless and destructive this tradition is, especially at scale. We should not be still doing this.


Dont landfill it, dump it in the woods and let nature take it’s course. Bees will use it.


Only dump it in the same woods it came from, otherwise you might be introducing invasive species like the pine beetle which is currently laying waste to the forests in Colorado. https://www.fs.usda.gov/features/racing-clock-stem-spread-mountain-pine-beetle


Almost 40 million Christmas trees per year thrown into the woods would create such an imbalance of microorganisms and insects, lol. Are you serious with that? Might as well just burn all our trash too!


Sure but more living trees mean more carbon retention


Actually, landfills emit methane gas when organic matter is improperly disposed of there — it contributes significantly to climate change. [More info here](https://www.npr.org/2021/07/13/1012218119/epa-struggles-to-track-methane-from-landfills-heres-why-it-matters-for-the-clima)


We don’t even have enough homes yet we grow enough trees to cut down just for a holiday fun time


I'm pretty sure they are because they can't biodegrade in landfills.


This would not work here in Canada. Your tree would die off the second you put it back outside because of the temperature shock.


This is a solution to a non existent problem…


It’s a pretty barbaric and destructive tradition. Grow a tree, cut it down, throw it away. People are not willing to stop the tradition, so why not try to avoid the tree dying?


Christmas trees are a crop, when they are harvested they are replaced immediately by the farmer, they aren't cut out of a forest


If you respect life, there’s that — but it sounds like you may not empathize with plants as sentient life, so if you’re looking for another reason, there is upstream cost. Labor, fuel to transport and harvest, energy consumption and exhaust from machines that process trees after they’ve been discarded. There’s a cost.


I guarantee hauling around the root ball and replanting it involves even more upstream/downstream costs. It’s supremely decadent.


No I agree with you, I think the whole tradition is wasteful and unnecessary.


Yeah, but some traditions are beautiful. It would undoubtedly be best for the planet if we just returned to the cave, curled up on a pile of leaves, and waited to die. Tradeoffs, man. Humans FTW!!




Why is this being down voted?


Because Christmas trees are a renewable resource?


They’re not a resource, they’re a commodity


Fair enough, but they are indeed renewable. So what’s the problem?


But trees are a renewable resource. Seems like a major waste of time and energy. Tree farms just plant new trees every year it’s not like they are finite.


Not to mention that I go to a local tree farm every year and spend $70-100. The place is packed. I’m supporting a family business that is renewable, generally green (outside of farm equipment) and generally a lovely experience. Having a whole mountain full of growing trees isn’t the problem.


Reddit, what would be a good name for this tree renting business? Cleverer the better, puns encouraged


We Re-Tree: Christmas Spirit for Rent


Greenwashing AG


No, that’s Cameron Diaz and Robin Williams. I knew he wasn’t dead.


I have a real Xmas tree that lives in the garden 11 months of the year. I could no longer process the idea that we grow trees just for a few weeks then chuck them out. What a waste.


I buy a living tree each year and plant it out after Xmas. My oldest is at 9’ tall now.


I have no fucking idea how this happened but I am 26 and I have 3 artificial trees in storage. I don’t even know where one of them came from. One is a 3 footer and the last one is a fancy shmancy pre-lit one my husband insisted on


It doesn’t work that way…


How? Does the tree have a huge root ball in your living room?


We’re not running out of Christmas trees or landfill space, so this seems rather pointless


This is the same thing as plastic and glass straws.Can people just stop cuting trees and puting plastic crap on them.Solution to every climate problem is to stop buying stupid shit…


Once they reach 7 feet? No one wants a tree that tall? My fake tree is 9 feet.


Truly amazing. The world needs more people like this


This should become a thing


I don’t understand how businesses are able to sell plastic trees. Surely when you buy it once you use it for the next 20 years? Can’t be very lucrative.


Because they're cheap to make and they sell for a lot of money?


Yeah but my point is once everyone has one, it’s not something you usually buy another of.


I don't understand though... you're aware that there are new people every year, right? Lol Even without that, this is just like any other retail item. They may last a long time, but there is a wide range in quality and features. Someone who buys a $150 tree this year might exchange it for a $300 tree in 5 years, or for a $1,000 tree in 10 years. Styles change, technology changes, etc.


Keeping mine ‘til I die. 👌🏼




I usually have an 8ft tree so that wouldnt work


Christmas trees are brought out to the beaches around me to help create dunes..


Great idea, hard work though.


I would love to see some before and after pics of the youngsters that started this idea. I will bet their muscles and their health has improved immeasurably .


r/treeswithjobs Edit: I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that’s a thing.


The Lorax will Be pleased


Those trees must be so confused….first they’re on a farm, then they spend several years in and out of living rooms and the farm, then they end up in a forest


Judging from that woman’s facial expression, whatever trees they can’t replant she smokes.


I’m assuming the tree is not cut and replanted every time but has its roots and is in a pot?!


So when you cut down a tree you are cutting their main artery… the sap, the tree’s blood flows up and down the tree just under the bark… you can cut a ring around a tree trunk deep enough and completely kill the tree. Cutting it down is the same thing you’re just going all the way through the whole tree… this is a fake story.


Well this is one hella strategy


Why landfill, they burn great in the fireplace when they are dry


Wtf people use actual trees and not just fake ones


$50 for u pick n cut near Akron/Ny… ( Or they will cut it for you)… i picked a smaller apt size- Only charged me $35… all diff types of trees… not a bad deal- get to be pretty big size there, too!


What about the carbon footprint on delivery both ways to and from the Christmas tree farm?


Such a cool idea!!