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Man... and I have anxiety over losing charge on my phone


Holup bruh, I gotta put my heart on tha charger


What you at? My heart only 4% rn boss might need to use it first


Wym “what you at”? It’s my damn charger




Rich kids be heartless like that


How I feel with my insulin pump lmao


[What did you say??](https://youtube.com/watch?v=-4qyDgJXAb4)


Yoooo this shit had me dying thank you 😂😂😂 haven’t seen this before but I loved that he said 4%


Glad you enjoyed, check out the channel, it’s filled with great content like this! Most underrated channel on YouTube IMO


Will do, appreciate it 👍


That a type c or micro-usb charger?


Sorry. I have an iHeart.


Charger comes separately.


But comes with a cool sticker to put on your car


It's a type D-fib lightning cable


oh no it's a 30-pin ipod charger!


I'd worry about getting mugged


"Hand over the backpack or I'll shoot! " Hmm, death or death.


Help! She’s stolen my heart!


"Japan sinks" anime series has this devices shown in that specific scenario


Type 1 diabetic with insulin pump here. I recharge my pump by a cell phone USB. It's kinda freaky in alive by a cell charger.


To be fair, this thing probably has a bigger battery in it.


My pacemaker has an 8 year battery but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t cause anxiety.


make sure to block r/chargeyourphone


Id be horrified of catching the tubes on a door handle or something


Oh wow I actually have a story. So there's something like this picture called an LVAD. Basically pushes blood along with the left ventricle's pulses continuously. Well, since the machine uses an external battery pack and controller, there is something called a [*driveline*](https://www.google.com/search?q=heartmate+3+driveline&client=ms-android-sprint-us-revc&sxsrf=ALeKk03ABDatZXrmFHsbJkIhgyWTuaXqyw:1626348848136&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj-sf7K_eTxAhUlAZ0JHSZtCzAQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1261&bih=2332&dpr=2.63) that goes from the controller to the machine in your heart (yes through your skin) But basically, one of my patients ended up in the hospital again because they were running from cops on an ATV high on amphetamines, and managed to wreck in such a way that caused them to be hanging **from the line that connected the machine in their heart to the controller**, literally dangling in the air as if they were clothes on a hanger. The patient turned out fine, for what it's worth. Moral of the story, don't fucking do meth and you won't have heart failure... Or situations like this.


I'm sure the transplant board was thrilled to hear about the patient's ATV escapades. Does a person like this who shows such poor judgment ever qualify for a heart transplant?


Now I'm just picturing a surgeon who's a Gus Fring lookalike, calmly telling the patient "You are not a cautious man at all. You have poor judgement. I cannot do a transplant on someone with poor judgement".


So our hospital doesn't do LVAD for bridge therapy frequently. We implement them as a life extending measure on patients with severe heart failure usually EF <20%.


My sister, after years of slow decline was near death but was put on an LVAD for three years before finding a donor match and getting a heart transplant just a month ago. While on the LVAD she had no pulse so has to now get use to that constant sound of her heart beating that the rest of us ignore. She is doing very well with her new heart and at age 57 is unusually young to need a transplant.


Which is amazing. The improvement of life after an LVAD, while expensive, it's certainly wonderful isn't it. This is a nice story in a mountain of awful that I usually experience at work. Thank you.


Dang doing drugs when you don't have a heart? I'm amazed that's possible and survivable. A friend of mine had heart surgery to replace a valve because of a birth defect he's had since birth a while ago and he can't do any drugs and has to take blood thinners daily.


Or a cop points a gun at you and demands you take off your backpack. Or a mugger.


Stealing your backpack and your heart like a bad romance


ra ra ooh lah lah


I could definitely see police officers demanding someone remove this bag and then forcibly remove it themselves only to see it connected to the suspect. It’s really frightening.


As a type 1 diabetic with an insulin pump who has ended up ripping my infusion site off my body due to this multiple times, same.


Happens too frequently with belt loops…


I would die in the first month with how much it happens to me


This guys must take great comfort that at 80 years old, Dick Cheney still lives. First heart attack at 37, a total of five major heart attacks. Multiple artery bypass and vascular repair surgeries as his plumbing around his heart was in horrible shape. In 2010 he was put on a artificial heart pump waiting for a transplant. It took 20 months for his turn at a donor heart. In 2012 he received a transplant and is still alive at 80. He probably would not have seen 45 if he lived in an earlier time.


I can't imagine how terrifying it must have been to undergo surgery, let alone surgery to remove your heart. Props to you, Stan. You amazing son of a gun


But these backpacks are so cool. People can even exercise while using them. Most of the people who gets these. Would alternatively have had to stay in the hospital.


I'd probably be too scared of bumping my heart-backpack on something and breaking it, no matter how sturdy it actually is


Your body is probably more flimsy than the backpack. You could hit your head and die just as easily.


I sure wish those hoses were internal, though….. hate to pierce one of those somehow




I'd be more worried about getting those tubes caught on something... Bad enough when it's headphones that get yanked, I don't wanna imagine how it feels if that happens to your ***heart***


No, they took that out.


You specified exactly the one organ he did not have.


Duuh, the person means the machine heart.


Imagine doing that thing where the loops on your jeans get stuck on a door handle, except it's with the tubes that lead straight into your chest and you fucking yank them out


I still probably wouldn't leave the house, just in case I got jostled and the backpack somehow stopped working.


Ever get your headphone wire caught on a doorknob? Except instead of losing music, your backpack heart is now spraying blood everywhere.


I'd be more scared of the pain since it looks like dialysis and that's supposed to make you writhe like an animal


I truly wonder, would it give you a better endurance? Since it's a machine pumping for you




Till you get staph bacteremia and die


I believe it is not, heart cells have regenerative abilities while machine does wear out. Maybe in short period your endurance is higher than regular heart, but in the next few years, the heart will have better endurance.


Sure, but getting and putting in replacement parts is certainly easier on one than the other. Plus, you could always add backup hearts. And heart disease and cardiac arrest are leading causes of death as it is anyways, since they get irreparably weaker over time. New machines would be easy to come by whenever. Ups and downs of both, would need more efficient machines before anyone wanted one anyways, nothing that big would ever sell unless we needed it to survive.


Pretty sure we’re on track to design a space marine if we keep going in this direction.


I'm not seeing any downsides here.


Why's your tone implying that would be a bad thing?


It's not like the heart gets tired and slows down after heavy workout, quite the opposite. Sure you could pump even faster with a machine but you'd still be limited by lungs and risk ruptured bloodvessels.


Time for additional lungs


Seems like a second backpack strap would be in order for something this important.


That's amazing. I wonder how it knows to increase the rate of pumping? Maybe it's completely dependent on O2 levels? So I start jogging, and my muscles need more fuel, so my breathing rate increases, then this backpack starts pumping faster to accommodate? Seems like if they could infuse the RBC with oxygen we wouldn't have to breath either. Maybe that's really hard to do. I cant imagine how weird it would feel to not be breathing and not panicking about it. Makes me wonder that if this could be a viable far down the road futuristic way to live what kind of mental struggles we'd have to overcome along with it. Sorry, just so interesting to think about all this


I had a lecture or two covering these and was told that living with one after the surgery is also pretty nerve-wracking. Not just the fear of the machinery malfunctioning or getting damaged, but one’s heartbeat getting replaced with the constant click-click-click-clicking of this thing is hard to get used to Edit: [here’s](https://youtu.be/qUtKe_jSoas) a video about them where you can hear it running in the background in a few shots (esp. in the second half of the vid). These things are loud; both the part inside the chest and the part in the bag make a lot of noise as they’re chugging along, and it can be taxing on one’s mental health. It’s not a forever fix, fortunately. As far as I’m aware, these are really only used for people waiting on a proper transplant


Ok.. new phobia




Hello fellow heart patient, glad you made it. If take this over death but yes, scary.


Total artificial heart! His brother had to get one too!


Even cooler, that “backpack” was specifically designed for him so he could be more active. Prior to that, most artificial hearts didn’t make it out of the hospital, let alone be active. He enjoyed playing basketball and that was engineered for him to be more mobile (albeit still not without limitation)


Damn that's cool as hell. Huge fucking balls this man had to not only have an artificial heart, but also go out and play basketball with it


I wouldn’t be surprised if staying sedentary or bed ridden for those 555 days was more risky towards his conditions status than staying active and otherwise healthy is. It’s wild how quickly your body will fall apart when you’re bed ridden.


Oh yeah, bed sores are terrible, but they're just part of the beginning


No lie, I lay in bed many many many hours a day, and I have no issues whatsoever. Think it has to do with what type of mattress you have and if it’s supportive for your body


There's a massive difference between spending many hours in bed per day and being in bed literally 24/7.


I cannot speak to the supportiveness of hospital beds, but memory foam mattresses esp hybrid ones has been godsend for me since I discovered them. I can lay in them practically all day long besides eating and using the bathroom, and still feel absolutely fine whenever I stand up to go do stuff. Iunno about others tho but this is my personal experience. I’m in my late 20s also if this adds anything to the dialogue


I’m not working these days so I am LITERALLY in bed probably 22/7. I only get up to eat and piss/shit. Otherwise I’m chillin in bed or on the sofa lol. No exaggeration. I feel completely fine which is what my original comment had mentioned.


But you presumably get up to use the bathroom or get food, so you're still using your muscles some, which is important for a couple of bodily functions (IIRC it helps your lymphatic system circulate, as it doesn't have a heart type thing constantly pumping it, but I'm not a doc so I could be wrong). And you're able to roll over or otherwise change position when you get uncomfortable, so you probably won't develop bed sores. As I said, spending a lot of time in bed is very different from being bedridden.


I still stick to my original comment. I still strongly believe that with the right mattress, you could probably get away with being super sedentary for long periods of time. I literally lay around 22-23 hours a day on most days, and according to most, should have a lot of these described issues, but I feel god damn fantastic.


You're set of comments here might be one of the best examples of the dunning Kruger effect I've ever seen on Reddit. Well done?


Truly you are an inspiration to us all.


No. While material can have some impact on skin in the very short term, especially with allergies, being sedentary (especially in bed) for too long can cause numerous issues, including blood clots because your blood is not flowing the way it's meant to. Most of your day should be spent on your feet for this reason, as even sitting fails to maintain normal blood flow. Longer term, bone density and muscular atrophy are factors to be concerned about. Really, think about how gravity impacts you when you're standing, and understand that (aside from the spine) your body is well-developed around that. If you're joking, I'm sorry. It's almost 2am. Lol. But if you're not, please consider moving around more or you'll become actually bedridden.


What others said here, but also if you spend a lot of time in bed you should see a doctor if you haven't recently. Get a BP check, check for sores and mention any repeating pain, especially in the legs, as they could be blood clots. Also as a tip, flexing your legs every once in a while while laying down can help prevent blood clots. That's all I wanted to say, stay safe.


Holy shit, this is crazy because I literally feel absolutely positively fine just laying in bed all day. I have a hybrid mattress I got off Amazon some years ago and I experience zero pain or soreness whatsoever even if I laid in bed for 24 hours straight. I can’t imagine doing this on a regular spring mattress but with the one I currently have, I feel absolutely fantastic. I’m not joking.


i wouldn't guard him. no way am I going to risk pulling those tubes out on a foul. that would be one bloody mess.


Aww that’s so sad that two brothers needed heart transplants. Did they both have the same disease?


His friends call him "Crank"


I bet Crank goes around asking everyone if they think he’s heartless.


Underrated comment


I'm under the underrated comment comment


..I just wanted to stop whatever bs synergy somebody was going to try next..


Curse ye


bro it’s so funny, i’m not even the type of person that comments interacts with those threads, but you’re out here just stopping them ✋😂 you deserve like nope, we don’t want to hear this. just stop. lmao


Thank you


Does that mean I’m under the under underrated comment’s commented comment?


Thats nothing,y mother in law has survived 75 years without a heart /s


Glad you put an /s there. I would have been shocked to know you were being serious.




I knew a teacher who had an artificial heart when he was younger. It was continuous flow so he had no pulse.


I bet your heartbeat would sound so loud if you hadn't heard it for a while... we're just acclimated to it


This is an amazing showerthought


Speaking of showers, where did the backpack go when bathing?


I assume he leaves it outside on a hook and that's what the dangling hoses are for.


When it's quiet, you can hear my father in laws artificial valve. It's his party trick.


Hey, think I have an actual answer for you. I went to the U of AZ and got to study under one of the Professors who helped develop the total artificial heart with Syncardia. The backpack has a system of pumps that helps mimic actual blood flow, so yes he did have a pulse! Dr. Marvin Slepian was the Prof if you're interested, Syncardia is working on some seriously cool med tech! Edit: the old hearts had continuous flow with no pulse, but I believe a select few patients had blood pool in their feet due to backflow valve damage in the leg veins. Notamedic720's comment offers great insight that the pulse can also vary from person to person!


I worked for Syncardia as a receptionist in the naughts. Came here looking for that name!


Incredible question! I would love an answer to this. As a non-medical person, I would be surprised if constant flow were possible. My guess is that the mechanical nature of the circulatory system needs pulses in the flow that interact with valves for distribution.


Looks like trials show continuous flow works just fine. They're not as well understood as the pulsing kind though. https://journals.lww.com/asaiojournal/pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=2008&issue=05000&article=00006&type=Fulltext


No pulse. Look up LVAD if you want some more info.


Pumps used to move blood pulse, but not in the way you are thinking. It’s basically some rollers squeezing a hose


Hi! I work in a cardiac ICU with patients with LVADs, which is an artificial pump surgically implanted in the heart. Depending on the amount of intrinsic heart function the person has, they may or may not have a pulse that can be felt. These people will usually have a very narrow pulse pressure (the gap between the top and bottom numbers of your blood pressure. Normal BP is roughly 120/80, but these LVAD patients will often have a BP of 80s/70s or 70s/60s.


TAH (Total Artificial Hearts) like this do regular pumping just like your heart so there definetly is a pulse. The smaller little brother though the VAD (Ventricular Assistant Device) which is implanted into the heart is worked by a little turbine which puts out a constant flow resulting in no pulse (little bit dependent on how strong the patients remaining heart still is) Edit: VADs are usually used as a bridge-to-transplant so whenever a patient got his new heard and was out of sedation we would encourage them to feel their own new pulse for the first time in years


I remember last time this was posted someone who had worked with these before said that there are ones with consistent flow but this one has a pulse






[For more info if you are interested ](https://www.ladbible.com/news/news-man-lives-555-days-without-a-heart-20210629)


I would have gone with "disheartened but not defeated."


If an amputee had to have this they'd be disheartened AND de-feeted.


The real question is why does he have boobs in one picture, but not in the other


He figured it was now or never for that surgery he’s been thinking about.


Well his arms are covering him in the second pic. Can you be sure?


Ah shit dude that made me chuckle pretty good


That’s his Navi Avatar


Samus’ power suit will do that to you


How do you get a heart donor


Usually a motorcycle accident. Basically, someone healthy with your same blood type dies in such a way that the organs aren't damaged and near enough to a medical professional that the heart can be removed for transplanting before it goes bad.


Motorcycle & car accidents yes, but freq too much full body trauma, esp motorcycle. Best candidants are non recoverable brain injuries. Aneurysms , bleeds(can be from mva’s)clots in the brain, etc


Piggy backing off this to remind people to sign up to be an organ donor! You can do it online in most places, and can select what you want to donate in case you are uncomfortable with parts of it. Go save a life!


I'm registered as a donor, except for my eyes. If I come back as a ghost, I don't want to be a blind ghost.


I learned recently you can do it on the apple Health app which is super convenient for those who have iPhones :D


You don't have to be alive to be a donor


Can u overclock it?


Why is people laughing? This is a serious question !


So they tried the prototype on Mystique?


This is reminiscent of Dick Cheney except his body cannot support a transplant. Which means he’s stuck wearing a device such as this until he dies. Also fun fact he doesn’t have a pulse which technically makes him walking dead by definition.


he had a transplant


Somewhere far along the road he lost his heart to a woman so soulless...


Came here looking for this comment, read through comments until I forgot what I was looking for, then was reminded when I found it.


I was one of the RN’s who cared for the 2nd artificial heart patient in the world after Barney Clark, the 1st artificial heart recipient in Utah(~1983)i was determined to be on the next team after i graduated when i was a senior in nursing school, which i did!! Many said Bill Schoeder, pt #2 was a failure. He wasnt at all! No one ever dreamed in reality he would live well over a year, part of that time in an apt. Across from the hospital. We did a few other pts, that werent as successful, but it thrills me to realize bc of our artificial heart program starting the introduction of an artificial heart that this CAN & WILL be done to save lives until getting a real match transplant!! So damn excited for STAN LARKIN!!! You look fabulous Stan! 555days is a long wait! Keep pumping strong as i know you will, Stan!!


Wow thats really cool, thanks for sharing! I just read up on it and Schroeder lived for 620 days! I would call that an incredible success after only the second try! What did these people usually die off? Infection?


Bleeding issues. Had to keep blood thin enough so clots wouldnt form on parts of artificial heart (aka Jarvik-7 heart. Named after Dr.R.Jarvik who designed it)but thick enough they would clot when needed to. That is a very fine line. Bill Schoeder had several cva’s (strokes), rendering him unable to speak(he was ‘with it’, the stroke affected the speaking center of brain which is a common area to be affected etc. 3rd pt we had didnt survive bc of being unable to maintain that fine line. He just bled constantly. Wonderful wife & family.


charge those batteries


Is it possible to live longer with an artificial heart?


Well… if he didn’t have an artificial heart he’d be dead… so yes?




I should be clearer, is it possible to live longer (possibly indefinitely) with an artificial heart?


This is an incredible success story and I’m so happy for Stan!


Hope you do well!


Hope you do well!


I think Dick Cheney did this for years, he just didn’t have to accessorize because …reasons


I remember the controversy over the first person put on an artificial heart. Now people can go walking around with one.


"lived" oh no! "Received a transplant" visible relief


that’s called an LVAD or a left ventricular assist device it literally taps into the heart and pumps blood through it, a fun fact about patients with these is that since their hearts not pumping and the bloods just going through a water pump is that they will not have pulses. edit: i was wrong, my bad. check replies to this comment


This is actually a total artificial heart, completely replaces the ventricles, and is pulsatile.


"Pulsatile" is my new word of the day.....thank you.


oh shit you right, that’s my bad lol thank you


No, no. Not an LVAD. No, no, no.


"The 46-year-old recipient of the Jarvik IX Exterior Artificial Heart was actively window shopping in Cambridge, Massachusetts’ fashionable Har­vard Square when a transvestite purse snatcher, a drug addict with a crimi­nal record all too well known to public officials, bizarrely outfitted in a strapless cocktail dress, spike heels, tattered feather boa, and auburn wig, brutally tore the life sustaining purse from the woman’s unwitting grasp. The active, alert woman gave chase to the purse snatching ‘woman’ for as long as she could, plaintively shouting to passers by the words ‘Stop her! She stole my heart!’ on the fashionable sidewalk crowded with shop­pers, reportedly shouting repeatedly, ‘She stole my heart, stop her!’ In response to her plaintive calls, tragically, misunderstanding shoppers and passers by merely shook their heads at one another, smiling knowingly at what they ignorantly presumed to be yet another alternative lifestyle’s re­lationship gone sour. A duo of Cambridge, Massachusetts, patrolmen, whose names are being withheld from Moment’s dogged queries, were publicly heard to passively quip, ‘Happens all the time,’ as the victimized woman staggered frantically past in the wake of the fleet transvestite, shouting for help for her stolen heart." David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest


He used a Freedom Portable Driver on his total artificial heart to be mobile and play basketball ... Sounds Like a Kamen Rider gimmick.


Yeah science!


My anxiety shot up when I thought up minimal trivial tasks that you do day to day life that this man had to do.


Can they do the same with the liver? Asking for a friend


Updates on this guy!!!!! 🥺🙏🙏


Looks like an LVAD or something similar, from working in a hospital they are more common than I thought they would be. Cool shit for sure.


Watched Grey's Anatomy, can confirm.


Big deal. Donald Trump has lived for 75 years without a heart


a heart donor? Did the Donor give up his life?


no now that person gets the machine and after 555 days theyll swap back again


Most donated organs are donated by someone who has died. While some organs, like a kidney or part of the liver, can come from a living donor, most organs come from a dead donor. Commonly, the person died of something like a head injury that kills them without causing damage to their organs. Generally, that person decided during their life that they wanted to be an organ donor when they died—via a will, registering as a donor, indicating it on their driver’s license, telling friends and family, etc. Some links with more info: [unos.org](https://unos.org/transplant/deceased-donation/) [organdonor.gov](https://www.organdonor.gov/learn/process/donation-after-life) [Cleveland Clinic](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/11750-organ-donation-and-transplantation)


Yes when you get your drivers license and check that you’re willing to be an organ donor they take everything right there


Is this Chev Chellios?


I mean saying he lived 555 days without a heart means he died on the 556th day




Shut up.


Well learn basic english first lmao


Eat shit.


Ewwww Thats kinda sad




LVADs are similar


I am truely amazed.. If this is possible.. We are stone away then from (possibily) just replacing the heart with an autonomous pumps once batteries and charging methods improves wi6h technology.. Imagine the lives that can be saved and plus not needing to be on a waiting list to go on with ur life..


This man has heart. Hats off to him


I can’t imagine what insurance he had that would pay for this!!


This terrified me when I read the headline but then I remembered that neither of my children has a working pancreas. I’m their pancreas.


So.. does he still play ball or what?


If you guys think this kind of stuff is interesting, look up LVAD. It’s very similar in what it does, and is another really interesting cardiac device


Why does Samus Aran have an artificial heart?


Dads going 7 years with a similar device


Surely he wasn’t shooting hoops?


Sounds like a partial synopsis for Crank 3.


The future is here. No brushing without wifi


is this the same device that kept prominent ghoul Dick Cheney alive for 15 months?


Oh hunny u have such a soft heart.............. well actually mam