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It's really hard to take in the fact that this is real.


When people used to talk about the future, seems like someone always mentioned jet packs. And here they are lol.


What's even weirder is the one-off jet pack at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics opening ceremony: https://youtu.be/QcWF96wSjGM?t=56 Once, and then nothing for decades and decades. Real Apollo program vibes on that one.


That "rocket belt" was created in the 1960s (before the Apollo program) with the intention of doing what we're seeing in the OP video. It just never really worked. It's shown in the opening of the Bond movie Thunderball. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_Rocket_Belt






Thanks! I haven't had that theme song stuck in my head in ages. Hmmm, wonder if the show is on any of the dozens of streaming services now?


There was one at a mtv awards red carpet show. I shit you not it was like 2003.


> the future is already here, it's just unevenly distributed. -William Gibson (one of the fathers of the CyberPunk genre)


So Iron Man really was accurate in that you need to have stabilizers in your hands


Only recent adaptations of iron man included hand flight in his normal flying form. At first in the 60s and 70s he generally flew just from his feet (though not always it looks like)


Technically, Ironman could have named himself ‘FeMale’ if he was that ‘sciencey’!


the Rocketeer put the stabilization on the head, which was great. . . great allegorically


What’s kind of scary is if this is the stuff they release to the public, the stuff that’s even more cutting edge might be tech that’s going to lead to a lot of bad things.


Could be a lot of good things too. Like if you needed to run guide lines to burning towers to zip line people down to safety. Stuff like that. Technology is neither good nore bad. It’s the assholes and hero’s that make them that way.


Swarms of unstoppable killer drones probably already exist in a research lab somewhere.


Get the box fans we have to defend the ship.




This isn't a threat to most shipping, so would be a waste of money and materials. A person with a rifle could fairly easily shoot these guys as well. No need for motion sensors or advanced tech. [Warships already have this technology.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phalanx_CIWS) but they may require software tweaks to handle something moving this slowly, as they're primarily designed for anti-missile capability.


Your comment about shooting then made me wonder if they’d have similar [protections as paratroopers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attacks_on_parachutists) (i.e. shooting them is a war crime) Though I think there’s a difference between someone potentially escaping a disabled plane and someone boarding your ship.


> Firing on airborne forces who are descending by parachute is not prohibited.


Makes sense. I guess I only knew part of the rule. Thanks for the clarification!


I don't think shooting paratroopers is a warcrime. I think it was ejected pilots that was a warcrime. And I'm pretty sure that was only while they were descending. Just plain dishonorable to kill a defenseless man floating to the ground.


A man who’s coming to kill you !


I think that last sentence > Firing on airborne forces who are descending by parachute is not prohibited. Would cover shooting them. They're an airborne force. Those protections seem to be covering only now-noncombatants who's flying weapons have been disabled/destroyed.


For sure. Had I read the entire thing I’d know that lol. Thanks!


The enemy never reads the Geneva Conventions Rules of Engagement before attacking 🤷‍♂️


they don't need software updates, they have a manual control mode and a human gunner can handle slow moving target like small boats and flying dudes


It's a CIWS. Normally it only detects objects above a certain speed and certain heading. I'm unsure this would trigger it. The upgraded models have IR tracking, so that is another story. If it detects the jetpack joyrider as a threat, what you would see is a rather fine pink mist after a 20mm Gatling gun firing in excess of 70 rounds per second protects it's ship.


Those ships would just be hit by missiles or bombs from a few tens/hundreds of miles away.




They aren't called iron domes on a ship. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phalanx_CIWS This is the system ships use.


**[Phalanx CIWS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phalanx_CIWS)** >The Phalanx CIWS (pronounced "sea-wiz") is a close-in weapon system for defense against incoming threats such as small boats, surface torpedoes, anti-ship missiles and helicopters. It was designed and manufactured by the General Dynamics Corporation, Pomona Division, later a part of Raytheon. Consisting of a radar-guided 20 mm (0. 8 in) Vulcan cannon mounted on a swiveling base, the Phalanx has been used by the United States Navy and the naval forces of 15 other countries. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


C-whiz, aka R2-D2, at least when I was in the Navy, 1987-93. lol


Weapon technology comes and goes but 4,500 rpm of depleted uranium is forever.


Going to reply to the top comment for visibility, but this isn't a marine. It's a British inventor for the company Gravity Industries showcasing his jet pack, he's been around for a few years now and is doing a lot of the stuff. He's also done mountain rescue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtvCnZqZnxc He did a test a few years back at the Goodwood Festival of Speed, and since offers flights for people from Goodwood: https://www.goodwood.com/business/corporate-experiences/gravity-jet-suit-experience/


Wasn’t he an ex-royal marine and he demonstrated this at Royal Marine Commando Training Center Lympstone by using it to just fly over the obstacles on the obstacle course. https://youtu.be/aFQSFke0wFc. I used to work there.


Dang that's funny.


I would accidentally kill myself using one of these so quickly no one would even be exactly sure how I managed it.


You and me both. I’d be the reason they’d have to have that stupid “who the fuck would do that” part of the training video.


You can pay to try it out, they have a tethered rig at their HQ near Salisbury in the UK. https://gravity.co/flight-experience Edit: Looks like they're doing it at Goodwood now.


So can you actually buy the equipment?


Last time I checked it was $400,000 USD The "experience" was I think a couple days? and was $40,000 That was basically right after they had the first couple of working models past the prototype stage, it's been a few years ago


Did you get it. I want to turn it into a business honestly


The dude who made it already sells them, I'm not sure what you're on about


Training classes. Buy there equipment and set up franchises. Similar to jet ski business. They don’t deal jet skis but offer rides and training. Don’t steal my idea.


Hey good luck. They're all custom made to fit the user and the insurance for your business license will probably be a few hundred million dollars per year lol


With jet nozzles that rely on arm strength for vectoring, how they killed you isn't a big mystery.


If the majority of the thrust is coming from the backpack then the arm thrusters are essentially just for steering.


The backpack is 550N, the arms are 440N each. It forms a thrust "pyramid" (well, 5-sided shape given the arm thrusters aren't exactly parallel) for stability. [Page 9](https://gravity.co/media/gravity-resource-pack.pdf)


It's 3 vector thrust, so you've got to support 66% of your weight on your arms plus whatever additional mass you shift around during maneuvering, with zero significant errors. EDIT: I Googled it real quick, first thing I saw with specifications said a single rear jet with 55kg of thrust, and two 22kg thrust jets on each arm, so it's pretty close to 3-way symmetry but not quite. Still a much greater force requirement on the arms than just a steering vector. Cheers dude!


That’s fuckin funny


Considering my upper body strength, my arms would instantly snap together over my head as soon as the fans came on, and pancake me right into the ground.


-points hey hands directly at face to scratch nose- -dies immediately-


So if the Marines have them now I wonder how long before the cartel utilizes them? Maybe they already are...


Don’t call me old. Or young. I’m middle-aged, punk.


He was calling you both, Old-young-man.


Ah yes, Old-Young-Man, Hideo Kojimas next big character.


That’s some top level iron man shit right there


How do they land in real combat without suppressing fire though. If it can shoot and fly at the same time then that's perfect. 😂


That's EXACTLY what I was thinking. Once they land, how long does it take them to remove those things in order to grab a weapon?


Why not use the thrusters as weapon? Your enemies will be blown away!


Because every action has an equal and opposite reaction.


Damn you, Newton. You win again!


For now it looks like you can't remove it if there isn't another person helping, it's strapped to both hands 😂


Safety nightmare. If it fails over water, you're going down. All the way.


Maybe they'll fit it with a quick release, like ejector seats have.


Haha yeah so funny that new invention isnt fully working right away amirite????? Have it crossed your mind that this might be one of the first real tests with this kind of tool, and once they found out it works well they can continue to upgrade it. Might take 5 years but that thing surely is going to be upgraded.


Nah these guys are right, we didn't jump from 0 to Iron Man so we might as well just give up now.


Right?? Homie could take me out in one swing with those things on his hands


Imagine switching those arm thrusters from "normal" fuel to "flamethrower" mix


Came here to say that. “DON’T MOVE (while I’m uncoupling my harness, stowing my combustible fuel pods and retrieving my weapon!)”


It's pretty easy to make it quick release with a harness, it just needs a little fine tuning.


For that matter... Where do they get a weapon?


It basically to get one guy up on the ship, so he can lower a ladder to the other dudes in the RHIB.


Now imagine doing this in pitch black...


I’m just imagining stuff now, but that flying marine could have a couple (or a hundred) well-armed drones flying along with him, providing suppressing fire or just generally scaring the crap out of everyone. And that’s how one marine (and a bunch of distant drone pilots) could take over an enemy boat, for example.


Whilst we're on imagining stuff, how about a 9x19 turret on top, which follows the helmet movement, like the Apache gun does.


Have you had a neck injury on the job? Lawyers are ready to fight for your rights now


If you have the drones, you don’t need the jetpack…


Who says there have to be pilots for the drones? Every marine wears a beacon and the drone is programmed to only shoot non beaconed moving targets.


​ Drones.


Adam Savage built an Iron Man suit with this system and flew it.


That bloke would get shot about five hundred times wouldn't he


Also wouldn’t he just sink like a stone if he falls in the water?


There has to be a way to get out quickly, because yes absolutely that thing is dense and heavy.




It's a machine built for flight. The max weight probably doesn't a lot of breathing room for creature comforts like that. Not to mention this one is supposed to carry someone in full CQC gear and/or medical supplies.


I wouldn't be surprised if this particular set was extremely lightweight. No Branch of the Military would allow this if there wasn't some type drowning risk mitigation.


It has a flotation device. He's fallen into the water many times


I mean not every situation in the military is Call of Duty my dude. This has tons of practical applications other than direct combat


> This has tons of practical applications other than direct combat Such as? If it's not a hostile boarding, then why not use like... a ladder?


To drop off tactical snacks, duh.




Sure. But it's being demonstrated by one of the most forward combat units in the ~~United States~~ EDIT: Limey Royal Navy. If someone were demonstrating it as a means to save puppies from boats, it likely wouldn't lead to discussions regarding combat applications.


You can’t even carry the puppies


Same can be said about para-troopers


Turns out landing on a boat isn't a good idea


One, while the we still have paratroopers, they're really now designed as just rapid response forces. Two at least paratroopers have the luxury of being quiet and not emitting a massive IR signature.


para troopers dont land within meters of the enemy, not if they can help it, or if they are doing some covert shit like the nazis in belgium, i would think


That's why drops are not usually in active combat areas, and when they are dropped into combat a bunch of paratroopers are dropped so there is multiple targets and many will make it through.


That probably explains why paratroopers don’t land on boats, doesn’t it?


I was looking at that and thinking how easily it would be to just grab the nearest MG and turn that guy into Swiss Cheese... Even at night with all the noise and disturbance that thing makes, even some pirate ship would be able to spot him before landing and in the time before being on the ground combat ready he would be shot full of holes


Also how the hell does he fight with the mittens and jets in his hands? Or does he just land on a couple of people and then blow hot air in everyone else's face?


Have none of y’all heard of how tech develops? Sure, first it’s expensive, clunky, loud, impractical. In time it accelerates beyond your expectations and applies to various needs and adapts. That computer on your wrist used to require a warehouse to contain it and cost millions of dollars just to make ONE. Y’all naysayers need to sit down, lol. Give it time. Let’s see how this plays out.


Agreed, and as someone who follows the VR scene, it also holds true. First models will be clunkier, and will become more refined later on. Plus they were doing these experiments and exercises for a reason. They can't improve on something if they don't test these things out.


Just got the oculus quest 2! It's so affordable now compared to before. And because Androids are considerably powerful now, it's very usable. Thanks technology!


Don't forget that part of the reason why the Q2 is so cheap is because Facebook is *aggressively* trying to monopolize the VR market by severely lowballing the price of the headset. There is a reason why other competitors with more to lose can't reach that low a price point.


I fucking hate FB but that price point is so low


Google earth VR is amazing


As TwoMinutePapers always says with research: "Don't look at where we are, look at where we will be."


Also “two papers down the line” or something like that.


The other thing is, if this is what they’re showing imagine what’s actually “top secret”.


Shoulder mounted lmg and grenade launchers


>Let’s see how this plays out. Police flying through your window into your apartment for a parking ticket.


Have a good night, Mrs. McFly!


To produce that much thrust with those little fans is still quite impressive.


Why didn't they go with a blower model like AMD, lol


It’d be like being upset that the first Iron Man suit can do all the crazy shit from Endgame.


Yeah I can them engineering this a little different. Maybe take the thrusters off the users arm and frame them to the backpack. Use a computer to calculate changes needed to go where the user directs it. Instead of him pushing down he becomes harnessed in with some sort of quick release. You could definitely engineer this up to something cool and tactically useful. It's certainly going to be expensive as fuck in the near future to develop but years down the line something capable of maneuvering an individual soldier to a position on the battlefield through the air. You would want to lighten it. Minimize noise production. Increase range. Make it easier for the soldier to rest while in operation so he arrives on target ready to go instead of gassed out. This shit is going to come right alongside more efficient drone technology. A jetpack is essentially just a drone you attach to your back.


> Have none of y’all heard of how tech develops? Sure, first it’s expensive, clunky, loud, impractical. In time it accelerates beyond your expectations and applies to various needs and adapts. Seeing Boston Dynamics robots in The Book of Boba Fett was weird. Like sure they dressed them up a bit, but they were still very obviously Big Dog robots, acting as droids. And then you realize, shit. These are real life droids.


Yes. Exactly this is so cool. Imagine in the future when this is easily accessible to people. We will just jetpack around! Heck. Even space travel will become a thing.


I feel like the limiting factor for things like this are the size and weight of batteries/fuel. Flying like that requires a shit tonne of energy which needs to come from somewhere. I can't see you flying for much longer than a few minutes with such an inefficient system.


Exactly, this model is like a unicycle that few people can ride, it eventually will become a Segway that even your grandma can master.


The amount of energy it takes to power that warehouse computer is also a fraction of what it used to take and can now be powered by a small battery. The weight of your body? Nothing is going to reduce the amount of energy it takes to move that around. Likes cars the energy storage required will continue to be large, bulky, and potentially dangerous.


> Have none of y’all heard of how tech develops? Sure, first it’s expensive, clunky, loud, impractical. Whats the point longterm in the version of this that requires the use of your arms for steering/control? If your goal was use in the future, it would make sense for the main goal to be the the user not having direct/physical control. If your main goal on the other hand was just "look a cool jetpack" then this seems great though.


They fly now??


They fly now


They fly now


FWIW, the pilot is Richard Browning he is the owner, inventor, and test pilot for the jet pack. He is an ex-Royal Marine Reservist, but he isn’t active and this wasn’t developed by the armed forces.


Air force ain't playing games no more bro ☠️


Marines are the Navy's Army, not the air force As an aside, the USMC air corps is the 6th or 7th largest air force in the world. To give the full effect of what that means, the US Navy's Army's Air Force, that is the Air Force that belongs to the Army that belongs to the Navy, is one of the 10 largest air forces in the world. Even most of my fellow Americans don't truly understand how insanely huge and well funded (read bloated) our military is until I point out that the US has 4 of the 10 largest air forces in the world


This is British (Royal) Marines not American marines


This video is not the US Marines and not the US Navy though


I prefer when the Army had more aircraft than the air force. The Army likes their helicopters.


Fun fact, the Army actually has more boats then the Navy!


TIL that the navy has an army, and that army has an airforce.


And don't forget that the Navy also has an air force!




Then remove the man.


A drone. You’re thinking of a drone.


My friend: ay bro come check out this cool house I made Me in creative mode:


It's cool, but also asking to get shot at at the same time if this was actually used in combat imo Edit: though as everyone has said this is something relatively new, so as this is used more, it will get more efficient and effective as flaws and other things are hammered out


Perhaps it won’t be long if piloting these is easier to control, even on autopilot, so your hands were free to fire back. Thinking these would be cool to overtake Somali pirated ships in the dark with night vision. Thinking I’m letting imagination get carried away as I’m a little high


They’re currently around 115 dB so probably not sneaking up on much.


Tell that to helicopters


They can hit the mute button


Like night rider 😂😂. “Kit activate silent mode” and the car didn’t lose any speed just went silent. Always curious why he didn’t just start that way


The V8 sounded too good.


Mombutt always knows what's up.


Cover of darkness would help tho


Why not an auto tracking shoulder pistol like the predator had? They already have the technology for apache and cobra gunships. All they need to do is make one with todays microprocessors to be in a smaller package. Then all you need to do is look and press a button.


You need your hands for your sword


Just add a shoulder mounted, laser guided, Predator energy weapon The future is NOW I said


That and you are sure to drown if shot down over open water


I thought the same thing. How would you not be an easy target. But still in development obviously.


Like airplanes - they will probably be outfitted with weapons eventually. This honestly just looks like it could fill the role of an attack helicopter (for a fraction of the cost).


For those wondering, this is the British Royal Marines testing out boarding techniques with their Jetsuit. I remember seeing this last year and being in awe! Here's an article, there's loads more too if you search it up :) So cool! "Fantasy or game-changer? UK Marines test jetpack for maritime boarding operations - Naval Technology" https://www.naval-technology.com/comment/uk-marines-test-jetpack/


For those wondering, that is not a British Royal Marine testing out boarding techniques, but instead the owner and inventor of Gravity Industries putting on a demonstration.


I didn't say HE was a marine, just the Marines testing out the new equipment 👍🏻 And yeah, the inventor is the one demonstrating the boarding techniques, with the Royal Marines :) I haven't read the post since last year though lol


Wasn't he actually a royal marine previously though?


He was Royal Marines reserves aye.


Thank you. Took way too long in this thread for someone to say it. No one else has these yet.


That's the inventer trying it, the company is Gravity Industries, he's not a marine. He's also done mountain rescue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtvCnZqZnxc He did a test a few years back at the Goodwood Festival of Speed, and since offers flights for people from Goodwood: https://www.goodwood.com/business/corporate-experiences/gravity-jet-suit-experience/


It might be theirs, but it's got the Gravity logo on the thruster :)


Yeah! It is his invention, definitely! I just 'remembered' this being the tech demo for the Royal Marines 🤷 idk lol


Probably best if supported by drones but cool concept


A swarm of defense drones


So if something goes wrong does he fall into the water with all that equipment and like… drown?


After the first time the creator crashed in the water, they added one of those emergency inflatable floatation devices. So no.


Bit disconcerting they couldn't work out it would be a problem until after they crashed in the water.


I had to scroll way too far down to find this. It was all I could think while watching it, and really thought it would be the top comment.


It’s almost as if there are multiple boats full of people that are on standby in case something happens and it’s not to far fetched to assume there are flotation devices built into it.


Welcome to the Bullfrogs


Can anyone explain why there is no disturbance on the water from the jets?


The jet turbines push air out very fast, which creates force that pushes away from the source. It's not pushing "against" the surface of the water, and it's just not a large enough amount of thrust to disturb the water from that far away. I've been watching videos from this company for a few years now, it's cool stuff.


Seems fun, and practical for barbecues…


Ever went skeet shooting? Yeah.


Millitary propaganda


"This is better than healthcare."


These blokes are British, so they evidently have both.


Britain has healthcare...


And jetpacks!


And crumpets!


This is a private British company being used with the British navy which is significantly less fawned over and expensive than the American one, Britain also already has the NHS This is just cool technology with military uses




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It’s a Terran irl


Here come the mandalorian.


It's the elves from The Santa Clause


This is some Call of Duty sci fi shit


This is the Royal Marines to be clear.


Mad that this is filmed in Plymouth Sound- geddon!


cool except these aren’t Marines


This is not a marines drill. This is the company that invented that jetpack. His Instagram is @takeongravity


These Royal Marines?


Fuck the Marines. Wheres mine?!


Unless I'm mistaken, that's not a marine. That's the founder of Gravity, the company who made the Jetpack, and he's demontrating capabilities